Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis (Bos taurus)

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Revision as of 19:31, 1 March 2011 by MaintBot (Talk | contribs)
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GlycolysisTCA cycleMitochondrionGluconeogenesisCytosolPKM22-Phosphoglyceric acidPCMalateL-Aspartic acidPGK1Glucose-6-phosphatePDHXL-Aspartic acidPyruvic acidDLDALDOAALDOBOxalacetic acidLactatePDHBPhosphoenolpyruvatePCK1MalateMDH2MTORGPI3-Phosphoglyceric acidOxalacetic acidPGAM1PFKLPGAM2GCKHK2Glyceric acid 1,3-biphosphateGlyceraldehyde-3-phosphatePFKMG6PCFructose-1,6-biphosphateFructose-6-phosphateLDHBMDH1Pyruvic acidENO1BGlucosePKM2GAPDHGOT1DLATGOT2LDHAENO1PKLRPDHA1GAPDHSTPI1LDHCFBP2LDHAL6BGAPDPFKPFBP1ENO3ENO2PGK2Dihydroxyacetone PhosphateHK3Acetyl-CoAALDOCPDHA2


No description


This pathway was inferred from Homo sapiens pathway WP534(r28564) with a 69% conversion rate.

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  1. Bricker DK, Taylor EB, Schell JC, Orsak T, Boutron A, Chen YC, Cox JE, Cardon CM, Van Vranken JG, Dephoure N, Redin C, Boudina S, Gygi SP, Brivet M, Thummel CS, Rutter J; ''A mitochondrial pyruvate carrier required for pyruvate uptake in yeast, Drosophila, and humans.''; Science, 2012 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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117532view11:10, 21 May 2021EweitzModified title
115728view09:09, 9 March 2021EgonwReplaced the WP id of a human pathways with the matching cow pathway
106013view11:53, 16 August 2019MaintBotHMDB identifier normalization
89816view11:51, 6 October 2016MkutmonReverted to version '15:21, 30 June 2015' by Mkutmon
89815view11:50, 6 October 2016MkutmonModified description
80683view15:21, 30 June 2015Mkutmonhomology conversion
71418view19:02, 17 October 2013MaintBotAutomated update of data sources
63378view23:07, 9 May 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
62708view23:18, 1 May 2013MaintBotUpdated UniProt data source
40550view19:31, 1 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
33790view00:12, 9 December 2009MaintBotAutomatic update of empty xrefs
32500view12:48, 17 August 2009MaintBotFixed text labels
32191view12:35, 15 August 2009MaintBotFixed text labels
31666view11:40, 14 August 2009MaintBotFixed group labels
31198view19:32, 13 August 2009MaintBotFixed text labels
30596view22:14, 29 July 2009MaintBotNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
2-Phosphoglyceric acidMetaboliteHMDB00362 (HMDB)
3-Phosphoglyceric acidMetaboliteHMDB00807 (HMDB)
ALDOAGeneProduct509566 (Entrez Gene)
ALDOBGeneProduct515263 (Entrez Gene)
ALDOCGeneProduct504584 (Entrez Gene)
DLATGeneProduct512723 (Entrez Gene)
DLDGeneProduct533910 (Entrez Gene)
Dihydroxyacetone PhosphateMetabolite
ENO1GeneProduct281141 (Entrez Gene)
ENO2GeneProduct526006 (Entrez Gene)
ENO3GeneProduct540303 (Entrez Gene)
FBP1GeneProduct513483 (Entrez Gene)
FBP2GeneProduct514066 (Entrez Gene)
Fructose-1,6-biphosphateMetaboliteHMDB01058 (HMDB)
G6PCGeneProduct538710 (Entrez Gene)
GAPDHGeneProduct786101 (Entrez Gene)
GAPDHSGeneProduct532231 (Entrez Gene)
GCKGeneProduct616576 (Entrez Gene)
GOT1GeneProduct281206 (Entrez Gene)
GOT2GeneProduct286886 (Entrez Gene)
GPIGeneProduct280808 (Entrez Gene)
Glyceric acid 1,3-biphosphateMetaboliteHMDB01270 (HMDB)
HK2GeneProduct788926 (Entrez Gene)
HK3GeneProduct510616 (Entrez Gene)
L-Aspartic acidMetaboliteHMDB00191 (HMDB)
LDHAGeneProduct784938 (Entrez Gene)
LDHAL6BGeneProduct509519 (Entrez Gene)
LDHBGeneProduct281275 (Entrez Gene)
LDHCGeneProduct537256 (Entrez Gene)
MDH1GeneProduct535182 (Entrez Gene)
MDH2GeneProduct281306 (Entrez Gene)
MTORGeneProduct281771 (Entrez Gene)
Oxalacetic acidMetaboliteHMDB00223 (HMDB)
PCGeneProduct338471 (Entrez Gene)
PCK1GeneProduct282855 (Entrez Gene)
PDHA1GeneProduct407109 (Entrez Gene)
PDHA2GeneProduct768012 (Entrez Gene)
PDHBGeneProduct613610 (Entrez Gene)
PDHXGeneProduct517402 (Entrez Gene)
PFKLGeneProduct508683 (Entrez Gene)
PFKMGeneProduct506544 (Entrez Gene)
PFKPGeneProduct507119 (Entrez Gene)
PGAM1GeneProduct404148 (Entrez Gene)
PGAM2GeneProduct515067 (Entrez Gene)
PGK1GeneProduct507476 (Entrez Gene)
PGK2GeneProduct538592 (Entrez Gene)
PKLRGeneProduct539579 (Entrez Gene)
PKM2GeneProduct512571 (Entrez Gene)
Pyruvic acidMetaboliteHMDB00243 (HMDB)
TPI1GeneProduct281543 (Entrez Gene)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions
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