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  • Great new pathway! I just have a couple tips: (1) I noticed a few proteins and metabolites that were not associated with the database (this is apparent when browsing the Data Node list at the bottom of the pathway page). So, I connected a couple using the search feature, which makes it really easy and less error prone that manual entry (See the screenshot below). When you select from the search results, all the relevant information is automatically entered. (2) When the pathways is ready for distribution you should add it to a category (click edit in the Category section of the pathway page) to make it visible in the Browse and Download options. This is the current quick & dirty way of tagging a pathway for "publication". Again, great work! I'll add this pathway to my watchlist in case you have any follow-up questions, or you can add a note to my talk page. Cheers!


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  • You are not allowed to execute the action you have requested.
  • WikiPathways has restricted the ability to create new pages. You can go back and edit an existing page, or log in or create an account.

Return to Pathway Talk:WP474.

Is this pathway complete? (12)

There have been no changes to this discussion for at least 30 days. If it is concluded, you may want to write a summary.

This pathway looks complete. If you confirm that it is, it will be tagged as GenMAPP-Approved and will be included in the distributed GenMAPP pathway archives. Thanks, Kristina.

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