Wnt signaling pathway (Canis familiaris)

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Revision as of 09:14, 11 February 2010 by Thomas (Talk | contribs)
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Enzyme ComplexSumoylationMTDesumoylationCY->PMCY->NUCY->PMProteolytic cleavageTranslocationDeubiquitinationEndoplasmic reticulumDephosphorylationGene SymbolCY->NUDExtracellularMethylationUbiquitinationDeacetylationProteins in a complex interactionGOInhibitionMolecule in the pathwayPM->CYGolgi apparatusCY->PMCY(Protein-protein interaction)CytoplasmNucleusDDDCY->NUDActivationEndosomeNU->CYERAcetylationPlasma membraneDNUPalmitoylationReceptorDReaction through unknowm mechanisms/moleculesAccession Number: NetPath_8; cellmap:8CY->PMPMCY->NUControlPhosphorylationLigandENDemethylationCY->NUECMolecular AssociationGlycosylationDDMitochondrionRecruitmentComplex formationAutophosphorylationMARK2APCPPP2CADLG2LRP6DVL2FZD1MAP1BDVL1SOX1WNT3AARRB1CTBP1PIN1WNT1CTBP2FZD8WNT3MAP3K7CSNK2A1AKT1DKK1WNT4AXIN1UBL1TCF3AXIN2FRAT1MAPK9APCCTNNB1CDC2VANGL2CDC25CGSK3BLEF1WNT1WNT1WNT1CAMK2BNR5A1BRD7LRP6MAP3K7SFRP2MAPK8MAPK3CSNK1ESKP1PRKCALRP5CXXC4FZD4JUPCAMK2GCTNNB1MAPK8IP1DVL1TCF4FZD6ARRB2AXIN1SALL1WNT3AGSK3BNKD1CUL1APCPIAS4WNT2TBPAPCARRB2RUVBL1SFRP1DAB2CDC2AKT1FZD4CAMK2DRAF1TAX1BP3MYBDAAM1FZD9PRKCGLEF1CSNK2BRAC1AXIN1CSNK2A2ANKRD6CSNK2A1PAX2CSNK2A2LRP1RUNX2LOC482772WNT7ABTRCCDH1FRAT2TFAP2AFZD1DLG1MAGI3CAMK2AFHL2FZD1FZD7WNT4DLG4CTNNB1WNT2APCDVL2DVL1EP300CSNK1A1JUNNLKPRKCBMAPK1FZD5SOX9WNT5ABTRCFZD2SMAD4DVL3BCL9FZD1CCND1CSNK1DRHOASENP2WNT1SMAD3CTNNBIP1CRYBB2SUMO2ROR2


Wnt family of proteins are a large family of cysteine-rich secreted glycoproteins that regulate cell-cell interactions. They bind to members of the Frizzled family of 7 transmembrane receptors. Binding of Wnt to its receptors leads to activation of at least 3 distinct pathways: i) the canonical beta catenin pathway, ii) the planar cell polarity pathway, and, iii) the calcium pathway. In the canonical beta catenin pathway, binding of Wnt to its receptors leads to stabilization of beta catenin in the cytosol followed by its translocation into the nucleus where it activates the transcription factor Tcf/Lef leading to upregulation of target genes. The non canonical planar cell polarity pathway involves activation of Dishevelled, small G proteins (Rho/Rac) and JNK. The non canonical calcium pathway involves activation of calcium sensitive kinases, PKC and CAMKII by Dishevelled. The Wnt signaling pathway is similar to the Hedgehog pathway in many respects. Abnormalities in the Wnt signaling pathway are associated with a large variety of human malignancies including tumors of breast, colon, pancreas, liver and bone.

Source: NethPath

Additional comments:

This cancer signaling pathway is available at Cancer Cell Map (http://cancer.cellmap.org) and NetPath (http://www.netpath.org) and is part of a collaborative project between the Computational Biology Center at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (http://cbio.mskcc.org), PandeyLab at Johns Hopkins University (http://pandeylab.igm.jhmi.edu) and Institute of Bioinformatics (http://www.ibioinformatics.org). If you use this pathway, you must cite the Cancer Cell Map and NetPath websites until the pathway is published.


GenMAPP notes 
NetPath_8; cellmap:8 - Wnt Signaling Pathway. This cancer signaling pathway is available at Cancer Cell Map (http://cancer.cellmap.org) and NetPath (http://www.netpath.org) and is part of a collaborative project between the Computational Biology Center at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (http://cbio.mskcc.org), PandeyLab at Johns Hopkins University (http://pandeylab.igm.jhmi.edu) and Institute of Bioinformatics (http://www.ibioinformatics.org). If you use this pathway, you must cite the Cancer Cell Map and NetPath websites until the pathway is published.
GenMAPP remarks 
http://cancer.cellmap.org, http://www.netpath.org
This pathway was inferred from Homo sapiens pathway WP363(r28127) with a 88% conversion rate.

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120586view19:06, 17 December 2021EweitzModified title
118794view04:45, 2 June 2021EgonwModified description
117979view11:20, 23 May 2021EweitzModified title
86975view14:29, 15 July 2016MkutmonOntology Term : 'Wnt signaling pathway' added !
79431view23:50, 21 March 2015KhanspersModified title
68504view21:48, 5 July 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
40655view21:48, 1 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
38720view19:34, 23 September 2010AlexanderPico
35033view09:18, 11 February 2010Thomasremoved old genmapp comments (moved to description)
35025view09:14, 11 February 2010ThomasModified description
33947view18:19, 9 December 2009MaintBotAutomatic update of empty xrefs
32544view13:04, 17 August 2009MaintBotFixed text labels
31242view19:48, 13 August 2009MaintBotFixed text labels
30667view22:39, 29 July 2009MaintBotNew pathway

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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
AKT1GeneProduct490878 (Entrez Gene)
ANKRD6GeneProduct481919 (Entrez Gene)
APCGeneProduct479139 (Entrez Gene)
ARRB1GeneProduct485189 (Entrez Gene)
ARRB2GeneProduct607262 (Entrez Gene)
AXIN1GeneProduct490099 (Entrez Gene)
AXIN2GeneProduct490903 (Entrez Gene)
BCL9GeneProduct483154 (Entrez Gene)
BRD7GeneProduct478130 (Entrez Gene)
BTRCGeneProduct486851 (Entrez Gene)
CAMK2AGeneProduct612941 (Entrez Gene)
CAMK2DGeneProduct610764 (Entrez Gene)
CAMK2GGeneProduct489050 (Entrez Gene)
CCND1GeneProduct449028 (Entrez Gene)
CDC2GeneProduct488997 (Entrez Gene)
CDC25CGeneProduct610456 (Entrez Gene)
CDH1GeneProduct442858 (Entrez Gene)
CRYBB2GeneProduct486326 (Entrez Gene)
CSNK1A1GeneProduct479331 (Entrez Gene)
CSNK1DGeneProduct475928 (Entrez Gene)
CSNK1EGeneProduct474510 (Entrez Gene)
CSNK2A1GeneProduct477185 (Entrez Gene)
CSNK2A2GeneProduct478108 (Entrez Gene)
CSNK2BGeneProduct474844 (Entrez Gene)
CTBP1GeneProduct612240 (Entrez Gene)
CTNNB1GeneProduct477032 (Entrez Gene)
CTNNBIP1GeneProduct608589 (Entrez Gene)
CUL1GeneProduct475512 (Entrez Gene)
CXXC4GeneProduct610189 (Entrez Gene)
DAAM1GeneProduct490714 (Entrez Gene)
DAB2GeneProduct479353 (Entrez Gene)
DKK1GeneProduct609600 (Entrez Gene)
DLG1GeneProduct488036 (Entrez Gene)
DLG2GeneProduct485158 (Entrez Gene)
DLG4GeneProduct489462 (Entrez Gene)
DVL1GeneProduct489593 (Entrez Gene)
DVL2GeneProduct489464 (Entrez Gene)
DVL3GeneProduct478650 (Entrez Gene)
FHL2GeneProduct474544 (Entrez Gene)
FZD1GeneProduct482294 (Entrez Gene)
FZD2GeneProduct490937 (Entrez Gene)
FZD4GeneProduct485149 (Entrez Gene)
FZD5GeneProduct488493 (Entrez Gene)
FZD6GeneProduct403610 (Entrez Gene)
FZD7GeneProduct488478 (Entrez Gene)
FZD9GeneProduct489809 (Entrez Gene)
GSK3BGeneProduct478575 (Entrez Gene)
JUNGeneProduct609429 (Entrez Gene)
JUPGeneProduct480522 (Entrez Gene)
LEF1GeneProduct478507 (Entrez Gene)
LOC482772GeneProduct482772 (Entrez Gene)
LRP1GeneProduct481124 (Entrez Gene)
LRP5GeneProduct100306933 (Entrez Gene)
LRP6GeneProduct477692 (Entrez Gene)
MAGI3GeneProduct483214 (Entrez Gene)
MAP1BGeneProduct478092 (Entrez Gene)
MAP3K7GeneProduct474996 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK1GeneProduct477575 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK3GeneProduct486758 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK8GeneProduct477746 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK8IP1GeneProduct483640 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK9GeneProduct474652 (Entrez Gene)
MARK2GeneProduct483769 (Entrez Gene)
MYBGeneProduct483995 (Entrez Gene)
NKD1GeneProduct487288 (Entrez Gene)
NLKGeneProduct491160 (Entrez Gene)
NR5A1GeneProduct609642 (Entrez Gene)
PAX2GeneProduct609228 (Entrez Gene)
PIAS4GeneProduct485049 (Entrez Gene)
PIN1GeneProduct484963 (Entrez Gene)
PPP2CAGeneProduct403608 (Entrez Gene)
PRKCAGeneProduct490904 (Entrez Gene)
PRKCBGeneProduct489968 (Entrez Gene)
PRKCGGeneProduct484316 (Entrez Gene)
RAC1GeneProduct403955 (Entrez Gene)
RAF1GeneProduct484648 (Entrez Gene)
RHOAGeneProduct403954 (Entrez Gene)
ROR2GeneProduct484193 (Entrez Gene)
RUNX2GeneProduct449531 (Entrez Gene)
RUVBL1GeneProduct476512 (Entrez Gene)
SALL1GeneProduct487284 (Entrez Gene)
SENP2GeneProduct478661 (Entrez Gene)
SFRP2GeneProduct475471 (Entrez Gene)
SKP1GeneProduct474682 (Entrez Gene)
SMAD3GeneProduct610902 (Entrez Gene)
SMAD4GeneProduct476196 (Entrez Gene)
SOX1GeneProduct607464 (Entrez Gene)
SOX9GeneProduct403464 (Entrez Gene)
SUMO2GeneProduct474963 (Entrez Gene)
TAX1BP3GeneProduct491221 (Entrez Gene)
TBPGeneProduct611193 (Entrez Gene)
TCF3GeneProduct485079 (Entrez Gene)
TCF4GeneProduct403949 (Entrez Gene)
TFAP2AGeneProduct488213 (Entrez Gene)
WNT1GeneProduct486560 (Entrez Gene)
WNT2GeneProduct612141 (Entrez Gene)
WNT3GeneProduct609107 (Entrez Gene)
WNT3AGeneProduct482208 (Entrez Gene)
WNT4GeneProduct612367 (Entrez Gene)
WNT5AGeneProduct484721 (Entrez Gene)
WNT7AGeneProduct607180 (Entrez Gene)

Annotated Interactions

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