Thread:Mitochondrial OAA permeability (1)

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Return to Thread:Mitochondrial OAA permeability (1).

There have been no changes to this discussion for at least 30 days. If it is concluded, you may want to write a summary.

There is a classical result for mammalian mitochondria from which it was concluded that oxaloacetate cannot be transported across the mitochondrial inner membrane. Is this known to be different in yeast?

Good question. I've added the OAC1 transporter to the pathways along with a reference to a 1999 assay where they expressed the transporter in E.coli and observed oxaloacetate transport. This assay is based on a 1993 version performed on a bovine transporter. So, these results seem to support both mammalian and yeast transport activity. If you have references that refute these results (I wouldn't be surprised to hear of a more direct or precise assay), then please provide it and feel free to update the pathway accordingly. AlexanderPico 19:44, 30 January 2013 (UTC)

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