2q21.1 copy number variation syndrome (Homo sapiens)

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713, 15, 2211193, 171, 101417, 232, 6, 8, 20214, 1212165, 17, 1812119AGRecycling endosomeARHGEF4MED15P3CCDC74AAMER3Canonical Wnt signalingPLEKHB2AMER3STMN2NF1P8RHOAMTND1P26MTND4P21NeuronalaxonaloutgrowthMTND5P23Mitotic G2-G2/M phasesSTAT3POTEEmTORC2orphan receptorMED15P4NEK2P4RHOQP2ARHGAP42P1Regulation of actin cytoskeletonRNU6-617PPtdIns(4,5)P2MTATP6P4MZT2AMIR4784MTND2P18APCtubulinPOTEKPFAR2P4GNAQP1CYCSP8RAC1C2orf27AGDPC2orf27BMED15P8KLF2P4TUBA3DGRAMD4P8LINC01087CDC27RNU6-127PGPR148FAM168BMTND6P10LINC01120CCDC42RHOARAC1CCDC42Exact function unknownMitotic Prometaphasechr2:131,477,8617chr2:132,640,0297LegendTranslocationGene ProductMetaboliteRNA geneMIM-stimulation of an enzyme or a gene leading to its activation or expressionData node for a micro RNA or another RNA geneData node for a pathwayMIM-inhibition of a compound's function or a processMIM-catalysis of a compound by an enzymePathwayMIM-transcription-translation of a geneData node for a metaboliteDashed line indicates unclear mechanismof interaction/unclear intermediatesData node for a gene or its productMIM-conversion of a compound to anotherMIM-binding of a compound to anotherData node for a pseudo genePseudogene1, 10GDPGDPGTPGTPGTP


The 2q21.1 copy number variation syndrome can result in the loss of up to 9 protein-coding genes. Deletions and duplications in 2q21.1 were reported to be connected to intellectual disability, hyperactivity, and aggressive behavior. The clinical picture was explained by alterations in five genes important for neurological development, namely GPR148, FAM123C, ARHGEF4, FAM168B and PLEKHB2. Analogically, changes in tubulin genes in 2q21.1 were linked to Motor Timing in ADHD

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127062view15:48, 26 July 2023FehrhartModified description
127061view15:47, 26 July 2023Fehrhartcorrected legend position
127060view15:46, 26 July 2023Fehrhartcorrecting starting positions according to Kirov et al 2014 in addition to Gimelli et al.
122632view10:56, 22 April 2022FehrhartOntology Term : 'disease pathway' added !
122626view09:54, 22 April 2022Shad4Modified description
122602view18:25, 20 April 2022Shad4Converted labels into processes without id and database
122552view15:49, 15 April 2022Shad4New pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
AMER3GeneProductENSG00000178171 (Ensembl)
APCProteinENSG00000134982 (Ensembl)
ARHGAP42P1GeneProductENSG00000227817 (Ensembl)
ARHGEF4GeneProductENSG00000136002 (Ensembl)
C2orf27AGeneProductENSG00000197927 (Ensembl)
C2orf27BGeneProductENSG00000186825 (Ensembl)
CCDC42ProteinENSG00000161973 (Ensembl)
CCDC74AGeneProductENSG00000163040 (Ensembl)
CDC27ProteinENSG00000004897 (Ensembl)
CYCSP8GeneProductENSG00000232503 (Ensembl)
Canonical Wnt signalingPathwayWP428 (WikiPathways)
FAM168BGeneProductENSG00000152102 (Ensembl)
FAR2P4GeneProductENSG00000231431 (Ensembl)
GDPMetaboliteCHEBI:17552 (ChEBI)
GNAQP1GeneProductENSG00000214077 (Ensembl)
GPR148GeneProductENSG00000173302 (Ensembl)
GRAMD4P8GeneProductENSG00000270930 (Ensembl)
GTPMetaboliteCHEBI:37565 (ChEBI)
KLF2P4GeneProductENSG00000236516 (Ensembl)
LINC01087GeneProductENSG00000224559 (Ensembl)
LINC01120GeneProductENSG00000223631 (Ensembl)
MED15P3GeneProductENSG00000226831 (Ensembl)
MED15P4GeneProductENSG00000224679 (Ensembl)
MED15P8GeneProductENSG00000248796 (Ensembl)
MIR4784GeneProductENSG00000284149 (Ensembl)
MTATP6P4GeneProductENSG00000236590 (Ensembl)
MTND1P26GeneProductENSG00000234576 (Ensembl)
MTND2P18GeneProductENSG00000234939 (Ensembl)
MTND4P21GeneProductENSG00000231777 (Ensembl)
MTND5P23GeneProductENSG00000235080 (Ensembl)
MTND6P10GeneProductENSG00000227275 (Ensembl)
MZT2AGeneProductENSG00000173272 (Ensembl)
Mitotic G2-G2/M phasesPathwayWP1859 (WikiPathways)
Mitotic PrometaphasePathwayWP2652 (WikiPathways)
NEK2P4GeneProductENSG00000230450 (Ensembl)
NF1P8GeneProductENSG00000236956 (Ensembl)


PLEKHB2GeneProductENSG00000115762 (Ensembl)
POTEEGeneProductENSG00000188219 (Ensembl)
POTEKPGeneProductENSG00000204434 (Ensembl)
PtdIns(4,5)P2MetaboliteCHEBI:18348 (ChEBI)
RAC1ProteinENSG00000136238 (Ensembl)
RHOAProteinENSG00000067560 (Ensembl)
RHOQP2GeneProductENSG00000232742 (Ensembl)
RNU6-127PGeneProductENSG00000212199 (Ensembl)
RNU6-617PGeneProductENSG00000251956 (Ensembl)
Regulation of actin cytoskeletonPathwayWP51 (WikiPathways)
STAT3ProteinENSG00000168610 (Ensembl)
STMN2ProteinENSG00000104435 (Ensembl)
TUBA3DGeneProductENSG00000075886 (Ensembl)
mTORC2PathwayWP1471 (WikiPathways)
orphan receptorQ2496179 (Wikidata)
tubulinQ422492 (Wikidata)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions