BMAL1:CLOCK,NPAS2 activates circadian gene expression (Homo sapiens)

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12, 201, 2, 6, 151, 6, 1518168117221317319, 23223cytosolnucleoplasmp-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2p-S-CLOCK p-S-ARNTL TGS1 p-S-CLOCK NCOA1 BHLHE40BHLHE41 genep-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:CCRN4L genep-S-NPAS2 p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:DBP genePPARA gene SERPINE1p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:NAMPT genep-S-ARNTL CLOCK p-S-ARNTL p-S-CLOCK ARNTL2 p-S-NPAS2 DBPCCRN4L genep-S-NPAS2 p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:SERPINE1 geneAVP gene F7 genePPARAp-S-NPAS2 p-S-ARNTL SERPINE1 Gene NCOA2 KLF15 genep-S-NPAS2 NCOA6 p-S-CLOCK BMAL2:CLOCKPPARA geneKLF15 gene CREBBP CARM1 p-S-NPAS2 SERPINE1 GenePPARA:RXRACoactivator complexp-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:AVP genep-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:F7 genep-S-CLOCK F7(21-466)p-S-ARNTL HELZ2 PPARA BHLHE40 gene p-S-ARNTL p-S-CLOCK p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:PPARA geneDBP geneBHLHE40 geneBHLHE41p-S-CLOCK TBL1X F7 gene p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:BHLHE40 geneAA p-S-CLOCK CCRN4LAVP geneNAMPT genep-S-NPAS2 DBP gene KLF15AVP(20-28)p-S-NPAS2 Peroxisome Proliferator Receptor Element (PPRE) MED1 EPA p-S-ARNTL p-S-NPAS2 NAMPTSMARCD3 BHLHE41 gene p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:BHLHE41 geneALA p-S-ARNTL p-S-ARNTL p-S-ARNTL CHD9 LINA Palm p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:KLF15 geneCCRN4L gene p-S-NPAS2 RXRA NAMPT gene p-S-ARNTL TBL1XR1 p-S-NPAS2 p-S-CLOCK p-S-CLOCK p-S-CLOCK 4, 5102914, 211, 6, 15


As inferred from mouse, BMAL1:CLOCK (ARNTL:CLOCK) and BMAL1:NPAS2 (ARNTL:NPAS2) heterodimers bind to sequence elements (E boxes) in the promoters of target genes and enhance transcription (Gekakis et al. 1998, reviewed in Munoz and Baler 2003). View original pathway at:Reactome.


Pathway is converted from Reactome ID: 1368108
Reactome version: 66
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Reactome Author: May, Bruce

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  1. Li R, Yue J, Zhang Y, Zhou L, Hao W, Yuan J, Qiang B, Ding JM, Peng X, Cao JM.; ''CLOCK/BMAL1 regulates human nocturnin transcription through binding to the E-box of nocturnin promoter.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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  8. Fisch S, Gray S, Heymans S, Haldar SM, Wang B, Pfister O, Cui L, Kumar A, Lin Z, Sen-Banerjee S, Das H, Petersen CA, Mende U, Burleigh BA, Zhu Y, Pinto YM, Liao R, Jain MK.; ''Kruppel-like factor 15 is a regulator of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  9. Tamaru T, Hirayama J, Isojima Y, Nagai K, Norioka S, Takamatsu K, Sassone-Corsi P.; ''CK2alpha phosphorylates BMAL1 to regulate the mammalian clock.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  10. van der Bom JG, Bots ML, Haverkate F, Kluft C, Grobbee DE.; ''The 4G5G polymorphism in the gene for PAI-1 and the circadian oscillation of plasma PAI-1.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  11. Schoenhard JA, Smith LH, Painter CA, Eren M, Johnson CH, Vaughan DE.; ''Regulation of the PAI-1 promoter by circadian clock components: differential activation by BMAL1 and BMAL2.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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  14. Muñoz E, Brewer M, Baler R.; ''Circadian Transcription. Thinking outside the E-Box.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  15. Juge-Aubry C, Pernin A, Favez T, Burger AG, Wahli W, Meier CA, Desvergne B.; ''DNA binding properties of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor subtypes on various natural peroxisome proliferator response elements. Importance of the 5'-flanking region.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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  17. Oishi K, Shirai H, Ishida N.; ''CLOCK is involved in the circadian transactivation of peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha) in mice.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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  20. Fujimoto K, Shen M, Noshiro M, Matsubara K, Shingu S, Honda K, Yoshida E, Suardita K, Matsuda Y, Kato Y.; ''Molecular cloning and characterization of DEC2, a new member of basic helix-loop-helix proteins.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  21. Gekakis N, Staknis D, Nguyen HB, Davis FC, Wilsbacher LD, King DP, Takahashi JS, Weitz CJ.; ''Role of the CLOCK protein in the mammalian circadian mechanism.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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114763view16:25, 25 January 2021ReactomeTeamReactome version 75
113207view11:27, 2 November 2020ReactomeTeamReactome version 74
112431view15:37, 9 October 2020ReactomeTeamReactome version 73
101335view11:22, 1 November 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 66
100873view20:55, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 65
100414view19:29, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 64
99963view16:14, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 63
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99160view12:41, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 62
93861view13:41, 16 August 2017ReactomeTeamreactome version 61
93426view11:23, 9 August 2017ReactomeTeamreactome version 61
87095view14:29, 18 July 2016MkutmonOntology Term : 'transcription pathway' added !
86513view09:19, 11 July 2016ReactomeTeamreactome version 56
83343view10:51, 18 November 2015ReactomeTeamVersion54
81499view13:02, 21 August 2015ReactomeTeamNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
AA MetaboliteCHEBI:15843 (ChEBI)
ALA MetaboliteCHEBI:27432 (ChEBI)
ARNTL2 ProteinQ8WYA1 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
AVP gene ProteinENSG00000101200 (Ensembl)
AVP geneGeneProductENSG00000101200 (Ensembl)
AVP(20-28)ProteinP01185 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BHLHE40 gene ProteinENSG00000134107 (Ensembl)
BHLHE40 geneGeneProductENSG00000134107 (Ensembl)
BHLHE40ProteinO14503 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BHLHE41 gene ProteinENSG00000123095 (Ensembl)
BHLHE41 geneGeneProductENSG00000123095 (Ensembl)
BHLHE41ProteinQ9C0J9 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BMAL2:CLOCKComplexR-HSA-879827 (Reactome)
CARM1 ProteinQ86X55 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CCRN4L gene ProteinENSG00000151014 (Ensembl)
CCRN4L geneGeneProductENSG00000151014 (Ensembl)
CCRN4LProteinQ9UK39 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CHD9 ProteinQ3L8U1 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CLOCK ProteinO15516 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CREBBP ProteinQ92793 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
DBP gene ProteinENSG00000105516 (Ensembl)
DBP geneGeneProductENSG00000105516 (Ensembl)
DBPProteinQ10586 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
EPA MetaboliteCHEBI:28364 (ChEBI)
F7 gene ProteinENSG00000057593 (Ensembl)
F7 geneGeneProductENSG00000057593 (Ensembl)
F7(21-466)ProteinP08709 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HELZ2 ProteinQ9BYK8 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
KLF15 gene ProteinENSG00000163884 (Ensembl)
KLF15 geneGeneProductENSG00000163884 (Ensembl)
KLF15ProteinQ9UIH9 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
LINA MetaboliteCHEBI:17351 (ChEBI)
MED1 ProteinQ15648 (Uniprot-TrEMBL) MED1 is a component of each of the various Mediator complexes, that function as transcription co-activators. The MED1-containing compolexes include the DRIP, ARC, TRIP and CRSP compllexes.
NAMPT gene ProteinENSG00000105835 (Ensembl)
NAMPT geneGeneProductENSG00000105835 (Ensembl)
NAMPTProteinP43490 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NCOA1 ProteinQ15788 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NCOA2 ProteinQ15596 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NCOA6 ProteinQ14686 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PPARA ProteinQ07869 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PPARA gene ProteinENSG00000186951 (Ensembl)
PPARA geneGeneProductENSG00000186951 (Ensembl)
PPARA:RXRA Coactivator complexComplexR-HSA-400154 (Reactome)
PPARAProteinQ07869 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Palm MetaboliteCHEBI:15756 (ChEBI)
Peroxisome Proliferator Receptor Element (PPRE) R-ALL-422139 (Reactome) Peroxisome proliferator receptor elements bind heterodimers containing a peroxisome proliferator receptor and a retinoic acid receptor. The consensus sequence is TGAMCTTTGNCCTAGWTYYG.
RXRA ProteinP19793 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SERPINE1 Gene ProteinENSG00000106366 (Ensembl)
SERPINE1 GeneGeneProductENSG00000106366 (Ensembl)
SERPINE1ProteinP05121 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SMARCD3 ProteinQ6STE5 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
TBL1X ProteinO60907 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
TBL1XR1 ProteinQ9BZK7 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
TGS1 ProteinQ96RS0 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:AVP geneComplexR-HSA-5663184 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:BHLHE40 geneComplexR-HSA-5663107 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:BHLHE41 geneComplexR-HSA-5663121 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:CCRN4L geneComplexR-HSA-5663134 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:DBP geneComplexR-HSA-5663186 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:F7 geneComplexR-HSA-5663136 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:KLF15 geneComplexR-HSA-8878725 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:NAMPT geneComplexR-HSA-5663154 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:PPARA geneComplexR-HSA-5663137 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:SERPINE1 geneComplexR-HSA-5663104 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2ComplexR-HSA-421315 (Reactome)
p-S-ARNTL ProteinO00327 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-S-CLOCK ProteinO15516 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-S-NPAS2 ProteinQ99743 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)

Annotated Interactions

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SourceTargetTypeDatabase referenceComment
AVP geneR-HSA-5663165 (Reactome)
AVP geneR-HSA-879782 (Reactome)
AVP(20-28)ArrowR-HSA-879782 (Reactome)
BHLHE40 geneR-HSA-5663170 (Reactome)
BHLHE40 geneR-HSA-879798 (Reactome)
BHLHE40ArrowR-HSA-879798 (Reactome)
BHLHE41 geneR-HSA-5663105 (Reactome)
BHLHE41 geneR-HSA-879770 (Reactome)
BHLHE41ArrowR-HSA-879770 (Reactome)
BMAL2:CLOCKArrowR-HSA-549364 (Reactome)
CCRN4L geneR-HSA-549424 (Reactome)
CCRN4L geneR-HSA-5663138 (Reactome)
CCRN4LArrowR-HSA-549424 (Reactome)
DBP geneR-HSA-5663132 (Reactome)
DBP geneR-HSA-879762 (Reactome)
DBPArrowR-HSA-879762 (Reactome)
F7 geneR-HSA-549428 (Reactome)
F7 geneR-HSA-5663127 (Reactome)
F7(21-466)ArrowR-HSA-549428 (Reactome)
KLF15 geneR-HSA-8878679 (Reactome)
KLF15 geneR-HSA-8878702 (Reactome)
KLF15ArrowR-HSA-8878679 (Reactome)
NAMPT geneR-HSA-1368889 (Reactome)
NAMPT geneR-HSA-5663122 (Reactome)
NAMPTArrowR-HSA-1368889 (Reactome)
PPARA geneR-HSA-5663156 (Reactome)
PPARA geneR-HSA-879724 (Reactome)
PPARA:RXRA Coactivator complexArrowR-HSA-879724 (Reactome)
PPARAArrowR-HSA-879724 (Reactome)
R-HSA-1368889 (Reactome) The NAMPT (NamPRT) gene is transcribed to yield mRNA and the mRNA is translated to yield protein. As inferred from mouse, the BMAL1:CLOCK (ARNTL:CLOCK) heterodimer enhances transcription of NAMPT.
R-HSA-549364 (Reactome) The PAI-1 gene is transcribed to yield mRNA and the mRNA is translated to yield protein. The PAI-1 gene shows circadian expression due to direct transcriptional activation by the BMAL1:CLOCK (ARNTL:CLOCK) heterodimer and the BMAL2:CLOCK (CLIF:CLOCK, ARNTL2:CLOCK) heterodimer.
R-HSA-549424 (Reactome) The NOCTURNIN gene is transcribed to yield mRNA and the mRNA is translated to yield protein. The NOCTURNIN gene shows circadian expression because the BMAL1:CLOCK (ARNTL:CLOCK) heterodimer binds an E-box element in the NOCTURNIN promoter and activates transcription.
R-HSA-549428 (Reactome) The FACTOR VII (F7) gene is transcribed to yield mRNA and the mRNA is translated to yield protein. In mouse the F7 gene shows circadian expression due to activation by the Bmal1:Clock (Arntl:Clock) heterodimer.
R-HSA-5663105 (Reactome) As inferred from mouse, the BMAL1:CLOCK (ARNTL:CLOCK) heterodimer binds E-box elements in the promoter of the DEC2 (BHLHE41, BHLHB3) gene and activates transcription of DEC2.
R-HSA-5663122 (Reactome) As inferred from mouse, the BMAL1:CLOCK (ARNTL:CLOCK) heterodimer binds an E-box element in the promoter of the NAMPT gene and enhances transcription.
R-HSA-5663124 (Reactome) The phosphorylated BMAL1:CLOCK (ARNTL) heterodimer binds an E-box in the promoter of the PAI-1 gene and activate transcription of PAI-1. NPAS2 is predicted to act redundantly with CLOCK.
R-HSA-5663127 (Reactome) Activation of FACTOR VII expression by phosphorylated BMAL1:CLOCK (ARNTL:CLOCK) is inferred from mouse. NPAS2 is predicted to act redundantly with CLOCK.
R-HSA-5663132 (Reactome) As inferred from mouse, BMAL1:CLOCK (ARNTL:CLOCK) heterodimers bind E-boxes in the promoter of the DBP gene and activate transcription of DBP.
R-HSA-5663138 (Reactome) The phosphorylated BMAL1:CLOCK (ARNTL:CLOCK) heterodimer binds an E-box element in the promoter of the NOCTURNIN gene and activates transcription of NOCTURNIN. NPAS2 is predicted to act redundantly with CLOCK.
R-HSA-5663156 (Reactome) As inferred from mouse, BMAL1:CLOCK (ARNTL:CLOCK) heterodimers bind E-boxes in the second intron of the PPARA gene and activate transcription of PPARA.
R-HSA-5663165 (Reactome) As inferred from mouse, BMAL1:CLOCK (ARNTL:CLOCK) heterodimers bind an E-box enhancer in the AVP promoter and activate transcription of AVP.
R-HSA-5663170 (Reactome) BMAL1:CLOCK (ARNTL:CLOCK) heterodimers bind E-boxes in the promoter of the DEC1 (BHLHE40, BHLHB2) gene and activate transcription of DEC1.
R-HSA-879724 (Reactome) The PPARA gene is transcribed to yield mRNA and the mRNA is translated to yield protein. As inferred from mouse, BMAL1:CLOCK (ARNTL:CLOCK) heterodimers bind the scond intron of the PPARA gene and activate transcription of PPARA.
R-HSA-879762 (Reactome) The DBP gene is transcribed to yield mRNA and the mRNA is translated to yield protein. As inferred from mouse, BMAL1:CLOCK (ARNTL:CLOCK) heterodimers bind E-boxes in the DBP promoter and activate transcription of DBP.
R-HSA-879770 (Reactome) The DEC2 (BHLHE41, BHLHB3) gene is transcribed to yield mRNA and the mRNA is translated to yield protein. As inferred from mouse, the BMAL1:CLOCK (ARNTL:CLOCK) heterodimer binds E-box elements in the DEC2 promoter and activates transcription of DEC2.
R-HSA-879782 (Reactome) The AVP gene is transcribed to yield mRNA and the mRNA is translated to yield protein. As inferred from mouse, BMAL1:CLOCK (ARNTL:CLOCK) heterodimers bind an E-box enhancer in the promoter of the AVP gene and activate transcription of AVP.
R-HSA-879798 (Reactome) The DEC1 (BHLHE40, BHLHB2) gene is transcribed to yield mRNA and the mRNA is translated to yield protein. The DEC1 gene contains E-box elements in its promoter which bind the BMAL:CLOCK (ARNTL:CLOCK) heterodimer and confer circadian rhythm on its expression.
R-HSA-8878679 (Reactome) The KLF15 gene is transcribed to yield mRNA and the mRNA is translated to yield protein. Transcription of KLF15 exhibits a circadian rhythm due to regulation by BMAL1:CLOCK (inferred from mouse homologs).
R-HSA-8878702 (Reactome) The BMAL1:CLOCK heterodimer binds E-boxes in the promoter of the KLF15 gene and activates transcription (inferred from mouse homologs). KLF15 then regulates cardiac ion-channel expression and QT-interval duration (inferred from mouse homologs).
SERPINE1 GeneR-HSA-549364 (Reactome)
SERPINE1 GeneR-HSA-5663124 (Reactome)
SERPINE1ArrowR-HSA-549364 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:AVP geneArrowR-HSA-5663165 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:AVP geneArrowR-HSA-879782 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:BHLHE40 geneArrowR-HSA-5663170 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:BHLHE40 geneArrowR-HSA-879798 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:BHLHE41 geneArrowR-HSA-5663105 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:BHLHE41 geneArrowR-HSA-879770 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:CCRN4L geneArrowR-HSA-549424 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:CCRN4L geneArrowR-HSA-5663138 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:DBP geneArrowR-HSA-5663132 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:DBP geneArrowR-HSA-879762 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:F7 geneArrowR-HSA-549428 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:F7 geneArrowR-HSA-5663127 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:KLF15 geneArrowR-HSA-8878679 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:KLF15 geneArrowR-HSA-8878702 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:NAMPT geneArrowR-HSA-1368889 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:NAMPT geneArrowR-HSA-5663122 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:PPARA geneArrowR-HSA-5663156 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:PPARA geneArrowR-HSA-879724 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:SERPINE1 geneArrowR-HSA-549364 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2:SERPINE1 geneArrowR-HSA-5663124 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2R-HSA-5663105 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2R-HSA-5663122 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2R-HSA-5663124 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2R-HSA-5663127 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2R-HSA-5663132 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2R-HSA-5663138 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2R-HSA-5663156 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2R-HSA-5663165 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2R-HSA-5663170 (Reactome)
p-BMAL1:p-CLOCK,NPAS2R-HSA-8878702 (Reactome)
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