Matrix metalloproteinases (Bos taurus)

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Revision as of 08:38, 12 February 2010 by Thomas (Talk | contribs)
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1EnamelysinGenes Dev 14:2123-2133MatrilysinInhibitorsMatrix metalloproteinases: effectors ofMembrane-type MMPsMetalloelastaseGelatinasesOtherBased on Vu & Werb (2000)StromelysinsCollagenasesPotential Inducers of Transcriptiondevelopment and normal physiology.MMP7MMP16TNFMMP19MMP26MMP17TIMP3TIMP4MMP14BSGMMP10TIMP1TIMP2MMP2MMP13MMP24MMP28MMP12MMP1MMP11TCF20MMP15MMP20MMP23AMMP3MMP23BMMP27MMP9MMP8MMP21MMP25


Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are zinc-dependent endopeptidases; other family members are adamalysins, serralysins, and astacins. The MMPs belong to a larger family of proteases known as the metzincin superfamily.

Collectively they are capable of degrading all kinds of extracellular matrix proteins, but also can process a number of bioactive molecules. They are known to be involved in the cleavage of cell surface receptors, the release of apoptotic ligands (such as the FAS ligand), and chemokine/cytokine in/activation. MMPs are also thought to play a major role on cell behaviors such as cell proliferation, migration (adhesion/dispersion), differentiation, angiogenesis, apoptosis and host defense.

Source: Wikipedia


This pathway was inferred from Homo sapiens pathway WP129(r20953) with a 77% conversion rate.

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  1. Vu TH, Werb Z; ''Matrix metalloproteinases: effectors of development and normal physiology.''; Genes Dev, 2000 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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117558view11:18, 21 May 2021EweitzModified title
80887view15:29, 30 June 2015Mkutmonhomology conversion
67449view11:03, 26 June 2013DdiglesOntology Term : 'cell-extracellular matrix signaling pathway' added !
63462view17:19, 10 May 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
40597view19:34, 1 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
35337view08:38, 12 February 2010ThomasModified description
35336view08:38, 12 February 2010Thomasmoved reference from comments to bibliography
33834view00:30, 9 December 2009MaintBotAutomatic update of empty xrefs
32519view12:55, 17 August 2009MaintBotFixed text labels
32206view12:41, 15 August 2009MaintBotFixed text labels
31693view11:47, 14 August 2009MaintBotFixed group labels
31217view19:40, 13 August 2009MaintBotFixed text labels
30629view22:25, 29 July 2009MaintBotNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
BSGGeneProduct508716 (Entrez Gene)
MMP11GeneProduct539109 (Entrez Gene)
MMP12GeneProduct526981 (Entrez Gene)
MMP1GeneProduct281308 (Entrez Gene)
MMP13GeneProduct281914 (Entrez Gene)
MMP14GeneProduct281915 (Entrez Gene)
MMP15GeneProduct519432 (Entrez Gene)
MMP16GeneProduct282886 (Entrez Gene)
MMP17GeneProduct513072 (Entrez Gene)
MMP19GeneProduct533203 (Entrez Gene)
MMP20GeneProduct281916 (Entrez Gene)
MMP2GeneProduct282872 (Entrez Gene)
MMP23BGeneProduct527590 (Entrez Gene)
MMP24GeneProduct536622 (Entrez Gene)
MMP25GeneProduct531092 (Entrez Gene)
MMP27GeneProduct518487 (Entrez Gene)
MMP3GeneProduct281309 (Entrez Gene)
MMP7GeneProduct286794 (Entrez Gene)
MMP9GeneProduct282871 (Entrez Gene)
TCF20GeneProduct523151 (Entrez Gene)
TIMP1GeneProduct282092 (Entrez Gene)
TIMP2GeneProduct282093 (Entrez Gene)
TIMP3GeneProduct282094 (Entrez Gene)
TIMP4GeneProduct317694 (Entrez Gene)
TNFGeneProduct280943 (Entrez Gene)

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