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Hello Georg. Thanks for your contribution. This pathway looks very interesting, but is very small right now and appears to be incomplete. If you are still working on the pathway, you can add a curation tag notifying other users that the pathway is under construction. Khanspers 05:46, 14 November 2008 (UTC)

Dear Kristina, thanks for the comment. I edited the pathway and made it more complete. However, this pathway is a little bit different than most of the others here, since it is a developmental pathway, based on genetic interaction, while the other pathways that I see here are based on molecular function. Therefor I am not quite sure how it should be represented here. --Gwo 14:46, 3 December 2008 (UTC)

You could add a sentence in the description explaining that the pathway is based on genetic interactions. I have added a "GenMAPP-Approved" tag to the pathway, so it will be included in the next GenMAPP archive. --Khanspers

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