Regulation of mitotic cell cycle (Homo sapiens)

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111723, 2519, 20891515, 2222277289, 14181593, 1219, 201, 102, 1339631724715792492, 1316, 2726616, 27cytosolnucleoplasmPSMC1 p-FZR1 UBE2D1 ANAPC11 PSMB5 UBC(533-608) CDC20 Cdh1:phospho-APC/CcomplexUBE2E1 UBB(77-152) ANAPC4 UBC(153-228) UBC(153-228) UBB(1-76) p-FZR1CDC27 ANAPC4 UbFZR1 UBC(153-228) PSMD14 UBE2D1 26S proteasomeCdc20:phospho-APC/C:Cyclin B:Cdc2 complexUBC(1-76) UBE2D1 UBB(77-152) ANAPC2 FBXO5 SHFM1 RPS27A(1-76) BUB1BUBA52(1-76) SKP1 PSMD2 CDC16 FZR1 ANAPC7 ANAPC11 CDC27 ANAPC2 ANAPC15 p-FZR1 ANAPC15 UbANAPC5 CDC20 BUB3 ANAPC5 UBE2C UBC(609-684) ANAPC7 CDC27 PSMA2 ANAPC5 PSMC5 ANAPC11 ANAPC16 ANAPC15 UBB(77-152) ANAPC7 CCNB1 ANAPC10 ANAPC4 UBC(153-228) UbUBC(153-228) UBB(1-76) PSMD8 UBE2E1 UBC(533-608) CDC20:p-APC/C:PTTG1UBB(1-76) PSMD7 CDC27 p-S182-FBXO5 UBE2E1 CUL1 FBXO5 PSMB7 BUB3 UBC(609-684) PSMA7 p-FZR1UBC(1-76) UBB(153-228) UBE2E1 CDC16 UBC(305-380) CUL1 UBC(1-76) PSMB6 ANAPC16 ANAPC2 CCNA2 PSMD6 ANAPC16 RPS27A(1-76) BTRC ANAPC1 UBC(305-380) multiubiquitinatedCyclin A associatedwith MCC:APC/CcomplexANAPC10 ANAPC4 ANAPC10 CDC26 AURKB CDC16 ADPANAPC7 CDC23 UBC(609-684) PTTG1 ANAPC4 UBC(305-380) ANAPC2 PSMB8 UBC(381-456) UBE2D1 UBC(533-608) UBB(77-152) ANAPC10 UBC(305-380) PSMB10 CDC23 Activated MAD2L1 UBB(77-152) CCNA:p-T160-CDK2PSMA3 p-T210-PLK1CDC27 CDC27 ANAPC1 PSMB6 ANAPC15 ANAPC10 PSME4 PSMB3 PSME1 PSMA7 UBC(77-152) FZR1 CDC20 CDC23 CDC27 PSMD12 UBC(381-456) ANAPC7 PSMB2 PSMA4 CCNA1 UBE2C ANAPC11 Activated MAD2L1 UBE2E1 ANAPC2 UBC(77-152) NEK2UBE2E1 ANAPC2 PSMF1 ANAPC2 ANAPC10 CDC16 UBC(609-684) CDC23 CDC27 AURKA phosphorylatedanaphase promotingcomplex (APC/C)UBC(1-76) ANAPC15 CDC20 UbUBC(1-76) UBE2C CDC23 CDC23 ANAPC10 BTRC UBB(1-76) UBC(1-76) RPS27A(1-76) UBC(533-608) ANAPC2 ANAPC2 UBC(305-380) Emi1:Cdc20 complexUBC(381-456) UBC(305-380) ANAPC10 PSMC5 PSMA4 UBC(457-532) NEK2 UBC(153-228) RPS27A(1-76) UBC(229-304) p-S145,S149-FBXO5 PLK1 UBB(77-152) BUB3 ANAPC7 UBC(229-304) BUB3 FZR1 BUB1B CDC20 UBC(229-304) CDC23 ANAPC2 UBB(153-228) CDC23 UBE2E1 ANAPC16 UBB(1-76) UBC(153-228) Activated MAD2L1 UBB(153-228) 26S proteasomeUBC(609-684) RPS27A(1-76) PSMC3 CDC26 UBC(77-152) UBB(153-228) UBE2C ANAPC10 ANAPC16 UBC(1-76) PSMD13 ANAPC1 CDC20 ANAPC4 ANAPC10 UBA52(1-76) UbUBC(77-152) ANAPC10 PSMD3 CyclinA:phospho-Cdk2(Thr160):phospho-Cdh1:phospho-APC/C complexUBB(77-152) CCNB1 ANAPC4 ANAPC4 ANAPC4 PSMC1 MAD2*CDC20 complexRPS27A(1-76) ANAPC16 UBC(153-228) UBC(305-380) UBC(533-608) CDC14A ADPADPANAPC4 ANAPC7 CDC23 CDC23 CDC26 ANAPC16 CDC20 CCNA2 CDC20 CDC26 ANAPC4 PSMD5 p-FZR1 PSMD7 UBB(77-152) CyclinA:phospho-Cdc2(Thr161) complexUBB(153-228) UBC(229-304) ANAPC15 ANAPC1 UBC(457-532) UBC(533-608) ANAPC4 UBC(533-608) SKP1 UBE2D1 ANAPC16 ANAPC1 UBC(153-228) ANAPC1 UBC(153-228) p-S182-FBXO5 UBB(153-228) UBE2D1 UBC(77-152) CDC16 UBB(1-76) FBXO5CCNA1 ANAPC15 ANAPC16 ANAPC15 ANAPC7 BUB1B Cdh1BUB3 UBC(305-380) ANAPC4 ANAPC15 CDC16 UBB(1-76) ATPANAPC1 CDC23 CDC20UBE2C UBA52(1-76) PSMA8 UBC(381-456) ANAPC4 UBE2E1 UBC(77-152) ANAPC5 UBE2E1 UBC(1-76) PTTG1 PSME2 CDC27 PSMB3 UBE2C PSMD1 CDC16 FZR1 ANAPC2 PSMB10 UBC(381-456) CDC16 CDC23 UBE2E1 CDC16 UBE2E1 UBC(457-532) UBA52(1-76) UBC(1-76) ANAPC16 PSMA1 ANAPC16 UBC(305-380) UBC(609-684) UBC(457-532) ANAPC7 ANAPC11 UBE2D1 p-S182-FBXO5 PSMD4 Activated MAD2L1 UBC(533-608) ANAPC10 UBC(153-228) UBC(381-456) UBE2D1 UBB(153-228) ANAPC10 UBC(229-304) CDC26 UBE2D1 UBE2E1 CCNA1 CDC20CDC20 ANAPC10 UBC(533-608) ANAPC10 UBA52(1-76) ANAPC4 p-T160-CDK2 CDC27 ANAPC10 UBE2C UBB(1-76) PSMD1 UBE2D1 CDC16 UBE2D1 ANAPC16 UBC(381-456) UBC(609-684) ANAPC1 UBE2D1 ANAPC11 ANAPC16 multiubiquitinatedCyclinB:Cdc2:Cdc20:phospho-APC/C complexUBC(229-304) UBE2C CDC16 UBC(77-152) p-S145,S149-FBXO5 UBB(153-228) UBB(153-228) ANAPC7 UBE2E1 FZR1 CDC26 UBC(229-304) ANAPC5 ANAPC7 phospho-Emi1(Ser145, Ser149):Cdc20/Cdh1complexesANAPC7 UBC(229-304) UBC(533-608) ANAPC11 CDC16 Activated MAD2L1CDC16 UBB(1-76) FZR1 UBE2E1 UBB(77-152) UbATPUBC(457-532) ANAPC7 FZR1 Emi1:Cdc20/Cdh1complexPSMD8 ANAPC4 UBE2C p-T161-CDK1 CCNA1 UBC(153-228) ANAPC2 cellcycleproteins:phospho-APC/C:Cdh1 complexANAPC10 UBE2C UBC(533-608) CDC20 UBB(77-152) PSMC6 SHFM1 ANAPC2 CDC26 CCNB1:p-T161-CDK1CDC27 UBC(381-456) UBB(1-76) PSMD13 CCNB1 p-FZR1 ANAPC5 p-T161-CDK1 phospho-APC/C:Cdh1complexCDC26 ANAPC2 UBC(381-456) ANAPC1 PSMD12 ANAPC7 UBC(457-532) BTRC:CUL1:SKP1ANAPC11 CDC20 UBE2D1 PSMD11 UBE2C UBB(1-76) UBC(229-304) UBC(457-532) PSMB4 UBE2D1 CDC27 ANAPC1 ANAPC2 (APC/C:Cdh1)-targeted cell cycle proteinsUBC(609-684) ANAPC1 UBC(457-532) CDC27 UBB(1-76) UBE2E1 UBE2D1 UBC(77-152) FZR1 CyclinA:phospho-Cdk(Thr160):Cdh1:phosho-APC/C complexFZR1 UBC(229-304) CDC20 CDC26 ANAPC7 CDC23 PSMA2 RPS27A(1-76) CDC23 PSMD11 ANAPC16 ANAPC5 ANAPC5 PLK1 UBC(381-456) UBB(77-152) UBB(153-228) MultiubiquitinatedNek2ABUB3 UBA52(1-76) ANAPC7 UBC(153-228) CDC27 multiubiquitinatedSkp2:phospho-APC/C:Cdh1 complexANAPC15 ANAPC11 UBE2D1 UBC(533-608) CDC20 UBC(77-152) p-T161-CDK1 CUL1 PSMB8 CDC27 UBE2E1 ANAPC1 phosphorylatedanaphase promotingcomplex (APC/C)p-FZR1 ANAPC10 phospho-Cdh1:phospho-APC/C complexUBC(533-608) PTTG1CDC26 ANAPC11 PTTG1 p-T161-CDK1 RPS27A(1-76) ANAPC10 UBE2E1 ANAPC1 CDC26 UBC(381-456) ANAPC11 CCNA2 ATPPPiK11polyUb-PTTG1 UbUBC(229-304) ANAPC5 FZR1 RPS27A(1-76) CDC20 UBC(1-76) UBC(381-456) Phospho-Emi1(Ser182):Cdc20/Cdh1complexesUBC(153-228) PSME1 UBA52(1-76) UBC(381-456) CDC16 p-FZR1 ANAPC7 ANAPC11 UBE2E1 UBE2D1 UBB(153-228) UBA52(1-76) CDC26 UBC(229-304) PSMB4 CDC27 SCF-associatedmultiubiquitinatedEmi1complexesUBE2C CDC26 PSMB11 CDC27 p-FZR1 ANAPC16 UBA52(1-76) BUB1B FZR1UBE2C UBE2D1 Cdc20/Cdh1ANAPC15 p-S145,S149-FBXO5 CCNA2 PSMF1 PSMD14 UBE2E1 ANAPC2 UBE2D1 UBC(609-684) ANAPC5 CDC16 UBC(1-76) UBE2C UBC(229-304) ATPCDC26 ANAPC2 Activated MAD2L1 ANAPC1 ANAPC4 UBC(609-684) H2OUBC(457-532) CDC26 UBC(533-608) UBC(77-152) UBC(305-380) UBC(609-684) CDC20 ANAPC16 p-S145,S149-FBXO5 ANAPC5 PSME3 p-T161-CDK1 UBC(457-532) PSMC4 ANAPC11 PSMC3 ANAPC11 UbUBC(1-76) CDC16 PSMB9 PSMA5 Activated MAD2L1 BUB1B ANAPC5 CDC20 CDC27 UBC(533-608) CDC27 UBC(305-380) CDC26 UBC(1-76) UBC(609-684) UBB(153-228) ANAPC15 UBB(77-152) CDC16 multiubiquitinatedcell cycleprotein:APC/C:Cdh1complexANAPC1 PSMD4 UBC(77-152) ANAPC5 UBB(77-152) CCNB1:p-T161-CDK1multiubiquitinatedCdh1 associatedwith APC/Cp-T160-CDK2 CDC26 ANAPC1 ANAPC15 UBC(153-228) UBB(1-76) BUB1B ANAPC4 RPS27A(1-76) UBC(609-684) ANAPC5 ANAPC7 PSMA6 UBA52(1-76) UBB(1-76) PSMA3 UBA52(1-76) CDC23 ANAPC10 CDC20 PSMA6 ANAPC4 CDC20 BUB3CDC16 UBC(457-532) ANAPC7 ANAPC11 SKP1 CDC23 UbANAPC11 UBC(533-608) Nek2A:MCC:APC/CcomplexPSMD9 PSMC6 ANAPC15 ANAPC15 ANAPC4 UBE2E1 UBA52(1-76) UBB(77-152) CCNA1 p-T160-CDK2 FZR1UBE2C BUB3 ANAPC11 RPS27A(1-76) CDC20 ANAPC10 UBA52(1-76) UBC(457-532) UBA52(1-76) ANAPC5 CDC20 UBC(153-228) ANAPC2 ADPActivated MAD2L1 PSMD6 CDC23 ANAPC2 UBB(1-76) PSMD9 PSME3 UBC(77-152) FZR1 AURKA UBC(77-152) AURKB hBUBR1:hBUB3:MAD2*:CDC20 complexUBC(77-152) UBC(457-532) UBE2C PSME2 PSMB9 Cdc2:CyclinA:MCC:APC/C complexANAPC7 UBE2E1 FZR1 UBC(305-380) UBE2D1 UBC(1-76) PSMD10 SKP2 ANAPC15 FZR1 UBE2C UBC(381-456) PSMD3 RPS27A(1-76) CDC26 BTRC ANAPC15 UBC(153-228) ANAPC7 CDC26 UBC(1-76) UBC(229-304) ANAPC15 PLK1 CDC20 UBB(77-152) UBC(381-456) ANAPC5 ANAPC1 RPS27A(1-76) MCC:APC/C complexUBA52(1-76) ANAPC16 UBE2C UBC(457-532) PSMD2 ANAPC11 ANAPC2 FZR1 CDC27 ANAPC4 UBC(229-304) UBC(305-380) CDC23 ANAPC1 UBE2C PSMA1 RPS27A(1-76) ANAPC15 ANAPC16 UBB(77-152) CDC16 PSMB7 UBC(77-152) RPS27A(1-76) UBC(229-304) UBC(1-76) Activated MAD2L1 PSMB1 UBE2D1 UBB(1-76) CDC16 UBB(153-228) ANAPC1 ANAPC5 ANAPC1 SCF-beta-TrCP:phospho-Emi1 complexesPSMC2 ANAPC16 BUB1B PSMC4 CCNA2 PSMD10 CDC20 ANAPC15 PSMD5 ANAPC7 UBE2D1 CDC20 ANAPC2 CDC20:p-APC/CUBB(153-228) UBC(1-76) ANAPC11 PSMB5 ANAPC5 CDC23 phospho-Emi1:Cdc20/Cdh1 complexesUBC(229-304) ANAPC16 UBC(457-532) CDC23 p-T161-CDK1CDC27 CDC20:pAPC/C:K11polyUb-PTTG1ANAPC15 ANAPC5 ANAPC11 UBC(305-380) UBA52(1-76) UBC(609-684) PSMB2 ANAPC2 hBUBR1:hBUB3:MAD2*complexCDC26 UBE2C UBC(609-684) RPS27A(1-76) ANAPC16 ANAPC10 ANAPC5 CDC16 UBC(305-380) FBXO5 PSMB1 UBC(533-608) p-FZR1 UBE2C UBB(153-228) ANAPC11 AURKA UBC(77-152) CCNA1 UBC(609-684) UBE2E1 ANAPC1 ANAPC1 CDC27 UBC(381-456) p-T161-CDK1 ANAPC15 CCNB1 AURKB ANAPC5 UBC(457-532) UbUBE2C Emi1:Cdh1 complexUBC(305-380) NEK2 UBE2C CDC23 CDC16 CDC26 UBB(77-152) ANAPC11 PSMC2 ANAPC16 UBB(153-228) PSMA5 UBC(457-532) ANAPC4 p-T161-CDK1 UBC(305-380) anaphase promotingcomplex (APC/C)phospho-Cdh1phosphataseCDC23 UBC(381-456) PTTG1 ANAPC5 RPS27A(1-76) UBB(1-76) BUB1B UBC(77-152) UBA52(1-76) UBB(153-228) CDC26 CCNA2 p-S182-FBXO5 UBC(609-684) 441044444171721, 293141741721, 294430, 311741741721, 2943130, 3141717


Regulation of mitotic cell cycle currently covers APC/C-mediated degradation of cell cycle proteins. View original pathway at:Reactome.


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Reactome version: 65

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  1. Plafker SM, Plafker KS, Weissman AM, Macara IG.; ''Ubiquitin charging of human class III ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes triggers their nuclear import.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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  3. Kraft C, Herzog F, Gieffers C, Mechtler K, Hagting A, Pines J, Peters JM.; ''Mitotic regulation of the human anaphase-promoting complex by phosphorylation.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  4. Wei SJ, Williams JG, Dang H, Darden TA, Betz BL, Humble MM, Chang FM, Trempus CS, Johnson K, Cannon RE, Tennant RW.; ''Identification of a specific motif of the DSS1 protein required for proteasome interaction and p53 protein degradation.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  5. Pfleger CM, Kirschner MW.; ''The KEN box: an APC recognition signal distinct from the D box targeted by Cdh1.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  6. Hsu JY, Reimann JD, Sørensen CS, Lukas J, Jackson PK.; ''E2F-dependent accumulation of hEmi1 regulates S phase entry by inhibiting APC(Cdh1).''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  7. Sudakin V, Chan GK, Yen TJ.; ''Checkpoint inhibition of the APC/C in HeLa cells is mediated by a complex of BUBR1, BUB3, CDC20, and MAD2.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  8. Fang G, Yu H, Kirschner MW.; ''The checkpoint protein MAD2 and the mitotic regulator CDC20 form a ternary complex with the anaphase-promoting complex to control anaphase initiation.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  9. Hagting A, Den Elzen N, Vodermaier HC, Waizenegger IC, Peters JM, Pines J.; ''Human securin proteolysis is controlled by the spindle checkpoint and reveals when the APC/C switches from activation by Cdc20 to Cdh1.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  10. Wei W, Ayad NG, Wan Y, Zhang GJ, Kirschner MW, Kaelin WG.; ''Degradation of the SCF component Skp2 in cell-cycle phase G1 by the anaphase-promoting complex.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  11. Jin L, Williamson A, Banerjee S, Philipp I, Rape M.; ''Mechanism of ubiquitin-chain formation by the human anaphase-promoting complex.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  12. Lukas C, Sørensen CS, Kramer E, Santoni-Rugiu E, Lindeneg C, Peters JM, Bartek J, Lukas J.; ''Accumulation of cyclin B1 requires E2F and cyclin-A-dependent rearrangement of the anaphase-promoting complex.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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  15. Peters JM.; ''The anaphase-promoting complex: proteolysis in mitosis and beyond.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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  17. Hames RS, Wattam SL, Yamano H, Bacchieri R, Fry AM.; ''APC/C-mediated destruction of the centrosomal kinase Nek2A occurs in early mitosis and depends upon a cyclin A-type D-box.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  18. Rape M, Reddy SK, Kirschner MW.; ''The processivity of multiubiquitination by the APC determines the order of substrate degradation.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  19. Castro A, Bernis C, Vigneron S, Labbé JC, Lorca T.; ''The anaphase-promoting complex: a key factor in the regulation of cell cycle.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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  21. Hansen DV, Loktev AV, Ban KH, Jackson PK.; ''Plk1 regulates activation of the anaphase promoting complex by phosphorylating and triggering SCFbetaTrCP-dependent destruction of the APC Inhibitor Emi1.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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  26. Sørensen CS, Lukas C, Kramer ER, Peters JM, Bartek J, Lukas J.; ''A conserved cyclin-binding domain determines functional interplay between anaphase-promoting complex-Cdh1 and cyclin A-Cdk2 during cell cycle progression.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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  28. Hayes MJ, Kimata Y, Wattam SL, Lindon C, Mao G, Yamano H, Fry AM.; ''Early mitotic degradation of Nek2A depends on Cdc20-independent interaction with the APC/C.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  29. Latres E, Chiaur DS, Pagano M.; ''The human F box protein beta-Trcp associates with the Cul1/Skp1 complex and regulates the stability of beta-catenin.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  30. Kramer ER, Scheuringer N, Podtelejnikov AV, Mann M, Peters JM.; ''Mitotic regulation of the APC activator proteins CDC20 and CDH1.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  31. Song MS, Song SJ, Ayad NG, Chang JS, Lee JH, Hong HK, Lee H, Choi N, Kim J, Kim H, Kim JW, Choi EJ, Kirschner MW, Lim DS.; ''The tumour suppressor RASSF1A regulates mitosis by inhibiting the APC-Cdc20 complex.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  32. Geley S, Kramer E, Gieffers C, Gannon J, Peters JM, Hunt T.; ''Anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome-dependent proteolysis of human cyclin A starts at the beginning of mitosis and is not subject to the spindle assembly checkpoint.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  33. Bembenek J, Yu H.; ''Regulation of the anaphase-promoting complex by the dual specificity phosphatase human Cdc14a.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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114703view16:18, 25 January 2021ReactomeTeamReactome version 75
113148view11:21, 2 November 2020ReactomeTeamReactome version 74
112378view15:31, 9 October 2020ReactomeTeamReactome version 73
101281view11:17, 1 November 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 66
100818view20:47, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 65
100359view19:22, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 64
99904view16:05, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 63
99460view14:38, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 62 (2nd attempt)
93578view11:27, 9 August 2017ReactomeTeamNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
(APC/C:Cdh1)-targeted cell cycle proteinsComplexR-HSA-174056 (Reactome)
26S proteasomeComplexR-HSA-177750 (Reactome)
26S proteasomeComplexR-HSA-68819 (Reactome)
ADPMetaboliteCHEBI:16761 (ChEBI)
ANAPC1 ProteinQ9H1A4 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ANAPC10 ProteinQ9UM13 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ANAPC11 ProteinQ9NYG5 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ANAPC15 ProteinP60006 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ANAPC16 ProteinQ96DE5 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ANAPC2 ProteinQ9UJX6 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ANAPC4 ProteinQ9UJX5 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ANAPC5 ProteinQ9UJX4 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ANAPC7 ProteinQ9UJX3 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ATPMetaboliteCHEBI:15422 (ChEBI)
AURKA ProteinO14965 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
AURKB ProteinQ96GD4 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Activated MAD2L1 ProteinQ13257 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Activated MAD2L1ProteinQ13257 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BTRC ProteinQ9Y297 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BTRC:CUL1:SKP1ComplexR-HSA-174155 (Reactome)
BUB1B ProteinO60566 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BUB1BProteinO60566 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BUB3 ProteinO43684 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BUB3ProteinO43684 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CCNA1 ProteinP78396 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CCNA2 ProteinP20248 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CCNA:p-T160-CDK2ComplexR-HSA-187952 (Reactome)
CCNB1 ProteinP14635 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CCNB1:p-T161-CDK1ComplexR-HSA-157456 (Reactome)
CCNB1:p-T161-CDK1ComplexR-HSA-170160 (Reactome)
CDC14A ProteinQ9UNH5 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CDC16 ProteinQ13042 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CDC20 ProteinQ12834 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CDC20:p-APC/C:PTTG1ComplexR-HSA-174212 (Reactome)
CDC20:p-APC/CComplexR-HSA-174081 (Reactome)
CDC20:pAPC/C:K11polyUb-PTTG1ComplexR-HSA-3095944 (Reactome)
CDC20ProteinQ12834 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CDC23 ProteinQ9UJX2 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CDC26 ProteinQ8NHZ8 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CDC27 ProteinP30260 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CUL1 ProteinQ13616 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Cdc20/Cdh1ComplexR-HSA-177320 (Reactome)
Cdc20:phospho-APC/C:Cyclin B:Cdc2 complexComplexR-HSA-174095 (Reactome)
Cdc2:Cyclin A:MCC:APC/C complexComplexR-HSA-174140 (Reactome)
Cdh1:phospho-APC/C complexComplexR-HSA-174250 (Reactome)
Cdh1ComplexR-HSA-176429 (Reactome)


161) complex
ComplexR-HSA-174232 (Reactome)


160):Cdh1:phosho-APC/C complex
ComplexR-HSA-188374 (Reactome)


160):phospho-Cdh1:phospho-APC/C complex
ComplexR-HSA-188387 (Reactome)
Emi1:Cdc20 complexComplexR-HSA-174186 (Reactome)
Emi1:Cdc20/Cdh1 complexComplexR-HSA-188679 (Reactome)
Emi1:Cdh1 complexComplexR-HSA-174247 (Reactome)
FBXO5 ProteinQ9UKT4 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FBXO5ProteinQ9UKT4 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FZR1 ProteinQ9UM11 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FZR1ProteinQ9UM11 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
H2OMetaboliteCHEBI:15377 (ChEBI)
K11polyUb-PTTG1 ProteinO95997 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAD2*CDC20 complexComplexR-HSA-141408 (Reactome) Activated Mad2 upon release from kinetochores binds and sequesters Cdc20 from activating the APC.
MCC:APC/C complexComplexR-HSA-141410 (Reactome)
Multiubiquitinated Nek2AComplexR-HSA-179414 (Reactome)
NEK2 ProteinP51955 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NEK2ProteinP51955 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Nek2A:MCC:APC/C complexComplexR-HSA-179413 (Reactome)
PLK1 ProteinP53350 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PPiMetaboliteCHEBI:29888 (ChEBI)
PSMA1 ProteinP25786 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMA2 ProteinP25787 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMA3 ProteinP25788 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMA4 ProteinP25789 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMA5 ProteinP28066 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMA6 ProteinP60900 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMA7 ProteinO14818 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMA8 ProteinQ8TAA3 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMB1 ProteinP20618 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMB10 ProteinP40306 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMB11 ProteinA5LHX3 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMB2 ProteinP49721 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMB3 ProteinP49720 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMB4 ProteinP28070 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMB5 ProteinP28074 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMB6 ProteinP28072 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMB7 ProteinQ99436 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMB8 ProteinP28062 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMB9 ProteinP28065 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMC1 ProteinP62191 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMC2 ProteinP35998 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMC3 ProteinP17980 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMC4 ProteinP43686 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMC5 ProteinP62195 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMC6 ProteinP62333 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD1 ProteinQ99460 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD10 ProteinO75832 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD11 ProteinO00231 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD12 ProteinO00232 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD13 ProteinQ9UNM6 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD14 ProteinO00487 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD2 ProteinQ13200 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD3 ProteinO43242 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD4 ProteinP55036 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD5 ProteinQ16401 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD6 ProteinQ15008 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD7 ProteinP51665 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD8 ProteinP48556 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD9 ProteinO00233 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSME1 ProteinQ06323 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSME2 ProteinQ9UL46 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSME3 ProteinP61289 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSME4 ProteinQ14997 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMF1 ProteinQ92530 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PTTG1 ProteinO95997 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PTTG1ProteinO95997 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)


ComplexR-HSA-186975 (Reactome)
RPS27A(1-76) ProteinP62979 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)


ComplexR-HSA-174061 (Reactome)
SCF-beta-TrCP:phospho-Emi1 complexesComplexR-HSA-174138 (Reactome)
SHFM1 ProteinP60896 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SKP1 ProteinP63208 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SKP2 ProteinQ13309 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBA52(1-76) ProteinP62987 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBB(1-76) ProteinP0CG47 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBB(153-228) ProteinP0CG47 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBB(77-152) ProteinP0CG47 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBC(1-76) ProteinP0CG48 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBC(153-228) ProteinP0CG48 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBC(229-304) ProteinP0CG48 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBC(305-380) ProteinP0CG48 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBC(381-456) ProteinP0CG48 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBC(457-532) ProteinP0CG48 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBC(533-608) ProteinP0CG48 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBC(609-684) ProteinP0CG48 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBC(77-152) ProteinP0CG48 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBE2C ProteinO00762 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBE2D1 ProteinP51668 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBE2E1 ProteinP51965 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UbComplexR-HSA-113595 (Reactome)
UbComplexR-HSA-68524 (Reactome)
anaphase promoting complex (APC/C)ComplexR-HSA-174091 (Reactome)


proteins:phospho-APC/C:Cdh1 complex
ComplexR-HSA-174107 (Reactome)
hBUBR1:hBUB3:MAD2* complexComplexR-HSA-174196 (Reactome)
hBUBR1:hBUB3:MAD2*:CDC20 complexComplexR-HSA-141440 (Reactome)

Cdh1 associated

with APC/C
ComplexR-HSA-174068 (Reactome)


B:Cdc2:Cdc20:phospho-APC/C complex
ComplexR-HSA-174131 (Reactome)

Cyclin A associated with MCC:APC/C

ComplexR-HSA-174222 (Reactome)
multiubiquitinated Skp2:phospho-APC/C:Cdh1 complexComplexR-HSA-188192 (Reactome)

cell cycle protein:APC/C:Cdh1

ComplexR-HSA-174248 (Reactome)
p-FZR1 ProteinQ9UM11 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-FZR1ProteinQ9UM11 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-S145,S149-FBXO5 ProteinQ9UKT4 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-S182-FBXO5 ProteinQ9UKT4 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-T160-CDK2 ProteinP24941 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-T161-CDK1 ProteinP06493 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-T161-CDK1ProteinP06493 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-T210-PLK1ProteinP53350 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
phospho-APC/C:Cdh1 complexComplexR-HSA-174181 (Reactome)
phospho-Cdh1 phosphataseComplexR-HSA-174146 (Reactome)
phospho-Cdh1:phospho-APC/C complexComplexR-HSA-174167 (Reactome)

145, Ser 149):Cdc20/Cdh1

ComplexR-HSA-176446 (Reactome)
phospho-Emi1:Cdc20/Cdh1 complexesComplexR-HSA-177332 (Reactome)

anaphase promoting

complex (APC/C)
ComplexR-HSA-174109 (Reactome)

anaphase promoting

complex (APC/C)
ComplexR-HSA-174191 (Reactome)

Annotated Interactions

View all...
SourceTargetTypeDatabase referenceComment
(APC/C:Cdh1)-targeted cell cycle proteinsR-HSA-174088 (Reactome)
26S proteasomemim-catalysisR-HSA-174058 (Reactome)
26S proteasomemim-catalysisR-HSA-174105 (Reactome)
26S proteasomemim-catalysisR-HSA-174202 (Reactome)
26S proteasomemim-catalysisR-HSA-174203 (Reactome)
26S proteasomemim-catalysisR-HSA-174255 (Reactome)
26S proteasomemim-catalysisR-HSA-188191 (Reactome)
ADPArrowR-HSA-174079 (Reactome)
ADPArrowR-HSA-174122 (Reactome)
ADPArrowR-HSA-174174 (Reactome)
ADPArrowR-HSA-174251 (Reactome)
ATPR-HSA-174079 (Reactome)
ATPR-HSA-174122 (Reactome)
ATPR-HSA-174174 (Reactome)
ATPR-HSA-174251 (Reactome)
Activated MAD2L1R-HSA-141429 (Reactome)
Activated MAD2L1R-HSA-141437 (Reactome)
BTRC:CUL1:SKP1ArrowR-HSA-174203 (Reactome)
BTRC:CUL1:SKP1R-HSA-174209 (Reactome)
BTRC:CUL1:SKP1mim-catalysisR-HSA-174159 (Reactome)
BUB1BR-HSA-141437 (Reactome)
BUB3R-HSA-141437 (Reactome)
CCNA:p-T160-CDK2R-HSA-188371 (Reactome)
CCNB1:p-T161-CDK1R-HSA-174120 (Reactome)
CCNB1:p-T161-CDK1mim-catalysisR-HSA-174122 (Reactome)
CCNB1:p-T161-CDK1mim-catalysisR-HSA-174132 (Reactome)
CCNB1:p-T161-CDK1mim-catalysisR-HSA-174251 (Reactome)
CDC20:p-APC/C:PTTG1ArrowR-HSA-174121 (Reactome)
CDC20:p-APC/C:PTTG1R-HSA-174144 (Reactome)
CDC20:p-APC/CArrowR-HSA-174157 (Reactome)
CDC20:p-APC/CArrowR-HSA-174202 (Reactome)
CDC20:p-APC/CArrowR-HSA-174238 (Reactome)
CDC20:p-APC/CR-HSA-174120 (Reactome)
CDC20:p-APC/CR-HSA-174121 (Reactome)
CDC20:p-APC/CR-HSA-174224 (Reactome)
CDC20:p-APC/Cmim-catalysisR-HSA-174144 (Reactome)
CDC20:p-APC/Cmim-catalysisR-HSA-174227 (Reactome)
CDC20:pAPC/C:K11polyUb-PTTG1ArrowR-HSA-174144 (Reactome)
CDC20:pAPC/C:K11polyUb-PTTG1R-HSA-174202 (Reactome)
CDC20ArrowR-HSA-174224 (Reactome)
CDC20R-HSA-141429 (Reactome)
CDC20R-HSA-141437 (Reactome)
CDC20R-HSA-174235 (Reactome)
Cdc20/Cdh1ArrowR-HSA-174203 (Reactome)
Cdc20:phospho-APC/C:Cyclin B:Cdc2 complexArrowR-HSA-174120 (Reactome)
Cdc20:phospho-APC/C:Cyclin B:Cdc2 complexR-HSA-174227 (Reactome)
Cdc2:Cyclin A:MCC:APC/C complexArrowR-HSA-174171 (Reactome)
Cdc2:Cyclin A:MCC:APC/C complexR-HSA-174104 (Reactome)
Cdh1:phospho-APC/C complexR-HSA-188371 (Reactome)
Cdh1R-HSA-174097 (Reactome)


161) complex
R-HSA-174171 (Reactome)


160):Cdh1:phosho-APC/C complex
ArrowR-HSA-188371 (Reactome)


160):Cdh1:phosho-APC/C complex
R-HSA-174079 (Reactome)


160):Cdh1:phosho-APC/C complex
mim-catalysisR-HSA-174079 (Reactome)


160):phospho-Cdh1:phospho-APC/C complex
ArrowR-HSA-174079 (Reactome)
Emi1:Cdc20 complexArrowR-HSA-174235 (Reactome)
Emi1:Cdc20/Cdh1 complexR-HSA-174122 (Reactome)
Emi1:Cdc20/Cdh1 complexR-HSA-174174 (Reactome)
Emi1:Cdh1 complexArrowR-HSA-174097 (Reactome)
FBXO5R-HSA-174097 (Reactome)
FBXO5R-HSA-174235 (Reactome)
FZR1ArrowR-HSA-174124 (Reactome)
FZR1R-HSA-174070 (Reactome)
FZR1R-HSA-174251 (Reactome)
H2OR-HSA-174124 (Reactome)
MAD2*CDC20 complexArrowR-HSA-141429 (Reactome)
MCC:APC/C complexArrowR-HSA-141423 (Reactome)
MCC:APC/C complexArrowR-HSA-174255 (Reactome)
MCC:APC/C complexArrowR-HSA-179421 (Reactome)
MCC:APC/C complexR-HSA-174171 (Reactome)
MCC:APC/C complexR-HSA-174238 (Reactome)
MCC:APC/C complexR-HSA-179410 (Reactome)
MCC:APC/C complexmim-catalysisR-HSA-174104 (Reactome)
Multiubiquitinated Nek2AArrowR-HSA-179417 (Reactome)
Multiubiquitinated Nek2AR-HSA-179421 (Reactome)
NEK2R-HSA-179410 (Reactome)
Nek2A:MCC:APC/C complexArrowR-HSA-179410 (Reactome)
Nek2A:MCC:APC/C complexR-HSA-179417 (Reactome)
Nek2A:MCC:APC/C complexmim-catalysisR-HSA-179417 (Reactome)
PPiArrowR-HSA-174124 (Reactome)
PTTG1R-HSA-174121 (Reactome)


ArrowR-HSA-174122 (Reactome)
R-HSA-141423 (Reactome) In the direct inhibition model, association of the MCC with APCC results in the inactivation of APC/C. However, the affinity between MCC and APC/C is not high, so that the inhibition is readily reversible. The role of unattached kinetochores is to sensitize the APC/C to prolonged inhibition by the MCC.
R-HSA-141429 (Reactome) In the sequestration model, the Mad2 molecules that dissociate from unattached kinetochores are perceived to bind to Cdc20, a protein that recruits specific substrates to the APC/C. Consequently, Mad2 indirectly inhibits the APC/C by sequestering its activator, Cdc20. This requires interaction between Mad1 and Mad2. Cdc20 and Mad1 bind to the same site on Mad2.
R-HSA-141437 (Reactome) Upon release from the kinetochore, Mad2 associates with Cdc20, hBUBR1, and hBUB3 to form the Mitotic Checkpoint Complex (MCC). Assembly of this complex does not depend on kinetochores but this complex can only inhibit APC/C that has undergone mitotic modifications.
R-HSA-174057 (Reactome) Cdh1 is multiubiquitinated by the APC/C:Cdh1 complex prior to degradation by the 26S proteasome.
R-HSA-174058 (Reactome) At the beginning of this reaction, 1 molecule of 'multiubiquitinated Cdh1 associated with APC/C' is present. At the end of this reaction, 1 molecule of 'phosphorylated anaphase promoting complex (APC/C)', and 3 molecules of 'ubiquitin' are present.

This reaction takes place in the 'nucleoplasm' and is mediated by the 'endopeptidase activity' of '26S proteasome'.

R-HSA-174070 (Reactome) Following its dephosphorylation in late mitosis, Cdh1 replaces Cdc20 as the APC/C activator.
R-HSA-174079 (Reactome) At the G1/S transition, the Cdh1 subunit of the APC:Cdh1 complex is phosphorylated by Cyclin A:Cdk2 and dissociates from APC/C. This inactivates APC/C and permits the accumulation of cell cycle proteins required for DNA synthesis and entry into mitosis.
R-HSA-174088 (Reactome) The APC/C:Cdh1 complex recognizes substrates containing a D box, a KEN box (Pfleger and Kirschner, 2000) or a D box activated (DAD) domain (Castro et al., 2002).
R-HSA-174097 (Reactome) Emi1 promotes the accumulation of Cyclin A and entry into S phase by associating with and inhibiting the APC/C:Cdh1 complex at G1/S.
R-HSA-174104 (Reactome) Rape et al. have recently demonstrated that the order in which APC/C targeted proteins are degraded is determined by the processivity of multiubiquitination of these substrates. Processive substrates acquire a polyubiquitin chain upon binding to the APC/C once and are degraded. Distributive substrates bind, dissociate and reassociate with the APC/C multiple times before acquiring an ubiquitin chain of sufficient length to insure degradation. In addition, distributive substrates that dissociate from the APC/C with short ubiquitin chains are targeted for deubiquitination (Rape et al., 2006). Paradoxically, although the multiubiquitination of cyclin A is distributive and later substrates of APC-Cdc20 such as Securin are processive (Rape et al., 2006), Cyclin A is degraded prior to Securin and Cyclin B. The mechanisms insuring this order have not yet be determined.
R-HSA-174105 (Reactome) Cell cycle proteins mulitubiquitinated by the APC/C are targeted for degradation by the 26S proteasome.
R-HSA-174119 (Reactome) Phosphorylation of the APC/C is believed to be required for its activation. While the identity of the essential phosphorylation sites and the kinase(s) responsible are not known with certainty, in vitro studies have shown that the Apc1 and the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) subunits Cdc27, Cdc16, Cdc23 and Apc7 are phosphorylated and that the Cdk1 and Plk1 kinases may play a role.
R-HSA-174120 (Reactome) Cyclin B is believed to be recognized by the APC/C:Cdc20 complex through its D-box sequence.
R-HSA-174121 (Reactome) Securin is thought to be recognized by the APC/C:Cdc20 complex through its conserved D-box sequence.
R-HSA-174122 (Reactome) Emi1 is also believed to be phosphorylated by Cyclin B:Cdc2 on a CDK consensus site at Ser 182. While Plk1 mediated phosphorylation of Emi1 at the DSGxxS (ßTrCP recognition) motif is essential for Emi1 destruction in mitosis, Cdk phosphorylation has been shown to play an important regulatory role.
R-HSA-174124 (Reactome) Phosphorylation by mitotic kinases is believed to alter the conformation of Cdh1 preventing it from associating with the APC/C. Cdc14 is thought to contribute to the dephosphorylation of Cdh1 in late mitosis. Dephosphorylated Cdh1 then associates with and activates the APC/C.
R-HSA-174132 (Reactome) Phosphorylation of the APC/C is believed to be required for its activation. While the identity of the essential phosphorylation sites and the kinase(s) responsible are not known with certainty, in vitro studies have shown that the Apc1 and the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) subunits Cdc27, Cdc16, Cdc23 and Apc7 are phosphorylated and that the Cdk1 and Plk1 kinases may play a role.
R-HSA-174139 (Reactome) Following its phosphorylation, Cdh1 dissociates from the APC/C, rendering the APC/C inactive. This allows the stabilization of proteins required for subsequent cell cycle progression.
R-HSA-174144 (Reactome) Securin is ubiquitinated by APC/C:Cdc20 (Hagting et al., 2002; Jin et al. 2008).
R-HSA-174157 (Reactome) Mulitubiquitinated Cyclin B is targeted for degradation by the 26S proteasome.
R-HSA-174159 (Reactome) Following its association with SCF-ßTrCP, phospho-Emi1 is poly-ubiquitinated.
R-HSA-174171 (Reactome) Cyclin A is believed to be recognized by the APC/C:Cdc20 complex through its D-box sequence, which is 10-20 residues longer than the D-box of cyclin B (Geley et al., 2001).
R-HSA-174174 (Reactome) The phosphorylation of Emi1 by Plk1 is believed to be involved in the degradation of Emi1 during mitosis. Plk1 phosphorylates serine residues in the DSGxxS degron sequence of Emi1 recruiting the SCF(betaTrCP) ubiquitin ligase.
R-HSA-174195 (Reactome) At the beginning of this reaction, 3 molecules of 'ubiquitin', and 1 molecule of 'cell cycle proteins:phospho-APC/C:Cdh1 complex' are present. At the end of this reaction, 1 molecule of 'multiubiquitinated cell cycle protein:APC/C:Cdh1 complex' is present.

This reaction takes place in the 'cytosol' and is mediated by the 'ubiquitin-protein ligase activity' of 'cell cycle proteins:phospho-APC/C:Cdh1 complex' (Rape et al.1996).

R-HSA-174202 (Reactome) Following ubiquitination, securin is degraded by the 26S proteasome.
R-HSA-174203 (Reactome) Multiubiquitinated Emi1 is degraded by the 26S proteasome.
R-HSA-174209 (Reactome) Cdk mediated phosphorylation of Emi1 is believed to promotes its phospho- Ser145-Ser149 dependent association with beta-TrCP.
R-HSA-174224 (Reactome) In late mitosis, Cdc20 dissociates from the APC/C and is replaced by the activator Cdh1 (Ballabeni et al. 2011).
R-HSA-174227 (Reactome) At the beginning of this reaction, 1 molecule of 'Cdc20:phospho-APC/C:Cyclin B:Cdc2 complex', and 3 molecules of 'ubiquitin' are present. At the end of this reaction, 1 molecule of 'multiubiquitinated Cyclin B:Cdc2:Cdc20:phospho-APC/C complex' is present.

This reaction takes place in the 'cytosol' and is mediated by the 'ubiquitin-protein ligase activity' of 'Cdc20:Phospho-APC/C'.

R-HSA-174235 (Reactome) In addition to its association with Cdh1 in G1 phase, Emi1 further contributes the inactivation of the APC/C between G2 and prophase by associating with another APC/C activator, Cdc20.
R-HSA-174238 (Reactome) One model ( the direct inhibition model) describing the inhibition of the APC/C during the mitotic spindle checkpoint suggests that the association of the hBUBR1:hBUB3:MAD2*:CDC20 mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC) with APC/C results in the inactivation of APC/C. The affinity between MCC and APC/C is not high, thus inhibition is readily reversible when the mitotic spindle checkpoint has been satisfied.
R-HSA-174251 (Reactome) At the onset of mitosis, Cdh1 is phosphorylated by Cyclin B-Cdc2 resulting in a conformational change that prevents Cdh1 from activating the APC/C.
R-HSA-174255 (Reactome) Following multiubiquitination, Cyclin A is targeted for destruction by the 26S proteasome.
R-HSA-179410 (Reactome) Nek2A does not appear to be recruited to the APC/C by Cdc20 but rather binds directly to the APC/C in an interaction involving the NEK2A C-terminal methionine–arginine (MR) dipeptide tail (Hayes et al., 2006).
R-HSA-179417 (Reactome) Nek2A is ubiquitinated by the APC/C-Cdc20 ubiquitin ligase.
R-HSA-179421 (Reactome) Nek2A is degraded by the 26S proteasome following ubiquitylation by the E3 ubiquitin ligase APC/C: Cdc20.
R-HSA-188191 (Reactome) Skp2 is degraded by the anaphase promoting complex/Cyclosome and its activator Cdh1 [APC/C(Cdh1)] (Bashir et al, 2004; Wei et al, 2004). The tight regulation of APC/C(Cdh1) activity ensures the timely elimination Skp2 and, thus, plays a critical role in controlling the G1/S transition.
R-HSA-188371 (Reactome) Cyclin A-Cdk2 prevents unscheduled APC reactivation during S phase by binding and subsequently phosphorylating Cdh1. Phosphorylation-dependent dissociation of the Cdh1-activating subunit inhibits the APC/C.


ArrowR-HSA-174159 (Reactome)


R-HSA-174203 (Reactome)
SCF-beta-TrCP:phospho-Emi1 complexesArrowR-HSA-174209 (Reactome)
SCF-beta-TrCP:phospho-Emi1 complexesR-HSA-174159 (Reactome)
UbArrowR-HSA-174058 (Reactome)
UbArrowR-HSA-174105 (Reactome)
UbArrowR-HSA-174157 (Reactome)
UbArrowR-HSA-174202 (Reactome)
UbArrowR-HSA-174203 (Reactome)
UbArrowR-HSA-174255 (Reactome)
UbArrowR-HSA-179421 (Reactome)
UbArrowR-HSA-188191 (Reactome)
UbR-HSA-174057 (Reactome)
UbR-HSA-174104 (Reactome)
UbR-HSA-174144 (Reactome)
UbR-HSA-174159 (Reactome)
UbR-HSA-174195 (Reactome)
UbR-HSA-174227 (Reactome)
UbR-HSA-179417 (Reactome)
anaphase promoting complex (APC/C)R-HSA-174119 (Reactome)
anaphase promoting complex (APC/C)R-HSA-174132 (Reactome)


proteins:phospho-APC/C:Cdh1 complex
ArrowR-HSA-174088 (Reactome)


proteins:phospho-APC/C:Cdh1 complex
R-HSA-174195 (Reactome)


proteins:phospho-APC/C:Cdh1 complex
mim-catalysisR-HSA-174195 (Reactome)
hBUBR1:hBUB3:MAD2* complexArrowR-HSA-174238 (Reactome)
hBUBR1:hBUB3:MAD2*:CDC20 complexArrowR-HSA-141437 (Reactome)
hBUBR1:hBUB3:MAD2*:CDC20 complexR-HSA-141423 (Reactome)

Cdh1 associated

with APC/C
ArrowR-HSA-174057 (Reactome)

Cdh1 associated

with APC/C
R-HSA-174058 (Reactome)


B:Cdc2:Cdc20:phospho-APC/C complex
ArrowR-HSA-174227 (Reactome)


B:Cdc2:Cdc20:phospho-APC/C complex
R-HSA-174157 (Reactome)

Cyclin A associated with MCC:APC/C

ArrowR-HSA-174104 (Reactome)

Cyclin A associated with MCC:APC/C

R-HSA-174255 (Reactome)
multiubiquitinated Skp2:phospho-APC/C:Cdh1 complexR-HSA-188191 (Reactome)

cell cycle protein:APC/C:Cdh1

ArrowR-HSA-174195 (Reactome)

cell cycle protein:APC/C:Cdh1

R-HSA-174105 (Reactome)
p-FZR1ArrowR-HSA-174139 (Reactome)
p-FZR1ArrowR-HSA-174251 (Reactome)
p-FZR1R-HSA-174124 (Reactome)
p-T161-CDK1ArrowR-HSA-174157 (Reactome)
p-T161-CDK1ArrowR-HSA-174255 (Reactome)
p-T210-PLK1mim-catalysisR-HSA-174119 (Reactome)
p-T210-PLK1mim-catalysisR-HSA-174174 (Reactome)
phospho-APC/C:Cdh1 complexArrowR-HSA-174070 (Reactome)
phospho-APC/C:Cdh1 complexArrowR-HSA-174105 (Reactome)
phospho-APC/C:Cdh1 complexArrowR-HSA-188191 (Reactome)
phospho-APC/C:Cdh1 complexR-HSA-174088 (Reactome)
phospho-Cdh1 phosphatasemim-catalysisR-HSA-174124 (Reactome)
phospho-Cdh1:phospho-APC/C complexR-HSA-174057 (Reactome)
phospho-Cdh1:phospho-APC/C complexR-HSA-174139 (Reactome)
phospho-Cdh1:phospho-APC/C complexmim-catalysisR-HSA-174057 (Reactome)

145, Ser 149):Cdc20/Cdh1

ArrowR-HSA-174174 (Reactome)
phospho-Emi1:Cdc20/Cdh1 complexesR-HSA-174209 (Reactome)

anaphase promoting

complex (APC/C)
ArrowR-HSA-174058 (Reactome)

anaphase promoting

complex (APC/C)
ArrowR-HSA-174119 (Reactome)

anaphase promoting

complex (APC/C)
ArrowR-HSA-174132 (Reactome)

anaphase promoting

complex (APC/C)
ArrowR-HSA-174139 (Reactome)

anaphase promoting

complex (APC/C)
ArrowR-HSA-174224 (Reactome)

anaphase promoting

complex (APC/C)
R-HSA-141423 (Reactome)

anaphase promoting

complex (APC/C)
R-HSA-174070 (Reactome)
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