Seed Development (Oryza sativa)

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6APS2aGo ahead! Move these interactors into the pathwayGENE BASKETSimilar toYeast-2-Hybrid supported bait to prey bindingKEYChloroplastic/Plastidic Hormone relatedIron DeficiencyBoxes distinguish different groups of proteins (some proteins are assigned to more than 1 group)Abiotic StressBiotic Stresscarbon partitioning during seed developmentCategory (biotic, abiotic, etc) yet to be assignedSelf interactionsActivation; Up-regulationUp-regulatesKnown to be important for seed development but no interactions found MADS-boxSeed DevelopmentBindingComplexEF-1-g3YSL15GluA-2RCAA1RPS20TRAB1double-stranded beta-helix domainZIP-1aMADS 5SWEET3aPSII-OEP33PHD zfPSI-DSPKJA cmtr LOC_Os03g43910FDHBam 7CYP450PHOL BTB/POZ WRKY 51IDI4Ring ZFGlyHTLR31Pyrrolidone-CarboxylpeptidaseSUS3LTPL109VDAC5PHOHDynaminARF1MADS 6TyrKBam 9IDEF1Bam 10SPP1LOC_Os10g30450 BADH2PPDKBENOD93-1SSII-2NAC4Sub9MADS 18NADPH G-3-P dhATP synthasePectinesteraseUbiHOX6vATP synthase CHSP90BT1-2CIN2Phospholipase CGPT-AAPL1msrB-1LOC_Os01g12080VIP1-likebHLH60SET domain proteinMADS 16NAC 10UGP IRO2SPS-O sppgrpA3CIN7RUBQ1FibrillinBT1-1PROLM26OSE2Ser/thr PKHSP40DUF630OsEMMADS 56IAA1Vin 2Amy3B/Amy3CGBSSIICDKA-2NAS1Smt1-1Sci2GF14bTUBB3Amy3DIAA9EF-1-gPPR bZIPLOC_Os04g53350GF14cDREB1BS-REP Anthranilate PhosphoribosyltransferaseSCR-likeLOC_Os03g50390THF1Terpene cyclasesERG3CIN5ALDH7Wx1ZOS1-15AP37EIL1APL4/ AGPL4DMAS1bhlh113GTP cyclohydrolaseSNAC2LOC_Os04g41910Male sterility proteinRACK1ACACTA, En/Spm WRKY 55CPL1psbC VP1Bam 8ARD2Ring FingerPGI-bCentromere proteinRBSAM cmtrOryzain gamma ProteasePUP2b-1,3-GlucanasePlasma membrane ATPaseGF14FHAD-likeCycB1;1VP2-likeSUS2SUT1Photosystem I RC subunit Rab21GPT1Bam 3UDP-glucosyl transferaseGal1Oligopeptide transporter 3SSIIIa/ Flo5Bam 1Pto kinase Interactor 1Shaggy kinaseAmy3ADAHPS1Importin alpha-1aDisease resistance-likeFlavin containing monooxygenase 3-likeISA1PPDKAIRT1RISBZ1DUF151PPROL 14 EINV2MADS 57PROLM 24Stress-related proteinSAP11SUT3IAA4Bam 4MADS 14prx61CTR1-likeEXPB2ferroportin1CycD2-2MT2bGF14ARAACO1DEK1Cyp2PRP1LOC_Os06g39906 SuSy6ALDPPROLM28CRINKLY4IAA amidohydrolaseSUT4Ghd7APRL3PPDKBAHOXSSIIIbAmy3Ebeta-fructofuranosidasePHD Zn-finger2-d-3-D phosphooctonate aldolaseRALF24LEA 14-APhosphoglucomutaseAREBSAL1 USP1Rcd1-LAcyl carrierComplex 1LOsLKRflavanone 3-hydroxylaseRPBFTPR-PKBBTI4SSIRSR1RPK-TMK1 precursorSSII-3GB2FBL60 EPSPS1PP2A-BGDSL-like LipasePHT4;3APS2aMADS-box ILPumilio EXPB4LOC_Os10g40260 Bam 5RAR1GP-alpha-1DOF ZFU2 snRNPZF-likeSerine proteaseOsAKRAV1-likeBTB-TAZMyosin likeTAP46SPP2Fructose-6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferaseSSIVbDu1CRL1Mitrochondrial carrierGPT2-3LOC_Os06g14190IDEF2Wsi18DUF584OsPRP1PP2A2SIP2ABI5DEPSuSy4MADS7/45bip129DPK4REB EF-1-d1Flavin-containing monooxygenaseSPS-SoHDS1ADP ribosylation GTPaseSPS-HvLPLALOC_Os04g57020Isocitrate lyaseLea3AOPBP-LMADS 1LOC_Os02g08530LOC_Os03g03860GPT2-BRacUOS1GAMYBKRP3CycA1-1Vin1AP-1gamma-1IDI2 EF-1-d2SUT5MADS 3AOXDHGluB-1AThioredoxin-likeE3-Ubi LigaseSUS1CCT/B-box zinc finger GluA-1Luc7-like 2MADS 13MAPK2PGI-aGABA permeaseJasmonate-induced proteinPULAPL2phosphomannomutaseHydrolase MLA10IntegraseHMG1MCM2MADS17OsCCP SSA2 NAC5GLN1-1bip110DAD1CYP450 Pr1bNB-ARC domain proteinAmy1AMADS 2Bam 6UGP1 DIP1Oryzain alpha ProteaseAPS1LOC_Os03g56940LOC_Os12g37570SGT1NAC2OsFBX237RIC1HSP70Retrotransposon HRGPSSIVaWRKY 71LOC_Os01g14110LOC_Os03g07360LOC_Os05g50190SSIVbPSRR-LLOC_Os03g55130 SUT2FERTILLINGluA-3ISA2Mal d 1-APGF14-eUGP2 SBEIIbbZIPC3H1PCNANAS2CKX2/ Gn1aPBZ1MADS 8FBO10APT1YSL2ATP synthetase aNAC075HOX 22Sdr4SNAC1Bam 2SBEIIaAnkyrin-like proteinOsIAA13MADS 15SuSy5GLUB4KOB1IDS1/ MT4AGDSL-like LipasePP2A1Myosin likeDPE2taxane 10-beta-hydroxylaseRAD6Phragmoplast kinaseUbiquitin proteinaseCIN3TRNA endonucleaseAP2 domain PermeasePhosphotyrosineCIN4ISA3SSIIcLOC_Os05g06330MADS 22PIP5KSer/thr PKMTNGW2EBP89eif(iso)4gDelta-COPAmy4ASCP40INV3LOC_Os01g62740FBK21BEIAPL3CIN1KinesinPP2A-3LOC_Os08g04580CDKA-1LOC_Os09g38090Keto acyl CoA thiolaseCSN5CML18GluCSPS-ZmMADS 47Amy2APitBEIIINAAT1MPK5rbcLRIR 1b302965474756655647476535476531, 634764254764474765476548477219194729476, 474747474711, 12, 42, 444747484737, 444712, 16, 37, 44, 69384747474747, 61, 6247566429479, 44478, 16, 4442, 444738565124, 56, 6917, 65472947656555474747641, 1947802947474756382948, 614737, 44656512, 42, 4429, 4347476514, 57474769796565744723, 3030, 55, 6447766429654, 47656565476, 41, 50294747474747474724, 6921, 61658, 44, 72474756472912, 37, 443, 13, 40, 47, 61...10, 15, 32, 53, 702129, 43476642, 444729472474761, 62472924, 47, 56, 694729294776472947474747, 564772942, 442947644747474731, 6365473047474765765647476524, 6920, 2865719, 12, 44, 726534, 3829, 4743564732, 70474747474747477647476552694765649, 12, 44, 72479, 442929476564295547476, 38, 41, 59, 7565476547476932, 7012, 16, 42, 44472912, 37, 44474365475647474314, 47554712, 16, 39, 42, 474, 47, 5442, 4418, 41694314, 4747476, 60654724, 47, 56, 69652976, 78557542, 4447472924, 6947657629474371294765652820, 28, 464729, 4376, 784747472930, 55, 64554747, 77554724, 56, 6947, 48, 56652947476531, 63652942, 444743472947474724, 69564747474747477, 737656474765554725, 42, 47, 72476547472947474730, 55, 642955474764474728, 29654747646529476747434713, 61, 62474727, 33, 362947474712, 37, 7247474747474726, 656, 30, 4519474747477, 3947, 566547648, 442925, 7219292947284714, 476429513112, 16, 37, 44, 69657220, 28, 46, 53, 684747474722, 49, 582940, 47296, 14, 47474754765472942, 44RAG-124CR4SSA16924, 69TATC47Inhibition; Down-regulationCo-expressionDPE1LOC_Os02g5389025Seed Development47


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
EF-1-d2GeneProductLOC_Os03g29260 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Elongation factor 1 beta 2
EPSPS1GeneProductLOC_Os06g04280 (Rice Ensembl Gene) 5-Enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase 1
LOC_Os03g43910GeneProductLOC_Os03g43910 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
2-d-3-D phosphooctonate aldolaseGeneProductLOC_Os12g10784 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
ABI5GeneProductLOC_Os01g64000 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
ACO1GeneProductLOC_Os09g27750 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
ADP ribosylation GTPaseGeneProductLOC_Os03g17020 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
AHOXGeneProductLOC_Os10g39030 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Associated with HOX family protein, expressed (UniProt Q8LN25)- Assigned as AHOX by Nemeth D and Hanumappa M (08/19/2010)
ALDH7GeneProductLOC_Os09g26880 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Needed for seed maturation and viability.

Expression Patterns during Seed Development Correspond with Pigment Accumulation Patterns in Seeds

Plays a role in the removal of MDA that forms during seed desiccation
ALDPGeneProductLOC_Os11g07020 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Aldolase
AOPBP-LGeneProductLOC_Os07g48570 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
AOXDHGeneProductLOC_Os03g31550 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
AP-1gamma-1GeneProductLOC_Os06g07090 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
AP2 domain GeneProductLOC_Os03g64260 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
AP37GeneProductLOC_Os01g58420 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
APL1GeneProductLOC_Os05g50380 (Rice Ensembl Gene) ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase large subunit 1
APL2GeneProductLOC_Os01g44220 (Rice Ensembl Gene) ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase large subunit 2, binding only happens with APS2b

SSP genes examined was significantly suppressed in KD-RISBZ1/KD-RPBF

expression diminished during grain filling at high temperatures
APL3GeneProductLOC_Os03g52460 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
APL4/ AGPL4GeneProductLOC_Os07g13980 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
APRL3GeneProductLOC_Os02g51850 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Disulfide Isomerase
APS1GeneProductLOC_Os09g12660 (Rice Ensembl Gene) ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase small subunit 1  expression diminished during grain filling at high temperatures
APS2aGeneProductLOC_Os08g25734 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called AGPS2, ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase small subunit 2;

SSP genes examined was significantly suppressed in KD-RISBZ1/KD-RPBF has two different transcripts= a:in leaf, b:in endosperm; binding with APL2 and Down regulation by RISBZ1 only happens with APS2b, binding with APL1 only happens with APS2a

expression diminished during grain filling at high temperatures
APT1GeneProductLOC_Os12g39860 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase 1
ARD2GeneProductLOC_Os03g06620 (Rice Ensembl Gene) 1,2-dihydroxy-3-keto-5-methylthiopentene dioxygenase 2; Also called IDI1 and SIP2A
AREBGeneProductLOC_Os05g41070 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
ARF1GeneProductLOC_Os11g32110 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
ATP synthaseGeneProductLOC_Os03g17070 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
ATP synthetase aGeneProductLOC_Os02g54624 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Acyl carrierGeneProductLOC_Os07g12150 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Amy1AGeneProductLOC_Os02g52710 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Amy2AGeneProductLOC_Os06g49970 (Rice Ensembl Gene) ABA-repressible and GA-inducible
Amy3AGeneProductLOC_Os09g28400 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Amy3B/Amy3CGeneProductLOC_Os09g28420 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Amy3DGeneProductLOC_Os08g36910 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Amy3EGeneProductLOC_Os08g36900 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Amy4AGeneProductLOC_Os01g51754 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Ankyrin-like proteinGeneProductLOC_Os09g17329 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Iron transporter
Anthranilate PhosphoribosyltransferaseGeneProductLOC_Os03g03450 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
BADH2GeneProductLOC_Os08g32870 (Rice Ensembl Gene) SCENTED KERNEL 2 (fragrance) betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase 2
BBTI4GeneProductLOC_Os01g03340 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Bowman-Birk type bran trypsin inhibitor
BEIIIGeneProductLOC_Os06g26234 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
BEIGeneProductLOC_Os06g51084 (Rice Ensembl Gene) expression diminished during grain filling at high temperatures
BT1-1GeneProductLOC_Os05g07900 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
BT1-2GeneProductLOC_Os02g10800 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
BTB-TAZGeneProductLOC_Os01g66890 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
BTB/POZ GeneProductLOC_Os10g29390 (Rice Ensembl Gene) 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate aldolase
Bam 10GeneProductLOC_Os03g22790 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Bam 1GeneProductLOC_Os10g41550 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Bam 2GeneProductLOC_Os07g35940 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Bam 3GeneProductLOC_Os07g35880 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Bam 4GeneProductLOC_Os07g47120 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Bam 5GeneProductLOC_Os10g32810 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Bam 6GeneProductLOC_Os09g39570 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Bam 7GeneProductLOC_Os03g04770 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Bam 8GeneProductLOC_Os01g13550 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Bam 9GeneProductLOC_Os02g03690 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
C3H1GeneProductLOC_Os01g07930 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein Glutaredoxin-related
CACTA, En/Spm GeneProductLOC_Os01g09220 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
CCT/B-box zinc finger GeneProductLOC_Os02g49230 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
CDKA-1GeneProductLOC_Os03g02680 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
CDKA-2GeneProductLOC_Os02g03060 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
CIN1GeneProductLOC_Os02g33110 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
CIN2GeneProductLOC_Os04g33740 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
CIN3GeneProductLOC_Os04g33720 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
CIN4GeneProductLOC_Os01g73580 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
CIN5GeneProductLOC_Os04g56930 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
CIN7GeneProductLOC_Os09g08072 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
CKX2/ Gn1aGeneProductLOC_Os01g10110 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase 2
CML18GeneProductLOC_Os05g13580 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
CPL1GeneProductLOC_Os07g10690 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Seed Shattering
CR4GeneProductLOC_Os03g43670 (Rice Ensembl Gene) homology with Crinkly4
CRINKLY4GeneProductLOC_Os08g28710 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
CRL1GeneProductLOC_Os03g05510 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
CSN5GeneProductLOC_Os04g56070 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
CTR1-likeGeneProductLOC_Os09g39320 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Multitransmembrane protein
CYP450 GeneProductLOC_Os10g08474 (Rice Ensembl Gene) AP2 transcription factor
CYP450GeneProductLOC_Os09g10340 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Centromere proteinGeneProductLOC_Os03g20580 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Complex 1LGeneProductLOC_Os06g50000 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Assigned as Complex 1L by Nemeth D and Hanumappa M (10/21/2010) complex 1 family protein-like (LYR family)
CycA1-1GeneProductLOC_Os01g13260 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
CycB1;1GeneProductLOC_Os01g59120 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Seed Shattering
CycD2-2GeneProductLOC_Os07g42860 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Cyp2GeneProductLOC_Os02g02890 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
DAD1GeneProductLOC_Os04g32550 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Defender against cell death 1
DAHPS1GeneProductLOC_Os03g27230 (Rice Ensembl Gene) 3-deoxy-D-arabino heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase 1
DEK1GeneProductLOC_Os02g48000 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
DEPGeneProductLOC_Os11g29370 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase family protein
DIP1GeneProductLOC_Os05g34070 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
DMAS1GeneProductLOC_Os03g13390 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Deoxymugineic acid synthase1
DOF ZFGeneProductLOC_Os02g49440 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
DPE1GeneProductLOC_Os07g43390 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
DPE2GeneProductLOC_Os07g46790 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called ALK
DPK4GeneProductLOC_Os06g45300 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Ser/thr/tyr kinase
DREB1BGeneProductLOC_Os09g35010 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
DUF151GeneProductLOC_Os01g50622 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
DUF584GeneProductLOC_Os05g45450 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
DUF630GeneProductLOC_Os10g41310 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Symbol assigned by Nemeth D and Hanumappa M (08/19/2010)
Delta-COPGeneProductLOC_Os01g61710 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Delta coatamer
Disease resistance-likeGeneProductLOC_Os12g40490 (Rice Ensembl Gene) LIM domain-containing protein, putative, expressed
Du1GeneProductLOC_Os10g35550 (Rice Ensembl Gene) dull endosperm-1
DynaminGeneProductLOC_Os06g13820 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
E3-Ubi LigaseGeneProductLOC_Os05g47780 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
EBP89GeneProductLOC_Os03g08460 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called EREBP1
EF-1-d1GeneProductLOC_Os07g42300 (Rice Ensembl Gene) EF-1B beta 1, EF-1-beta
EF-1-g3GeneProductLOC_Os06g37440 (Rice Ensembl Gene) eEF-1B gamma 3
EF-1-gGeneProductLOC_Os02g12800 (Rice Ensembl Gene) eEF-1G
EIL1GeneProductLOC_Os03g20780 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
ENOD93-1GeneProductLOC_Os06g05010 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
ERG3GeneProductLOC_Os04g44870 (Rice Ensembl Gene) RPP16
EXPB2GeneProductLOC_Os10g40710 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
EXPB4GeneProductLOC_Os10g40730 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Beta-expansin-4
FBK21GeneProductLOC_Os10g21930 (Rice Ensembl Gene) F-box domain and kelch repeat containing protein
FBL60GeneProductLOC_Os12g33230 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Leucine rich repeat
FBO10GeneProductLOC_Os11g34460 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Adagio-like protein 3 Cytochrome P450
FDHGeneProductLOC_Os02g57040 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Alcohol dehydrogenase class 3; Also called FALDH, GSH-FDH (Glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase)
FERTILLINGeneProductLOC_Os06g01650 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
FibrillinGeneProductLOC_Os09g04790 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Flavin containing monooxygenase 3-likeGeneProductLOC_Os09g37620 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Serine/threonine protein kinase
Flavin-containing monooxygenaseGeneProductLOC_Os01g15540 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Fructose-6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferaseGeneProductLOC_Os08g25720 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
GABA permeaseGeneProductLOC_Os01g71720 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Amino acid/polyamine transporter
GAMYBGeneProductLOC_Os01g59660 (Rice Ensembl Gene) regulates GA induction of Amy2A
GB2GeneProductLOC_Os03g57960 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Globulin 2
GBSSIIGeneProductLOC_Os07g22930 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called ALK
GDSL-like LipaseGeneProductLOC_Os01g11650 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
GDSL-like LipaseGeneProductLOC_Os10g05088 (Rice Ensembl Gene) SGNH_plant_lipase
GF14-eGeneProductLOC_Os02g36974 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
GF14AGeneProductLOC_Os08g37490 (Rice Ensembl Gene) WIN2, WIP2
GF14FGeneProductLOC_Os03g50290 (Rice Ensembl Gene) G-box factor 14-3-3 f
GF14bGeneProductLOC_Os04g38870 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
GF14cGeneProductLOC_Os08g33370 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
GLN1-1GeneProductLOC_Os02g50240 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Glutamine synthetase cytosolic isozyme 1-1, also called RGS28 and GS1;1
GLUB4GeneProductLOC_Os02g16830 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
GP-alpha-1GeneProductLOC_Os05g26890 (Rice Ensembl Gene) G-alpha protein also called GPA1/D1/GA1
GPT-AGeneProductLOC_Os05g07670 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Assigned as GPT-A by Nemeth D and Hanumappa M (10/21/2010)
GPT1GeneProductLOC_Os08g08840 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
GPT2-3GeneProductLOC_Os07g33910 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
GPT2-BGeneProductLOC_Os01g07310 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Assigned as GPT-B by Nemeth D and Hanumappa M (10/21/2010)
GTP cyclohydrolaseGeneProductLOC_Os05g38570 (Rice Ensembl Gene) GTP cyclohydrolase II/3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone-4-phosphate synthase
GW2GeneProductLOC_Os02g14720 (Rice Ensembl Gene) encodes a RING protein with E3 ubiquitin ligase activity
Gal1GeneProductLOC_Os10g35110 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Ghd7 GeneProductLOC_Os07g15770 (Rice Ensembl Gene) yield potential
GluA-1GeneProductLOC_Os01g55690 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
GluA-2GeneProductLOC_Os10g26060 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
GluA-3GeneProductLOC_Os03g31360 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
GluB-1AGeneProductLOC_Os02g15169 (Rice Ensembl Gene) UniProt ID: P14323
GluCGeneProductLOC_Os02g15090 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
GlyHGeneProductLOC_Os11g27400 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Chitinase
HAD-likeGeneProductLOC_Os03g16670 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
HDS1GeneProductLOC_Os02g39160 (Rice Ensembl Gene) 4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl diphosphate synthase 1
HMG1GeneProductLOC_Os06g51220 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
HOX 22GeneProductLOC_Os04g45810 (Rice Ensembl Gene) In Cooper et al. 2003 protein sequence provided matches HOX 22, however it was named HOX6 (AF145730)
HOX6GeneProductLOC_Os09g35910 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Cooper et al. 2003 called this leucine zipper and misnamed HOX 22 as HOX 6 (22834)
HRGPGeneProductLOC_Os03g13560 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein family protein-UniPret ID
HSP40GeneProductLOC_Os03g44620 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
HSP70GeneProductLOC_Os12g14070 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
HSP90GeneProductLOC_Os09g30418 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called HSP81-2
Hydrolase GeneProductLOC_Os02g19650 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Iron/ascorbate oxidoreductases
IAA amidohydrolaseGeneProductLOC_Os03g62060 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
IAA1GeneProductLOC_Os01g08320 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
IAA4GeneProductLOC_Os01g18360 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
IAA9GeneProductLOC_Os02g56120 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
IDEF1GeneProductLOC_Os08g01090 (Rice Ensembl Gene) IDE-binding factor 2
IDEF2GeneProductLOC_Os05g35170 (Rice Ensembl Gene) IDE-binding factor 2
IDI2GeneProductLOC_Os11g11050 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Initiation factor 2 subunit family protein
IDI4GeneProductLOC_Os09g28050 (Rice Ensembl Gene) asparate aminotransferase
IDS1/ MT4AGeneProductLOC_Os12g38270 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
INV2GeneProductLOC_Os01g22900 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Neutral/alkaline invertase 2 Assigned as NA-INV1 by Nemeth D and Hanumappa M (10/21/2010)
INV3GeneProductLOC_Os02g32730 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Neutral/alkaline invertase 3 Assigned as NA-INV1 by Nemeth D and Hanumappa M (10/21/2010)
IRO2GeneProductLOC_Os01g72370 (Rice Ensembl Gene) basic/helix-loop-helix 56
IRT1GeneProductLOC_Os03g46470 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
ISA1GeneProductLOC_Os08g40930 (Rice Ensembl Gene) expression diminished during grain filling at high temperatures
ISA2GeneProductLOC_Os05g32710 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
ISA3GeneProductLOC_Os09g29404 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Importin alpha-1aGeneProductLOC_Os01g14950 (Rice Ensembl Gene) NLS RECEPTOR
IntegraseGeneProductLOC_Os11g11694 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Isocitrate lyaseGeneProductLOC_Os07g34520 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
JA cmtrGeneProductLOC_Os06g22440 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Putative S-adenosyl-L-methionine Subtilisin N-terminal Region
Jasmonate-induced proteinGeneProductLOC_Os12g09700 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Histone H3 (Lys9) methyltransferase
KOB1GeneProductLOC_Os02g57240 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Probable voltage-gated potassium channel subunit beta
KRP3GeneProductLOC_Os11g40030 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Keto acyl CoA thiolaseGeneProductLOC_Os02g57260 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
KinesinGeneProductLOC_Os03g43100 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
LEA 14-AGeneProductLOC_Os05g50710 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
LOC_Os01g12080GeneProductLOC_Os01g12080 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
LOC_Os01g14110GeneProductLOC_Os01g14110 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Assigned as bHLH-tf by Nemeth D and Hanumappa M (10/21/2010)
LOC_Os01g62740GeneProductLOC_Os01g62740 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
LOC_Os02g08530GeneProductLOC_Os02g08530 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Protein Kinase-UniProt ID
LOC_Os02g53890GeneProductLOC_Os02g53890 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
LOC_Os03g03860GeneProductLOC_Os03g03860 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Unknown-UniProt ID
LOC_Os03g07360GeneProductLOC_Os03g07360 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
LOC_Os03g50390GeneProductLOC_Os03g50390 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Protein Kinase-UniProt ID
LOC_Os03g55130 GeneProductLOC_Os03g55130 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
LOC_Os03g56940GeneProductLOC_Os03g56940 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
LOC_Os04g41910GeneProductLOC_Os04g41910 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
LOC_Os04g53350GeneProductLOC_Os04g53350 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Cooper 31122 ID
LOC_Os04g57020GeneProductLOC_Os04g57020 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
LOC_Os05g06330GeneProductLOC_Os05g06330 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
LOC_Os05g50190GeneProductLOC_Os05g50190 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Protein Kinase-UniProt ID
LOC_Os06g14190GeneProductLOC_Os06g14190 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
LOC_Os06g39906 GeneProductLOC_Os06g39906 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
LOC_Os08g04580GeneProductLOC_Os08g04580 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Thioredoxin
LOC_Os09g38090GeneProductLOC_Os09g38090 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
LOC_Os10g30450 GeneProductLOC_Os10g30450 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Unknown-UniProt ID
LOC_Os10g40260 GeneProductLOC_Os10g40260 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
LOC_Os12g37570GeneProductLOC_Os12g37570 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Protein Kinase-UniProt ID
LPLAGeneProductLOC_Os08g33810 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
LTPL109GeneProductLOC_Os07g37385 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Extensin_2
Lea3GeneProductLOC_Os05g46480 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Interaction with TRAB1 and VP1 by orthology to H vulgare ABA related
Luc7-like 2GeneProductLOC_Os03g62640 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Sarcoplasmic reticulum
MADS 13GeneProductLOC_Os12g10540 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called MAF1
MADS 14GeneProductLOC_Os03g54160 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called AGL10, RAP1B
MADS 15GeneProductLOC_Os07g01820 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called RAP1A
MADS 16GeneProductLOC_Os06g49840 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
MADS 18GeneProductLOC_Os07g41370 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called MADS 28
MADS 1GeneProductLOC_Os03g11614 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called LHS1
MADS 22GeneProductLOC_Os02g52340 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called RMD1
MADS 2GeneProductLOC_Os01g66030 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
MADS 3GeneProductLOC_Os01g10504 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called RAG
MADS 47GeneProductLOC_Os03g08754 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called MDP
MADS 56GeneProductLOC_Os10g39130 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
MADS 57GeneProductLOC_Os02g49840 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
MADS 5GeneProductLOC_Os06g06750 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
MADS 6GeneProductLOC_Os02g45770 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called MFO1
MADS 8GeneProductLOC_Os09g32948 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called MADS 24
MADS-box ILGeneProductLOC_Os02g54080 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
MADS17GeneProductLOC_Os04g49150 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called NMADS3 and RMADS213
MADS7/45GeneProductLOC_Os08g41950 (Rice Ensembl Gene) also called MADS 45, AGL6, M79
MAPK2GeneProductLOC_Os02g05480 (Rice Ensembl Gene) UniProt:MAPK2, BIMK1, MAP3, MAPK5, MPK3, MSRMK2
MCM2GeneProductLOC_Os11g29380 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
MLA10GeneProductLOC_Os11g16470 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Ankyrin repeat
MPK5GeneProductLOC_Os03g17700 (Rice Ensembl Gene) UniProt:MPK3, BIMK1, MAP3, MAPK2, MPK5
MT2bGeneProductLOC_Os05g02070 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
MTNGeneProductLOC_Os06g02220 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Methylthioadenosine/S-adenosyl homocysteine nucleosidase
Mal d 1-APGeneProductLOC_Os01g56470 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Male sterility proteinGeneProductLOC_Os05g43040 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Mitrochondrial carrierGeneProductLOC_Os03g11510 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Myosin likeGeneProductLOC_Os03g16120 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Myosin likeGeneProductLOC_Os05g02820 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
NAAT1GeneProductLOC_Os02g20360 (Rice Ensembl Gene) nicotianamine aminotransferase
NAC 10GeneProductLOC_Os11g03300 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
NAC075GeneProductLOC_Os01g09550 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
NAC2GeneProductLOC_Os02g57650 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
NAC4GeneProductLOC_Os01g60020 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
NAC5GeneProductLOC_Os11g08210 (Rice Ensembl Gene) ABA related
NADPH G-3-P dhGeneProductLOC_Os08g34210 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
NAS1GeneProductLOC_Os03g19427 (Rice Ensembl Gene) NA synthase gene 1
NAS2GeneProductLOC_Os03g19420 (Rice Ensembl Gene) NA synthase gene 2
NB-ARC domain proteinGeneProductLOC_Os11g34880 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Jacalin
OSE2GeneProductLOC_Os01g64730 (Rice Ensembl Gene) bZIP transcription factor domain containing protein
Oligopeptide transporter 3GeneProductLOC_Os03g54000 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Isp4-like
Oryzain alpha ProteaseGeneProductLOC_Os04g55650 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Oryzain gamma ProteaseGeneProductLOC_Os09g27030 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
OsAKGeneProductLOC_Os02g41590 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Adenosine kinase
OsCCP GeneProductLOC_Os12g08760 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Assigned as OsCCP by Nemeth D and Hanumappa M (10/21/2010) carboxyvinyl-carboxyphosphonate phosphorylmutase
OsEMGeneProductLOC_Os05g28210 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
OsFBX237GeneProductLOC_Os07g35050 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Cdc2-related protein kinase
OsIAA13GeneProductLOC_Os03g53150 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
OsLKRGeneProductLOC_Os02g54254 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
OsPRP1GeneProductLOC_Os10g05970 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Proline rich protein
PBZ1GeneProductLOC_Os12g36880 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
PCNAGeneProductLOC_Os02g56130 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Proliferating cell nuclear antigen expressed strongly in the shoot apical meristem
PGI-aGeneProductLOC_Os09g29070 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
PGI-bGeneProductLOC_Os06g14510 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
PHD Zn-fingerGeneProductLOC_Os11g12650 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
PHD zfGeneProductLOC_Os03g04980 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
PHOHGeneProductLOC_Os01g63270 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called ALK
PHOL GeneProductLOC_Os03g55090 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
PHT4;3GeneProductLOC_Os01g63290 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Na+ dep inorg phosphate cotransporter
PIP5KGeneProductLOC_Os02g57660 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Putative phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase
PP2A-3GeneProductLOC_Os02g12580 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
PP2A-BGeneProductLOC_Os05g40350 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
PP2A1GeneProductLOC_Os06g37660 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
PP2A2GeneProductLOC_Os03g59060 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
PPDKAGeneProductLOC_Os03g31750 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Assigned as GPT-B by Nemeth D and Hanumappa M (10/21/2010)
PPDKBGeneProductLOC_Os05g33570 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Involved in grain filling
PPR bZIPGeneProductLOC_Os05g40320 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Symbol assigned by Nemeth D and Hanumappa M (08/19/2010)
PPROL 14 EGeneProductLOC_Os05g26377 (Rice Ensembl Gene) 13 kDa Prolamin, also called PPROL 14, PPROL 4A, PPROL 7, PG5a, PROLM 8, PROLM 9, UniProt ID: Q95737
PROLM 24GeneProductLOC_Os06g31070 (Rice Ensembl Gene) 16 kDa Prolamin
PROLM26GeneProductLOC_Os07g10580 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Prolamin precursor, also called RP5
PROLM28GeneProductLOC_Os12g16890 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Prolamin precursor, protein also called PPROL 17
PRP1GeneProductLOC_Os05g13940 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
PSI-DGeneProductLOC_Os08g44680 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
PSII-OEP33GeneProductLOC_Os01g31690 (Rice Ensembl Gene) No symbol in gramene so OEP33 was assigned. 33kDa oxygen evolving protein of photosystem II
PSRR-LGeneProductLOC_Os07g25710 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Phosphate starvation response regulator
PULGeneProductLOC_Os04g08270 (Rice Ensembl Gene) expression diminished during grain filling at high temperatures
PUP2GeneProductLOC_Os06g46740 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
PectinesteraseGeneProductLOC_Os07g02810 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
PermeaseGeneProductLOC_Os07g04180 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
PhosphoglucomutaseGeneProductLOC_Os05g48200 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Phospholipase CGeneProductLOC_Os07g49330 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
PhosphotyrosineGeneProductLOC_Os08g44320 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Photosystem I RC subunit GeneProductLOC_Os07g05480 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Phragmoplast kinaseGeneProductLOC_Os04g28260 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
PitGeneProductLOC_Os01g05620 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Plasma membrane ATPaseGeneProductLOC_Os04g56160 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Pr1bGeneProductLOC_Os01g28450 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Pto kinase Interactor 1GeneProductLOC_Os05g04520 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Pumilio GeneProductLOC_Os12g31000 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Leucine rich repeat
Pyrrolidone-CarboxylpeptidaseGeneProductLOC_Os03g25270 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
RACK1AGeneProductLOC_Os01g49290 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called GPB-LR/ RWD
RAD6GeneProductLOC_Os03g57790 (Rice Ensembl Gene) transcripts of both OsRad6 and OsSgt1 were found to be strongly expressed in the proliferating tissues such SAM
RAG-1GeneProductLOC_Os09g16260 (Rice Ensembl Gene) RISBZ1 + RPBF activated the RAG-1 promoter greater than RPBF alone, though RISBZ1 did not independently affect promoter activity
RALF24GeneProductLOC_Os11g26340 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Rapid ALkalinization Factor
RAGeneProductLOC_Os04g47080 (Rice Ensembl Gene) seed coat color, endosperm color
RAR1GeneProductLOC_Os02g33180 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
RAV1-likeGeneProductLOC_Os01g49830 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
RBGeneProductLOC_Os01g39580 (Rice Ensembl Gene) seed coat color, endosperm color
RCAA1GeneProductLOC_Os11g47970 (Rice Ensembl Gene) RuBisCO activase large isoform
REB GeneProductLOC_Os03g58250 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Symbol assigned by Nemeth D and Hanumappa M (08/19/2010)
RIC1GeneProductLOC_Os01g37800 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
RIR 1bGeneProductLOC_Os05g48260 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
RISBZ1GeneProductLOC_Os07g08420 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Functionaly redundant and compensatory expression between RISBZI and RPBF. Double Knock-Down mutant (KD-RISBZ1/KD-RPBF) caused most expression change in OsLKR/SDH
RPBFGeneProductLOC_Os02g15350 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Functionaly redundant and compensatory expression between RISBZI and RPBF except for OsLKR/SDH double KD mutant (KD-RISBZ1/KD-RPBF) caused most expression change
RPK-TMK1 precursorGeneProductLOC_Os04g58910 (Rice Ensembl Gene) receptor protein kinase TMK1 precursor
RPS20GeneProductLOC_Os06g04290 (Rice Ensembl Gene) P35686
RSR1GeneProductLOC_Os01g40280 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
RUBQ1GeneProductLOC_Os02g06640 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called Polyubiquitin 6 Also given LOC_Os05g42424 which is not complete
Rab21GeneProductLOC_Os11g26790 (Rice Ensembl Gene) ABA related water stress + cold stress
RacGeneProductLOC_Os01g12900 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Rcd1-LGeneProductLOC_Os04g52340 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also given LOC_Os07g37790 and LOC_Os03g57130
Retrotransposon GeneProductLOC_Os12g24050 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Sulfotransferase
Ring FingerGeneProductLOC_Os01g01390 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Ring ZFGeneProductLOC_Os04g48050 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
S-REP GeneProductLOC_Os04g47990 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
SAL1 GeneProductLOC_Os06g43590 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
SAM cmtrGeneProductLOC_Os02g06770 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
SAP11GeneProductLOC_Os08g39450 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called ZFP60
SBEIIaGeneProductLOC_Os04g33460 (Rice Ensembl Gene) expression diminished during grain filling at high temperatures
SBEIIbGeneProductLOC_Os02g32660 (Rice Ensembl Gene) expression diminished during grain filling at high temperatures
SCP40GeneProductLOC_Os07g46350 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Serine carboxypesidase
SCR-likeGeneProductLOC_Os02g45760 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Scarecrow transcriptional regulator-like protein
SET domain proteinGeneProductLOC_Os02g40770 (Rice Ensembl Gene) histone-lysine N-methyltransferase
SGT1GeneProductLOC_Os01g43540 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Responds to salicylic acid in chemically induced biotic response
SIP2GeneProductLOC_Os10g28350 (Rice Ensembl Gene) 1,2-dihydroxy-3-keto-5-methylthiopentene dioxygenase 1 Ethylene induced
SNAC1GeneProductLOC_Os03g60080 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
SNAC2GeneProductLOC_Os01g66120 (Rice Ensembl Gene) ABA-related
SPKGeneProductLOC_Os10g39420 (Rice Ensembl Gene) required for storage product accumulation during seed development seed-specific protein kinase
SPP1GeneProductLOC_Os01g27880 (Rice Ensembl Gene) sucrose-phosphatase 1
SPP2GeneProductLOC_Os02g05030 (Rice Ensembl Gene) sucrose-phosphatase 2
SPS-HvGeneProductLOC_Os02g09170 (Rice Ensembl Gene) sucrose-phosphate synthase-Hordeum vulgare= named after table III on Yamakawa et al. (2007)
SPS-O sppGeneProductLOC_Os08g20660 (Rice Ensembl Gene) sucrose-phosphate synthase-Oncidium spp= named after table III on Yamakawa et al. (2007)
SPS-SoGeneProductLOC_Os06g43630 (Rice Ensembl Gene) sucrose-phosphate synthase-Saccharum officinarum= named after table III on Yamakawa et al. (2007)
SPS-ZmGeneProductLOC_Os06g42824 (Rice Ensembl Gene) sucrose-phosphate synthase-Zea mays= named after table III on Yamakawa et al. (2007)
SSA1GeneProductLOC_Os05g41970 (Rice Ensembl Gene) 26 kDa alpha globulin
SSA2 GeneProductLOC_Os03g55730 (Rice Ensembl Gene) 10 kDa prolamin precursor
SSII-2GeneProductLOC_Os02g51070 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called ALK
SSII-3GeneProductLOC_Os06g12450 (Rice Ensembl Gene) expression diminished during grain filling at high temperatures
SSIIIa/ Flo5GeneProductLOC_Os08g09230 (Rice Ensembl Gene) expression diminished during grain filling at high temperatures
SSIIIbGeneProductLOC_Os04g53310 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called ALK
SSIIcGeneProductLOC_Os10g30156 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called ALK
SSIGeneProductLOC_Os06g06560 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
SSIVaGeneProductLOC_Os01g52250 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called ALK
SSIVbGeneProductLOC_Os05g45720 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Also called ALK
SUS1GeneProductLOC_Os03g28330 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Sucrose synthase 1
SUS2GeneProductLOC_Os06g09450 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Sucrose synthase 2
SUS3GeneProductLOC_Os07g42490 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Sucrose synthase 3
SUT1GeneProductLOC_Os03g07480 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
SUT2GeneProductLOC_Os12g44380 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
SUT3GeneProductLOC_Os10g26470 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
SUT4GeneProductLOC_Os02g58080 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
SUT5GeneProductLOC_Os02g36700 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
SWEET3aGeneProductLOC_Os05g12320 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Sci2GeneProductLOC_Os01g42860 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Sdr4GeneProductLOC_Os07g39700 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Ser/thr PKGeneProductLOC_Os02g43290 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Ser/thr PKGeneProductLOC_Os06g04880 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Serine proteaseGeneProductLOC_Os04g45910 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Os04g0542900,
Shaggy kinaseGeneProductLOC_Os10g37740 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Smt1-1GeneProductLOC_Os07g10600 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Cycloartenol-C24-methyltransferase
Stress-related proteinGeneProductLOC_Os07g47510 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
SuSy4GeneProductLOC_Os03g22120 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Sucrose synthase 4
SuSy5GeneProductLOC_Os02g58480 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Sucrose synthase 5
SuSy6GeneProductLOC_Os04g24430 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Sucrose synthase 6
Sub9GeneProductLOC_Os01g58290 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Amino acid transporters
TAP46GeneProductLOC_Os12g04290 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
TATCGeneProductLOC_Os01g31680 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
THF1GeneProductLOC_Os07g37250 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Inositol phosphatase
TLR31GeneProductLOC_Os02g53400 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Translational repressor MPT5/PUF4
TPR-PKGeneProductLOC_Os03g61010 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Putative protein kinase
TRAB1GeneProductLOC_Os08g36790 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Interaction with Wsi18 and Lea3 by orthology to H vulgare bZIP transcription factor TRAB1, ABA RESPONSIVE ELEMENT 1=ABA1
TRNA endonucleaseGeneProductLOC_Os11g38930 (Rice Ensembl Gene) catalytic C-terminal domain containing protein
TUBB3GeneProductLOC_Os06g46000 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Tubulin beta-3 chain
Terpene cyclasesGeneProductLOC_Os04g27190 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Thioredoxin-likeGeneProductLOC_Os04g57310 (Rice Ensembl Gene) thiol-disulphide oxidoreductase DCC
TyrKGeneProductLOC_Os11g15340 (Rice Ensembl Gene) SAM dependent carboxyl methyltransferase
U2 snRNPGeneProductLOC_Os11g41820 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
UDP-glucosyl transferaseGeneProductLOC_Os04g12960 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
UGP GeneProductLOC_Os02g02550 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
UGP1 GeneProductLOC_Os09g38030 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
UGP2 GeneProductLOC_Os02g02560 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
UOS1GeneProductLOC_Os06g49120 (Rice Ensembl Gene) NAD(P)-binding/Rossman fold
USP1GeneProductLOC_Os07g47620 (Rice Ensembl Gene) ETFP adenine nucleotide
UbiGeneProductLOC_Os09g31031 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Ubiquitin proteinaseGeneProductLOC_Os02g43760 (Rice Ensembl Gene) ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase, family 1, putative, expressed
VDAC5GeneProductLOC_Os03g10510 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
VIP1-likeGeneProductLOC_Os06g02240 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
VP1GeneProductLOC_Os01g68370 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Interaction with Wsi18 and Lea3 by orthology to H vulgare

ABA-related Seed dormancy

Interaction with Wsi18 and Lea3 by orthology to H vulgare
VP2-likeGeneProductLOC_Os03g05750 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Vin 2GeneProductLOC_Os02g01590 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
Vin1GeneProductLOC_Os04g45290 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
WRKY 51GeneProductLOC_Os04g21950 (Rice Ensembl Gene) ABA-inducible & GA-repressible WRKY 51 by itself also represses activation of Amy2A by GAMYB
WRKY 55GeneProductLOC_Os03g20550 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
WRKY 71GeneProductLOC_Os02g08440 (Rice Ensembl Gene) ABA-inducible & GA-repressible

Interaction between WRKY 51 and 71 enhances the binding affinity of WRKY71 to the Amy32b promoter

WRKY 71 by itself also represses activation of Amy2A by GAMYB
Wsi18GeneProductLOC_Os01g50910 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Interaction with TRAB1 and VP1 by orthology to H vulgare

ABA and GA induced water stress + cold stress member of the group 3 Lea family

Wsi18 promoter is active in the whole grain
Wx1GeneProductLOC_Os06g04200 (Rice Ensembl Gene) 30% less pre-mRNA in du1 mutant line

Granule-bound starch synthase

expression diminished during grain filling at high temperatures
YSL15GeneProductLOC_Os02g43410 (Rice Ensembl Gene) YELLOW STRIPE LIKE 15
YSL2GeneProductLOC_Os02g43370 (Rice Ensembl Gene) yellow stripe 1-like
ZF-likeGeneProductLOC_Os01g40990 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
ZIP-1aGeneProductLOC_Os12g13170 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
ZOS1-15GeneProductLOC_Os01g62190 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Salt-stress ABA related
b-1,3-Glucanase GeneProductLOC_Os03g25790 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
bHLH60GeneProductLOC_Os08g04390 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Helix-loop-helix TF
bZIPGeneProductLOC_Os11g06170 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
beta-fructofuranosidaseGeneProductLOC_Os03g20020 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Neutral/alkaline invertase 1 Assigned as NA-INV1 by Nemeth D and Hanumappa M (10/21/2010)
bhlh113GeneProductLOC_Os10g40740 (Rice Ensembl Gene) basic/helix-loop-helix 113
bip110GeneProductLOC_Os06g08530 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Putative ubiquitin-specific protease 23, BRI1-KD interacting protein 110
bip129 GeneProductLOC_Os08g40790 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
double-stranded beta-helix domainGeneProductLOC_Os11g06370 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
eif(iso)4gGeneProductLOC_Os04g42140 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
ferroportin1GeneProductLOC_Os06g36450 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
flavanone 3-hydroxylaseGeneProductLOC_Os08g37456 (Rice Ensembl Gene) 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) - Fe(II) oxygenase
grpA3GeneProductLOC_Os05g02780 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
msrB-1GeneProductLOC_Os03g24600 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
  • 2 more IDs found on Gramene. Hence called 1, 2 and 3 to differentiate. LOC_Os06g27760=msrB-2, LOC_Os05g33510=msrB-3 (D Nemeth and M Hanumappa 08/17/2010).
  • Type your comment here
phosphomannomutaseGeneProductLOC_Os06g28194 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Soluble epoxide hydrolase
prx61GeneProductLOC_Os04g59190 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Class III peroxidase 61
psbC GeneProductLOC_Os02g24632 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
rbcLGeneProductLOC_Os10g21268 (Rice Ensembl Gene)
taxane 10-beta-hydroxylaseGeneProductLOC_Os07g33480 (Rice Ensembl Gene) Glutamate synthase cytochrome P450 domain containing protein
vATP synthase CGeneProductLOC_Os05g51530 (Rice Ensembl Gene)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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