Thread:Initial review (1)

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Revision as of 11:19, 5 September 2023.
The highlighted comment was created in this revision.

After quickly reviewing your pathway, it looks well annotated and most of the lines are connected! Well done!

I have a couple of small questions:

1. It seems your pathway contains four independent pathways. Wouldn't it make sense to split them into four pathway models on WikiPathways? This might increase their usability in downstream analyses.

2. I saw that you used fill color to indicate expression changes. We usually advise against adding actual expression data in the pathway models. That is usually done downstream in the data overlay in PathVisio or Cytoscape. By purely describing the biological processes, the data from any experimental dataset can then be visualized on the pathways in downstream analyses, thereby increasing the reusability of the pathway.

3. I saw an issue with the encoding of three references (25, 30, 106). Which operating systems are you using? Are you using the new installers for PathVisio?

Dear Rajesh, I also noted the GPML has an old license. Can you confirm you are okay with the CCZero license we use in WikiPathways?

I updated the pathway accordingly.

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