
From WikiPathways

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Introductory tutorial

WikiPathways Academy will teach you everything you need to know to start contributing to WikiPathways, from how to create a WikiPathways account, how to use our editing tools, and how to make your pathway public at WikiPathways. The Academy is designed as a path, starting with basic terminology and rapidly progressing to using the authoring tools.

Access the Academy here!

Advanced tutorials

WikiPathways and PathVisio

A set of tutorials and videos describing how to access and edit WikiPathways from PathVisio, using the WikiPathways Client Plugin:

These tutorials show you how to use WikiPathways in PathVisio for data analysis.

WikiPathways and Cytoscape

Cytoscape is a tool for network visualization and analysis. In the following tutorials we will highlight some of the Cytoscape functionality that is relevant for the pathways as used on WikiPathways. For tutorials of other Cytoscape features, visit Cytoscape Tutorials. The following tutorials will show a few Cytoscape apps at work:

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