Thread:Edditing description. (1)

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Return to Thread:Edditing description. (1).

There have been no changes to this discussion for at least 30 days. If it is concluded, you may want to write a summary.

I have created this pathway with pathvisio and uploaded to wikipaths. When I uploaded I create a description, but it didn't get uploaded. Now I am trying to add one, and it would not save the changes.

Here is the description:

Fructose absorbed in the gut, is mostly cleared in its first hepatic passage. However, under certain conditions such ingestion of large amounts of free fructose, the sugar can reach high levels in peripheral plasma, and filtrate and be reabsorbed by the proximal tubule of the nephron. Ingestion of large quantities of free fructose, usually from high fructose corn syrup, has been associated with obesity, metabolic syndrome and elevated blood pressure. Salt-sensitivity of blood pressure in rodents receiving 10 or 20% fructose solutions is well documented. Sensitivity to salt, should include a renal defect, otherwise pressure natriuretic would restore Na balance. This pathway features the conversion of fructose to glucose in proximal tubule cells. It was adapted from the KEGG “FRUCTOSE AND MANNOSE METABOLISM” pathway, using deep sequencing data from microdissected renal proximal tubules to confirm the presence of the enzyme transcripts.

I reload the webpage and now its there. It may be a bug in Pathvisio though, because it didn't uploaded the first time.

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