Regulation of immune response in the intestine (Caenorhabditis elegans)

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Revision as of 18:51, 9 July 2012 by Kyook (Talk | contribs)
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  1. Tan MW, Shapira M; ''Genetic and molecular analysis of nematode-microbe interactions.''; Cell Microbiol, 2011 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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135387view12:05, 3 September 2024EgonwModified description
135365view05:11, 2 September 2024EgonwConverted to use Ensembl identifiers
118399view14:10, 27 May 2021RaatsSfixed unconnected lines
80230view20:58, 27 May 2015KyookModified title
68498view21:09, 5 July 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
53142view02:07, 30 October 2012MaintBotModified categories
50938view23:19, 24 August 2012KyookModified description
49230view19:42, 9 July 2012KyookModified description
49229view19:42, 9 July 2012Kyookchanges arrow and gene colors
49228view19:34, 9 July 2012KyookModified description
49227view19:34, 9 July 2012KyookOntology Term : 'signaling pathway in the innate immune response' added !
49226view19:34, 9 July 2012KyookOntology Term : 'innate immune response pathway' added !
49225view19:33, 9 July 2012Kyookfinished
49224view19:32, 9 July 2012KyookPeriodical save, work in progress
49222view19:22, 9 July 2012KyookPeriodical save, work in progress
49217view18:51, 9 July 2012KyookPeriodical save, work in progress
49215view18:40, 9 July 2012KyookPeriodical save, work in progress
49213view18:30, 9 July 2012KyookPeriodical save, work in progress
49210view18:10, 9 July 2012KyookNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
AKT-1GeneProductC12D8.10 (WormBase)
AKT-2GeneProductF28H6.1 (WormBase)
ATF-7GeneProductC07G2.2 (WormBase)
C07G3.2GeneProductC07G3.2 (WormBase)
DAF-16GeneProductR13H8.1 (WormBase)
DAF-2GeneProductY55D5A.5 (WormBase)
DGK-1GeneProductC09E10.2 (WormBase)
EGL-30GeneProductM01D7.7 (WormBase)
EGL-8GeneProductB0348.4 (WormBase)
ELT-2GeneProductC33D3.1 (WormBase)
ETS-4GeneProductF22A3.1 (WormBase)
GOA-1GeneProductC26C6.2 (WormBase)
INS-7GeneProductZK1251.2 (WormBase)
LYS-2GeneProductY22F5A.5 (WormBase)
LYS-7GeneProductC02A12.4 (WormBase)
SGK-1GeneProductW10G6.2 (WormBase)
SPP-1GeneProductT07C4.4 (WormBase)
T24B8.5GeneProductT24B8.5 (WormBase)
TPA-1GeneProductB0545.1 (WormBase)
ZIP-2GeneProductK02F3.4 (WormBase)

Annotated Interactions

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