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Return to Pathway Talk:WP3620.

About (1)

There have been no changes to this discussion for at least 30 days. If it is concluded, you may want to write a summary.

I found the following message

``` Fix interactions Comment: 1 out of 214 lines are not properly connected.

Please help improving this pathway by connecting the ends of interactions to nodes.


Is there any way to find which intereactions are not properly connected?

Hi Kozo,

Yes there is! If you open the pathway in Pathvisio, and use the command ctrl+L, the unconnected line should light up with a green dot. If you cannot find the unconnected line directly, it helps sometimes when you zoom out (some of the lines could be hidden under a node). If you still cannot find the unconnected line, please send me the pathway number, then I will have a look. Kind regards,

Denise (user:DeSl).

KNApSAcK IDs are disappeared? (1)

There have been no changes to this discussion for at least 30 days. If it is concluded, you may want to write a summary.

I could not find the xref IDs through the latest rWikipathways (

When I checked it through web browser, I could find some IDs but some IDs are disappeared. Especially the all KNApSAcK IDs are disappeared.

Do you have any idea about this?

Dear Kozo, I can confirm the issue have have put in a request with the webservice maintainers to look into it:

Hi Kozo, a quick update... the problem has been isolated (the webservice use an too old BridgeDb version), and a new release is being tested that will fix the issue.

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