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Return to Pathway Talk:WP1723.

Curation plan? (1)

There have been no changes to this discussion for at least 30 days. If it is concluded, you may want to write a summary.

Hi. Great start on a new Citrate cycle pathway. A few pointers:

1. There is already such a pathways here: Are you planning on replacing that one? Is this one complementary in some way?

2. Connecting datanodes to database objects is one of the most important aspects of these pathways. Right now, only one appears connected (see list of datanodes at bottom of page). You can double-click on a datanode to get to the search feature and then assign identifiers and data sources. If you are having trouble using this, please contact the wikipathways-discuss mailing list for help. Also you can refer to the pathway linked to in #1 for identifiers.

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