Programmed cell death and cell engulfment (Caenorhabditis elegans)

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Revision as of 23:11, 6 July 2012 by Kyook (Talk | contribs)
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1Dynamic production and turnover of PIP3PPtdIns(3)P effectorsDegradationofapoptotic cellPtdIns(3)PCED-1CED-6DYN-1PIKI-1VPS-34MTM-1RAB-5LST-4SNX-1SNX-6RAB GTPasesRAB-5RAB-7RAB-2


"Diagram illustrating the PtdIns(3)P-mediated pathway for the degradation of apoptotic cells in

C. elegans. The phagocytic receptor CED-1 and its adaptor CED-6 recruit the large GTPase DYN-1 to phagosomal surfaces, which in turn promotes the recruitment of PIKI-1 and VPS-34, resulting in the robust production of PtdIns(3)P on nascent phagosomes. RAB-5 is also proposed to facilitate the association of VPS-34 to phagosomes. MTM-1, which is localized on nascent phagosomes, promotes the rapid turnover of PtdIns(3)P. The phagosomal PtdIns(3)P is required for recruiting multiple phagosome maturation factors, including SNX-1, SNX-6, and LST-4/SNX-9, the direct PtdIns(3)P effectors, and small RAB GTPases, which act together to promote phagosome maturation and the degradation of apoptotic cells. LST-4/ SNX-9 also acts to stabilize the association of DYN-1 to phagosomes (dashed line). The question mark indicates that the mechanisms utilized by PtdIns(3)P to recruit RAB GTPases are not clear.


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  1. Gumienny TL, Hengartner MO; ''How the worm removes corpses: the nematode C. elegans as a model system to study engulfment.''; Cell Death Differ, 2001 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Conradt B, Xue D; ''Programmed cell death.''; WormBook, 2005 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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135391view12:16, 3 September 2024EgonwConverted to use Ensembl identifiers
118114view10:57, 24 May 2021EweitzModified title
89459view13:11, 15 September 2016Mkutmonremove space in ontology term id
79244view20:22, 16 March 2015CgroveFixed unconnected lines
76301view22:45, 27 June 2014Kyook
68468view20:29, 5 July 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
67146view10:12, 26 June 2013Christine ChichesterOntology Term : 'phagocytosis pathway' added !
53144view02:08, 30 October 2012MaintBotModified categories
49160view23:16, 6 July 2012Kyookadded remaining lines and question mark
49159view23:11, 6 July 2012KyookModified description
49158view23:09, 6 July 2012KyookOntology Term : 'apoptosis fated cell' added !
49157view23:09, 6 July 2012KyookFig 9C PMID: 22272187
49156view23:00, 6 July 2012KyookNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
CED-1GeneProductY47H9C.4 (WormBase)
CED-6GeneProductF56D2.7 (WormBase)
DYN-1GeneProductC02C6.1 (WormBase)
LST-4GeneProductY37A1B.2 (WormBase)
MTM-1GeneProductY110A7A.5 (WormBase)
PIKI-1GeneProductF39B1.1 (WormBase)
RAB-2GeneProductF53F10.4 (WormBase)
RAB-5GeneProductF26H9.6 (WormBase)
RAB-7GeneProductW03C9.3 (WormBase)
SNX-1GeneProductC05D9.1 (WormBase)
SNX-6GeneProductY59A8B.22 (WormBase)
VPS-34GeneProductB0025.1 (WormBase)

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