Thread:WormBase IDs (1)

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Revision as of 00:18, 11 May 2009 by AlexanderPico (Talk | contribs)
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Hey Martijn,

While testing the new databases, I noticed that this pathway (and maybe others?) were using the WormBase symbol as both label and identifier. This actually works alright for the purposes of linkout in the Datanodes section of the pathway page, but it does not properly connect to our databases and prevents the display of backpage and xref linkouts. I editing this pathway, converting a few of them over to IDs (the left column of Daf's), so you can see the difference. The conversion was done by simply searching for the Daf and selecting the WormBase entry, then editing the label to keep it the same as you had it. In general, I use the search tool instead of manual entry to verify the datanodes against out databases.

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