From WikiPathways
This page contains several statistics and graphs to indicate the status and growth of WikiPathways content and usage.
Contribution scores
Last 30 Days (Top 10) |
Scores are calculated per user based on the quantity and diversity of edits over time. View all Contribution Scores.
Summary statistics
Updated monthly at 23:03 GMT on the 11th.
Content growth
Pathways per species
The following graph shows the number of pathways over time and gives an indication of the growth of the content. Pathways marked for testing/tutorials are excluded from this graph.
Pathways per collection
The size of different pathways collections over time.
Users and activity
Below are several graphs that provide insight in the size and activity of the WikiPathways community.
Editing users
The number of editing users (who have registered and made at least one edit).
Active users per month
The number of users that were active (at least one edit) in a given month.
Cumulative number of edits
The cumulative number of edits, divided into three categories:
- User edits: edits done by users, excluding edits to pathways marked as test/tutorial.
- Test/tutorial edits: edits to pathways marked as test/tutorial.
- Bot edits: edits done by bots (automated scripts for maintenance and batch upload).
Number of edits per month
The number of edits performed in a given month, divided into three categories:
- User edits: edits done by users, excluding edits to pathways marked as test/tutorial.
- Test/tutorial edits: edits to pathways marked as test/tutorial.
- Bot edits: edits done by bots (automated scripts for maintenance and batch upload).
Most active users
The top 15 of most active users and their number of pathway edits.
- More graphs on user, edit and view frequencies on this page.
- Distributions of number of nodes, literature and interactions in the pathways on this page.
- Statistics on the development and source code of WikiPathways at Black Duck Open Hub.