Thread:Duplicate pathway? (8)

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Return to Thread:Duplicate pathway? (8).

There have been no changes to this discussion for at least 30 days. If it is concluded, you may want to write a summary.


This pathway looks like a duplicate of, except it doesn't have phosphorylation states on the data nodes. Can you explain how this pathway will be different than the original? If it is a test pathway, let us know and we can delete it.



Hi, I have made some pathways tests, but I couldn't delete it. If you may help me. I'm still learning how to insert information on website.

Thanks for your support.


No problem. Are you still using the pathway to test things, or can I delete it. Also, you might want to check out our interactive training program for WikiPathways:

Regards and let us know if you have any questions.


Hi. Ok, I ll take a look at the website. And you already can delete the duplicated versions.

Thank you.


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