RAF/MAP kinase cascade (Homo sapiens)

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72, 138, 156, 180, 237...93, 131, 259, 30910, 114, 38618, 23, 33, 89, 112...80, 272, 335211, 233, 32812, 21, 257, 29418, 177, 218, 234, 29618, 59, 140, 183, 201...5, 13, 57, 65, 75...19, 190, 312, 354266, 28578, 119, 126, 150, 196...58, 69, 203, 217, 231...242, 289214, 266, 285, 33998, 130117, 133, 194, 2936, 77, 107, 114, 146...31, 73, 74, 137, 158...31254, 129, 159, 176, 198...83, 105, 26210, 17, 18, 59, 114...49, 148, 17827, 29, 43, 51, 64...4, 60, 166, 175, 188...15, 83, 105, 262246, 307, 312, 32118, 28344, 59, 173, 233, 258...83, 105, 262106, 108, 164, 219, 270...227, 322, 336126, 150, 196, 239, 255...18, 22, 48, 77, 85...212, 322, 337, 38342, 134, 19728, 77, 87, 97, 115...18, 23, 33, 89, 112...90, 211, 269, 32850, 155, 376227, 322, 33637, 53, 73, 94, 240...156, 177, 21818, 20, 90, 144, 149...63, 73, 19180, 272, 33573, 2917, 17, 18, 79, 120...18, 124, 309, 37880, 272, 335, 35716, 22, 77, 128, 140...73, 152, 291, 36442, 134, 1972, 20, 22, 26, 163...18, 242211, 233, 328plasma membraneendosome lumennucleoplasmplasma membraneplasma membranecytosolGolgi lumenplasma membranePIK3CB S-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS MAPK3 p-S311,S406KSR1:MARK3:YWHABdimerFGF5-1 Signaling by FGFR1ATPp-S222,S226-MAP2K2 p-S214,S576 ARAF SPRED1 SPTB S-Farn-Me KRAS4B RGL3 FGA p21 RAS:GTP:BRAPp-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF SPRED3 S-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS YWHAB p-T183,Y185-MAPK12 p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 p-T,Y MAPKs GTPV600E BRAF V169_D380del DAP12 interactionsBRAF inhibitorsMAP2K1 P124L S-Farn-Me-PalmS KRAS4A GTP PTPN3 Signaling by SCF-KITRASGRF2 S-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS Neuregulins p-S222,S226-MAP2K2 RAP1A p-2S MAP2Khomo/heterodimersPPP2R5B p-S311,Y552 KSR1 PSMB6 MAPK1 FGB PPP2R1A p-S445,S729-BRAF p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 DUSP9 hyperphosphorylatedRAF1S-Farn-Me-PalmS KRAS4A p-S311,Y552 KSR1 p-S445,S729-BRAF PTPN7 MAPK3 NCAM signaling forneurite out-growthMAP2K1 F53C GTP p-T185,Y187-MAPK1 BRAF 599dupT p-S311 KSR1 High affinity binding complex dimers of cytokine receptors using Bc, inactive JAK2, p-(Y593,628)-Bc:p(427,349,350)-SHC1 p-5Y-RET p-S445,S729-BRAF RAF dimer inhibitorsp-S621-RAF1 PSMB1 ADPCa2+ AREG(101-187) Signaling by NTRK1(TRKA)p-S445,S729-BRAF TLN1 TLN1 MAPK1 p-T184-RASGRP1 ATPPPP2R5C p-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF GTP PTPN3MAP2K2 p-T185,Y187-MAPK1 activatedRAF:scaffold:MAP2K:MAPK complexF-actin PDGFA-2 F-actin RASA3 UBC(381-456) p-6Y-PTK2 SYNGAP1 SPRED2 IL17RD:p-2SMAP2Ks:MAPKsMAP2K1 D67N MAP2K2 L46F YWHAB p-S445,S729-BRAF p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 activatedRAF:scaffold:p-2SMAP2K:p-2TMAPK:singlemechanism MAPKinhibitorsSPTA1 Ca2+ p-S311,Y552 KSR1 MAPKs p-T185,Y187-MAPK1 PPP2CA S-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS PSMA6 PTPN7 FGF3 BRAF G469A S-Farn-Me-PalmS KRAS4A SPRED dimer:ub-NF1YWHAB DUSP8 p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 FGF4 PDGFA-1 S-Farn-Me-PalmS KRAS4A p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 RASA1 FN1(32-2386) Signaling by FGFR2Signaling by FGFR4p-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF BTC(32-111) MAP2K2 P128Q PSPN IL17RD:p-2SMAP2Ks:p-T,Y MAPKsS-Farn-Me PalmS NRAS p-S222,S226-MAP2K2 BRAF V600E V169_M438del p21RAS:GTP:activatedRAF1homo/heterodimer:PEBP1p-S311 KSR1 S-Farn-Me PalmS NRAS MAP2K1 Q56P p-S311KSR1:MARK3:YWHABdimerActivated FGFR2c homodimer bound to FGF S-Farn-Me KRAS4B MAPK12MAP2K2 p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 GTP p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF PSMC2 MAP2K1 F53Y p-S311,Y552 KSR1 Mg2+ MARK3 PSMB4 PI(4,5)P2 PSMD5 p-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF PPP2CB PSMD7 RPS27A(1-76) p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF p-T,Y MAPKs PSMA4 p-12Y-PDGFRB CNKSR2 p21RAS:GTP:'activator'RAF:YWHAB dimerUBC(457-532) p-Y317-SHC1-2 NCAM1 PAQR3 PPP5Cp-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF ADPp-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF ATPSPRED dimer:NF1FGG p-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF ATPp-T183,Y185-MAPK12ITGA2B(32-1039) ARRB1 UBB(153-228) PSMD9 p21 RAS:GTPLAMTOR2 MAP2K1 F53V NF1(2-2839) MAP2K2 N126D CSK ITGB3 MAP2K1 E44_E57del FGG RGL2 S-Farn-Me KRAS4B RASA3 FGA Cell surfaceinteractions at thevascular wallVWF(23-763) YWHAB p-S445,S729-BRAF H2OIL17RD DUSP5 LAMTOR2 S-Farn-Me PalmS NRAS S-Farn-Me-2xPalmSHRAS:GTPp-S445,S729-BRAF LAMTOR3 SHFM1 RASA4 KSR2 ADPRAP1B RAP1B UBC(305-380) H2OS-Farn-Me-PalmS KRAS4A FLT3LG p-ERBB4cyt1 homodimers p-S311,S406 KSR1 FGG HGF(495-728) UBB(77-152) PSME2 p-S445,S729-BRAF activated RAFhomo/heterodimerPhosphorylated ERBB2:ERBB4cyt2 heterodimers p21RAS:GTP:p-S621RAF1homo/heterodimerp-T185,Y187-MAPK1 SOS1 p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF Signaling by PDGFp21 RAS:GTP:RAS GAPsGTP UbCNKSR1 Mn2+ PiDUSP2 ATPp-S459 PTPN3 p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF SPRED dimerPSMB9 PP2ALAMTOR2 CAMK2D WDR83:LAMTOR2:LAMTOR3GTP RASGRP1 APBB1IP S-Farn-Me KRAS4B HGF(32-494) p-Y239,Y240,Y317-SHC1-2 PIK3R1 YWHAB p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 FGG PPP2R5D ARTN ARRB1 NF1(2-2839) MAPK1 p-S576 ARAF p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 p-T,Y MAPKsp-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF p-S311,Y552 KSR1 MAP2K1 K57T S-Farn-Me PalmS NRAS p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAFp-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF PSMD8 PSMC1 p-6Y-FGFR3c PiH2Osingle mechanismMAPK inhibitorsJAK3 MAP2K1 P124S p-S311,S406KSR1:MARK3S-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS p-S445,S729-BRAF UBC(533-608) p-S218,S222-MAP2K1 UBC(77-152) MAPKsp-S445,S729-BRAF p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF inactive RAFsUBC(229-304) BRAF L485F PTPN7:p-T-MAPKdimersMn2+ MAP2K2 Y134C BRAF Q257R S-Farn-Me KRAS4B FN1(32-2386) p-S311 KSR1 MAPK1 SPRED1 BRAPPSMD12 PPP2CA WDR83 RAF activatingkinasesCSK p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 CAMK2A Autophosphorylated FLT3 RASAL1 PSME1 p-S621-RAF1 GRIN2B p-S311,Y552 KSR1 UBC(609-684) YWHAB p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 YWHAB PiS-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS MAPK monomers anddimersp-7Y,Y1112-ERBB2 S-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS MAP2K2 F57C p-Y349,Y350-SHC1 BRAF K499E S-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS PTPN3:p-T183,Y185-MAPK12p-S218,S222-MAP2K1 MARK3 p-S311,Y552 KSR1 p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF MAP2K1 G128V p-8Y-FGFR1c HBEGF(63-148) PSMA3 p-S311,Y552 KSR1 ADPDUSP10 MAPK1 SPRED1 PSMA8 S-Farn-Me KRAS4B GFRA1 p-S214,S576 ARAF p-S218,S222-MAP2K1 FN1(32-2386) p-S311,Y552 KSR1 GTP RASAL2 p-S218,S222-MAP2K1 VWF(23-763) DUSP1 single mechanismMAP2K1/2 inhibitorsp-S576 ARAF YWHAB SPRED2 p-S311,Y552 KSR1 S-Farn-Me PalmS NRAS GTP GDNF S-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS UBB(153-228) p-T185-MAPK1 p-T,Y MAPK dimers UBC(305-380) p-6Y-ERBB2 heterodimers ANGPT1 RAP1B Pip-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 CNKSR1 APBB1IP p-S218,S222-MAP2K1 S-GCCMRAS:GTP:SHOC2:PP1PSMD13 EREG(60-108) MARK3 ARRB2 p-S259,S621-RAF1 LRRC7 S-Farn-Me PalmS NRAS GTP p-S218,S222-MAP2K1 p-T286-CAMK2A PI(4,5)P2 S-Farn-Me PalmS NRAS PPP2R1B ITGB3 MARK3 RAS GAPsPPP2R1A GTP p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 DLG2 p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 FGF18 p-S621-RAF1 p-Y1172,Y1226-ERBB4 JM-A CYT-2 isoform UBC(457-532) CNKSR1 activatedRAF:scaffold:p-2SMAP2K:MAPK:dualmechanism MAPKinhibitorsRALGDS FGF10 FGA PDGFB (82-190) PTPN7:p-T,Y-MAPKdimersGTP KLB IL17RD ADPIL17RDp-6Y-FGFR3b KSR2 SYNGAP1 S-Farn-Me-PalmS KRAS4A GTP TLN1 SPRED3 IL2RA VWF(23-763) VCL S-Farn-Me-PalmS KRAS4A V600E BRAF splicevariantsMARK3 S-Farn-Me KRAS4B H2Op-T,Y MAPK dimers RAP1A BRAF inhibitors:highkinase activityBRAF mutantsBRAF V600E V47_M438del PIK3CA p-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF PPP1CC S-Farn-Me-PalmS KRAS4A WDR83 Ca2+ S-Farn-Me-PalmS KRAS4A PSMB11 dephosphorylatedinactive RAFS:YWHABdimerMAP2K1 and MAP2K2mutantsp21RAS:GTP:activatedRAFhomo/heterodimersp-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 p-S576 ARAF activatedRAF:scaffold:p-2S MAP2K:MAPK:singlemechanism MAP2KinhibitorsS-Farn-Me_2xPalmSHRAS:GTP:RAL GDSproteinsp-S621-RAF1 ATPKSR1:MARK3PSMC4 p-T,Y MAPK monomersand dimers:PEA15p-5Y-FGFR4 p-S311,Y552 KSR1 YWHAB PSMF1 p21 RAS:GTP:PI3KV600E BRAF splicevariant dimerS-Farn-Me KRAS4B S-Farn-Me-PalmS KRAS4A MAPK3 GRIN1 GTP p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF CAMK2B PSME4 S-Farn-Me-PalmS KRAS4A p-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF KSR2 p-Y-SHC1 activatedRAF:scaffold:MAP2K:MAPK complex:dual mechanism MAP2K inhibitorsRANBP9 FGF1 LAMTOR3 KSR1 p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1ITGA2B(32-1039) S-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS PSMC6 Mn2+ PSMD11 H2ORASGRF2 PPP2CB p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF p-T202,Y204-MAPK3 GalNAc-T178-FGF23(25-251) S-Farn-Me PalmS NRAS SPRED2 p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 RPS27A(1-76) p-S445,S729-BRAF CALM1 p-Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 CSK BRAF K601E MAPK3 FGF23(25-251) GTP IQGAP1 p-S222,S226-MAP2K2 p21RAS:GTP:activatedRAFhomo/heterodimercomplexesYWHAB UBC(609-684) UBA52(1-76) p-S259,S621-RAF1 MAP2K1 MyrG,p-Y530-SRC ITGA2B(32-1039) p-S311,Y552 KSR1 ITGB3 MARK3 p-S311 KSR1:MARK3RAP1B SPTBN4 FGF6 S-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS p-S311 KSR1 CUL3 MAP2K1 G128D SPTAN1 F-actin ub-NF1(2-2839) p-S365,S445,S729 BRAF MAP2K1 E203K p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 p-S621-RAF1 p-S311 KSR1 ATPp-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF MAP3K11RASGEF1A GFRA4 p-S621-RAF1 RASAL1 p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF p-S311,Y552 KSR1 BRAF V600E V47_D380del DUSP16 UBC(1-76) Ca2+ FGF17-1 Mg2+ p-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF PPP2R5A Gly Ca2+ S-GGC MRAS EGF BRAF V600E V169_M438del p-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF p-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF Mn2+ p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF S-Farn-Me PalmS NRAS ARRB1 PEBP1 ITGB3 PPP2R5E p-S311 KSR1 Ca2+ S-Farn-Me PalmS NRAS p-S445,S729-BRAF p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF BRAF V600E V47_M438del UBC(77-152) MARK3 SPRED1 CAMK2G GRIN2D FGF2(10-155) p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF FGF19 RGL1 ADPS-Farn-Me KRAS4B PIK3CB H2OMAP2K1 K57N p21 RAS:GDPDUSP16 S-Farn-Me KRAS4B PEA15PiTLN1 GTP BRAF V600E V47_D380del PSMB10 PPP2R1B Pip-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF L-Glu p-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF UBB(1-76) p-Y427-SHC1 PSMA2 dephosphorylatedinactive RAFsRBX1 ADPhigh kinase activityBRAF mutantsp-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF FGG VCL TGFA(24-98) CNKSR2 PPP2R5A NF1(2-2839)MAPK3 Signaling by FGFR3p21RAS:GTP:homo/heterodimerized RAF complexPI(4,5)P2 MAPK3 p-T287-CAMK2G YWHAB Interleukin-2 familysignalingMAPK1 HS p-T,Y MAPKs RGL2 PEBP1DUSP7 YWHAB p-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF MARK3 D-Ser p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 VWF(23-763) BRAF V600E V47_D380del BRAP S-Farn-Me-PalmS KRAS4A ADPS-Farn-Me PalmS NRAS ATPIL2RG S-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS ARRB2 GDP FGA ACTN2 KSR1 p-6Y-FRS2 p-S311,Y552 KSR1 PAQR3:inactive RAFsOther interleukinsignalingcytosolic MAPK DUSPsIQGAP1 Mn2+ V600E BRAF V169_D380del PSMD14 MyrG-p-Y419-SRC FGA CSK SPRED2 RALGDS S-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS p-6Y-EGFR RAP1A H2OS-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS YWHAB PSMB8 p-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF p-T287-CAMK2D GTP p-S311 KSR1 BRAF V600E p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 CALM1 DLG4 PI(4,5)P2 ARRB2 p-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF activatedRAF:scaffold:p-2SMAP2K:p-2T MAPKcomplexMyrG,p-Y530-SRC NEFL PSMD2 S-Farn-Me-PalmS KRAS4A S-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS Signaling by EGFRS-Farn-Me PalmS NRAS MAP2K1 F53S PPP2R5C p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 S-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS p-Y-SHC2 GTP S-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS NRTN p-11Y-PDGFRA ARRB2 RAS processingRASA2 MARK3 ADPRGL3 MAP2K2 KSR2 p-S365,S445,S729 BRAF SPRED3 YWHAB FGF16 p-T202,Y204-MAPK3 WDR83:LAMTOR2:LAMTOR3:activated RAF:p-2S MAP2K:p-T,Y MAPK complexMAPK1 VCL 26S proteasomeMAPK3 Activated FGFR2b homodimer bound to FGF H2OIQGAP1 PiNeurotransmitterreceptors andpostsynaptic signaltransmissionPSME3 PTPN7S-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS RASA1 p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF ARRB1 p-Y194,Y195,Y272-SHC1-3 p-Y-JAK1 S-Farn-Me PalmS NRAS GRB2-1 p-S311 KSR1 p21RAS:GTP:homo/heterodimerized RAF complex:RAF dimer inhibitorsp-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 hyperphosphorylatedBRAFp-2S MAP2K1:p-2SMAPK2K2 heterodimerPip-T202,Y204-MAPK3 MAP2K2 V35M p-S445,S729-BRAF p-S311,Y552 KSR1 ATPp-S311,Y552 KSR1 WDR83:LAMTOR2:LAMTOR3:activated RAF:MAP2K:MAPK complexp-Y420-FYN VCL S-Farn-Me PalmS NRAS PAQR3p-S222,S226-MAP2K2 BRAF V600E V47_M438del S-Farn-Me PalmS NRAS S-Farn-Me PalmS NRAS p-S218,S222-MAP2K1 PIK3CA PIK3R1 p-S222,S226-MAP2K2 BRAF V600E V169_M438del activatedRAF:scaffold:p-2SMAP2K:MAPK complexGTP Autophosphorylated p-Y877-ERBB2 heterodimers Signaling by ERBB2KSR2 GDPp-S222,S226-MAP2K2 p-6Y,Y1112-ERBB2 SPRED1 p-2S MAP2K homo/heterodimers DUSP10 p-S311 KSR1 S-Farn-Me-PalmS KRAS4A PPP2R5B APBB1IP IQGAP1 p-S445,S729-BRAF UBB(1-76) p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF CNKSR1 p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF S-Farn-Me PalmS NRAS ITGB3 UBC(153-228) S-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS YWHAB APBB1IP PEA15 p-S311,Y552 KSR1 SPRED2 PSMA1 p-S311,S406 KSR1 RAP1B FGF20 RASA2 PSMB3 TLN1 PPP2R5E p-8Y-FGFR1b p-S259,S621-RAF1 ITGA2B(32-1039) S-Farn-Me-PalmS KRAS4A BRAF G534R MyrG,p-Y530-SRC RGL1 p-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF S-Farn-Me PalmS NRAS p-S311,Y552 KSR1 p-T202,Y204-MAPK3 p-T,Y MAPK dimersp-S214,S576 ARAF p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF p-S459PTPN3:p-T183,Y185-MAPK12p-Y-SHC3 p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 S-Farn-Me KRAS4B FN1(32-2386) p-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF GTP p-S576 ARAF S-Farn-Me KRAS4B p21RAS:GTP:dephosphorylated RAF1 homo/heterodimerDLG1 UBC(153-228) p-7Y-KIT MyrG,p-Y530-SRC p-T287-CAMK2B MAP2K1 CSK MAP2K1 F53L Signaling by the BCell Receptor (BCR)BRAF S467A p-T202,Y204-MAPK3 DAG SHOC2 PSMB2 PSMD1 PSMA5 CNKSR2 BRAP PSMD4 RASAL3 S-Farn-Me-PalmS KRAS4A PI3KPSMB7 p-T185,Y187-MAPK1 p-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF FGB RAF/MAPK scaffoldsp-T202,Y204-MAPK3 KL-1 VCL PSMC3 p-Y364,Y418,Y536-IL2RB p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF V600E BRAF V169_D380del ITGA2B(32-1039) RAP1A p-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF FN1(32-2386) p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF H2OYWHAB LAMTOR3 ARRB1 Fc epsilon receptor(FCERI) signalingp-5Y-LAT-2 CNKSR2 MAPK monomers anddimersRASA4 p21RAS:GTP:activatedRAF1homo/heterodimerSPRED3 PIK3R2 Ca2+ p-S576 ARAF FGF9 p-T185,Y187-MAPK1 p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF S-Farn-Me KRAS4B p-S311,Y552 KSR1 ATPKL-2 UBC(1-76) PSMA7 FGB p-S445,S729-BRAF S-Farn-Me PalmS NRAS S-Farn-Me-PalmS KRAS4A p-5Y,S1119-TEK GTP dual mechanism MAPKinhibitorsSPTBN5 p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF MARK3 JAK2 KBTBD7 dual mechanismMAP2K1/2 inhibitorsS-Farn-Me KRAS4B MAP2K1 V60E S-Farn-Me KRAS4B UbS-Farn-Me-PalmS KRAS4A p-2S,T MAP2K1:p-2SMAPK2K2 heterodimerp-S222,S226-MAP2K2 RASAL2 YWHAB dimerYWHAB p-S311,Y552 KSR1 dephosphorylated"receiver" RAF/KSR1FGF8-1 p-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF 'activator'RAF:YWHAB dimerF-actin Phosphorylated ERBB2:ERBB4cyt1 heterodimers BRAP:KSR1:MARK3p-S218,S222-MAP2K1 YWHAB MAPK1 Interleukin-3,Interleukin-5 andGM-CSF signalingSPRED3 p-S365,S445,S729 BRAF RAP1A DUSP6 p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 EGF-like ligands PHBRAL GDS proteinsp-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 p-Y349,Y350,Y427-SHC1 p-Y-IRS1 MARK3 WDR83 BRAF K601N IQGAP1 p-T,Y MAPK monomersand dimersRASGRF1 MAPK3 p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 UBA52(1-76) Signaling by InsulinreceptorGFRA2 S-Farn-Me-PalmS KRAS4A p-Y239,Y240,Y317-SHC1-2 p-S445,S729-BRAF ADPp-T183,Y185-MAPK12 F-actin GTP Mg2+ FGB PiPSMC5 p-Y-IRS2 PSMB5 p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF IL2 p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 ub-BRAP S-Farn-Me KRAS4B APBB1IP MAP2K2 C125S CNKSR2 DAB2IP UBC(381-456) MARK3 RAS GEFsMAP2K1 C121S MARK3 MAP2K1 S-Farn-Me KRAS4B MAP2Khomo/heterodimersEPGN(23-154) PSMD6 p-T,Y MAPK monomersand dimersRAPGEF2 NF1(2-2839) ARRB2 PI(4,5)P2 FGB MAP2K1 D67Y p-T,Y MAPK dimers MARK3 p-5Y-FRS3 S-Farn-Me KRAS4B Mg2+ KITLG-1(26-190) RASAL3 SPTBN1 p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 DLG3 p-S222,S226-MAP2K2 Signaling by ERBB4PSMD3 FGF22 PPP2R5D VWF(23-763) p-S311 KSR1 GFRA3 UBB(77-152) PTPRA p-T133-RASGRP3 p-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF UBC(229-304) p-Y1234,Y1235,Y1349,Y1356-MET DUSP8 YWHAB SPTBN2 CNKSR1 S-Farn-Me KRAS4B PSMD10 Signaling by Type 1Insulin-like GrowthFactor 1 Receptor(IGF1R)PDGFB(82-241) DAB2IP p-S445,S729-BRAF PP2ADUSP4 p21 RAS:GTP:ub-BRAPMARK3 S-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS GTP PPP1CB nuclear MAPK DUSPsp-T202-MAPK3 inactive RAFs:YWHABdimerS-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS Mg2+ UBC(533-608) p-S,218, S222,T292 MAP2K1 KBTBD7:CUL3:RBX1PIK3R2 MyrG,p-Y530-SRC MARK3 RASGRP4 MAP2K1 Y130C MAP2K1 P124Q 23833430, 40, 224273160, 25614, 96, 102, 1542731, 3, 9, 11, 24...287279318334279328273111, 172, 23084, 228, 241, 245, 37215832, 153, 235, 275, 278...2798, 6525, 70, 100, 182, 184...1923183141, 101, 35228425, 70, 100, 182, 184...76, 223, 308, 311, 344...27325, 70, 100, 182, 184...318, 334299, 334237, 384273315, 38827321825, 70, 100, 182, 184...151, 298273273104, 276, 38513727374160, 334299, 33467, 123, 295, 301299, 3342733343346833427935, 39, 46, 47, 56...273279110, 220, 229, 261, 324...273162, 37020821845, 157, 167, 213, 274...237, 384279273162112334, 384145193


The RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK pathway regulates processes such as proliferation, differentiation, survival, senescence and cell motility in response to growth factors, hormones and cytokines, among others. Binding of these stimuli to receptors in the plasma membrane promotes the GEF-mediated activation of RAS at the plasma membrane and initiates the three-tiered kinase cascade of the conventional MAPK cascades. GTP-bound RAS recruits RAF (the MAPK kinase kinase), and promotes its dimerization and activation (reviewed in Cseh et al, 2014; Roskoski, 2010; McKay and Morrison, 2007; Wellbrock et al, 2004). Activated RAF phosphorylates the MAPK kinase proteins MEK1 and MEK2 (also known as MAP2K1 and MAP2K2), which in turn phophorylate the proline-directed kinases ERK1 and 2 (also known as MAPK3 and MAPK1) (reviewed in Roskoski, 2012a, b; Kryiakis and Avruch, 2012). Activated ERK proteins may undergo dimerization and have identified targets in both the nucleus and the cytosol; consistent with this, a proportion of activated ERK protein relocalizes to the nucleus in response to stimuli (reviewed in Roskoski 2012b; Turjanski et al, 2007; Plotnikov et al, 2010; Cargnello et al, 2011). Although initially seen as a linear cascade originating at the plasma membrane and culminating in the nucleus, the RAS/RAF MAPK cascade is now also known to be activated from various intracellular location. Temporal and spatial specificity of the cascade is achieved in part through the interaction of pathway components with numerous scaffolding proteins (reviewed in McKay and Morrison, 2007; Brown and Sacks, 2009).
The importance of the RAS/RAF MAPK cascade is highlighted by the fact that components of this pathway are mutated with high frequency in a large number of human cancers. Activating mutations in RAS are found in approximately one third of human cancers, while ~8% of tumors express an activated form of BRAF (Roberts and Der, 2007; Davies et al, 2002; Cantwell-Dorris et al, 2011). View original pathway at Reactome.


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  357. Morris EJ, Jha S, Restaino CR, Dayananth P, Zhu H, Cooper A, Carr D, Deng Y, Jin W, Black S, Long B, Liu J, Dinunzio E, Windsor W, Zhang R, Zhao S, Angagaw MH, Pinheiro EM, Desai J, Xiao L, Shipps G, Hruza A, Wang J, Kelly J, Paliwal S, Gao X, Babu BS, Zhu L, Daublain P, Zhang L, Lutterbach BA, Pelletier MR, Philippar U, Siliphaivanh P, Witter D, Kirschmeier P, Bishop WR, Hicklin D, Gilliland DG, Jayaraman L, Zawel L, Fawell S, Samatar AA.; ''Discovery of a novel ERK inhibitor with activity in models of acquired resistance to BRAF and MEK inhibitors.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  358. Shin SY, Rath O, Choo SM, Fee F, McFerran B, Kolch W, Cho KH.; ''Positive- and negative-feedback regulations coordinate the dynamic behavior of the Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK signal transduction pathway.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  359. Montagut C, Sharma SV, Shioda T, McDermott U, Ulman M, Ulkus LE, Dias-Santagata D, Stubbs H, Lee DY, Singh A, Drew L, Haber DA, Settleman J.; ''Elevated CRAF as a potential mechanism of acquired resistance to BRAF inhibition in melanoma.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  360. Teis D, Wunderlich W, Huber LA.; ''Localization of the MP1-MAPK scaffold complex to endosomes is mediated by p14 and required for signal transduction.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  361. Feng SM, Muraoka-Cook RS, Hunter D, Sandahl MA, Caskey LS, Miyazawa K, Atfi A, Earp HS.; ''The E3 ubiquitin ligase WWP1 selectively targets HER4 and its proteolytically derived signaling isoforms for degradation.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  362. Cseh B, Doma E, Baccarini M.; ''"RAF" neighborhood: protein-protein interaction in the Raf/Mek/Erk pathway.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  363. Ohren JF, Chen H, Pavlovsky A, Whitehead C, Zhang E, Kuffa P, Yan C, McConnell P, Spessard C, Banotai C, Mueller WT, Delaney A, Omer C, Sebolt-Leopold J, Dudley DT, Leung IK, Flamme C, Warmus J, Kaufman M, Barrett S, Tecle H, Hasemann CA.; ''Structures of human MAP kinase kinase 1 (MEK1) and MEK2 describe novel noncompetitive kinase inhibition.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  364. Heldin CH, Westermark B.; ''Mechanism of action and in vivo role of platelet-derived growth factor.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  365. Salzano M, Rusciano MR, Russo E, Bifulco M, Postiglione L, Vitale M.; ''Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) phosphorylates Raf-1 at serine 338 and mediates Ras-stimulated Raf-1 activation.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  366. Boga SB, Deng Y, Zhu L, Nan Y, Cooper AB, Shipps GW, Doll R, Shih NY, Zhu H, Sun R, Wang T, Paliwal S, Tsui HC, Gao X, Yao X, Desai J, Wang J, Alhassan AB, Kelly J, Patel M, Muppalla K, Gudipati S, Zhang LK, Buevich A, Hesk D, Carr D, Dayananth P, Black S, Mei H, Cox K, Sherborne B, Hruza AW, Xiao L, Jin W, Long B, Liu G, Taylor SA, Kirschmeier P, Windsor WT, Bishop R, Samatar AA.; ''MK-8353: Discovery of an Orally Bioavailable Dual Mechanism ERK Inhibitor for Oncology.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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  386. Chadee DN, Kyriakis JM.; ''A novel role for mixed lineage kinase 3 (MLK3) in B-Raf activation and cell proliferation.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  387. Paatero I, Jokilammi A, Heikkinen PT, Iljin K, Kallioniemi OP, Jones FE, Jaakkola PM, Elenius K.; ''Interaction with ErbB4 promotes hypoxia-inducible factor-1α signaling.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  388. King PD, Lubeck BA, Lapinski PE.; ''Nonredundant functions for Ras GTPase-activating proteins in tissue homeostasis.''; PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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114761view16:25, 25 January 2021ReactomeTeamReactome version 75
113205view11:27, 2 November 2020ReactomeTeamReactome version 74
112429view15:37, 9 October 2020ReactomeTeamReactome version 73
101333view11:22, 1 November 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 66
100871view20:55, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 65
100412view19:28, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 64
99961view16:13, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 63
99516view14:46, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 62 (2nd attempt)
99158view12:41, 31 October 2018ReactomeTeamreactome version 62
93933view13:46, 16 August 2017ReactomeTeamreactome version 61
93520view11:25, 9 August 2017ReactomeTeamreactome version 61
88127view10:15, 26 July 2016RyanmillerOntology Term : 'kinase mediated signaling pathway' added !
88126view10:15, 26 July 2016RyanmillerOntology Term : 'signaling pathway' added !
86618view09:22, 11 July 2016ReactomeTeamreactome version 56
83142view10:09, 18 November 2015ReactomeTeamVersion54
81486view13:01, 21 August 2015ReactomeTeamVersion53
76963view08:24, 17 July 2014ReactomeTeamFixed remaining interactions
76668view12:03, 16 July 2014ReactomeTeamFixed remaining interactions
75998view10:05, 11 June 2014ReactomeTeamRe-fixing comment source
75701view11:04, 10 June 2014ReactomeTeamReactome 48 Update
75057view13:56, 8 May 2014AnweshaFixing comment source for displaying WikiPathways description
74701view08:46, 30 April 2014ReactomeTeamNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
'activator' RAF:YWHAB dimerComplexR-HSA-5672710 (Reactome)
26S proteasomeComplexR-HSA-68819 (Reactome)
ACTN2 ProteinP35609 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ADPMetaboliteCHEBI:456216 (ChEBI)
ANGPT1 ProteinQ15389 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
APBB1IP ProteinQ7Z5R6 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
AREG(101-187) ProteinP15514 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ARRB1 ProteinP49407 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ARRB2 ProteinP32121 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ARTN ProteinQ5T4W7 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ATPMetaboliteCHEBI:30616 (ChEBI)
Activated FGFR2b homodimer bound to FGF R-HSA-192606 (Reactome)
Activated FGFR2c homodimer bound to FGF R-HSA-192616 (Reactome)
Autophosphorylated FLT3 ProteinP36888 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Autophosphorylated p-Y877-ERBB2 heterodimers R-HSA-1963580 (Reactome)
BRAF 599dupT ProteinP15056 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BRAF G469A ProteinP15056 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BRAF G534R ProteinP15056 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BRAF K499E ProteinP15056 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BRAF K601E ProteinP15056 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BRAF K601N ProteinP15056 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BRAF L485F ProteinP15056 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BRAF Q257R ProteinP15056 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BRAF S467A ProteinP15056 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BRAF V600E V169_M438del ProteinP15056 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BRAF V600E ProteinP15056 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BRAF V600E V47_D380del ProteinP15056 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BRAF V600E V47_M438del ProteinP15056 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BRAF inhibitors:high

kinase activity

BRAF mutants
ComplexR-HSA-6802578 (Reactome)
BRAF inhibitorsComplexR-ALL-6802559 (Reactome)
BRAP ProteinQ7Z569 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BRAP:KSR1:MARK3ComplexR-HSA-5674011 (Reactome)
BRAPProteinQ7Z569 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
BTC(32-111) ProteinP35070 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CALM1 ProteinP0DP23 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CAMK2A ProteinQ9UQM7 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CAMK2B ProteinQ13554 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CAMK2D ProteinQ13557 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CAMK2G ProteinQ13555 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CNKSR1 ProteinQ969H4 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CNKSR2 ProteinQ8WXI2 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CSK ProteinP41240 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
CUL3 ProteinQ13618 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Ca2+ MetaboliteCHEBI:29108 (ChEBI)
Cell surface

interactions at the

vascular wall
PathwayR-HSA-202733 (Reactome) Leukocyte extravasation is a rigorously controlled process that guides white cell movement from the vascular lumen to sites of tissue inflammation. The powerful adhesive interactions that are required for leukocytes to withstand local flow at the vessel wall is a multistep process mediated by different adhesion molecules. Platelets adhered to injured vessel walls form strong adhesive substrates for leukocytes. For instance, the initial tethering and rolling of leukocytes over the site of injury are mediated by reversible binding of selectins to their cognate cell-surface glycoconjugates.

Endothelial cells are tightly connected through various proteins, which regulate the organization of the junctional complex and bind to cytoskeletal proteins or cytoplasmic interaction partners that allow the transfer of intracellular signals. An important role for these junctional proteins in governing the transendothelial migration of leukocytes under normal or inflammatory conditions has been established.

This pathway describes some of the key interactions that assist in the process of platelet and leukocyte interaction with the endothelium, in response to injury.

D-Ser MetaboliteCHEBI:16523 (ChEBI)
DAB2IP ProteinQ5VWQ8 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
DAG MetaboliteCHEBI:17815 (ChEBI)
DAP12 interactionsPathwayR-HSA-2172127 (Reactome) DNAX activation protein of 12kDa (DAP12) is an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-bearing adapter molecule that transduces activating signals in natural killer (NK) and myeloid cells. It mediates signalling for multiple cell-surface receptors expressed by these cells, associating with receptor chains through complementary charged transmembrane amino acids that form a salt-bridge in the context of the hydrophobic lipid bilayer (Lanier et al. 1998). DAP12 homodimers associate with a variety of receptors expressed by macrophages, monocytes and myeloid cells including TREM2, Siglec H and SIRP-beta, as well as activating KIR, LY49 and the NKG2C proteins expressed by NK cells. DAP12 is expressed at the cell surface, with most of the protein lying on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane (Turnbull & Colonna 2007, Tessarz & Cerwenka 2008).
DLG1 ProteinQ12959 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
DLG2 ProteinQ15700 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
DLG3 ProteinQ92796 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
DLG4 ProteinP78352 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
DUSP1 ProteinP28562 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
DUSP10 ProteinQ9Y6W6 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
DUSP16 ProteinQ9BY84 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
DUSP2 ProteinQ05923 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
DUSP4 ProteinQ13115 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
DUSP5 ProteinQ16690 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
DUSP6 ProteinQ16828 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
DUSP7 ProteinQ16829 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
DUSP8 ProteinQ13202 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
DUSP9 ProteinQ99956 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
EGF ProteinP01133 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
EGF-like ligands R-HSA-1233230 (Reactome)
EPGN(23-154) ProteinQ6UW88 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
EREG(60-108) ProteinO14944 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
F-actin R-HSA-196015 (Reactome)
FGA ProteinP02671 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FGB ProteinP02675 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FGF1 ProteinP05230 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FGF10 ProteinO15520 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FGF16 ProteinO43320 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FGF17-1 ProteinO60258-1 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FGF18 ProteinO76093 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FGF19 ProteinO95750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FGF2(10-155) ProteinP09038 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FGF20 ProteinQ9NP95 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FGF22 ProteinQ9HCT0 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FGF23(25-251) ProteinQ9GZV9 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FGF3 ProteinP11487 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FGF4 ProteinP08620 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FGF5-1 ProteinP12034-1 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FGF6 ProteinP10767 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FGF8-1 ProteinP55075-1 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FGF9 ProteinP31371 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FGG ProteinP02679 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FLT3LG ProteinP49771 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
FN1(32-2386) ProteinP02751 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Fc epsilon receptor (FCERI) signalingPathwayR-HSA-2454202 (Reactome) Mast cells (MC) are distributed in tissues throughout the human body and have long been recognized as key cells of type I hypersensitivity reactions. They also play important roles in inflammatory and immediate allergic reactions. Activation through FCERI-bound antigen-specific IgE causes release of potent inflammatory mediators, such as histamine, proteases, chemotactic factors, cytokines and metabolites of arachidonic acid that act on the vasculature, smooth muscle, connective tissue, mucous glands and inflammatory cells (Borish & Joseph 1992, Amin 2012, Metcalfe et al. 1993). FCERI is a multimeric cell-surface receptor that binds the Fc fragment of IgE with high affinity. On mast cells and basophils FCERI exists as a tetrameric complex consisting of one alpha-chain, one beta-chain, and two disulfide-bonded gamma-chains, and on dendritic cells, Langerhans cells, macrophages, and eosinophils it exists as a trimeric complex with one alpha-chain and two disulfide-bonded gamma-chains (Wu 2011, Kraft & Kinet 2007). FCERI signaling in mast cells includes a network of signaling molecules and adaptor proteins. These molecules coordinate ultimately leading to effects on degranulation, eicosanoid production, and cytokine and chemokine production and cell migration and adhesion, growth and survival.
The first step in FCERI signaling is the phosphorylation of the tyrosine residues in the ITAM of both the beta and the gamma subunits of the FCERI by LYN, which is bound to the FCERI beta-chain. The phosphorylated ITAM then recruits the protein tyrosine kinase SYK (spleen tyrosine kinase) which then phosphorylates the adaptor protein LAT. Phosphorylated LAT (linker for activation of T cells) acts as a scaffolding protein and recruits other cytosolic adaptor molecules GRB2 (growth-factor-receptor-bound protein 2), GADS (GRB2-related adaptor protein), SHC (SRC homology 2 (SH2)-domain-containing transforming protein C) and SLP76 (SH2-domain-containing leukocyte protein of 76 kDa), as well as the exchange factors and adaptor molecules VAV and SOS (son of sevenless homologue), and the signalling enzyme phospholipase C gamma1 (PLC-gamma1). Tyrosoine phosphorylation of enzymes and adaptors, including VAV, SHC GRB2 and SOS stimulate small GTPases such as RAC, RAS and RAF. These pathways lead to activation of the ERK, JNK and p38 MAP kinases, histamine release and cytokine production. FCERI activation also triggers the phosphorylation of PLC-gamma which upon membrane localisation hydrolyse PIP2 to form IP3 and 1,2-diacylglycerol (DAG) - second messengers that release Ca2+ from internal stores and activate PKC, respectively. Degranulation or histamine release follows the activation of PLC-gamma and protein kinase C (PKC) and the increased mobilization of calcium (Ca2+). Receptor aggregation also results in the phosphorylation of adaptor protein NTAL/LAT2 which then recruits GAB2. PI3K associates with phosphorylated GAB2 and catalyses the formation of PIP3 in the membrane, which attracts many PH domain proteins like BTK, PLC-gamma, AKT and PDK. PI3K mediated activation of AKT then regulate the mast cell proliferation, development and survival (Gu et al. 2001).
GDNF ProteinP39905 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
GDP MetaboliteCHEBI:17552 (ChEBI)
GDPMetaboliteCHEBI:17552 (ChEBI)
GFRA1 ProteinP56159 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
GFRA2 ProteinO00451 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
GFRA3 ProteinO60609 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
GFRA4 ProteinQ9GZZ7 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
GRB2-1 ProteinP62993-1 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
GRIN1 ProteinQ05586 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
GRIN2B ProteinQ13224 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
GRIN2D ProteinO15399 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
GTP MetaboliteCHEBI:15996 (ChEBI)
GTPMetaboliteCHEBI:15996 (ChEBI)
GalNAc-T178-FGF23(25-251) ProteinQ9GZV9 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Gly MetaboliteCHEBI:57305 (ChEBI)
H2OMetaboliteCHEBI:15377 (ChEBI)
HBEGF(63-148) ProteinQ99075 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HGF(32-494) ProteinP14210 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HGF(495-728) ProteinP14210 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
HS MetaboliteCHEBI:28815 (ChEBI)
High affinity binding complex dimers of cytokine receptors using Bc, inactive JAK2, p-(Y593,628)-Bc:p(427,349,350)-SHC1 R-HSA-913439 (Reactome)
IL17RD ProteinQ8NFM7 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
IL17RD:p-2S MAP2Ks:MAPKsComplexR-HSA-5674360 (Reactome)
IL17RD:p-2S MAP2Ks:p-T,Y MAPKsComplexR-HSA-5674362 (Reactome)
IL17RDProteinQ8NFM7 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
IL2 ProteinP60568 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
IL2RA ProteinP01589 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
IL2RG ProteinP31785 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
IQGAP1 ProteinP46940 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ITGA2B(32-1039) ProteinP08514 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ITGB3 ProteinP05106 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Interleukin-2 family signalingPathwayR-HSA-451927 (Reactome) The interleukin-2 family (also called the common gamma chain cytokine family) consists of interleukin (IL)2, IL9, IL15 and IL21. Although sometimes considered to be within this family, the IL4 and IL7 receptors can form complexes with other receptor chains and are represented separately in Reactome. Receptors of this family associate with JAK1 and JAK3, primarily activating STAT5, although certain family members can also activate STAT1, STAT3 or STAT6.

Interleukin-5 and

GM-CSF signaling
PathwayR-HSA-512988 (Reactome) The Interleukin-3 (IL-3), IL-5 and Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) receptors form a family of heterodimeric receptors that have specific alpha chains but share a common beta subunit, often referred to as the common beta (Bc). Both subunits contain extracellular conserved motifs typical of the cytokine receptor superfamily. The cytoplasmic domains have limited similarity with other cytokine receptors and lack detectable catalytic domains such as tyrosine kinase domains.

IL-3 is a 20-26 kDa product of CD4+ T cells that acts on the most immature marrow progenitors. IL-3 is capable of inducing the growth and differentiation of multi-potential hematopoietic stem cells, neutrophils, eosinophils, megakaryocytes, macrophages, lymphoid and erythroid cells. IL-3 has been used to support the proliferation of murine cell lines with properties of multi-potential progenitors, immature myeloid as well as T and pre-B lymphoid cells (Miyajima et al. 1992). IL-5 is a hematopoietic growth factor responsible for the maturation and differentiation of eosinophils. It was originally defined as a T-cell-derived cytokine that triggers activated B cells for terminal differentiation into antibody-secreting plasma cells. It also promotes the generation of cytotoxic T-cells from thymocytes. IL-5 induces the expression of IL-2 receptors (Kouro & Takatsu 2009). GM-CSF is produced by cells (T-lymphocytes, tissue macrophages, endothelial cells, mast cells) found at sites of inflammatory responses. It stimulates the growth and development of progenitors of granulocytes and macrophages, and the production and maturation of dendritic cells. It stimulates myeloblast and monoblast differentiation, synergises with Epo in the proliferation of erythroid and megakaryocytic progenitor cells, acts as an autocrine mediator of growth for some types of acute myeloid leukemia, is a strong chemoattractant for neutrophils and eosinophils. It enhances the activity of neutrophils and macrophages. Under steady-state conditions GM-CSF is not essential for the production of myeloid cells, but it is required for the proper development of alveolar macrophages, otherwise, pulmonary alvelolar proteinosis (PAP) develops. A growing body of evidence suggests that GM-CSF plays a key role in emergency hematopoiesis (predominantly myelopoiesis) in response to infection, including the production of granulocytes and macrophages in the bone marrow and their maintenance, survival, and functional activation at sites of injury or insult (Hercus et al. 2009).

All three receptors have alpha chains that bind their specific ligands with low affinity (de Groot et al. 1998). Bc then associates with the alpha chain forming a high affinity receptor (Geijsen et al. 2001), though the in vivo receptor is likely be a higher order multimer as recently demonstrated for the GM-CSF receptor (Hansen et al. 2008).

The receptor chains lack intrinsic kinase activity, instead they interact with and activate signaling kinases, notably Janus Kinase 2 (JAK2). These phosphorylate the common beta subunit, allowing recruitment of signaling molecules such as Shc, the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PI3Ks), and the Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription (STATs). The cytoplasmic domain of Bc has two distinct functional domains: the membrane proximal region mediates the induction of proliferation-associated genes such as c-myc, pim-1 and oncostatin M. This region binds multiple signal-transducing proteins including JAK2 (Quelle et al. 1994), STATs, c-Src and PI3 kinase (Rao and Mufson, 1995). The membrane distal domain is required for cytokine-induced growth inhibition and is necessary for the viability of hematopoietic cells (Inhorn et al. 1995). This region interacts with signal-transducing proteins such as Shc (Inhorn et al. 1995) and SHP and mediates the transcriptional activation of c-fos, c-jun, c-Raf and p70S6K (Reddy et al. 2000).

Figure reproduced by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Leukemia, WL Blalock et al. 13:1109-1166, copyright 1999. Note that residue numbering in this diagram refers to the mature Common beta chain with signal peptide removed.
JAK2 ProteinO60674 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
JAK3 ProteinP52333 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
KBTBD7 ProteinQ8WVZ9 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
KBTBD7:CUL3:RBX1ComplexR-HSA-5658416 (Reactome)
KITLG-1(26-190) ProteinP21583-1 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
KL-1 ProteinQ9UEF7-1 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
KL-2 ProteinQ9UEF7-2 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
KLB ProteinQ86Z14 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
KSR1 ProteinQ8IVT5 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
KSR1:MARK3ComplexR-HSA-5672689 (Reactome)
KSR2 ProteinQ6VAB6 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
L-Glu MetaboliteCHEBI:29985 (ChEBI)
LAMTOR2 ProteinQ9Y2Q5 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
LAMTOR3 ProteinQ9UHA4 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
LRRC7 ProteinQ96NW7 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K homo/heterodimersComplexR-HSA-5672716 (Reactome)
MAP2K1 C121S ProteinQ02750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K1 D67N ProteinQ02750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K1 D67Y ProteinQ02750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K1 E203K ProteinQ02750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K1 E44_E57del ProteinQ02750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K1 F53C ProteinQ02750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K1 F53L ProteinQ02750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K1 F53S ProteinQ02750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K1 F53V ProteinQ02750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K1 F53Y ProteinQ02750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K1 G128D ProteinQ02750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K1 G128V ProteinQ02750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K1 K57N ProteinQ02750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K1 K57T ProteinQ02750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K1 P124L ProteinQ02750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K1 P124Q ProteinQ02750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K1 P124S ProteinQ02750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K1 ProteinQ02750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K1 Q56P ProteinQ02750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K1 V60E ProteinQ02750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K1 Y130C ProteinQ02750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K1 and MAP2K2 mutantsComplexR-HSA-9652114 (Reactome)
MAP2K2 C125S ProteinP36507 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K2 F57C ProteinP36507 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K2 L46F ProteinP36507 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K2 N126D ProteinP36507 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K2 P128Q ProteinP36507 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K2 ProteinP36507 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K2 V35M ProteinP36507 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP2K2 Y134C ProteinP36507 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAP3K11ProteinQ16584 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAPK monomers and dimersComplexR-HSA-5675361 (Reactome)
MAPK monomers and dimersComplexR-HSA-5675363 (Reactome)
MAPK1 ProteinP28482 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAPK12ProteinP53778 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAPK3 ProteinP27361 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MAPKs R-HSA-169291 (Reactome)
MAPKsComplexR-HSA-169291 (Reactome)
MARK3 ProteinP27448 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Mg2+ MetaboliteCHEBI:18420 (ChEBI)
Mn2+ MetaboliteCHEBI:29035 (ChEBI)
MyrG,p-Y530-SRC ProteinP12931 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
MyrG-p-Y419-SRC ProteinP12931 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NCAM signaling for neurite out-growthPathwayR-HSA-375165 (Reactome) The neural cell adhesion molecule, NCAM, is a member of the immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily and is involved in a variety of cellular processes of importance for the formation and maintenance of the nervous system. The role of NCAM in neural differentiation and synaptic plasticity is presumed to depend on the modulation of intracellular signal transduction cascades. NCAM based signaling complexes can initiate downstream intracellular signals by at least two mechanisms: (1) activation of FGFR and (2) formation of intracellular signaling complexes by direct interaction with cytoplasmic interaction partners such as Fyn and FAK. Tyrosine kinases Fyn and FAK interact with NCAM and undergo phosphorylation and this transiently activates the MAPK, ERK 1 and 2, cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) and transcription factors ELK and NFkB. CREB activates transcription of genes which are important for axonal growth, survival, and synaptic plasticity in neurons.

NCAM1 mediated intracellular signal transduction is represented in the figure below. The Ig domains in NCAM1 are represented in orange ovals and Fn domains in green squares. The tyrosine residues susceptible to phosphorylation are represented in red circles and their positions are numbered. Phosphorylation is represented by red arrows and dephosphorylation by yellow. Ig, Immunoglobulin domain; Fn, Fibronectin domain; Fyn, Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Fyn; FAK, focal adhesion kinase; RPTPalpha, Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase; Grb2, Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2; SOS, Son of sevenless homolog; Raf, RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase; MEK, MAPK and ERK kinase; ERK, Extracellular signal-regulated kinase; MSK1, Mitogen and stress activated protein kinase 1; CREB, Cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein; CRE, cAMP response elements.
NCAM1 ProteinP13591 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NEFL ProteinP07196 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NF1(2-2839) ProteinP21359 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NF1(2-2839)ProteinP21359 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NRTN ProteinQ99748 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Neuregulins R-HSA-1227957 (Reactome)

receptors and postsynaptic signal

PathwayR-HSA-112314 (Reactome) The neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft released by the pre-synaptic neuron binds specific receptors located on the post-synaptic terminal. These receptors are either ion channels or G protein coupled receptors that function to transmit the signals from the post-synaptic membrane to the cell body.
Other interleukin signalingPathwayR-HSA-449836 (Reactome) Interleukins are low molecular weight proteins that bind to cell surface receptors and act in an autocrine and/or paracrine fashion. They were first identified as factors produced by leukocytes but are now known to be produced by many other cells throughout the body. They have pleiotropic effects on cells which bind them, impacting processes such as tissue growth and repair, hematopoietic homeostasis, and multiple levels of the host defense against pathogens where they are an essential part of the immune system.
PAQR3 ProteinQ6TCH7 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PAQR3:inactive RAFsComplexR-HSA-5674139 (Reactome)
PAQR3ProteinQ6TCH7 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PDGFA-1 ProteinP04085-1 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PDGFA-2 ProteinP04085-2 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PDGFB (82-190) ProteinP01127 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PDGFB(82-241) ProteinP01127 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PEA15 ProteinQ15121 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PEA15ProteinQ15121 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PEBP1 ProteinP30086 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PEBP1ProteinP30086 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PHBProteinP35232 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PI(4,5)P2 MetaboliteCHEBI:18348 (ChEBI)
PI3KComplexR-HSA-74693 (Reactome)
PIK3CA ProteinP42336 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PIK3CB ProteinP42338 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PIK3R1 ProteinP27986 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PIK3R2 ProteinO00459 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PP2AComplexR-HSA-196206 (Reactome)
PPP1CB ProteinP62140 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PPP1CC ProteinP36873 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PPP2CA ProteinP67775 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PPP2CB ProteinP62714 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PPP2R1A ProteinP30153 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PPP2R1B ProteinP30154 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PPP2R5A ProteinQ15172 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PPP2R5B ProteinQ15173 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PPP2R5C ProteinQ13362 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PPP2R5D ProteinQ14738 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PPP2R5E ProteinQ16537 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PPP5CProteinP53041 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMA1 ProteinP25786 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMA2 ProteinP25787 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMA3 ProteinP25788 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMA4 ProteinP25789 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMA5 ProteinP28066 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMA6 ProteinP60900 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMA7 ProteinO14818 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMA8 ProteinQ8TAA3 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMB1 ProteinP20618 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMB10 ProteinP40306 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMB11 ProteinA5LHX3 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMB2 ProteinP49721 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMB3 ProteinP49720 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMB4 ProteinP28070 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMB5 ProteinP28074 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMB6 ProteinP28072 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMB7 ProteinQ99436 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMB8 ProteinP28062 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMB9 ProteinP28065 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMC1 ProteinP62191 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMC2 ProteinP35998 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMC3 ProteinP17980 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMC4 ProteinP43686 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMC5 ProteinP62195 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMC6 ProteinP62333 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD1 ProteinQ99460 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD10 ProteinO75832 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD11 ProteinO00231 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD12 ProteinO00232 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD13 ProteinQ9UNM6 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD14 ProteinO00487 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD2 ProteinQ13200 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD3 ProteinO43242 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD4 ProteinP55036 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD5 ProteinQ16401 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD6 ProteinQ15008 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD7 ProteinP51665 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD8 ProteinP48556 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMD9 ProteinO00233 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSME1 ProteinQ06323 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSME2 ProteinQ9UL46 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSME3 ProteinP61289 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSME4 ProteinQ14997 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSMF1 ProteinQ92530 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PSPN ProteinO60542 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PTPN3 ProteinP26045 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PTPN3:p-T183,Y185-MAPK12ComplexR-HSA-8867651 (Reactome)
PTPN3ProteinP26045 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PTPN7 ProteinP35236 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PTPN7:p-T,Y-MAPK dimersComplexR-HSA-9635740 (Reactome)
PTPN7:p-T-MAPK dimersComplexR-HSA-9635774 (Reactome)
PTPN7ProteinP35236 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PTPRA ProteinP18433 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Phosphorylated ERBB2:ERBB4cyt1 heterodimers R-HSA-1963568 (Reactome)
Phosphorylated ERBB2:ERBB4cyt2 heterodimers R-HSA-1963591 (Reactome)
PiMetaboliteCHEBI:43474 (ChEBI)
RAF activating kinasesComplexR-HSA-5672734 (Reactome)
RAF dimer inhibitorsComplexR-ALL-9657579 (Reactome)
RAF/MAPK scaffoldsComplexR-HSA-5672717 (Reactome)
RAL GDS proteinsComplexR-HSA-9660479 (Reactome)
RALGDS ProteinQ12967 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RANBP9 ProteinQ96S59 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RAP1A ProteinP62834 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RAP1B ProteinP61224 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RAPGEF2 ProteinQ9Y4G8 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RAS GAPsComplexR-HSA-5658216 (Reactome)
RAS GEFsComplexR-HSA-5672601 (Reactome)
RAS processingPathwayR-HSA-9648002 (Reactome) RAS proteins undergo several processing steps during maturation including farnesylation, carboxy-terminal cleavage and carboxymethylation, among others. These steps are required for their membrane localization and function and ultimately for their ability to activate RAF (reviewed in Gysin et al, 2011; Ahearn et al, 2018).
RASA1 ProteinP20936 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RASA2 ProteinQ15283 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RASA3 ProteinQ14644 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RASA4 ProteinO43374 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RASAL1 ProteinO95294 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RASAL2 ProteinQ9UJF2 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RASAL3 ProteinQ86YV0 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RASGEF1A ProteinQ8N9B8 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RASGRF1 ProteinQ13972 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RASGRF2 ProteinO14827 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RASGRP1 ProteinO95267 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RASGRP4 ProteinQ8TDF6 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RBX1 ProteinP62877 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RGL1 ProteinQ9NZL6 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RGL2 ProteinO15211 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RGL3 ProteinQ3MIN7 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RPS27A(1-76) ProteinP62979 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
S-Farn-Me KRAS4B ProteinP01116-2 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
S-Farn-Me PalmS NRAS ProteinP01111 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
S-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS:GTPComplexR-HSA-9660551 (Reactome)
S-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS ProteinP01112 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
S-Farn-Me-PalmS KRAS4A ProteinP01116-1 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)


ComplexR-HSA-9660554 (Reactome)
S-GCC MRAS:GTP:SHOC2:PP1ComplexR-HSA-9658447 (Reactome)
S-GGC MRAS ProteinO14807 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SHFM1 ProteinP60896 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SHOC2 ProteinQ9UQ13 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SOS1 ProteinQ07889 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SPRED dimer:NF1ComplexR-HSA-5658232 (Reactome)
SPRED dimer:ub-NF1ComplexR-HSA-5658420 (Reactome)
SPRED dimerComplexR-HSA-5658219 (Reactome)
SPRED1 ProteinQ7Z699 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SPRED2 ProteinQ7Z698 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SPRED3 ProteinQ2MJR0 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SPTA1 ProteinP02549 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SPTAN1 ProteinQ13813 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SPTB ProteinP11277 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SPTBN1 ProteinQ01082 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SPTBN2 ProteinO15020 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SPTBN4 ProteinQ9H254 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SPTBN5 ProteinQ9NRC6 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
SYNGAP1 ProteinQ96PV0 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
Signaling by EGFRPathwayR-HSA-177929 (Reactome) The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is one member of the ERBB family of transmembrane glycoprotein tyrosine receptor kinases (RTK). Binding of EGFR to its ligands induces conformational change that unmasks the dimerization interface in the extracellular domain of EGFR, leading to receptor homo- or heterodimerization at the cell surface. Dimerization of the extracellular regions of EGFR triggers additional conformational change of the cytoplasmic EGFR regions, enabling the kinase domains of two EGFR molecules to achieve the catalytically active conformation. Ligand activated EGFR dimers trans-autophosphorylate on tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic tail of the receptor. Phosphorylated tyrosines serve as binding sites for the recruitment of signal transducers and activators of intracellular substrates, which then stimulate intracellular signal transduction cascades that are involved in regulating cellular proliferation, differentiation, and survival. Recruitment of complexes containing GRB2 and SOS1 to phosphorylated EGFR dimers either directly, through phosphotyrosine residues that serve as GRB2 docking sites, or indirectly, through SHC1 recruitment, promotes GDP to GTP exchange on RAS, resulting in the activation of RAF/MAP kinase cascade. Binding of complexes of GRB2 and GAB1 to phosphorylated EGFR dimers leads to formation of the active PI3K complex, conversion of PIP2 into PIP3, and activation of AKT signaling. Phospholipase C-gamma1 (PLCG1) can also be recruited directly, through EGFR phosphotyrosine residues that serve as PLCG1 docking sites, which leads to PLCG1 phosphorylation by EGFR and activation of DAG and IP3 signaling. EGFR signaling is downregulated by the action of ubiquitin ligase CBL. CBL binds directly to the phosphorylated EGFR dimer through the phosphotyrosine Y1045 in the C-tail of EGFR, and after CBL is phosphorylated by EGFR, it becomes active and ubiquitinates phosphorylated EGFR dimers, targeting them for degradation. For a recent review of EGFR signaling, please refer to Avraham and Yarden, 2011.
Signaling by ERBB2PathwayR-HSA-1227986 (Reactome) ERBB2, also known as HER2 or NEU, is a receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) belonging to the EGFR family. ERBB2 possesses an extracellular domain that does not bind any known ligand, contrary to other EGFR family members, a single transmembrane domain, and an intracellular domain consisting of an active kinase and a C-tail with multiple tyrosine phosphorylation sites. Inactive ERBB2 is associated with a chaperone heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) and its co-chaperone CDC37 (Xu et al. 2001, Citri et al. 2004, Xu et al. 2005). In addition, ERBB2 is associated with ERBB2IP (also known as ERBIN or LAP2), a protein responsible for proper localization of ERBB2. In epithelial cells, ERBB2IP restricts expression of ERBB2 to basolateral plasma membrane regions (Borg et al. 2000).

ERBB2 becomes activated by forming a heterodimer with another ligand-activated EGFR family member, either EGFR, ERBB3 or ERBB4, which is accompanied by dissociation of chaperoning proteins HSP90 and CDC37 (Citri et al. 2004), as well as ERBB2IP (Borg et al. 2000) from ERBB2. ERBB2 heterodimers function to promote cell proliferation, cell survival and differentiation, depending on the cellular context. ERBB2 can also be activated by homodimerization when it is overexpressed, in cancer for example.

In cells expressing both ERBB2 and EGFR, EGF stimulation of EGFR leads to formation of both ERBB2:EGFR heterodimers (Wada et al. 1990, Karunagaran et al. 1996) and EGFR homodimers. Heterodimers of ERBB2 and EGFR trans-autophosphorylate on twelve tyrosine residues, six in the C-tail of EGFR and six in the C-tail of ERBB2 - Y1023, Y1139, Y1196, Y1221, Y1222 and Y1248 (Margolis et al. 1989, Hazan et al. 1990,Walton et al. 1990, Helin et al. 1991, Ricci et al. 1995, Pinkas-Kramarski 1996). Phosphorylated tyrosine residues in the C-tail of EGFR and ERBB2 serve as docking sites for downstream signaling molecules. Three key signaling pathways activated by ERBB2:EGFR heterodimers are RAF/MAP kinase cascade, PI3K-induced AKT signaling, and signaling by phospholipase C gamma (PLCG1). Downregulation of EGFR signaling is mediated by ubiquitin ligase CBL, and is shown under Signaling by EGFR.

In cells expressing ERBB2 and ERBB3, ERBB3 activated by neuregulin NRG1 or NRG2 binding (Tzahar et al. 1994) forms a heterodimer with ERBB2 (Pinkas-Kramarski et al. 1996, Citri et al. 2004). ERBB3 is the only EGFR family member with no kinase activity, and can only function in heterodimers, with ERBB2 being its preferred heterodimerization partner. After heterodimerization, ERBB2 phosphorylates ten tyrosine residues in the C-tail of ERBB3, Y1054, Y1197, Y1199, Y1222, Y1224, Y1260, Y1262, Y1276, Y1289 and Y1328 (Prigent et al. 1994, Pinkas-Kramarski et al. 1996, Vijapurkar et al. 2003, Li et al. 2007) that subsequently serve as docking sites for downstream signaling molecules, resulting in activation of PI3K-induced AKT signaling and RAF/MAP kinase cascade. Signaling by ERBB3 is downregulated by the action of RNF41 ubiquitin ligase, also known as NRDP1.

In cells expressing ERBB2 and ERBB4, ligand stimulated ERBB4 can either homodimerize or form heterodimers with ERBB2 (Li et al. 2007), resulting in trans-autophosphorylation of ERBB2 and ERBB4 on C-tail tyrosine residues that will subsequently serve as docking sites for downstream signaling molecules, leading to activation of RAF/MAP kinase cascade and, in the case of ERBB4 CYT1 isoforms, PI3K-induced AKT signaling (Hazan et al. 1990, Cohen et al. 1996, Li et al. 2007, Kaushansky et al. 2008). Signaling by ERBB4 is downregulated by the action of WWP1 and ITCH ubiquitin ligases, and is shown under Signaling by ERBB4.
Signaling by ERBB4PathwayR-HSA-1236394 (Reactome) ERBB4, also known as HER4, belongs to the ERBB family of receptors, which also includes ERBB1 (EGFR/HER1), ERBB2 (HER2/NEU) and ERBB3 (HER3). Similar to EGFR, ERBB4 has an extracellular ligand binding domain, a single transmembrane domain and a cytoplasmic domain which contains an active tyrosine kinase and a C-tail with multiple phosphorylation sites. At least three and possibly four splicing isoforms of ERBB4 exist that differ in their C-tail and/or the extracellular juxtamembrane regions: ERBB4 JM-A CYT1, ERBB4 JM-A CYT2 and ERBB4 JM-B CYT1 (the existence of ERBB4 JM-B CYT2 has not been confirmed).

ERBB4 becomes activated by binding one of its seven ligands, three of which, HB-EGF, epiregulin EPR and betacellulin BTC, are EGF-like (Elenius et al. 1997, Riese et al. 1998), while four, NRG1, NRG2, NRG3 and NRG4, belong to the related neuregulin family (Tzahar et al. 1994, Carraway et al. 1997, Zhang et al. 1997, Hayes et al. 2007). Upon ligand binding, ERBB4 forms homodimers (Sweeney et al. 2000) or it heterodimerizes with ERBB2 (Li et al. 2007). Dimers of ERBB4 undergo trans-autophosphorylation on tyrosine residues in the C-tail (Cohen et al. 1996, Kaushansky et al. 2008, Hazan et al. 1990, Li et al. 2007), triggering downstream signaling cascades. The pathway Signaling by ERBB4 only shows signaling by ERBB4 homodimers. Signaling by heterodimers of ERBB4 and ERBB2 is shown in the pathway Signaling by ERBB2. Ligand-stimulated ERBB4 is also able to form heterodimers with ligand-stimulated EGFR (Cohen et al. 1996) and ligand-stimulated ERBB3 (Riese et al. 1995). Dimers of ERBB4 with EGFR and dimers of ERBB4 with ERBB3 were demonstrated in mouse cell lines in which human ERBB4 and EGFR or ERBB3 were exogenously expressed. These heterodimers undergo trans-autophosphorylation. The promiscuous heteromerization of ERBBs adds combinatorial diversity to ERBB signaling processes. As ERBB4 binds more ligands than other ERBBs, but has restricted expression, ERBB4 expression channels responses to ERBB ligands. The signaling capabilities of the four receptors have been compared (Schulze et al. 2005).

As for other receptor tyrosine kinases, ERBB4 signaling effectors are largely dictated through binding of effector proteins to ERBB4 peptides that are phosphorylated upon ligand binding. All splicing isoforms of ERBB4 possess two tyrosine residues in the C-tail that serve as docking sites for SHC1 (Kaushansky et al. 2008, Pinkas-Kramarski et al. 1996, Cohen et al. 1996). Once bound to ERBB4, SHC1 becomes phosphorylated on tyrosine residues by the tyrosine kinase activity of ERBB4, which enables it to recruit the complex of GRB2 and SOS1, resulting in the guanyl-nucleotide exchange on RAS and activation of RAF and MAP kinase cascade (Kainulainen et al. 2000).

The CYT1 isoforms of ERBB4 also possess a C-tail tyrosine residue that, upon trans-autophosphorylation, serves as a docking site for the p85 alpha subunit of PI3K (Kaushansky et al. 2008, Cohen et al. 1996), leading to assembly of an active PI3K complex that converts PIP2 to PIP3 and activates AKT signaling (Kainulainen et al. 2000).

Besides signaling as a conventional transmembrane receptor kinase, ERBB4 differs from other ERBBs in that JM-A isoforms signal through efficient release of a soluble intracellular domain. Ligand activated homodimers of ERBB4 JM-A isoforms (ERBB4 JM-A CYT1 and ERBB4 JM-A CYT2) undergo proteolytic cleavage by ADAM17 (TACE) in the juxtamembrane region, resulting in shedding of the extracellular domain and formation of an 80 kDa membrane bound ERBB4 fragment known as ERBB4 m80 (Rio et al. 2000, Cheng et al. 2003). ERBB4 m80 undergoes further proteolytic cleavage, mediated by the gamma-secretase complex, which releases the soluble 80 kDa ERBB4 intracellular domain, known as ERBB4 s80 or E4ICD, into the cytosol (Ni et al. 2001). ERBB4 s80 is able to translocate to the nucleus, promote nuclear translocation of various transcription factors, and act as a transcription co-factor. For example, in mammary cells, ERBB4 binds SH2 transcription factor STAT5A. ERBB4 s80 shuttles STAT5A to the nucleus, and actsa as a STAT5A co-factor in binding to and promoting transcription from the beta-casein (CSN2) promoter, and may be involved in the regulation of other lactation-related genes (Jones et al. 1999, Williams et al. 2004, Muraoka-Cook et al. 2008). ERBB4 s80 binds activated estrogen receptor in the nucleus and acts as a transcriptional co-factor in promoting transcription of some estrogen-regulated genes, including progesterone receptor gene NR3C3 and CXCL12 (SDF1) (Zhu et al. 2006). In neuronal precursors, ERBB4 s80 binds the complex of TAB and NCOR1, helps to move the complex into the nucleus, and is a co-factor of TAB:NCOR1-mediated inhibition of expression of astrocyte differentiation genes GFAP and S100B (Sardi et al. 2006).

The C-tail of ERBB4 possesses several WW-domain binding motifs (three in CYT1 isoform and two in CYT2 isoform), which enable interaction of ERBB4 with WW-domain containing proteins. ERBB4 s80, through WW-domain binding motifs, interacts with YAP1 transcription factor, a known proto-oncogene, and is a co-regulator of YAP1-mediated transcription in association with TEAD transcription factors (Komuro et al. 2003, Omerovic et al. 2004). Hence, the WW binding motif couples ERBB4 to the major effector arm of the HIPPO signaling pathway. The tumor suppressor WWOX, another WW-domain containing protein, competes with YAP1 in binding to ERBB4 s80 and prevents translocation of ERBB4 s80 to the nucleus (Aqeilan et al. 2005).

WW-domain binding motifs in the C-tail of ERBB4 play an important role in the downregulation of ERBB4 receptor signaling, enabling the interaction of intact ERBB4, ERBB4 m80 and ERBB4 s80 with NEDD4 family of E3 ubiquitin ligases WWP1 and ITCH. The interaction of WWP1 and ITCH with intact ERBB4 is independent of receptor activation and autophosphorylation. Binding of WWP1 and ITCH ubiquitin ligases leads to ubiquitination of ERBB4 and its cleavage products, and subsequent degradation through both proteasomal and lysosomal routes (Omerovic et al. 2007, Feng et al. 2009). In addition, the s80 cleavage product of ERBB4 JM-A CYT-1 isoform is the target of NEDD4 ubiquitin ligase. NEDD4 binds ERBB4 JM-A CYT-1 s80 (ERBB4jmAcyt1s80) through its PIK3R1 interaction site and mediates ERBB4jmAcyt1s80 ubiquitination, thereby decreasing the amount of ERBB4jmAcyt1s80 that reaches the nucleus (Zeng et al. 2009).

ERBB4 also binds the E3 ubiquitin ligase MDM2, and inhibitor of p53 (Arasada et al. 2005). Other proteins that bind to ERBB4 intracellular domain have been identified by co-immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry (Gilmore-Hebert et al., 2010), and include transcriptional co-repressor TRIM28/KAP1, which promotes chromatin compaction. DNA damage signaling through ATM releases TRIM28-associated heterochromatinization. Interactions of ERBB4 with TRIM28 and MDM2 may be important for integration of growth factor responses and DNA damage responses.

In human breast cancer cell lines, ERBB4 activation enhances anchorage-independent colony formation in soft agar but inhibits cell growth in a monolayer culture. Different ERBB4 ligands induce different gene expression changes in breast cancer cell lines. Some of the genes induced in response to ERBB4 signaling in breast cancer cell lines are RAB2, EPS15R and GATA4. It is not known if these gene are direct transcriptional targets of ERBB4 (Amin et al. 2004).

Transcriptome and ChIP-seq comparisons of full-length and intracellular domain isoforms in isogenic MCF10A mammary cell background have revealed the diversification of ERBB4 signaling engendered by alternative splicing and cleavage (Wali et al., 2014). ERBB4 broadly affected protease expression, cholesterol biosynthesis, HIF1-alpha signaling, and HIPPO signaling pathways, and other pathways were differentially activated by CYT1 and CYT2 isoforms. For example, CYT1 promoted expression of transcription factors TWIST1 and SNAIL1 that promote epithelial-mesenchymal transition. HIF1-alpha and HIPPO signaling are mediated, respectively, by binding of ERBB4 to HIF1-alpha and to YAP (Paatero et al., 2012, Komuro et al., 2003). ERBB4 increases activity of the transcription factor SREBF2, resulting in increased expression of SREBF2-target genes involved in cholesterol biosynthesis. The mechanism is not known and may involve facilitation of SREBF2 cleavage through ERBB4-mediated PI3K signaling (Haskins et al. 2016).

In some contexts, ERBB4 promotes growth suppression or apoptosis (Penington et al., 2002). Activation of ERBB4 in breast cancer cell lines leads to JNK dependent increase in BRCA1 mRNA level and mitotic cell cycle delay, but the exact mechanism has not been elucidated (Muraoka Cook et al. 2006). The nature of growth responses may be connected with the spliced isoforms expressed. In comparisons of CYT1 vs CYT2 (full-length and ICD) expression in mammary cells, CYT1 was a weaker growth inducer, associated with attenuated MAPK signaling relative to CYT2 (Wali et al., 2014). ERBB4 s80 is also able to translocate to the mitochondrial matrix, presumably when its nuclear translocation is inhibited. Once in the mitochondrion, the BH3 domain of ERBB4, characteristic of BCL2 family members, may enable it to act as a pro apoptotic factor (Naresh et al. 2006).

ERBB4 plays important roles in the developing and adult nervous system. Erbb4 deficiency in somatostatin-expressing neurons of the thalamic reticular nucleus alters behaviors dependent on sensory selection (Ahrens et al. 2015). NRG1-activated ERBB4 signaling enhances AMPA receptor responses through PKC-dependent AMPA receptor exocytosis. This results in an increased excitatory input to parvalbumin-expressing inhibitory neurons in the visual cortex and regulates visual cortical plasticity (Sun et al. 2016). NRG1-activated ERBB4 signaling is involved in GABAergic activity in amygdala which mediates fear conditioning (fear memory) (Lu et al. 2014). Conditional Erbb4 deletion from fast-spiking interneurons, chandelier and basket cells of the cerebral cortex leads to synaptic defects associated with increased locomotor activity and abnormal emotional, social and cognitive function that can be linked to some of the schizophrenia features. The level of GAD1 (GAD67) protein is reduced in the cortex of conditional Erbb4 mutants. GAD1 is a GABA synthesizing enzyme. Cortical mRNA levels of GAD67 are consistently decreased in schizophrenia (Del Pino et al. 2014). Erbb4 is expressed in the GABAergic neurons of the bed nucleus stria terminalis, a part of the extended amygdala. Inhibition of NRG1-triggered ERBB4 signaling induces anxiety-like behavior, which depends on GABAergic neurotransmission. NRG1-ERBB4 signaling stimulates presynaptic GABA release, but the exact mechanism is not known (Geng et al. 2016). NRG1 protects cortical interneurons against ischemic brain injury through ERBB4-mediated increase in GABAergic transmission (Guan et al. 2015). NRG2-activated ERBB4 can reduce the duration of GABAergic transmission by binding to GABA receptors at the postsynaptic membrane via their GABRA1 subunit and promoting endocytosis of GABA receptors (Mitchell et al. 2013). NRG1 promotes synchronization of prefrontal cortex interneurons in an ERBB4 dependent manner (Hou et al. 2014). NRG1-ERBB4 signaling protects neurons from the cell death induced by a mutant form of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) (Woo et al. 2012).

Clinical relevance of ERBB4 has been identified in several contexts. In cancer, putative and validated gain-of-function mutations or gene amplification that may be drivers have been identified at modest frequencies, and may also contribute to resistance to EGFR and ERBB2-targeted therapies. This is noteworthy as ERBB4 kinase activity is inhibited by pan-ERBB tyrosine kinase inhibitors, including lapatinib, which is approved by the US FDA. The reduced prevalence relative to EGFR and ERBB2 in cancer may reflect more restricted expression of ERBB4, or differential signaling, as specific ERBB4 isoforms have been linked to growth inhibition or apoptosis in experimental systems. ERBB2/ERBB4 heterodimers protect cardiomyocytes, so reduced activity of ERBB4 in patients treated with the ERBB2-targeted therapeutic antibody trastuzumab may contribute to the cardiotoxicity of this agent when used in combination with (cardiotoxic) anthracyclines.

With the importance of ERBB4 in developing and adult nervous system, NRG1 and/or ERBB4 polymorphisms, splicing aberrations and mutations have been linked to nervous system disorders including schizophrenia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, although these findings are not yet definitive.
Signaling by FGFR1PathwayR-HSA-5654736 (Reactome) The 22 members of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family of growth factors mediate their cellular responses by binding to and activating the different isoforms encoded by the four receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) designated FGFR1, FGFR2, FGFR3 and FGFR4. These receptors are key regulators of several developmental processes in which cell fate and differentiation to various tissue lineages are determined. Unlike other growth factors, FGFs act in concert with heparin or heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) to activate FGFRs and to induce the pleiotropic responses that lead to the variety of cellular responses induced by this large family of growth factors. An alternative, FGF-independent, source of FGFR activation originates from the interaction with cell adhesion molecules, typically in the context of interactions on neural cell membranes and is crucial for neuronal survival and development.

Upon ligand binding, receptor dimers are formed and their intrinsic tyrosine kinase is activated causing phosphorylation of multiple tyrosine residues on the receptors. These then serve as docking sites for the recruitment of SH2 (src homology-2) or PTB (phosphotyrosine binding) domains of adaptors, docking proteins or signaling enzymes. Signaling complexes are assembled and recruited to the active receptors resulting in a cascade of phosphorylation events.

This leads to stimulation of intracellular signaling pathways that control cell proliferation, cell differentiation, cell migration, cell survival and cell shape, depending on the cell type or stage of maturation.
Signaling by FGFR2PathwayR-HSA-5654738 (Reactome) The 22 members of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family of growth factors mediate their cellular responses by binding to and activating the different isoforms encoded by the four receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) designated FGFR1, FGFR2, FGFR3 and FGFR4. These receptors are key regulators of several developmental processes in which cell fate and differentiation to various tissue lineages are determined. Unlike other growth factors, FGFs act in concert with heparin or heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) to activate FGFRs and to induce the pleiotropic responses that lead to the variety of cellular responses induced by this large family of growth factors. An alternative, FGF-independent, source of FGFR activation originates from the interaction with cell adhesion molecules, typically in the context of interactions on neural cell membranes and is crucial for neuronal survival and development.

Upon ligand binding, receptor dimers are formed and their intrinsic tyrosine kinase is activated causing phosphorylation of multiple tyrosine residues on the receptors. These then serve as docking sites for the recruitment of SH2 (src homology-2) or PTB (phosphotyrosine binding) domains of adaptors, docking proteins or signaling enzymes. Signaling complexes are assembled and recruited to the active receptors resulting in a cascade of phosphorylation events.

This leads to stimulation of intracellular signaling pathways that control cell proliferation, cell differentiation, cell migration, cell survival and cell shape, depending on the cell type or stage of maturation.
Signaling by FGFR3PathwayR-HSA-5654741 (Reactome) The 22 members of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family of growth factors mediate their cellular responses by binding to and activating the different isoforms encoded by the four receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) designated FGFR1, FGFR2, FGFR3 and FGFR4. These receptors are key regulators of several developmental processes in which cell fate and differentiation to various tissue lineages are determined. Unlike other growth factors, FGFs act in concert with heparin or heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) to activate FGFRs and to induce the pleiotropic responses that lead to the variety of cellular responses induced by this large family of growth factors. An alternative, FGF-independent, source of FGFR activation originates from the interaction with cell adhesion molecules, typically in the context of interactions on neural cell membranes and is crucial for neuronal survival and development.

Upon ligand binding, receptor dimers are formed and their intrinsic tyrosine kinase is activated causing phosphorylation of multiple tyrosine residues on the receptors. These then serve as docking sites for the recruitment of SH2 (src homology-2) or PTB (phosphotyrosine binding) domains of adaptors, docking proteins or signaling enzymes. Signaling complexes are assembled and recruited to the active receptors resulting in a cascade of phosphorylation events.

This leads to stimulation of intracellular signaling pathways that control cell proliferation, cell differentiation, cell migration, cell survival and cell shape, depending on the cell type or stage of maturation.
Signaling by FGFR4PathwayR-HSA-5654743 (Reactome) The 22 members of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family of growth factors mediate their cellular responses by binding to and activating the different isoforms encoded by the four receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) designated FGFR1, FGFR2, FGFR3 and FGFR4. These receptors are key regulators of several developmental processes in which cell fate and differentiation to various tissue lineages are determined. Unlike other growth factors, FGFs act in concert with heparin or heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) to activate FGFRs and to induce the pleiotropic responses that lead to the variety of cellular responses induced by this large family of growth factors. An alternative, FGF-independent, source of FGFR activation originates from the interaction with cell adhesion molecules, typically in the context of interactions on neural cell membranes and is crucial for neuronal survival and development.

Upon ligand binding, receptor dimers are formed and their intrinsic tyrosine kinase is activated causing phosphorylation of multiple tyrosine residues on the receptors. These then serve as docking sites for the recruitment of SH2 (src homology-2) or PTB (phosphotyrosine binding) domains of adaptors, docking proteins or signaling enzymes. Signaling complexes are assembled and recruited to the active receptors resulting in a cascade of phosphorylation events.

This leads to stimulation of intracellular signaling pathways that control cell proliferation, cell differentiation, cell migration, cell survival and cell shape, depending on the cell type or stage of maturation.
Signaling by Insulin receptorPathwayR-HSA-74752 (Reactome) Insulin binding to its receptor results in receptor autophosphorylation on tyrosine residues and the tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrates (e.g. IRS and Shc) by the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase. This allows association of IRSs with downstream effectors such as PI-3K via its Src homology 2 (SH2) domains leading to end point events such as Glut4 (Slc2a4) translocation. Shc when tyrosine phosphorylated associates with Grb2 and can thus activate the Ras/MAPK pathway independent of the IRSs.

Signal transduction by the insulin receptor is not limited to its activation at the cell surface. The activated ligand-receptor complex initially at the cell surface, is internalised into endosomes itself a process which is dependent on tyrosine autophosphorylation. Endocytosis of activated receptors has the dual effect of concentrating receptors within endosomes and allows the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase to phosphorylate substrates that are spatially distinct from those accessible at the plasma membrane. Acidification of the endosomal lumen, due to the presence of proton pumps, results in dissociation of insulin from its receptor. (The endosome constitutes the major site of insulin degradation). This loss of the ligand-receptor complex attenuates any further insulin-driven receptor re-phosphorylation events and leads to receptor dephosphorylation by extra-lumenal endosomally-associated protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). The identity of these PTPs is not clearly established yet.

Signaling by NTRK1 (TRKA)PathwayR-HSA-187037 (Reactome) Trk receptors signal from the plasma membrane and from intracellular membranes, particularly from early endosomes. Signalling from the plasma membrane is fast but transient; signalling from endosomes is slower but long lasting. Signalling from the plasma membrane is annotated here. TRK signalling leads to proliferation in some cell types and neuronal differentiation in others. Proliferation is the likely outcome of short term signalling, as observed following stimulation of EGFR (EGF receptor). Long term signalling via TRK receptors, instead, was clearly shown to be required for neuronal differentiation in response to neurotrophins.
Signaling by PDGFPathwayR-HSA-186797 (Reactome) Platelet-derived Growth Factor (PDGF) is a potent stimulator of growth and motility of connective tissue cells such as fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells as well as other cells such as capillary endothelial cells and neurons.The PDGF family of growth factors is composed of four different polypeptide chains encoded by four different genes. The classical PDGF chains, PDGF-A and PDGF-B, and more recently discovered PDGF-C and PDGF-D. The four PDGF chains assemble into disulphide-bonded dimers via homo- or heterodimerization, and five different dimeric isoforms have been described so far; PDGF-AA, PDGF-AB, PDGF-BB, PDGF-CC and PDGF-DD. It is notable that no heterodimers involving PDGF-C and PDGF-D chains have been described. PDGF exerts its effects by binding to, and activating, two protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) receptors, alpha and beta. These receptors dimerize and undergo autophosphorylation. The phosphorylation sites then attract downstream effectors to transduct the signal into the cell.
Signaling by SCF-KITPathwayR-HSA-1433557 (Reactome) Stem cell factor (SCF) is a growth factor with membrane bound and soluble forms. It is expressed by fibroblasts and endothelial cells throughout the body, promoting proliferation, migration, survival and differentiation of hematopoetic progenitors, melanocytes and germ cells.(Linnekin 1999, Ronnstrand 2004, Lennartsson and Ronnstrand 2006). The receptor for SCF is KIT, a tyrosine kinase receptor (RTK) closely related to the receptors for platelet derived growth factor receptor, colony stimulating factor 1 (Linnekin 1999) and Flt3 (Rosnet et al. 1991). Four isoforms of c-Kit have been identified in humans. Alternative splicing results in isoforms of KIT differing in the presence or absence of four residues (GNNK) in the extracellular region. This occurs due to the use of an alternate 5' splice donor site. These GNNK+ and GNNK- variants are co-expressed in most tissues; the GNNK- form predominates and was more strongly tyrosine-phosphorylated and more rapidly internalized (Ronnstrand 2004). There are also splice variants that arise from alternative usage of splice acceptor site resulting in the presence or absence of a serine residue (Crosier et al., 1993). Finally, there is an alternative shorter transcript of KIT expressed in postmeiotic germ cells in the testis which encodes a truncated KIT consisting only of the second part of the kinase domain and thus lackig the extracellular and transmembrane domains as well as the first part of the kinase domain (Rossi et al. 1991). Binding of SCF homodimers to KIT results in KIT homodimerization followed by activation of its intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity. KIT stimulation activates a wide array of signalling pathways including MAPK, PI3K and JAK/STAT (Reber et al. 2006, Ronnstrand 2004). Defects of KIT in humans are associated with different genetic diseases and also in several types of cancers like mast cell leukaemia, germ cell tumours, certain subtypes of malignant melanoma and gastrointestinal tumours.
Signaling by Type 1

Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 Receptor

PathwayR-HSA-2404192 (Reactome) Binding of IGF1 (IGF-I) or IGF2 (IGF-II) to the extracellular alpha peptides of the type 1 insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGF1R) triggers the activation of two major signaling pathways: the SOS-RAS-RAF-MAPK (ERK) pathway and the PI3K-PKB (AKT) pathway (recently reviewed in Pavelic et al. 2007, Chitnis et al. 2008, Maki et al. 2010, Parella et al. 2010, Annunziata et al. 2011, Siddle et al. 2012, Holzenberger 2012).
Signaling by the B Cell Receptor (BCR)PathwayR-HSA-983705 (Reactome) Mature B cells express IgM and IgD immunoglobulins which are complexed at the plasma membrane with Ig-alpha (CD79A, MB-1) and Ig-beta (CD79B, B29) to form the B cell receptor (BCR) (Fu et al. 1974, Fu et al. 1975, Kunkel et al. 1975, Van Noesel et al. 1992, Sanchez et al. 1993, reviewed in Brezski and Monroe 2008). Binding of antigen to the immunoglobulin activates phosphorylation of immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) in the cytoplasmic tails of Ig-alpha and Ig-beta by Src family tyrosine kinases, including LYN, FYN, and BLK (Nel et al. 1984, Yamanashi et al. 1991, Flaswinkel and Reth 1994, Saouaf et al. 1994, Hata et al. 1994, Saouaf et al. 1995, reviewed in Gauld and Cambier 2004, reviewed in Harwood and Batista 2010).
The protein kinase SYK binds the phosphorylated immunoreceptor tyrosine-activated motifs (ITAMs) on the cytoplasmic tails of Ig-alpha (CD79A, MB-1) and Ig-beta (CD79B, B29) (Wienands et al. 1995, Rowley et al. 1995, Tsang et al. 2008). The binding causes the activation and autophosphorylation of SYK (Law et al. 1994, Baldock et al. 2000, Irish et al. 2006, Tsang et al. 2008, reviewed in Bradshaw 2010).
Activated SYK and other kinases phosphorylate BLNK (SLP-65), BCAP, and CD19 which serve as scaffolds for the assembly of large complexes, the signalosomes, by recruiting phosphoinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), phospholipase C gamma (predominantly PLC-gamma2 in B cells, Coggeshall et al. 1992), NCK, BAM32, BTK, VAV1, and SHC. The effectors are phosphorylated by SYK and other kinases.
PLC-gamma associated with BLNK hydrolyzes phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate to yield inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) and diacylglycerol (Carter et al. 1991, Kim et al. 2004). IP3 binds receptors on the endoplasmic reticulum and causes release of calcium ions from the ER into the cytosol. The depletion of calcium from the ER in turn activates STIM1 to interact with ORAI and TRPC1 channels in the plasma membrane, resulting in an influx of extracellular calcium ions (Muik et al. 2008, Luik et al. 2008, Park et al. 2009, Mori et al. 2002). PI3K associated with BCAP and CD19 phosphorylates phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate to yield phosphatidyinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate.
Second messengers (calcium, diacylglycerol, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, and phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate) trigger signaling pathways: NF-kappaB is activated via protein kinase C beta, RAS is activated via RasGRP proteins, NF-AT is activated via calcineurin, and AKT (PKB) is activated via PDK1 (reviewed in Shinohara and Kurosaki 2009, Stone 2006).
TGFA(24-98) ProteinP01135 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
TLN1 ProteinQ9Y490 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBA52(1-76) ProteinP62987 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBB(1-76) ProteinP0CG47 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBB(153-228) ProteinP0CG47 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBB(77-152) ProteinP0CG47 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBC(1-76) ProteinP0CG48 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBC(153-228) ProteinP0CG48 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBC(229-304) ProteinP0CG48 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBC(305-380) ProteinP0CG48 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBC(381-456) ProteinP0CG48 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBC(457-532) ProteinP0CG48 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBC(533-608) ProteinP0CG48 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBC(609-684) ProteinP0CG48 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UBC(77-152) ProteinP0CG48 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
UbComplexR-HSA-113595 (Reactome)
V600E BRAF V169_D380del ProteinP15056 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
V600E BRAF splice variant dimerComplexR-HSA-6802656 (Reactome)
V600E BRAF splice variantsComplexR-HSA-6802657 (Reactome)
VCL ProteinP18206 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
VWF(23-763) ProteinP04275 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
WDR83 ProteinQ9BRX9 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
WDR83:LAMTOR2:LAMTOR3:activated RAF:MAP2K:MAPK complexComplexR-HSA-5674138 (Reactome)
WDR83:LAMTOR2:LAMTOR3:activated RAF:p-2S MAP2K:p-T,Y MAPK complexComplexR-HSA-5674131 (Reactome)
WDR83:LAMTOR2:LAMTOR3ComplexR-HSA-5674133 (Reactome)
YWHAB ProteinP31946 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
YWHAB dimerComplexR-HSA-2028645 (Reactome)
activated RAF:scaffold:MAP2K:MAPK complex:dual mechanism MAP2K inhibitorsComplexR-HSA-9657583 (Reactome)
activated RAF:scaffold:MAP2K:MAPK complexComplexR-HSA-5672720 (Reactome)


MAP2K:MAPK complex
ComplexR-HSA-5672723 (Reactome)

RAF:scaffold:p-2S MAP2K:MAPK:dual mechanism MAPK

ComplexR-HSA-9657590 (Reactome)

RAF:scaffold:p-2S MAP2K:p-2T MAPK:single mechanism MAPK

ComplexR-HSA-9657592 (Reactome)

RAF:scaffold:p-2S MAP2K:p-2T MAPK

ComplexR-HSA-5672724 (Reactome)

RAF:scaffold:p-2S MAP2K:MAPK:single mechanism MAP2K

ComplexR-HSA-9657587 (Reactome)
activated RAF homo/heterodimerComplexR-HSA-5674136 (Reactome)
cytosolic MAPK DUSPsComplexR-HSA-5675365 (Reactome)
dabrafenib mesylate
dephosphorylated "receiver" RAF/KSR1ComplexR-HSA-5672731 (Reactome)

inactive RAFS:YWHAB

ComplexR-HSA-5672728 (Reactome)
dephosphorylated inactive RAFsComplexR-HSA-5672726 (Reactome)
dual mechanism MAP2K1/2 inhibitorsComplexR-ALL-9657567 (Reactome)
dual mechanism MAPK inhibitorsComplexR-ALL-9657570 (Reactome)
high kinase activity BRAF mutantsComplexR-HSA-6802579 (Reactome)
hyperphosphorylated BRAFProteinP15056 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
hyperphosphorylated RAF1ProteinP04049 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
inactive RAFs:YWHAB dimerComplexR-HSA-5672707 (Reactome)
inactive RAFsComplexR-HSA-5672708 (Reactome)
nuclear MAPK DUSPsComplexR-HSA-5675368 (Reactome)
p-11Y-PDGFRA ProteinP16234 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-12Y-PDGFRB ProteinP09619 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-2S MAP2K homo/heterodimersComplexR-HSA-5672721 (Reactome)
p-2S MAP2K homo/heterodimers R-HSA-5672721 (Reactome)
p-2S MAP2K1:p-2S MAPK2K2 heterodimerComplexR-HSA-5672705 (Reactome)
p-2S,T MAP2K1:p-2S MAPK2K2 heterodimerComplexR-HSA-5674489 (Reactome)
p-5Y,S1119-TEK ProteinQ02763 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-5Y-FGFR4 ProteinP22455 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-5Y-FRS3 ProteinO43559 (Uniprot-TrEMBL) The phospho-tyrosine positions for FRS2-beta were inferred by similarity to the analogous positions in FRS2-alpha. Five out of six tyrosine positions in alpha are present in beta.
p-5Y-LAT-2 ProteinO43561-2 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-5Y-RET ProteinP07949 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-6Y,Y1112-ERBB2 ProteinP04626 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-6Y-EGFR ProteinP00533 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-6Y-ERBB2 heterodimers R-HSA-1963585 (Reactome)
p-6Y-FGFR3b ProteinP22607-2 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-6Y-FGFR3c ProteinP22607-1 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-6Y-FRS2 ProteinQ8WU20 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-6Y-PTK2 ProteinQ05397 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-7Y,Y1112-ERBB2 ProteinP04626 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-7Y-KIT ProteinP10721 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-8Y-FGFR1b ProteinP11362-19 (Uniprot-TrEMBL) While the existence of a "b" isoform of fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 is well established and its biochemical and functional properties have been extensively characterized (e.g., Mohammadi et al. 2005; Zhang et al. 2006), its amino acid sequence is not represented in reference protein sequence databases, except as the 47-residue polypeptide (deposited in GenBank as accession AAB19502) first used by Johnson et al. (1991) to distinguish the "b" and "c" isoforms of the receptor.
p-8Y-FGFR1c ProteinP11362-1 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-ERBB4cyt1 homodimers R-HSA-1250351 (Reactome)
p-S,218, S222,T292 MAP2K1 ProteinQ02750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-S214,S576 ARAF ProteinP10398 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-S218,S222-MAP2K1 ProteinQ02750 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-S222,S226-MAP2K2 ProteinP36507 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-S259,S621-RAF1 ProteinP04049 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-S299,S302,T452,T455,S576 ARAF ProteinP10398 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)


ComplexR-HSA-5672692 (Reactome)
p-S311 KSR1 ProteinQ8IVT5 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-S311 KSR1:MARK3ComplexR-HSA-5672691 (Reactome)


ComplexR-HSA-5672696 (Reactome)
p-S311,S406 KSR1:MARK3ComplexR-HSA-5672695 (Reactome)
p-S311,S406 KSR1 ProteinQ8IVT5 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-S311,Y552 KSR1 ProteinQ8IVT5 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 ProteinP04049 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1ProteinP04049 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-S365,S445,S729 BRAF ProteinP15056 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-S445,S729-BRAF ProteinP15056 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAF ProteinP15056 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAFProteinP15056 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-S459 PTPN3:p-T183,Y185-MAPK12ComplexR-HSA-8868113 (Reactome)
p-S459 PTPN3 ProteinP26045 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-S576 ARAF ProteinP10398 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-S621-RAF1 ProteinP04049 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-T,Y MAPK dimers R-HSA-1268261 (Reactome)
p-T,Y MAPK dimers R-HSA-198701 (Reactome)
p-T,Y MAPK dimersComplexR-HSA-1268261 (Reactome)
p-T,Y MAPK monomers and dimers:PEA15ComplexR-HSA-5675205 (Reactome)
p-T,Y MAPK monomers and dimersComplexR-HSA-5674340 (Reactome)
p-T,Y MAPK monomers and dimersComplexR-HSA-5674341 (Reactome)
p-T,Y MAPKs R-HSA-169289 (Reactome)
p-T,Y MAPKs R-HSA-5674338 (Reactome)
p-T,Y MAPKsComplexR-HSA-169289 (Reactome)
p-T133-RASGRP3 ProteinQ8IV61 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-T183,Y185-MAPK12 ProteinP53778 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-T183,Y185-MAPK12ProteinP53778 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-T184-RASGRP1 ProteinO95267 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-T185,Y187-MAPK1 ProteinP28482 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-T185-MAPK1 ProteinP28482 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-T202,Y204-MAPK3 ProteinP27361 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-T202-MAPK3 ProteinP27361 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-T286-CAMK2A ProteinQ9UQM7 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-T287-CAMK2B ProteinQ13554 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-T287-CAMK2D ProteinQ13557 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-T287-CAMK2G ProteinQ13555 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-Y-IRS1 ProteinP35568 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-Y-IRS2 ProteinQ9Y4H2 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-Y-JAK1 ProteinP23458 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-Y-SHC1 ProteinP29353 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-Y-SHC2 ProteinP98077 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-Y-SHC3 ProteinQ92529 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-Y1172,Y1226-ERBB4 JM-A CYT-2 isoform ProteinQ15303-3 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-Y1234,Y1235,Y1349,Y1356-MET ProteinP08581 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-Y194,Y195,Y272-SHC1-3 ProteinP29353-3 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-Y239,Y240,Y317-SHC1-2 ProteinP29353-2 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-Y317-SHC1-2 ProteinP29353-2 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1 ProteinP04049 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-Y349,Y350,Y427-SHC1 ProteinP29353 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-Y349,Y350-SHC1 ProteinP29353 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-Y364,Y418,Y536-IL2RB ProteinP14784 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-Y420-FYN ProteinP06241 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
p-Y427-SHC1 ProteinP29353 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)


ComplexR-HSA-5672729 (Reactome)

RAS:GTP:activated RAF homo/heterodimer

ComplexR-HSA-5672718 (Reactome)

RAS:GTP:activated RAF1

ComplexR-HSA-5675413 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTP:homo/heterodimerized RAF complexComplexR-HSA-5672733 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GDPComplexR-HSA-109796 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTP:BRAPComplexR-HSA-5674003 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTP:PI3KComplexR-HSA-9658249 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTP:RAS GAPsComplexR-HSA-5658227 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTP:ub-BRAPComplexR-HSA-5674005 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTPComplexR-HSA-109783 (Reactome)


ComplexR-HSA-5672712 (Reactome)


ComplexR-HSA-5675414 (Reactome)
p21RAS:GTP:dephosphorylated RAF1 homo/heterodimerComplexR-HSA-5675430 (Reactome)
p21RAS:GTP:homo/heterodimerized RAF complex:RAF dimer inhibitorsComplexR-HSA-9653109 (Reactome)


ComplexR-HSA-5675412 (Reactome)
single mechanism MAP2K1/2 inhibitorsComplexR-ALL-9657574 (Reactome)
single mechanism MAPK inhibitorsComplexR-ALL-9657577 (Reactome)
ub-BRAP ProteinQ7Z569 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
ub-NF1(2-2839) ProteinP21359 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)

Annotated Interactions

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SourceTargetTypeDatabase referenceComment
'activator' RAF:YWHAB dimerR-HSA-5672950 (Reactome)
26S proteasomemim-catalysisR-HSA-5658430 (Reactome)
ADPArrowR-HSA-5672948 (Reactome)
ADPArrowR-HSA-5672969 (Reactome)
ADPArrowR-HSA-5672973 (Reactome)
ADPArrowR-HSA-5672978 (Reactome)
ADPArrowR-HSA-5674130 (Reactome)
ADPArrowR-HSA-5674373 (Reactome)
ADPArrowR-HSA-5674496 (Reactome)
ADPArrowR-HSA-5675194 (Reactome)
ADPArrowR-HSA-5675198 (Reactome)
ADPArrowR-HSA-8868118 (Reactome)
ADPArrowR-HSA-9652165 (Reactome)
ATPR-HSA-5672948 (Reactome)
ATPR-HSA-5672969 (Reactome)
ATPR-HSA-5672973 (Reactome)
ATPR-HSA-5672978 (Reactome)
ATPR-HSA-5674130 (Reactome)
ATPR-HSA-5674373 (Reactome)
ATPR-HSA-5674496 (Reactome)
ATPR-HSA-5675194 (Reactome)
ATPR-HSA-5675198 (Reactome)
ATPR-HSA-8868118 (Reactome)
ATPR-HSA-9652165 (Reactome)
BRAF inhibitors:high

kinase activity

BRAF mutants
ArrowR-HSA-6802938 (Reactome)
BRAF inhibitorsR-HSA-6802938 (Reactome)
BRAP:KSR1:MARK3ArrowR-HSA-5674019 (Reactome)
BRAP:KSR1:MARK3TBarR-HSA-5672966 (Reactome)
BRAPR-HSA-5674018 (Reactome)
BRAPR-HSA-5674019 (Reactome)
GDPArrowR-HSA-5672965 (Reactome)
GDPArrowR-HSA-9649735 (Reactome)
GTPR-HSA-5672965 (Reactome)
GTPR-HSA-9649735 (Reactome)
H2OR-HSA-5672957 (Reactome)
H2OR-HSA-5672961 (Reactome)
H2OR-HSA-5675373 (Reactome)
H2OR-HSA-5675376 (Reactome)
H2OR-HSA-5675431 (Reactome)
H2OR-HSA-5675433 (Reactome)
H2OR-HSA-8867658 (Reactome)
H2OR-HSA-9635739 (Reactome)
H2OR-HSA-9658445 (Reactome)
IL17RD:p-2S MAP2Ks:MAPKsArrowR-HSA-5674366 (Reactome)
IL17RD:p-2S MAP2Ks:MAPKsR-HSA-5674373 (Reactome)
IL17RD:p-2S MAP2Ks:MAPKsmim-catalysisR-HSA-5674373 (Reactome)
IL17RD:p-2S MAP2Ks:p-T,Y MAPKsArrowR-HSA-5674373 (Reactome)
IL17RDR-HSA-5674366 (Reactome)
KBTBD7:CUL3:RBX1mim-catalysisR-HSA-5658424 (Reactome)
KSR1:MARK3R-HSA-5672948 (Reactome)
KSR1:MARK3R-HSA-5674019 (Reactome)
KSR1:MARK3mim-catalysisR-HSA-5672948 (Reactome)
MAP2K homo/heterodimersR-HSA-5672972 (Reactome)
MAP2K homo/heterodimersR-HSA-5674132 (Reactome)
MAP2K1 and MAP2K2 mutantsmim-catalysisR-HSA-9652165 (Reactome)
MAP3K11ArrowR-HSA-5672966 (Reactome)
MAPK monomers and dimersArrowR-HSA-5675373 (Reactome)
MAPK monomers and dimersArrowR-HSA-5675376 (Reactome)
MAPK12ArrowR-HSA-8867658 (Reactome)
MAPKsR-HSA-5672972 (Reactome)
MAPKsR-HSA-5674132 (Reactome)
MAPKsR-HSA-5674366 (Reactome)
MAPKsR-HSA-9652165 (Reactome)
NF1(2-2839)R-HSA-5658438 (Reactome)
PAQR3:inactive RAFsArrowR-HSA-5674140 (Reactome)
PAQR3R-HSA-5674140 (Reactome)
PEA15R-HSA-5675206 (Reactome)
PEBP1R-HSA-5675417 (Reactome)
PHBArrowR-HSA-5672950 (Reactome)
PI3KR-HSA-9658253 (Reactome)
PP2Amim-catalysisR-HSA-5672957 (Reactome)
PP2Amim-catalysisR-HSA-5672961 (Reactome)
PP2Amim-catalysisR-HSA-5675431 (Reactome)
PPP5Cmim-catalysisR-HSA-5675433 (Reactome)
PTPN3:p-T183,Y185-MAPK12ArrowR-HSA-8867654 (Reactome)
PTPN3:p-T183,Y185-MAPK12R-HSA-8867658 (Reactome)
PTPN3:p-T183,Y185-MAPK12R-HSA-8868118 (Reactome)
PTPN3:p-T183,Y185-MAPK12mim-catalysisR-HSA-8867658 (Reactome)
PTPN3:p-T183,Y185-MAPK12mim-catalysisR-HSA-8868118 (Reactome)
PTPN3ArrowR-HSA-8867658 (Reactome)
PTPN3R-HSA-8867654 (Reactome)
PTPN7:p-T,Y-MAPK dimersArrowR-HSA-9635743 (Reactome)
PTPN7:p-T,Y-MAPK dimersR-HSA-9635739 (Reactome)
PTPN7:p-T,Y-MAPK dimersmim-catalysisR-HSA-9635739 (Reactome)
PTPN7:p-T-MAPK dimersArrowR-HSA-9635739 (Reactome)
PTPN7R-HSA-9635743 (Reactome)
PiArrowR-HSA-5672957 (Reactome)
PiArrowR-HSA-5672961 (Reactome)
PiArrowR-HSA-5675373 (Reactome)
PiArrowR-HSA-5675376 (Reactome)
PiArrowR-HSA-5675431 (Reactome)
PiArrowR-HSA-5675433 (Reactome)
PiArrowR-HSA-8867658 (Reactome)
PiArrowR-HSA-9635739 (Reactome)
PiArrowR-HSA-9658445 (Reactome)
R-HSA-5658231 (Reactome) The intrinsic GTPase activity of RAS proteins is stimulated by the GAP proteins, of which there are at least 10 in the human genome (reviewed in King et al, 2013).
R-HSA-5658424 (Reactome) NF1 levels are controlled by proteasomal degradation in response to stimulation by some growth factors (Cichowski et al, 2003). Ubiquitination is mediated by the CUL3:RBX1 RING E3 ligase complex in conjunction with the BTB adaptor protein KBTBD7 (Hollstein et al, 2013). After its initial rapid degradation, NF1 protein levels are re-established shortly after growth factor treatment, allowing appropriate termination of RAS MAPK signaling (Cichowski et al, 2003). Aberrant destabilization of NF1 by CUL3:KBTBD7-mediated proteasomal degradation has been identified in cases of glioblastoma and depends on activation of PKC alpha (Cichowski et al, 2003; McGillicuddy et al, 2009; Hollstein et al, 2013).
R-HSA-5658430 (Reactome) After ubiquitination by the CUL3:KBTBD7 E3 RING ligase complex, NF1 is degraded by the proteasome (Cichowski et al, 2003; McGillicuddy et al, 2009; Hollstein et al, 2013).
R-HSA-5658435 (Reactome) The human genome encodes at least 10 proteins that bind RAS and activate its intrinsic GTPase activity, resulting in the formation of inactive RAS:GDP and attenuating RAS signaling (reviewed in King et al, 2013). These identified RAS GAP proteins are RASA1 (also known as p120 GAP), NF1, the GAP1 family (RASA2, RASA3, RASA4 and RASAL1) and the SYNGAP family (SYNGAP1, DAB2IP, RASAL2 and RASAL3). GAP proteins stimulate RAS GTPase activity by inserting a conserved arginine residue into the RAS active site, promoting a conformational change in the active site to allow GTP hydrolysis (Ahamdian et al, 2003; Scheffzek et al, 1997; Ahamdian et al, 1997). In addition to the GAP domain, most RAS GAP proteins also contain membrane targeting domains that facilitate interaction with the plasma membrane where RAS is tethered. In some cases, such as RASA3, membrane localization is constitutive, whereas in others, the GAP proteins are targeted to the membrane in response to cellular signaling. In addition to binding RAS, a number of GAP proteins also mediate other protein-protein interactions and act as scaffolds to integrate signaling; some GAPs are also known to bind and activate other small GTPases such as RAP (reviewed in King et al, 2013). Loss-of-functions mutations in RAS GAP proteins have been identified in a number of cancers (reviewed in Maertens and Cichowski, 2014).
R-HSA-5658438 (Reactome) Sprouty-related proteins (SPRED) 1, 2 and 3 are negative regulators of the MAPK pathway that act at least in part by recruiting the RAS GAP protein neurofibromin 1 (NF1) to the plasma membrane (Kato et al, 2003; King et al, 2006; Stowe et al, 2012). NF1, a negative regulator of RAS is a tumor suppressor that is mutated in the familial cancer syndrome neurofibromatosis I as well as in sporadic cases of glioblastoma, non-small cell lung cancers, neuroblastoma and melanoma (Martin et al, 1990; Bollag et al, 1996; reviewed in Bollag and McCormick, 1992; Maertens and Cichowski, 2014).

Plasma membrane-association of the SPRED proteins themselves depends on the C-terminal SPR domain. Mutations in this region abrogate membrane localization of the protein (King et al, 2005; Stowe et al, 2012). Membrane association may also be promoted by interaction of the SPRED proteins with RAS (Wakioka et al, 2001). Interaction with NF1 is mediated by the SPRED EVH1 domain, and mutations in this region affect both NF1 recruitment and the ability of SPRED and NF1 proteins to negatively regulate RAS pathway activity (Stowe et al, 2012; reviewed in McClatchey and Cichowski, 2012).
R-HSA-5672948 (Reactome) KSR1 (Kinase suppressor of RAS 1) was originally identified in Drosophila and C. elegans as a suppressor of activated RAS, and is one of a number of scaffolding proteins that bring RAS-RAF-MAPK members together to promote pathway activation (Therrien et al, 1995; Kornfeld et al, 1995; Sundaram et al, 1995; reviewed in Zhang et al, 2013). Consistent with its role as a scaffolding protein, KSR1 interacts with all of the kinases of the MAPK pathway. Interaction with the MEK proteins MAP2K1 and MAP2K2 is constitutive, while pathway activation promotes heterodimerization with activated RAF proteins and subsequent interaction with ERK/MAPK proteins (Rajakulendran et al, 2009; Therrien et al, 1996; McKay et al, 2009; Hu et al, 2011; Hu et al, 2013; Brennan et al, 2011; note, however, that for simplicity MAP2K/MEK proteins are not depicted as part of this reaction).
Like the RAF proteins, KSR1 is maintained in an inactive state in quiescent cells by interaction with 14-3-3 dimers; this interaction is promoted by phosphorylation of KSR1 residues S311 and S406 by the MAP/microtubule affinity-regulating kinase 3 (MARK3), which is constitutively bound to KSR1 (Muller et al, 2001).

R-HSA-5672950 (Reactome) Activation of RAS downstream of extracellular signals allows RAS:GTP to recruit BRAF to the plasma membrane, disrupting the pre-existing inactivating interaction between BRAF and the 14-3-3 protein YWHAB (Marais et al, 1997; Yamamori et al, 1995; reviewed in Cseh et al, 2014). BRAF, unique of the three mammalian RAF proteins, is constitutively phosphorylated on the conserved serine residue (445 in BRAF) in the N-terminal acidic motif (NtA). Constitutive negative charge in this region is critical for BRAF to function as an activator of other RAF molecules, allowing signal amplification (Marais et al, 1997; Mason et al, 1999; Wan et al, 2004; Garnett et al, 2005; Hu et al, 2013; reviewed in Cseh et al, 2014). RAS:GTP-bound BRAF heterodimerizes with additional RAF monomers, allowing cis-autophosphorylation in the activation loop of the second RAF protein. Once activated by BRAF in this manner, the 'receiver' kinase monomer is competent to dimerize with and transactivate other monomers in turn (Weber et al, 2001; Garnett et al, 2005; Hu et al, 2013; reviewed in Cseh et al, 2014). Intruigingly, the scaffold protein KSR1 is activated by BRAF in a manner analogous to other RAF monomers and can similarly act as a RAF activator once it is itself activated (Brennan et al, 2011; Ory et al, 2003; reviewed in Raabe and Rapp, 2003; Cseh et al, 2014).

Although this pathway shows PP2A-mediated dephosphorylation of RAF and transient displacement of 14-3-3 proteins as preceding RAS and plasma membrane binding of RAF proteins, the order and dependency of these events is not clear. Both membrane binding and 14-3-3 displacement also appear to be facilitated by an interaction between RAF and the cell cycle protein Prohibitin (PHB; Rajalingam et al, 2005; reviewed in Rajalingam and Rudel, 2005; Chowdhury et al, 2014).
R-HSA-5672951 (Reactome) In quiescent cells, RAF is maintained in a closed state in which the N-terminal regulatory region sterically blocks the catalytic region (Cutler et al, 1998; Tran et al, 2003; Terai et al, 2005; Tran et al, 2005; reviewed in Udell et al, 2011). This closed state is mediated in part by the intramolecular binding of YWHAB/14-3-3 dimers to two phosphorylated serine residues (S259 and S621 in RAF1, S214 and S582 in ARAF and S365 and S729 in BRAF) (Ory et al, 2003; Jaumot et al, 2001; Fischer et al, 2009; reviewed in Udell et al, 2011).

R-HSA-5672954 (Reactome) MARK3-mediated phosphorylation of S311 and particularly S406 promotes the binding of 14-3-3 dimers, sequestering KSR1 in the cytosol in quiescent cells (Cacace et al, 1999; Muller et al, 2000; Muller et al, 2001; reviewed in Raabe and Raap, 2003). Mutation of S406 abrogates 14-3-3 binding and results in constitutive plasma membrane localization of KSR1 (Muller et al, 2001).
R-HSA-5672957 (Reactome) Upon growth factor stimulation, KSR1 is dephosphorylated at S406 by PP2A, disrupting 14-3-3 binding and promoting membrane translocation of KSR1 (Ory et al, 2003; Muller et al, 2001; reviewed in Raabe and Raap, 2003).
R-HSA-5672958 (Reactome) Dephosphorylation of KSR1 S406 by PP2A promotes the dissociation of 14-3-3 from this site, exposing both the CR1 region that is required for membrane localization of KSR1 and the MAPK-binding FxFP motif (Ory et al, 2003; Muller et al, 2001; reviewed in Raabe and Raap, 2003).
R-HSA-5672960 (Reactome) Dephosphorylation of S259 (S365/S214) by PP2A promotes the transient dissociation of 14-3-3 dimers from this site (Ory et al, 2003; Jaumot et al, 2001; Rommel et al, 1996; reviewed in Raabe and Raap, 2003; Matallanas et al, 2011). In the case of RAF1, displacement of 14-3-3 has also been shown to be promoted by a direct interaction between RAF1 and the cell cycle protein prohibitin (PHB; Rajalingam et al, 2005; reviewed in Rajalingam and Rudel, 2005; Chowdhury et al, 2014).

R-HSA-5672961 (Reactome) Upon growth factor stimulation, RAF1 S259 (or S365 and S214 in BRAF and ARAF respectively) is dephosphorylated by PP2A and/or PP1, abrogating one of the YWHAB/14-3-3 binding sites (Terai et al, 2005; Ory et al, 2003; Kubicek et al, 2002; Jaumot et al, 2001; Rommel et al, 1996; reviewed in Roskoski, 2010; Matallanas et al, 2011). Release of 14-3-3 binding from the N-terminal site promotes a conformational change that exposes the membrane and RAS interacting RBD and CRD and facilitates recruitment of RAF to the plasma membrane where it binds RAS:GTP (Kubicek et al, 2002; Goetz et al, 2003; Ory et al, 2003). Dephosphorylation of S259/S365/S214 may also promote dimerization of RAF monomers by replacing the intramolecular 14-3-3 binding interaction with an intermolecular one (Rushworth et al, 2006; Weber et al, 2001; Ritt et al, 2010; reviewed in Matallanas et al, 2011). Although the PP2A-mediated dephosphorylation is shown as occurring before both YWHAB displacement and recruitment of RAF to the plasma membrane, the order of and relationship between these events is not completely clear. In addition, the displacement of 14-3-3 and recruitment of RAF1 to the membrane is also promoted by a direct interaction with cell cycle protein Prohibitin (PHB; Rajalingam et al, 2005; reviewed in Rajalingam and Rudel, 2005; Chowdhury et al, 2014).
R-HSA-5672965 (Reactome) The human genome is predicted to encode 27 RAS guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) that promote the exchange of GDP for GTP on membrane-associated RAS in response to RAS-MAPK pathway activation by growth factors, hormones, cytokines and other stimuli (reviewed in Cherfils and Zeghouf, 2013; Cargnello and Roux, 2011). Nucleotide exchange stimulates a conformational change in RAS to facilitate its interaction with RAF, ultimately promoting the phosphorylation of downstream effectors MAPK3 and MAPK1 (also known as ERK1 and ERK2) (reviewed in Cseh et al, 2014; Vigil et al, 2010).
R-HSA-5672966 (Reactome) RAF activation depends on the formation of a side-by-side asymmetric homo- or heterodimer (formed from either 2 RAF monomers or a RAF monomer and KSR1) (Weber et al, 2001; Garnett et al, 2005; Rushworth et al, 2006; Rajakulendran et al, 2009; Hu et al, 2013). Dimerization is mediated by cluster of basic residues in the kinase domain, and mutation of these critical residues abrogates RAF activation (Rajakulendran et al, 2009). Dimerization is required for the 'activator' monomer to induce an allosteric change in the 'receiver' monomer that, in conjunction with activation loop phosphorylation, activates the kinase activity of the receiver (Hu et al, 2013). BRAF, by virtue of its constitutive negative charge in the NtA region, is uniquely able to function as an activator RAF without further modification, while RAF1, ARAF and KSR1 can function as activators only after being phosphorylated in the NtA region downstream of RAF pathway activation (Hu et al, 2013; Leicht et al, 2013; reviewed in Cseh et al, 2014). Homo and heterodimerization of RAF monomers may be promoted by association with MAP3K11, which interacts with BRAF and RAF1 in vitro and in vivo and which is required for RAF activation (Chadee et al, 2004a, Chadee et al, 2004b; Chadee et al, 2006).
R-HSA-5672969 (Reactome) Downstream of RAF dimerization and allosteric activation, RAF monomers and KSR1 undergo a series of activating phosphorylations in both the activation loop (AL) and, in the case of ARAF, RAF1 and KSR1, in the NtA . Phosphorylation of the activation loop residues (T491, S494 in RAF1, T452, T455 in ARAF and T599, S602 in BRAF) contributes to full kinase activity, although this may be less critical for ARAF, and RAFs in general, than for other kinases due to their regulation by 14-3-3 binding (Zhu et al, 2005; Zhang et al, 2000; Baljuls et al, 2008, reviewed in Matallanas et al, 2011; Udell et al, 2011). AL phosphorylation may occur through cis-autophosphorylation within the RAF dimer, although phosphorylation by other kinases is also possible (Hu et al, 2013; reviewed in Matallanas et al, 2011).

Phosphorylation in the RAF NtA region is required for full kinase activity, for interaction with MAP2K substrates and for the ability of activated RAF to act as an allosteric activator of other RAF monomers (Marais et al, 1995; Diaz et al, 1997; Xiang et al, 2002; Edin et al, 2005; Hu et al, 2013; Mason et al, 1999). Phosphorylation of these residues (S338 and Y441 in RAF1, S299 and Y302 in ARAF and Y602 in KSR1) may be mediated by a kinase of the SRC, JAK or PAK family kinases, by MAP2K kinases, calmodulin kinase CaMKII or through autophosphorylation by RAF itself (Marais et al, 1995; Xia et al, 1996; King et al, 1998; Sun et al, 2000; Tran et al, 2003; Tran et al, 2005; Salzano et al. 2012, Hu et al, 2013; reviewed in Matallanas et al, 2011). The phosphorylated NtA of RAF1 is also the binding site for the negative regulator PEPB1, also known as RKIP. PEBP1 binding to RAF1 prevents phosphorylation of the MAP2K substrates (Park et al, 2006; Rath et al, 2008; reviewed in Shin et al, 2009).
R-HSA-5672972 (Reactome) RAF kinases have restricted substrate specificity and have as their primary substrates the two MAP2K proteins MAP2K1 and MAP2K2 (also known as MEK1 and 2). MAP2K1 knockout is embryonic lethal in mice, while MAP2K2 knockouts have no apparent abnormalities, suggesting that MAP2K1 can compensate for MAP2K2 in vivo (Giroux et al, 1999; Belanger et al, 2003). MAP2K proteins exist as stable homo- and heterodimers independent of growth factor stimulation and are generally recruited to activated RAF proteins in conjunction with a scaffolding protein and the MAP2K substrates, MAPK1 and 3 (also known as ERK1 and 2) (Ohren et al, 2004; Catalanotti et al, 2009; Catling et al, 1995; reviewed in Matallanas et al, 2011; Roskoski et al, 2012a; Roskoski et al, 2012b).

Scaffolding proteins promote signaling by providing a docking platform that colocalizes components of the signaling cascade, and provide specificity by controlling the spatial and temporal regulation of the pathway (reviewed in Brown and Sacks, 2009; Matallanas et al, 2011). KSR1 and 2, CNKSR1 and 2, IQGAP1 and the beta arrestins are among the known MAPK scaffold proteins that act at the plasma membrane upon MAPK pathway activation; in addition, paxillin localizes MAPK pathway components to focal adhesion sites in the plasma membrane (Roy et al, 2005; Ren et al, 2007; DeFea et al, 2000; Togho et al, 2003; Ishibe et al, 2003; reviewed in Claperon and Therrien, 2007; Brown and Sacks, 2009; Matallanas et al, 2011). Although this reaction depicts these scaffolding proteins acting equivalently, the details of how they promote pathway activation vary. For instance, KSR1 and 2 are constitutively bound to MAP2K dimers but recruit MAPKs only upon pathway stimulation, while IQGAP1 associates constitutively with both MAP2K and MAPK proteins in unstimulated cells and shows increased interaction with MAP2K1 upon pathway activation by EGF (Stewart et al, 1999; Cacace et al, 2000; Muller et al, 2000; Roy et al, 2004; Roy et al, 2005; reviewed in Brown and Sacks, 2009). Scaffolding complexes may be particularly important for the phosphorylation of cytosolic MAPK targets (reviewed in Casar et al, 2009).
R-HSA-5672973 (Reactome) Activated MAP2K phosphorylates MAPK on threonine and tyrosine residues in the activation loop (residues T202 and Y204 in MAPK3, residues T185 and Y187 in MAPK1) (Ray et al, 1988; reviewed in Roskoski, 2012b). MAPK3 and MAPK1 are 84% identical and appear to be stimulated in parallel by all known activators of the MAPK pathway (Lefloch et al, 2009; reviewed in Lloyd, 2006).
R-HSA-5672978 (Reactome) Activated RAF phosphorylates the MEK kinases MAP2K1 and MAP2K2 on 2 serine residues in the MAP2K activation loop (S218 and S222 in MAP2K1 and S222 and S226 in MAP2K2 (Zheng and Guan, 1994; Alessi et al, 1994; Catling et al, 1995; Papin et al, 1995; Seger et al, 1994; reviewed in Roskoski, 2012a). Although all three RAF kinases can phosphorylate MAP2K1 and MAP2K2, BRAF appears to be the primary activator in vivo (Marais et al, 1997; Jaiswal et al, 1994; Pritchard et al, 1995; reviewed in Welbrock et al, 2004)
R-HSA-5672980 (Reactome) The mechanisms governing the dissociation or trafficking of activated MAPK signaling complexes at the plasma membrane are not fully worked out. Some active complexes may be endocytosed and targeted to other cellular locations, for example the Golgi complex (Lorentzen et al, 2010). Activated RAF monomers may dissociate and homo- or heterodimerize with additional inactive RAF monomers and in this way amplify the signal (reviewed in Matallanas et al, 2011; Cseh et al, 2014).
Ultimately, active RAF complexes are subject to PP5- and PP2A-mediated dephosphorylation, which promotes a return to the inactive state. Hydrolysis of RAS-bound GTP by the intrinsic GTPase activity, stimulated by association with RAS GAP proteins, ultimately promotes dissociation of RAS from RAF allowing a return to the quiescent state (reviewed in Wellbrock et al, 2004; Matallanas et al, 2011).
R-HSA-5674018 (Reactome) BRAP is a negative regulator of the RAF/MAPK cascade that inhibits the homo- and heterodimerization of KSR1 and RAF and preventing downstream signal propagation (Matheny et al, 2004; Chen et al, 2008; reviewed in Matheny et al, 2009). Upon RAS stimulation, BRAP binds to RAS:GTP. This stimulates BRAP's E3 HECT ubiquitin ligase activity, promoting its autoubiquitination and thereby relieving the inhibition of KSR1 activity (Matheny et al, 2004; reviewed in Matheny et al, 2009). USP15 is a deubiquitinase that stabilizes BRAP protein levels and thus acts to dampen MAPK signaling (Hayes et al, 2013).
R-HSA-5674019 (Reactome) BRAP is a negative regulator of MAPK signaling that binds KSR1 as assessed by coimmunoprecipitation. This interaction abrogates KSR1 homodimer and KSR1:RAF heterodimer formation, and disrupts the recruitment of MAP2K kinases to RAF (Methany et al, 2004; Chen et al, 2008; reviewed in Methany et al, 2009). BRAP inhibition of KSR1 is relieved in an unknown manner by autoubiquitination after RAS pathway activation (reviewed in Methany et al, 2009).
R-HSA-5674022 (Reactome) Binding to activated RAS stimulates the ubiquitinase activity of BRAP, promoting autoubiquitination and relieving the inhibition of KSR1 (Methany et al, 2004; Chen et al, 2008; Methany et al, 2009).
R-HSA-5674130 (Reactome) Interaction of MAPK pathway components with LAMTOR2, 3 and MORG1 facilitates pathway activation in response to varied stimuli, resulting in the phosphorylation of MAP2K and MAPK proteins at conserved sites in their activation loops (Schaeffer et al, 1998; Teis et al, 2002; Teis et al, 2006; Vomastek et al, 2004; Sharma et al, 2005; reviewed in Matallanas et al, 2011).
R-HSA-5674132 (Reactome) LAMTOR3 (also known as MEK partner 1, MP1) exists in an obligatory complex with LAMTOR2 (p14) at the endosomal membrane where they act as a scaffold and promote MAPK activation (Schaeffer et al, 1998; Teis et al, 2002; Teis et al, 2006; Sharma et al, 2005). The LAMTOR2/LAMTOR3 complex may also be part of a larger molecular weight complex at the endosome that includes the MAPK organizer protein MORG1 (Vomastek et al, 2004; Sharma et al, 2005; reviewed in Matallanas et al, 2011).
R-HSA-5674140 (Reactome) PAQR3, also known as RKTG (Raf kinase trapping to Golgi) is a multi-pass transmembrane protein that binds to RAF1 and BRAF and sequesters them in the Golgi. This inhibits the interaction of RAF with activated RAS and the plasma membrane and inhibits RAF signaling (Feng et al, 2007; Fan et al, 2008; Luo et al, 2008).
R-HSA-5674366 (Reactome) IL17RD, also known as SEF (similar expression to FGF), was identified as a negative regulator of nuclear MAPK signaling (Tsang et al, 2002; Furthauer et al, 2002). IL17RD is a spatial regulator of MAPK signaling that binds activated MAP2K dimers at the Golgi membrane and prevents the dissociation and translocation of phosphorylated MAPK into the nucleus. In this way, IL17RD restricts activation of nuclear MAPK targets while not affecting activation of cytosolic ones (Torii et al, 2004; reviewed in Phillips, 2004; Matallanas et al, 2011).
R-HSA-5674373 (Reactome) Activated MAP2Ks in complex with IL17RD phosphorylate MAPKs at the Golgi membrane. IL17RD prevents the dissociation of phosphorylated MAPK from the complex at the Golgi as assessed by coimmunoprecipitation, preventing MAPK nuclear translocation and activation of nuclear targets (Torii et al, 2004; reviewed in Philips, 2004; Brown and Sacks, 2009).
R-HSA-5674385 (Reactome) Phosphorylated MAPK monomers can dimerize - generally into MAPK1 and MAPK3 homodimers, as the heterodimer is unstable- but the physiological significance of dimerization is unclear (Khokhlatchev et al, 1998; reviewed Rosokoski, 2012b). MAPKs have both cytosolic and nuclear targets and dimerization may be particularly important for MAPK-dependent phosphorylation of cytosolic targets. Phosphorylation of cytosolic MAPK targets appears to happen predominantly in the context of larger scaffolding complexes, and since the scaffolds and cytosolic MAPK substrates contact the same hydrophobic surface of MAPK, dimerization is necessary to allow assembly of a functional complex (Casar et al, 2008; Lidke et al, 2010; reviewed in Casar et al, 2009). Consistent with this, disrupting either MAPK dimerization or the MAPK interaction with the scaffolding protein abrogated proliferation and transformation (Casar et al, 2008). Note that, for simplicity in this diagram, dimerization is shown as happening between free cytosolic monomers of activated MAPK rather than in the context of the scaffolding complex.
Although predominantly cytoplasmic in resting cells, a proportion of activated MAPK translocates to the nucleus upon stimulation where it activates nuclear targets. Despite early studies to the suggesting that dimerization was required for nuclear translocation, a few recent papers have challenged this notion (Lenormand et al, 1993; Chen et al, 1992; Khokhlatchev et al, 1998; Casar et al, 2008; Lidke et al, 2010; Burack and Shaw, 2005; reviewed in Roskoski, 2012b).
R-HSA-5674387 (Reactome) After phosphorylation by MAP2Ks, a proportion of activated MAPK translocates into the nucleus where it activates nuclear targets (reviewed in Roskoski, 2012b). MAPKs, which lack a nuclear localization signal (NLS), may 'piggyback' into the nucleus in complex with other nuclear-targeted proteins or may translocate by virtue of interaction with components of the nuclear pore complex (Brunet et al, 1999; Adachi et al, 1999; Matsubayashi et al, 2001; Whitehurst et al, 2002; Khokhlatchev et al, 1998; reviewed in Roskoski, 2012b). Although dimerization of MAPKs was thought to be critical for nuclear translocation, a number of studies have now challenged the physiological relevance of MAPK dimerization and this remains an area of uncertainty (Lenormand et al, 1993; Chen et al, 1992; Casar et al, 2008; Lidke et al, 2010; Burack and Shaw, 2005; reviewed in Casar et al, 2009; Roskoski, 2012b)
R-HSA-5674496 (Reactome) Activated MAPK proteins negatively regulate MAP2K1:MAP2K2 heterodimers by phosphorylating MAP2K1 at T292, a residue that is not present in MAP2K2. Phosphorylation of this site in MAP2K1 promotes the dephosphorylation of the MAP2K phosphorylated activation loop (AL) by an unknown mechanism, establishing a negative feedback loop that limits MAPK signaling (Catalanotti et al, 2009; Brunet et al, 1994; Xu et al, 1999). Deletion of MAP2K1 or mutation of this site prolongs MAP2K2 AL phosphorylation and MAPK activation (Catalanotti et al, 2009).
R-HSA-5675194 (Reactome) RAF1 is phosphorylated by activated MAPK at 6 serine residues (S29, S43, S289, S296, S301 and S642). MAPK-dependent hyperphosphorylation of RAF1 abrogates the ability of activated RAF1 to interact with RAS and is coincident with inactivation of RAF1. RAF1 proteins containing mutation of these phosphorylation sites persist at the plasma membrane, show sustained S338 phosphorylation and persistent activation relative to WT RAF1 protein. In wild type cells, PP2A and the prolyl-isomerase PIN1 contribute to the dephosphorylation of hyperphosphorylated RAF1, allowing subsequent cycles of activation to occur (Dougherty et al, 2005; reviewed in Roskoski, 2010)
R-HSA-5675198 (Reactome) BRAF is subject to MAPK-dependent phosphorylation that limits its activity. Phosphorylation of S151 inhibits binding of BRAF to activated RAS, while phosphorylation of T401, S750 and S753 abrogates heterodimerization with RAF1 (Ritt et al, 2010; Rushworth et al, 2006; Brummer et al, 2003).
R-HSA-5675206 (Reactome) PEA15 is a cytoplasmic anchor that binds directly to activated MAPKs prevents their translocation into the nucleus (Formstecher et al, 2001; Whitehurst et al, 2004; Hill et al, 2002; Chou et al, 2003). PEA15 also protects phosphorylated MAPKs in the cytoplasm from inactivating dephosphorylation (Mace et al, 2013). In this way, binding of PEA15 promotes phosphorylation of cytoplasmic MAPK targets at the expense of nuclear ones.
R-HSA-5675373 (Reactome) MAPKs are inactivated by dephosphorylation of the activation loop T and Y residues by dual-specificity MAPK phosphatases (DUSPs) (reviewed in Roskoski, 2012b). Class 1 DUSPs, including DUSP 1, 2, 4 and 5 are nuclear and are generally activated by the same extracellular stimuli that promote MAPK signaling, establishing a negative feedback loop. DUSP5 is specific for MAPK3 and 1, while the other class 1 enzymes have broad specificity. Nuclear MAPKs may also be inactivated by nuclear forms of class III DUSPs, including DUSP8, 10 and 16, although the preferred substrate of these enzymes are the p38 and JNK MAP kinases (reviewed in Bermudez et al, 2010; Kondoh and Nishida, 2007).
R-HSA-5675376 (Reactome) MAPKs are inactivated by dephosphorylation of the activation loop T and Y residues by dual-specificity MAPK phosphatases (DUSPs) (reviewed in Roskoski, 2012b). Cytosolic MAPKs are dephosphorylated by the MAPK-specific class II DUSPs 6,7 and 9, but may also be dephosphorylated by cytosolic forms of class III DUSPs 8, 10 and 16, which preferentially dephosphorylate p38 and JNK MAP kinases (reviewed in Bermudez et al, 2010; Kandoh and Nishida, 2007).
R-HSA-5675417 (Reactome) PEBP1, also known as RKIP (Raf kinase inhibitor protein), is a negative regulator of RAF1 that binds to the phosphorylated NtA region and prevents activation of MAP2K substrates (Yeung et al, 1999; Yeung et al, 2000; Rath et al, 2008; Park et al, 2006; reviewed in Lorenz et al, 2014). Relief of this PEBP1 repression of RAF1 activity is stimulated by phosphorylation of PEBP1, which promotes it dissociation from RAF1. Candidate kinases for phosphorylation of PEBP1 include PKC and the MAPKs themselves, which would establish a positive feedback loop stimulating MAPK pathway activity (Corbit et al, 2003; Cho et al, 2003; Shin et al, 2009).
R-HSA-5675431 (Reactome) Along with PPP5C-mediated dephophosphorylation of the NtA region, PP2A contributes to the inactivation of RAF1 by mediating the dephosphorylation of AL loop residues. PP2A-mediated dephosphorylation of RAF1 may be stimulated by the prior hyperphosphorylation of RAF1 by MAPKs (Dougherty et al, 2005; reviewed in Matallanas et al, 2011).
R-HSA-5675433 (Reactome) PPP5C dephosphorylates S338 in the NtA region of RAF1, which reduces the catalytic activity of RAF1 towards MAP2K proteins (von Kriegsheim et al, 2006; reviewed in Matallanas et al, 2011).
R-HSA-6802930 (Reactome) RAF kinase inhibitors such as vemurafenib are clinically approved for treatment of BRAF-driven melanomas. Despite initial positive response to drug treatment, however, many tumors go on to develop resistance to the RAF inhibitors (Flaherty et al, 2010; Chapman et al, 2011; Sosman et al, 2012; Solit et al, 2011; reviewed in Lito et al, 2013). One mechanism that contributes to acquired resistance to RAF inhibitors is the expression of a splice variant of V600E that lacks the N-terminal RAS-binding domain. This variant displays increased RAS-independent dimerization and increased signaling relative to the full-length V600E, consistent with the notion that it is the monomeric form of BRAF that is sensitive to inhibition. Disruption of the dimer interface in this p61-V600E splice variant restores sensitivity to inhibition (Poulikakos et al, 2011; reviewed in Lito et al, 2013).
Other mechanisms of BRAF inhibitor resistance include mutational activation of NRAS or receptor tyrosine kinases, inactivation of the GAP protein NF1, or increased expression of RAF1 or BRAF (Nazarian et al, 2010; Maertens et al, 2013; Whittaker et al, 2013; Shi et al, 2012; Montagut et al, 2008; reviewed in Chapman, 2013; Lito et al, 2013).
R-HSA-6802938 (Reactome) The class I ATP competitive inhibitors vemurafenib and dabrafenib have been approved for treatment of V600E melanoma, and other BRAF-selective inhibitors are in clinical and preclinical trials. These inhibitors bind to the active conformation of the enzyme promoted by the V600E mutation (King et al, 2006; Tsai et al, 2008).
R-HSA-8867654 (Reactome) PTPN3 is a protein phosphatase that dephosphorylates MAPK12, also known as p38 gamma. Phosphorylation of the p38 family of MAPK is associated with suppression of RAS signaling, and consistent with this, binding and dephosphorylation of MAPK12 by PTPN3 promotes RAS-induced transformation (Tang et al, 2005; Hou et al, 2010; Chen et al, 2014).
Dephosphorylation is promoted by a direct binding between phosphorylated MAPK12 and PTPN3, mediated by an interaction between the PTPN3 PDZ domain and the isoform-specific ETPL domain of MAPK12. Binding of PTPN3 and phosphorylated MAPK12 relieves an autoinhibitory conformation of the phosphatase and promotes MAPK12 dephosphorylation (Hou et al, 2010; Chen et al, 2014). How dephosphorylated MAPK12 promotes RAS signaling remains to be elucidated.
R-HSA-8867658 (Reactome) PTPN3-mediated dephosphorylation of MAPK12 promotes RAS signaling and transformation through an unknown mechanism (Tang et al, 2005; Hou et al, 2010; Chen et al, 2014). Consistent with a role for dephosphorylated MAPK12 and PTPN3 in promoting RAS signaling, depletion of PTPN3 or MAPK12 inhibits malignant growth in RAS-activated human cancer cell lines and in mouse models. In addition, RAS signaling increases protein levels of both MAPK12 and PTPN3, suggesting the presence of a positive feedback loop (Hou et al, 2010). Dephosphorylation of MAPK12 may promote its incorporation into complexes with ERK proteins, though the functional significance of this is unclear (Tang et al, 2005).
R-HSA-8868118 (Reactome) PTPN3 has been shown to bind to phosphorylated MAPK12 and promote its dephosphorylation, and this interaction is correlated with increased oncogenic signaling through RAS (Hou et al, 2010; Tang et al, 2005; Chen et al, 2014 ). Although the mechanism for this PTPN3 and MAPK12-dependent activation of RAS signaling is not known, dephosphorylation of MAPK12 allows the recovery of larger amounts of MAPK12 from a complex with ERK proteins, suggesting a possible mechanism. A more recent study, however, has found that PTPN3 is itself phosphorylated in a MAPK12-dependent fashion upon binding with phospho-MAPK12. This phosphorylation antagonizes SOB-induced growth inhibition and increases RAS-dependent oncogenic growth (Hou et al, 2012).
R-HSA-9635739 (Reactome) Protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPN7 (also known as HePTP) dephosphorylates tyrosine residues of MAPK1 (ERK2) (Saxena et al. 1999, Pettiford and Herbst 2000) and MAPK3 (ERK1) (Saxena et al. 1999), leading to reduction in their catalytic activity.
R-HSA-9635743 (Reactome) PTPN7 (HePTP) protein tyrosine phosphatase binds to MAPK1 (ERK2) (Saxena et al. 1999, Munoz et al. 2003) and MAPK3 (ERK1) (Oh-hora et al. 1999, Munoz et al. 2003). The interaction of PTPN7 with MAPKs involves the KIM (kinase-interaction motif) of PTPN7.
PTPN7 may have a preference for ERK2 over ERK1 (Pettiford and Herbst 2000). ERK1 used in the study by Oh-hora et al. 1999 was likely human, but it is not certain. In the study by Munoz et al. 2003, interaction of PTPN7 with rat ERK1 was demonstrated, but the origin of PTPN7 was not specified.
R-HSA-9649735 (Reactome) Inactive RAS:GDP is converted at a low rate to the active GTP-bound state through release of GDP and binding of GTP. This intrinsic GEF activity is weak due to the picomolar affinity of the protein for both nucleotides, but is stimulated by the interaction of RAS proteins with guanine nucleotide exchange factors (Marshall et al, 2012; reviewed in Bourne et al, 1991; Hennig et al, 2015; Pei et al, 2018).
R-HSA-9649736 (Reactome) RAS proteins have weak intrinsic GTPase activity in the absence of other effectors (Gibbs et al, 1984; reviewed in Pylayeva-Gupta et al, 2011). Nucleotide attack is mediated by residue Q61 and facilitated by van der Waals bonds contributed by glycine residues at position 12 and 13; these three residues account for the majority of oncogenic and pathogenic mutations found in RAS proteins (reviewed in Prior et al, 2012). GAP proteins stimulate the intrinsic GTPase activity of RAS proteins by inserting an arginine residue into the active site, which contributes to proper positioning of the critical Q61 RAS residue (reviewed in King et al, 2013).
R-HSA-9652165 (Reactome) Although they occur at much lower frequently than mutations in upstream components of the RAS signaling pathway, activating mutations in MAP2K proteins, encoding MEK1 and MEK2, have been identified in a number of cancers and germline disorders (Marks et al, 2008; Murugan et al, 2009). These mutations cluster in the N-terminal autoinhibitory domain or in the catalytic domain and lead to constitutively active forms of the proteins that phosphorylate MAPK1 and MAPK2 (ERK2 and ERK1) independent of upstream signaling (Nikolaev et al, 2011; Rodriguez-Viciana and Rauen, 2008; Borttoff et al, 1995; Marks et al, 2008; Estep et al, 2007; Van Allen et al, 2014; Chen et al, 2014; Wagle et al, 2011; Waterfall et al, 2014; Rauen et al, 2010; reviewed in Samatar and Poulikakos, 2014; Rauen, 2013; Bezniakow et al, 2014).
R-HSA-9653108 (Reactome) LY3009120, TAK-580 and TAK-632 are pan-RAF inhibitors that binds to all 3 RAF isoforms as well as to RAF dimers to inhibit phosphorylation of MAP2K and MAPK proteins (Nakamura et al, 2013; Okaniwa et al, 2013; Sun et al, 2017; Peng et al, 2015; Henry et al, 2015; Vakana et al, 2017). Because they inhibit the kinase activity of RAF homo- and heterodimers, treatment with pan-RAF dimer inhibitors generates minimal paradoxical RAF activation and inhibits cellular proliferation in a number of tumor models (Peng et al, 2015; Henry et al, 2015, Vakana et al, 2017; reviewed in Karoulia et al, 2017; Agianian and Gavathiotis, 2018; ).
R-HSA-9657599 (Reactome) Although mutations in MAP2K proteins are infrequent in human cancers, the position of these kinases downstream of RAS and RAF make them good candidates for therapeutic targeting. Dual mechanism inhibitors such as trametinib bind to non-phosphorylated MAP2K proteins, inhibiting their MAPK-directed kinase activity as well as preventing their phosphorylation by RAF proteins (Hatzivassiliou et al, 2013; Lito et al, 2014; Ishii et al, 2013; reviewed in Samatar and Poulikakos, 2014).
R-HSA-9657603 (Reactome) A number of 'dual mechanism' MAPK inhibitors are in preclinical or clinical trials (reviewed in Roskoski, 2019). Dual mechanism inhibitors, including the ATP-competitive inhibitors SCH772984 and MK-8353, bind to the unphosphorylated MAPK and prevent both its own kinase activity and its phosphorylation by MAP2Ks (Morris et al, 2013; Deng et al 2014; Chaikuad et al, 2014; Boga et al, 2018; Moschos et al, 2019; reviewed in Samatar and Poulikakos, 2014). MAPK inhibitors offer the potential to mitigate the development of resistance to RAF and MAP2K inhibitors, which often involves reactivation of MAPK-dependent signaling. As a result, MAPK inhibitors are frequently used in combination with RAF and MAP2K-directed therapeutics (reviewed in Samatar and Poulikakos, 2014; Roskoski, 2019).
R-HSA-9657606 (Reactome) Single mechanism MAP2K inhibitors bind to phosphorylated forms of MAP2K 1 and 2 and prevent their phosphorylation of MAPK proteins (Hatzivassiliou et al, 2013; reviewed in Samatar and Poulikakos, 2014).
R-HSA-9657608 (Reactome) Single mechanism MAPK inhibitors such as ulixertinib and ravoxertinib bind to the activated forms of MAPK proteins and inhibit their intrinsic target-directed kinase activity (Germann et al, 2017; Blake et al, 2016; reviewed in Samatar and Poulikakos, 2014).
R-HSA-9658253 (Reactome) GTP-bound RAS interacts with PI3K through a direct interaction with the 110 kDa catalytic subunit (Sjolander et al, 1991; Rodriguez-Viciana et al, 1994; Rodriguex-Viciana et al, 1996; Pacold et al, 2000; reviewed in Gysin et al, 2011; Castellano and Downward, 2011; Martini et al, 2014). Interaction with RAS stimulates the activity of PI3K by promoting a conformational change and/or mediating recruitment to the plasma membrane, among other possible mechanisms (Pacold et al, 2000; Denley et al, 2008; Zhang et al, 2019). The PI3K signaling pathway contributes to RAS-mediated cellular proliferation and survival and through RAC, contributes to cytoskeletal rearrangements and cell motility (reviewed in Vivanco and Sawyers, 2002; Castellano and Downward, 2011; Martini et al, 2014; Nussinov et al, 2015).
R-HSA-9658445 (Reactome) Activation of RAF upon growth factor stimulation depends on many factors including dephosphorylation, conformational change, dimerization, membrane recruitment and protein-protein interactions, among others (reviewed in Lavoie and Therien, 2015). In the inactive state, RAF1/CRAF is phosphorylated at S259 and S621 (corresponding to S365 and S729 in BRAF, and S214 and S576 in ARAF). These sites mediate the interaction with YWHAB/14-3-3 proteins (reviewed in Matallanas et al, 2011; Lavoie and Therien, 2015). Dephosphorylation of the S259 site by PP2A and or PP1 (also known as PPP1CC) disrupts interaction with 14-3-3 proteins and promotes a conformational change that exposes the membrane and RAS interacting RBD and CRD, facilitating recruitment of RAF to the plasma membrane (Kubicek et al, 2002; Goetz et al, 2003; Ory et al, 2003). PP1-mediated dephosphorylation occurs in the context of a ternary complex consisting of SHOC2 and the RAS protein family member MRAS in its GTP bound form (Rodriguez-Viciano et al, 2006; Young et al, 2013; reviewed in Simanshu et al, 2017). Consistent with a role of this ternary complex in activating RAF signaling, mutations in SHOC2, MRAS and PP1 are associated with increased RAF pathway activity in Noonan syndrome (Cordeddu et al, 2009; Gripp et al, 2016; Higgin et al, 2017; Young et al 2018).
Although S259 dephosphorylation is shown as occurring before both YWHAB displacement and recruitment of RAF to the plasma membrane, the order of and relationship between these events is not completely clear. In addition, the displacement of 14-3-3 and recruitment of RAF1 to the membrane is also promoted by a direct interaction with cell cycle protein Prohibitin (PHB; Rajalingam et al, 2005; reviewed in Rajalingam and Rudel, 2005; Chowdhury et al, 2014).
R-HSA-9660557 (Reactome) RAL GDS and related family members RGL1, 2 and 3 are small GTPase proteins in the RAS family that act as effectors downstream of HRAS and other RAS proteins (reviewed in Ferro and Trabalzini, 2010; Gentry et al, 2014). RALGDS family members bind to HRAS in the GTP-bound state through the RALGDS Ras binding domains (RBDs) and acts as RAL A and RAL B-specific guanine nuclear exchange factors (GEFs) (Hofer et al, 1994; Spaargen et al, 1994; Kikuchi et al, 1994; Wolthius et al, 1996; Peterson et al, 1996; Shao et al, 2000; Ehrhardt et al, 2001; reviewed in Gentry et al, 2014).
RAF activating kinasesmim-catalysisR-HSA-5672969 (Reactome)
RAF dimer inhibitorsR-HSA-9653108 (Reactome)
RAF/MAPK scaffoldsArrowR-HSA-5672980 (Reactome)
RAF/MAPK scaffoldsR-HSA-5672972 (Reactome)
RAL GDS proteinsR-HSA-9660557 (Reactome)
RAS GAPsArrowR-HSA-5658231 (Reactome)
RAS GAPsR-HSA-5658435 (Reactome)
RAS GEFsmim-catalysisR-HSA-5672965 (Reactome)
S-Farn-Me-2xPalmS HRAS:GTPR-HSA-9660557 (Reactome)


ArrowR-HSA-9660557 (Reactome)
S-GCC MRAS:GTP:SHOC2:PP1mim-catalysisR-HSA-9658445 (Reactome)
SPRED dimer:NF1ArrowR-HSA-5658438 (Reactome)
SPRED dimer:NF1R-HSA-5658424 (Reactome)
SPRED dimer:ub-NF1ArrowR-HSA-5658424 (Reactome)
SPRED dimer:ub-NF1R-HSA-5658430 (Reactome)
SPRED dimerArrowR-HSA-5658430 (Reactome)
SPRED dimerR-HSA-5658438 (Reactome)
TBarR-HSA-5672978 (Reactome)
UbR-HSA-5658424 (Reactome)
UbR-HSA-5674022 (Reactome)
V600E BRAF splice variant dimerArrowR-HSA-6802930 (Reactome)
V600E BRAF splice variantsR-HSA-6802930 (Reactome)
WDR83:LAMTOR2:LAMTOR3:activated RAF:MAP2K:MAPK complexArrowR-HSA-5674132 (Reactome)
WDR83:LAMTOR2:LAMTOR3:activated RAF:MAP2K:MAPK complexR-HSA-5674130 (Reactome)
WDR83:LAMTOR2:LAMTOR3:activated RAF:p-2S MAP2K:p-T,Y MAPK complexArrowR-HSA-5674130 (Reactome)
WDR83:LAMTOR2:LAMTOR3R-HSA-5674132 (Reactome)
YWHAB dimerArrowR-HSA-5672958 (Reactome)
YWHAB dimerArrowR-HSA-5672960 (Reactome)
YWHAB dimerR-HSA-5672951 (Reactome)
YWHAB dimerR-HSA-5672954 (Reactome)
activated RAF:scaffold:MAP2K:MAPK complex:dual mechanism MAP2K inhibitorsArrowR-HSA-9657599 (Reactome)
activated RAF:scaffold:MAP2K:MAPK complex:dual mechanism MAP2K inhibitorsTBarR-HSA-5672973 (Reactome)
activated RAF:scaffold:MAP2K:MAPK complexArrowR-HSA-5672972 (Reactome)
activated RAF:scaffold:MAP2K:MAPK complexR-HSA-5672978 (Reactome)
activated RAF:scaffold:MAP2K:MAPK complexR-HSA-9657599 (Reactome)
activated RAF:scaffold:MAP2K:MAPK complexmim-catalysisR-HSA-5672978 (Reactome)


MAP2K:MAPK complex
ArrowR-HSA-5672978 (Reactome)


MAP2K:MAPK complex
R-HSA-5672973 (Reactome)


MAP2K:MAPK complex
R-HSA-9657603 (Reactome)


MAP2K:MAPK complex
R-HSA-9657606 (Reactome)


MAP2K:MAPK complex
mim-catalysisR-HSA-5672973 (Reactome)

RAF:scaffold:p-2S MAP2K:MAPK:dual mechanism MAPK

ArrowR-HSA-9657603 (Reactome)

RAF:scaffold:p-2S MAP2K:MAPK:dual mechanism MAPK

TBarR-HSA-5672973 (Reactome)

RAF:scaffold:p-2S MAP2K:p-2T MAPK:single mechanism MAPK

ArrowR-HSA-9657608 (Reactome)

RAF:scaffold:p-2S MAP2K:p-2T MAPK

ArrowR-HSA-5672973 (Reactome)

RAF:scaffold:p-2S MAP2K:p-2T MAPK

R-HSA-5672980 (Reactome)

RAF:scaffold:p-2S MAP2K:p-2T MAPK

R-HSA-9657608 (Reactome)

RAF:scaffold:p-2S MAP2K:MAPK:single mechanism MAP2K

ArrowR-HSA-9657606 (Reactome)

RAF:scaffold:p-2S MAP2K:MAPK:single mechanism MAP2K

TBarR-HSA-5672973 (Reactome)
activated RAF homo/heterodimerR-HSA-5674132 (Reactome)
cytosolic MAPK DUSPsmim-catalysisR-HSA-5675376 (Reactome)
dephosphorylated "receiver" RAF/KSR1R-HSA-5672966 (Reactome)

inactive RAFS:YWHAB

ArrowR-HSA-5672961 (Reactome)

inactive RAFS:YWHAB

ArrowR-HSA-9658445 (Reactome)

inactive RAFS:YWHAB

R-HSA-5672960 (Reactome)
dephosphorylated inactive RAFsArrowR-HSA-5672960 (Reactome)
dual mechanism MAP2K1/2 inhibitorsR-HSA-9657599 (Reactome)
dual mechanism MAPK inhibitorsR-HSA-9657603 (Reactome)
high kinase activity BRAF mutantsR-HSA-6802938 (Reactome)
hyperphosphorylated BRAFArrowR-HSA-5675198 (Reactome)
hyperphosphorylated RAF1ArrowR-HSA-5675194 (Reactome)
hyperphosphorylated RAF1ArrowR-HSA-5675431 (Reactome)
inactive RAFs:YWHAB dimerArrowR-HSA-5672951 (Reactome)
inactive RAFs:YWHAB dimerR-HSA-5672961 (Reactome)
inactive RAFs:YWHAB dimerR-HSA-9658445 (Reactome)
inactive RAFsR-HSA-5672951 (Reactome)
inactive RAFsR-HSA-5674140 (Reactome)
nuclear MAPK DUSPsmim-catalysisR-HSA-5675373 (Reactome)
p-2S MAP2K homo/heterodimersArrowR-HSA-5672980 (Reactome)
p-2S MAP2K homo/heterodimersR-HSA-5674366 (Reactome)
p-2S MAP2K1:p-2S MAPK2K2 heterodimerR-HSA-5674496 (Reactome)
p-2S,T MAP2K1:p-2S MAPK2K2 heterodimerArrowR-HSA-5674496 (Reactome)


ArrowR-HSA-5672957 (Reactome)


R-HSA-5672958 (Reactome)
p-S311 KSR1:MARK3ArrowR-HSA-5672958 (Reactome)


ArrowR-HSA-5672954 (Reactome)


R-HSA-5672957 (Reactome)
p-S311,S406 KSR1:MARK3ArrowR-HSA-5672948 (Reactome)
p-S311,S406 KSR1:MARK3R-HSA-5672954 (Reactome)
p-S338,Y341,T491,S494,S621 RAF1R-HSA-5675194 (Reactome)
p-S445,T599,S602,S729 BRAFR-HSA-5675198 (Reactome)
p-S459 PTPN3:p-T183,Y185-MAPK12ArrowR-HSA-8868118 (Reactome)
p-T,Y MAPK dimersArrowR-HSA-5674385 (Reactome)
p-T,Y MAPK dimersR-HSA-9635743 (Reactome)
p-T,Y MAPK monomers and dimers:PEA15ArrowR-HSA-5675206 (Reactome)
p-T,Y MAPK monomers and dimers:PEA15TBarR-HSA-5674387 (Reactome)
p-T,Y MAPK monomers and dimersArrowR-HSA-5674387 (Reactome)
p-T,Y MAPK monomers and dimersR-HSA-5674387 (Reactome)
p-T,Y MAPK monomers and dimersR-HSA-5675206 (Reactome)
p-T,Y MAPK monomers and dimersR-HSA-5675373 (Reactome)
p-T,Y MAPK monomers and dimersR-HSA-5675376 (Reactome)
p-T,Y MAPK monomers and dimersmim-catalysisR-HSA-5674496 (Reactome)
p-T,Y MAPK monomers and dimersmim-catalysisR-HSA-5675194 (Reactome)
p-T,Y MAPK monomers and dimersmim-catalysisR-HSA-5675198 (Reactome)
p-T,Y MAPKsArrowR-HSA-5672980 (Reactome)
p-T,Y MAPKsArrowR-HSA-9652165 (Reactome)
p-T,Y MAPKsR-HSA-5674385 (Reactome)
p-T183,Y185-MAPK12R-HSA-8867654 (Reactome)


ArrowR-HSA-5672950 (Reactome)


R-HSA-5672966 (Reactome)

RAS:GTP:activated RAF homo/heterodimer

ArrowR-HSA-5672969 (Reactome)

RAS:GTP:activated RAF homo/heterodimer

R-HSA-5672972 (Reactome)

RAS:GTP:activated RAF1

ArrowR-HSA-5675417 (Reactome)

RAS:GTP:activated RAF1

TBarR-HSA-5672972 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTP:homo/heterodimerized RAF complexArrowR-HSA-5672966 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTP:homo/heterodimerized RAF complexR-HSA-5672969 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTP:homo/heterodimerized RAF complexR-HSA-9653108 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GDPArrowR-HSA-5658231 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GDPArrowR-HSA-9649736 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GDPR-HSA-5672965 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GDPR-HSA-9649735 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTP:BRAPArrowR-HSA-5674018 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTP:BRAPR-HSA-5674022 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTP:BRAPmim-catalysisR-HSA-5674022 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTP:PI3KArrowR-HSA-9658253 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTP:RAS GAPsArrowR-HSA-5658435 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTP:RAS GAPsR-HSA-5658231 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTP:RAS GAPsmim-catalysisR-HSA-5658231 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTP:ub-BRAPArrowR-HSA-5674022 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTPArrowR-HSA-5672965 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTPArrowR-HSA-9649735 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTPR-HSA-5658435 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTPR-HSA-5672950 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTPR-HSA-5674018 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTPR-HSA-9649736 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTPR-HSA-9658253 (Reactome)
p21 RAS:GTPmim-catalysisR-HSA-9649736 (Reactome)


ArrowR-HSA-5672980 (Reactome)


R-HSA-5675417 (Reactome)


R-HSA-5675433 (Reactome)
p21RAS:GTP:dephosphorylated RAF1 homo/heterodimerArrowR-HSA-5675433 (Reactome)
p21RAS:GTP:dephosphorylated RAF1 homo/heterodimerR-HSA-5675431 (Reactome)
p21RAS:GTP:homo/heterodimerized RAF complex:RAF dimer inhibitorsArrowR-HSA-9653108 (Reactome)
p21RAS:GTP:homo/heterodimerized RAF complex:RAF dimer inhibitorsTBarR-HSA-5672978 (Reactome)


ArrowR-HSA-5675431 (Reactome)
single mechanism MAP2K1/2 inhibitorsR-HSA-9657606 (Reactome)
single mechanism MAPK inhibitorsR-HSA-9657608 (Reactome)
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