GDNF signaling (Homo sapiens)

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SMAD3S423S425PROTEIN11086, 104MAP2K2PFOXO3MAPK3Y204T202RET22, 29, 6977, 80, 111806210780Residue / Phosphosite EntericneuronalsurvivalGDNF Signaling PathwayLysosomalprocessingof GDNFCell migrationand chemotaxisof HCC1833 andA549 cellsInMN9DcellsDental pulpstem cellmigration89GFRA1sortingto Trans-GolginetworkProliferationof immaturesertoli cellsGDNF Sorting complex Schwann cellmigration andaxonal growthin hippocampaland corticalneuronsPositive feedbackloop of ST3GAL1 &GDNF/GFRA1 pathwayin breast cancersDopaminebiosynthesisMEN2AHepaticstellatecellactivationProliferation ofpermatogonialprogenitor cellsMigration ofneurons tocortical plateActivationof hedgehogpathway andproliferation& tumor growthCalbindin-positive striatalneurondifferentiationDSG2-mediatedadhesion inenterocytesSelf-renewalin female germlinestem CellsLamellipodia& membraneruffles localized41GDNF-RETinteractionIn MN1cellsIn Schwann cellsMigration andInvasion ofPancreaticCarcinomaCellsNeuronalsurvivalLigandSurvival ofthe entericnervoussystempHEndECF-actin cytoskeletal filament relocation tointercellular membranesExcitation ofDopaminergicneurons in midbrain Molecules/reactions studied to be associated also in RET variantsGM1 Gangliosidep66p52p46Protection ofdopaminergic neurons from6-OHDA toxicityPMtoENMigration ofchondrosarcomacellsSRCfamilykinasesSpermatogonialstem cellproliferationMigrationof SOX1+ Enteric GanglionprecursorsA-type K+channelsMetastasis &migration ofHCT116 & SW480 colon cancercells and U251glioblastomacell line 53Spermatogonialstem cell renewalEnhancement of axonal sprouting, synaptic connectivity & GABAergicneurotransmissionin the spinal cordSuppression ofDifferentiationof SpermatogonialStem CellsNeuro-protectionmTORC1Translocationto lipid rafts18Survival ofgranule andsympatheticneuronsProtection ofdopaminergicneuronsMaintainance oflatency/suppressionof HSV-1reactivationIn substantianigra neuronsBranchingmorphogenesisMigrationof cornealepithelialcellsSuppression oftriglyceridesaccumulation in3T3-L1 adipocytesand HepG2 cellsPKCsSphingosineCa2+44CALB1GAB1PPDLIM7EZRY354Y478PCDHGB7PRETY1096Y1015Y106256T675Y905Y981S696Y68787PXNCEBPBPy69PTK2Y576CRKPPLCG1Y783GAB2SHC1Y427GRB2MAPK7GFRA2GDNFGDNFGFRA1GFRA1O-SialGDNFGDNFGFRA1O-Sial92, 9492, 94 Low affinity bindingRETGDNFHigh-affinitybindingNCAM1GDNF101GFRA3GDNF49GDNFLow affinity binding EfnAEphA2727 Motor axon guidance27 Attractive EPhA reverse signaling in lipid rafts MAP3K14NFKBIAP80NFKB2RELAS536BCL2BCL2L211111177, 111111111PTPN1155555, 7, 11, 36, 51...5PRKACA55 Between RET and other proteins and also between other proteins (without information on phosphosite specificity) SRCY419MAPK955, 97MAPK1PT18580Y18718, 80AKT1T308S47318, 62, 80MAPK3Y204T202T20218, 80MAPK8P805, 39, 80, 865, 18, 62, 975Neuronaldifferentiationof PC12 cells55, 65Neuriteoutgrowth &survival ofsympatheticNeuronsPIK3R154, 80DOK1PBCAR1PRASA1545454GRB7P7, 17GRB104077, 6777, 51777777NRASGTP47, 51, 62FOXO1T24S2566767513838, 62, 9338MEN2BRET/PTC1RET/PTC2RAF1P6962FOS9, 62ATF1PCREB1S1336262In MN1& RM33Bcells62FRS2P45, 85MAPK14T180Y1828045, 8011, 45, 8080NCK16, 62, 80, 95MAP3K3ROCK1PDegradation80979797RHOAGTP77, 42, 861, 498117, 69575757577, 67MAP2K5MEF2C10710710779, 10345MAP2K1P62, 86MAPK1T185Y18762, 69ELK1P26, 6969699999KCND25, 65METP252524101101FYNP101DOK6PIKBKB35PCHUKS18077RAC1GTP8686FOXO1T24S2561515FOXO31339FGF239NCS1757575SLC1A32SLC1A22DOK4P52RAP1AGTP525278NeuriteoutgrowthITGA5POU1F170Anti-apoptosis7042, 4848AKT1T308S47318, 62, 8041PTEN419, 102LRIG1202020BRAF737373PLCG2PCALRPRABEP161PHSPB1S82HSPB1S826161168476, 1063, 1219718431109553, 108891055572216168650, 64ITGB3ITGA5ITGB310510542, 105GAD1GAD2SYPSYN1EGR195CREB1S13395PIK3CBPYWHAZP61PCDHA4P19Statbilizationof active RETIn motor neuronCAD, and SuperiorCervical GangliaCells1919RAP1GAP1010SPHK1GAP4358S1PR1PS1PR3Sphingosine-1-PhosphateP58585858585895NFKB2RELAS5364, 43, 77PIP2IP3DAG7979ITPR1ITPR2797979Ca2+Ca2+Ca2+Ca2+79Calciumreleasefrom ER79797979CAMK2APCAMK2BP79APP63IncreasedAmyloid-beta levelsMTORS2448S248163CDH2Y860888888SORL149, 943131GDNFSORL13131RETGFRA149, 94SORL1RETGFRA1SORL131313131Regulation ofGDNF-induced neurotropicactivity byendocytosisof RETPMtoEN/TGNHIF1AVEGFA535353PPARGFASNSREBF1FABP4SREBF1PPARGC1A50, 64ADRB3ADRB150In brownadipocytes50VAV2PSLC6A384Regulationof Dopaminetransportertrafficking84RPTORS86311089ST3GAL1SP1P2424ST3GAL124SP1P24ITGB1106ITGA6ITGA3AKT3PCCNA2CCNB1CCNE1686868MYCBCL6BETV5LHX1AGRN6868TGFBR116, 109SMAD2S46716424242Ezrin-associatedfliopediaformationROCK2P424232, 91ESR1S167S11891TFF1PGRTOP2A91GDNF-dependentDrug resistancein ER+ breastcancer cells91PRKAR2AP6666671GSK3BS9314-3-3s3LYNPYES1PMYCNP555555CXCL88883333CD2APRETK1107K1060CBLC28, 6028, 60Degradation of RET or dissociation of CD2AP/CBLC complex from RET receptor FAT49898Regulation ofGDNF-GFRA1-RETcomplex assemblyDSG28383SPRY29090SH2B246AP2M12323Clathrin-mediatedinternalizationof RET-51isoform complex341243RPS6KB1T41230GFRA1GDNF49, 9431PMtoLY28, 60RET-51not RET9isoform28, 60GDNFGFRA1GDNFSORL149, 9431313146ERK/AKTindependentsignalingpathwayPDPK173PIP3PIP2ITPR36NANOS29696TH6666VEGFA53, 108VEGFA53, 108ECtoCYFMOD108108CYtoNUCYtoNUCYtoNUCYtoNUCYtoNULIF37Sphingosine-1-Phosphate58GFRA1CYtoNUPMtoENVEGFAsignaling53, 108Monosialotetrahexosylganglioside Mesenchymal cell GDNF-GFRA1interactionregulationReceptors Metabolites/ Secondary messengersProteinfamilymembersPROTEINmRNA PROTEIN / mRNA PROTEIN / mRNA Increased expression Decreased expression Dependent on RET-Y905 phosphorylation Dependent on RET-Y687 phosphorylation Dependent on RET-Y1062 phosphorylation Dependent on RET-Y981 phosphorylation Dependent on RET-Y1015 phosphorylation Multiple edge colours were adopted due to large number of crossing edges for better visualization of reactions Protein- protein interactions Enzyme- substrate reactions Phosphorylation Ubiquitination O-sialylationPROTEIN Post-translational modification type/ site and residue, as reportedResidue / ubiquitination site PROTEINO-Sial Leads to through prior unknown / known mechanisms Multiple edge colours were adopted due to large number of crossing edges for better visualization of reactions Dependent on RET-Y905 phosphorylation Dependent on GFRA1 independent of RET Dependent on RET-Y1062 phosphorylation Dependent on RET-Y687 phosphorylation Dependent on GDNF-NCAM1 interaction Leads to through prior unknown / known mechanisms (Multiple coloured edges were adopted to reduce the complexity in following the pathway reactions)PMCYECENTGNLYNUER Extracellular/secreted Plasma membraneLRLRERLR Lipid rafts Cytoplasm Endosomes Trans-golgi network Endoplasmic Reticulum Lysosome Nucleus Inhibition of molecules / reactions Leads to regulation of gene expression (Multiple coloured edges were adopted to reduce the complexity in following the pathway reactions)FIGURE LEGEND


This pathway shows molecules involved in ligand-receptor interactions and GDNF (Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor) receptor activated downstream molecular events including molecular association, enzyme catalysis, translocation, and gene regulation. Information about post-translational modification sites and residues is also depicted.

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  1. Baloh RH, Tansey MG, Golden JP, Creedon DJ, Heuckeroth RO, Keck CL, Zimonjic DB, Popescu NC, Johnson EM Jr, Milbrandt J; ''TrnR2, a novel receptor that mediates neurturin and GDNF signaling through Ret.''; Neuron, 1997 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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124544view04:24, 8 November 2022EweitzModified description
124543view04:21, 8 November 2022EweitzModified description
120629view19:21, 21 December 2021EgonwUpdated data sources
120553view23:22, 14 December 2021EweitzOntology Term : 'signaling pathway' added !
120552view23:21, 14 December 2021EweitzModified title
120238view01:19, 20 November 2021KeshavNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
ADRB1Rna153 (RefSeq)
ADRB3Rna115 (RefSeq)
AGRNProteinNP_001292204.1 (RefSeq)
AKT1ProteinNP_005154.2 (RefSeq)
AKT3ProteinNP_005456.1 (RefSeq)
AP2M1ProteinNP_001298127.1 (RefSeq)
APPProteinNP_000475.1 (RefSeq)
ATF1ProteinNP_005162.1 (RefSeq)
BCAR1ProteinNP_001164185.1 (RefSeq)
BCL2L2ProteinNP_001186768.2 (RefSeq)
BCL2ProteinNP_000624.2 (RefSeq)
BCL6BProteinNP_862827.2 (RefSeq)
BRAFProteinNP_004324.2 (RefSeq)
CALB1Rna793 (RefSeq)
CALRProteinNP_004334.1 (RefSeq)
CAMK2AProteinNP_057065.2 (RefSeq)
CAMK2BProteinNP_001211.3 (RefSeq)
CBLCProteinNP_036248.3 (RefSeq)
CCNA2ProteinNP_001228.2 (RefSeq)
CCNB1ProteinNP_114172.1 (RefSeq)
CCNE1ProteinNP_001229.1 (RefSeq)
CD2APProteinNP_036252.1 (RefSeq)
CDH2ProteinNP_001783.2 (RefSeq)
CEBPBProteinNP_005185.2 (RefSeq)
CHUKProteinNP_001269.3 (RefSeq)
CREB1ProteinNP_604391.1 (RefSeq)
CRKProteinNP_058431.2 (RefSeq)
CXCL8Rna3576 (Entrez Gene)
Ca2+Metabolite271 (PubChem-compound)
DAGMetabolite365 (PubChem-substance)
DOK1ProteinNP_001372.1 (RefSeq)
DOK4ProteinNP_060580.2 (RefSeq)
DOK6ProteinNP_689934.2 (RefSeq)
DSG2ProteinNP_001934.2 (RefSeq)
EGR1Rna1958 (RefSeq)
ELK1ProteinNP_001107595.1 (RefSeq)
ESR1ProteinNP_000116.2 (RefSeq)
ETV5ProteinNP_004445.1 (RefSeq)
EZRProteinNP_003370.2 (RefSeq)
EfnAProteinNP_066124.1 (RefSeq)
EphAProteinNP_066124.1 (RefSeq)
FABP4Rna2167 (RefSeq)
FASNRna2194 (RefSeq)
FAT4ProteinNP_001278232.1 (RefSeq)
FGF2Rna2247 (RefSeq)
FMODProtein2331 (Entrez Gene)
FOSRna2353 (RefSeq)
FOXO1ProteinNP_002006.2 (RefSeq)
FOXO3ProteinNP_001446.1 (RefSeq)
FRS2ProteinNP_001265280.1 (RefSeq)
FYNProteinNP_002028.1 (RefSeq)
GAB1ProteinNP_997006.1 (RefSeq)
GAB2ProteinNP_536739.1 (RefSeq)
GAD1ProteinNP_000808.2 (RefSeq)
GAD2ProteinNP_000809.1 (RefSeq)
GAP43Rna2596 (RefSeq)
GDNFProtein2668 (RefSeq)
GFRA1ProteinNP_005255.1 (RefSeq)
GFRA2ProteinNP_001486.4 (RefSeq)
GFRA3ProteinNP_001487.2 (RefSeq)
GRB10ProteinNP_001357938.1 (RefSeq)
GRB2ProteinNP_002077.1 (RefSeq)
GRB7ProteinNP_001229371.2 (RefSeq)
GSK3BProteinNP_002084.2 (RefSeq)
HIF1AProteinNP_001521.1 (RefSeq)
HSPB1ProteinNP_001531.1 (RefSeq)
IKBKBProteinNP_001547.1 (RefSeq)
IP3Metabolite439456 (PubChem-compound)
ITGA3ProteinNP_002195.1 (RefSeq)
ITGA5Rna3678 (RefSeq)
ITGA5ProteinNP_002196.4 (RefSeq)
ITGA6ProteinNP_001073286.1 (RefSeq)
ITGB1ProteinNP_002202.2 (RefSeq)
ITGB3Rna3690 (RefSeq)
ITGB3ProteinNP_000203.2 (RefSeq)
ITPR1ProteinNP_001161744.1 (RefSeq)
ITPR2ProteinNP_002214.2 (RefSeq)
ITPR3ProteinNP_002215.2 (RefSeq)
KCND2ProteinNP_036413.1 (RefSeq)
LHX1ProteinNP_005559.2 (RefSeq)
LIFRna3976 (RefSeq)
LRIG1ProteinNP_056356.2 (RefSeq)
LYNProteinNP_002341.1 (RefSeq)
MAP2K1ProteinNP_002746.1 (RefSeq)
MAP2K2ProteinNP_109587.1 (RefSeq)
MAP2K5ProteinNP_660143.1 (RefSeq)
MAP3K14ProteinNP_003945.2 (RefSeq)
MAP3K3ProteinNP_976226.1 (RefSeq)
MAPK14ProteinNP_001306.1 (RefSeq)
MAPK1ProteinNP_002736.3 (RefSeq)
MAPK3ProteinNP_002737.2 (RefSeq)
MAPK7ProteinNP_620602.2 (RefSeq)
MAPK8ProteinNP_620637.1 (RefSeq)
MAPK9ProteinNP_002743.3 (RefSeq)
MEF2CProteinNP_002388.2 (RefSeq)
METProteinNP_001120972.1 (RefSeq)
MTORProteinNP_004949.1 (RefSeq)
MYCNProteinNP_001280157.1 (RefSeq)
MYCProteinNP_002458.2 (RefSeq)
MonosialotetrahexosylgangliosideMetabolite5497107 (PubChem-compound)
NANOS2Rna339345 (RefSeq)
NCAM1ProteinNP_001229536.1 (RefSeq)
NCK1ProteinNP_006144.1 (RefSeq)
NCS1ProteinNP_055101.2 (RefSeq)
NFKB2ProteinNP_001070962.1 (RefSeq)
NFKBIAProteinNP_065390.1 (RefSeq)
NRASProteinNP_002515.1 (RefSeq)
PCDHA4ProteinNP_061730.1 (RefSeq)
PCDHGB7ProteinNP_061750.1 (RefSeq)
PDLIM7ProteinNP_005442.2 (RefSeq)
PDPK1ProteinNP_002604.1 (RefSeq)
PGRRna5241 (RefSeq)
PIK3CBProteinNP_006210.1 (RefSeq)
PIK3R1ProteinNP_852664.1 (RefSeq)
PIP2Metabolite24742074 (PubChem-compound)
PIP3Metabolite101362114 (PubChem-compound)
PLCG1ProteinNP_002651.2 (RefSeq)
PLCG2ProteinNP_002652.2 (RefSeq)
POU1F1Rna5449 (RefSeq)
PPARGRna5468 (RefSeq)
PPARGC1ARna10891 (RefSeq)
PRKACAProteinNP_001291278.1 (RefSeq)
PRKAR2AProteinNP_001308911.1 (RefSeq)
PTENProteinNP_000305.3 (RefSeq)
PTK2ProteinNP_001339623.1 (RefSeq)
PTPN11ProteinNP_001317366.1 (RefSeq)
PXNProteinNP_001074324.1 (RefSeq)
RABEP1ProteinNP_004694.2 (RefSeq)
RAC1ProteinNP_061485.1 (RefSeq)
RAF1ProteinNP_001341618.1 (RefSeq)
RAP1AProteinNP_001010935.1 (RefSeq)
RAP1GAPProteinNP_001317312.1 (RefSeq)
RASA1ProteinNP_002881.1 (RefSeq)
RELAProteinNP_068810.3 (RefSeq)
RETProteinNP_066124.1 (RefSeq)
RHOAProteinNP_001655.1 (RefSeq)
ROCK1ProteinNP_005397.1 (RefSeq)
ROCK2ProteinNP_004841.2 (RefSeq)
RPS6KB1ProteinNP_001258971.1 (RefSeq)
RPTORProteinNP_065812.1 (RefSeq)
S1PR1ProteinNP_001391.2 (RefSeq)
S1PR3ProteinNP_005217.2 (RefSeq)
SH2B2ProteinNP_001346157.1 (RefSeq)
SHC1ProteinNP_001123512.1 (RefSeq)
SLC1A2Rna6506 (RefSeq)
SLC1A3Rna6507 (RefSeq)
SLC6A3ProteinNP_001035.1 (RefSeq)
SMAD2ProteinNP_001003652.1 (RefSeq)
SMAD3ProteinNP_005893.1 (RefSeq)
SORL1ProteinNP_003096.2 (RefSeq)
SP1ProteinNP_612482.2 (RefSeq)
SPHK1ProteinNP_892010.2 (RefSeq)
SPRY2ProteinNP_005833.1 (RefSeq)
SRCProteinNP_005408.1 (RefSeq)
SREBF1Rna6720 (RefSeq)
ST3GAL1Rna6482 (Entrez Gene)
ST3GAL1ProteinNP_003024.1 (RefSeq)
SYN1ProteinNP_008881.2 (RefSeq)
SYPProteinNP_003170.1 (RefSeq)
Sphingosine- 1-PhosphateMetabolite5283560 (PubChem-compound)
SphingosineMetabolite5280335 (PubChem-compound)
TFF1Rna7031 (RefSeq)
TGFBR1ProteinNP_001293139.1 (RefSeq)
THRna7054 (RefSeq)
TOP2ARna7153 (RefSeq)
VAV2ProteinNP_001127870.1 (RefSeq)
VEGFAProteinNP_003367.4 (RefSeq)
YES1ProteinNP_005424.1 (RefSeq)
YWHAZProteinNP_663723.1 (RefSeq)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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