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ArcPathVisio Brace Ellipse EndoplasmicReticulum GolgiApparatus HexagonPathVisio MimDegradation Mitochondria Octagon PentagonPathVisio Rectangle RoundedRectangle SarcoplasmicReticulum TriangleEquilateralEast TrianglePathVisio none Preadipocyte Differentiated adipocyte Inhibitors of Preadipocyte to Adipocyte Transition WNT10B DLK1 GATA3 GATA2 NDN WNT5B WNT1 GATA4 Transcription Factors/Modulators PPARD CREB1 CEBPB RXRA RARA NR1H3 SREBF1 PPARG MEF2A MEF2B MEF2C MEF2D CEBPD NCOA1 PPARA MBNL1 RXRG NR2F1 NRIP1 RORA NCOR1 NCOR2 CEBPA Miscellaneous Factors PTGIS MIXL1 ID3 STAT5A STAT5B DDIT3 LIF CYP26A1 CYP26B1 RBL1 ASIP MIF SERPINE1 SCD TWIST1 RB1 RBL2 CDKN1A E2F1 SP1 HMGA1 GADD45A GADD45B BMP1 BMP2 BMP3 BMP4 FOXO1A KLF5 FOXC2 NCOA2 STAT3 STAT2 STAT1 STAT6 SOCS1 SOCS3 CNTFR LIFR IL6ST OSM CTNNB1 SMAD3 FZD1 DVL1 TCF1 FRZB TRIB3 CUGBP1 HIF1A KLF6 KLF7 SFRP4 KLF15 EGR2 EBF EPAS1 AHR C10orf70 WWTR1 GDF10 PCK1 PCK2 E2F4 Adipocyte Secretory Products TNF LEP RETN DF ADIPOQ ADFP AGT IL6 PBEF1 SPOCK ADPN Insulin Action Genes IRS1 IRS4 IRS2 IRS3P Possible Lipodystrophy Genes BSCL2 LMNA AGPAT2 ZMPSTE24 LPIN1 LPIN2 LPIN3 Fully Differentiated Adipocyte Markers LPL FAS SLC2A4 GTF3A PLIN PPARGC1A UCP1 LIPE Growth Factors/Hormones IGF1 GH1 NR3C1 TGFB1 INS PRLR Name: Adipogenesis Organism: Homo sapiens
The different classess of factors involved in adipogenesis are shown. Adipogenesis is the process by which fat cells differentiate from preadipocytes to adipocytes (fat cells). Adipose tissue, composed of white and brown adipose tissue, is composed of adipocytes. This pathway is primarily studied to understand factors that contribute to obesity and diabetes. Transcriptional and hormonal regulators of adipocyte formation are indicated.
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Annotated lists Annotated lists of gene products are considered useful for analysis and for stimulating future pathway curation.
Review changes for Approved Revision 137856 of this pathway was approved for data analysis by Eric Weitz .
Ontology Terms
Rosen ED, Spiegelman BM; ''Molecular regulation of adipogenesis.''; Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol, 2000 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
External references
Annotated Interactions
No annotated interactions