serotonin and anxiety-delete (Mus musculus)

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Revision as of 13:10, 15 March 2012 by Helix (Talk | contribs)
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59017view20:39, 21 February 2013MaintBotDeleted pathway: incomplete and redundant content
58152view22:04, 8 February 2013MaintBotModified title
56293view16:13, 5 January 2013EgonwMarked ketanserin as a metabolite and removed the CID bit from the PubChem ID.
54706view13:42, 7 December 2012Andra
47307view13:50, 15 March 2012HelixPeriodical save, work in progress
47302view13:40, 15 March 2012HelixPeriodical save, work in progress
47296view13:30, 15 March 2012HelixPeriodical save, work in progress
47292view13:20, 15 March 2012HelixPeriodical save, work in progress
47287view13:10, 15 March 2012HelixPeriodical save, work in progress
47283view13:00, 15 March 2012HelixPeriodical save, work in progress
47281view12:50, 15 March 2012HelixNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
Adra1aGeneProductENSMUSG00000045875 (Ensembl Mouse)
ArcGeneProductENSMUSG00000022602 (Ensembl Mouse)
BdnfGeneProductENSMUSG00000048482 (Ensembl Mouse)
CrhGeneProductENSMUSG00000049796 (Ensembl Mouse)
DOCCID 6166 (PubChem)
Dlg4GeneProductENSMUSG00000020886 (Ensembl Mouse)
FosGeneProductENSMUSG00000021250 (Ensembl Mouse)
Grin1GeneProductENSMUSG00000026959 (Ensembl Mouse)
Grin2dGeneProductENSMUSG00000002771 (Ensembl Mouse)
Htr1aGeneProductENSMUSG00000021721 (Ensembl Mouse)
Htr2aGeneProductENSMUSG00000034997 (Ensembl Mouse)
Htr2cGeneProductENSMUSG00000041380 (Ensembl Mouse)
Nlgn1GeneProductENSMUSG00000063887 (Ensembl Mouse)
Nrxn1GeneProductENSMUSG00000024109 (Ensembl Mouse)
Plcd4GeneProductENSMUSG00000026173 (Ensembl Mouse)
PlekGeneProductENSMUSG00000020120 (Ensembl Mouse)
PomcGeneProductENSMUSG00000020660 (Ensembl Mouse)
Ppp3caGeneProductENSMUSG00000028161 (Ensembl Mouse)
PrkcbGeneProductENSMUSG00000052889 (Ensembl Mouse)
THDOCMetaboliteCID 91475 (PubChem)
ketanserinCID 3822 (PubChem)

Annotated Interactions

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