MFAP5 effect on permeability and motility of endothelial cells via cytoskeleton rearrangement (Homo sapiens)

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Revision as of 22:12, 27 March 2019 by Khanspers (Talk | contribs)
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1NucleusEndothelial cellEROvarian cancer cellCancer-associated fibroblastCancer-associated fibroblastECMCa2+MAPK1JUNITPR1PTK2ITGAVMYLKMYL2Calcium channelMFAP5TJP1PPPPVCLPITGB3PTK2LPPACTN1CREB1PCREB1CREB1PLPPMAPK3PMAPK1MAPK3PXNLPPACTN1PLCG1PLCG1PPRKCQPPRKCQCa2+Ca2+Ca2+Endothelial cellITGAVITGB3TJP1LPPACTN1Cancer-associated fibroblastCa2+



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  1. Leung CS, Yeung TL, Yip KP, Wong KK, Ho SY, Mangala LS, Sood AK, Lopez-Berestein G, Sheng J, Wong ST, Birrer MJ, Mok SC; ''Cancer-associated fibroblasts regulate endothelial adhesion protein LPP to promote ovarian cancer chemoresistance.''; J Clin Invest, 2018 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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134746view23:26, 26 July 2024EweitzOntology Term : 'neoplastic cell' added !
127772view06:25, 4 December 2023EgonwChEBI id for Ca2+ instead of the "Ca" atom
108134view10:31, 29 November 2019FehrhartOntology Term : 'cancer pathway' added !
103679view23:30, 27 March 2019KhanspersModified description
103677view22:14, 27 March 2019KhanspersModified title
103676view22:14, 27 March 2019KhanspersOntology Term : 'fibroblast' added !
103675view22:13, 27 March 2019KhanspersOntology Term : 'ovarian cancer' added !
103674view22:12, 27 March 2019KhanspersOntology Term : 'endothelial cell' added !
103673view22:11, 27 March 2019KhanspersNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
ACTN1GeneProductENSG00000072110 (Ensembl)
CREB1GeneProductENSG00000118260 (Ensembl)
Ca2+MetaboliteCHEBI:22984 (ChEBI)
Calcium channelGeneProduct
ITGAVGeneProductENSG00000138448 (Ensembl)
ITGB3GeneProductENSG00000259207 (Ensembl)
ITPR1GeneProductENSG00000150995 (Ensembl)
JUNGeneProductENSG00000177606 (Ensembl)
LPPGeneProductENSG00000145012 (Ensembl)
MAPK1GeneProductENSG00000100030 (Ensembl)
MAPK3GeneProductENSG00000102882 (Ensembl)
MFAP5GeneProductENSG00000197614 (Ensembl)
MYL2GeneProductENSG00000111245 (Ensembl)
MYLKGeneProductENSG00000065534 (Ensembl)
PLCG1GeneProductENSG00000124181 (Ensembl)
PRKCQGeneProductENSG00000065675 (Ensembl)
PTK2GeneProductENSG00000169398 (Ensembl)
PXNGeneProductENSG00000089159 (Ensembl)
TJP1GeneProductENSG00000104067 (Ensembl)
VCLGeneProductENSG00000035403 (Ensembl)

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