Farnesoid X receptor pathway (Homo sapiens)

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ArcPathVisio Brace Ellipse EndoplasmicReticulum GolgiApparatus HexagonPathVisio MimDegradation Mitochondria Octagon PentagonPathVisio Rectangle RoundedRectangle SarcoplasmicReticulum TriangleEquilateralEast TrianglePathVisio none OtherTranscriptionBile acid detoxificationBile acid & xenobiotics transportBile acid conjugationBile acid neosynthesisNR1H4FXR ligandNR1H4RXRALigandGenesTATA boxNR1H4RXRALigandFXRENR1H4LigandRXRAUGT2B4SULT2A1SLC27A5SLC10A1CYP7A1CYP8B1NR0B2FGF19IRS2ABCB11BAATCYP3A4FKBP5IP6K3ABCB4NR0B2PPARGC1ASLCO2B1FXR Target genesName: Farnesoid X receptor pathwayOrganism: Homo sapiens


The farnesoid X receptor (FXR, a.k.a. NR1H4) is a nuclear receptor that responds to levels of bile acids present in the body and regulates many processes related to bile acids synthesis and transport. Proteins on this pathway have targeted assays available via the [CPTAC Assay Portal](https://assays.cancer.gov/available_assays?wp_id=WP2879).

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Pathway Ontology : bile acid signaling pathway


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  44. Mandard S, Müller M, Kersten S; ''Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha target genes.''; Cell Mol Life Sci, 2004 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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view18:29, 7 March 2025KhanspersModified description
116462view10:06, 7 May 2021EweitzModified title
106413view21:58, 28 August 2019KhanspersModified description
105593view04:46, 10 August 2019KhanspersModified description
94789view22:59, 5 October 2017AlexanderPicoConverted lines
94785view22:42, 5 October 2017AlexanderPicoConverted lines
88056view13:48, 25 July 2016SusanOntology Term : 'bile acid signaling pathway' added !
79602view05:58, 27 March 2015EgonwProper ChEBI identifier ("ligand" is the chemical term in ChEBI).
79524view09:51, 24 March 2015RiannefijtenModified description
79523view09:49, 24 March 2015Riannefijtenfixed unconnected lines, added reference, changed grouping "pathways" to labels
79485view13:10, 23 March 2015FehrhartUpdate Gen IDs and comments
79476view12:40, 23 March 2015EgonwAnnotated "ligand" with its ChEBI identifier.
78255view22:12, 17 December 2014KhanspersModified title
78226view15:31, 14 December 2014MaintBotUpdated the GPML schema.
78221view15:26, 14 December 2014MaintBotModified title
78092view11:37, 2 December 2014RiannefijtenNew pathway

External references


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Name  ↓Type  ↓Database reference  ↓Comment  ↓
ABCB11GeneProduct8647 (Entrez Gene) ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP), member 11
ABCB4GeneProduct5244 (Entrez Gene) ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP), member 4
BAATGeneProduct570 (Entrez Gene) bile acid CoA:amino acid N-acyltransferase
CYP3A4GeneProduct1576 (Entrez Gene) cytochrome P450, family 3, subfamily A, polypeptide 4
CYP7A1GeneProduct1581 (Entrez Gene) cytochrome P450, family 7, subfamily A, polypeptide 1
CYP8B1GeneProduct1582 (Entrez Gene) cytochrome P450, family 8, subfamily B, polypeptide 1
FGF19GeneProduct9965 (Entrez Gene) fibroblast growth factor 19
FKBP5GeneProduct2289 (Entrez Gene) FK506 binding protein 5
FXR ligandMetaboliteCHEBI:48705 (ChEBI) T3
IP6K3GeneProduct117283 (Entrez Gene) inositol hexakisphosphate kinase 3
IRS2GeneProduct8660 (Entrez Gene) insulin receptor substrate 2
LigandMetaboliteCHEBI:48705 (ChEBI)
NR0B2GeneProduct8431 (Entrez Gene) nuclear receptor subfamily 0, group B, member 2
NR1H4GeneProduct9971 (Entrez Gene) nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group H, member 4
PPARGC1AGeneProduct10891 (Entrez Gene) peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, coactivator 1 alpha
RXRAGeneProduct6256 (Entrez Gene) retinoid X receptor, alpha
SLC10A1GeneProduct6554 (Entrez Gene) solute carrier family 10 (sodium/bile acid cotransporter), member 1
SLC27A5GeneProduct10998 (Entrez Gene) solute carrier family 27 (fatty acid transporter), member 5
SLCO2B1GeneProduct11309 (Entrez Gene) solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 2B1
SULT2A1GeneProduct6822 (Entrez Gene) sulfotransferase family, cytosolic, 2A, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)-preferring, member 1
UGT2B4GeneProduct7363 (Entrez Gene) UDP glucuronosyltransferase 2 family, polypeptide B4

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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