Help:Frequently Asked Questions

From WikiPathways

Revision as of 21:26, 7 May 2007 by Khanspers (Talk | contribs)
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who, What and Why is WikiPathways?
About WikiPathways
  • Do you check the content of contributed pathways to ensure that they are correct?
No, WikiPathways does not review pathway content, except to look for vandalism and obvious problems.
  • Where do all the pathways come from?
At the start of WikiPathways, the pathway content mirrored that of, which was originally contributed by the GenMAPP user community.
  • I created a pathway and made a mistake in it, how can I correct it?
You can revert the changes to your pathways under the History section of the Pathway page.
  • I want to delete a pathway, but there is no option for deleting.
Deleting a pathway is only possible with an Administrator account, contact the Help Desk for help.
  • I want to use one of the pathways in GenMAPP, but there's no .mapp download option. How can I get a pathway in GenMAPP format?
On the Pathway Page, click the Edit pathway link. When the pathway opens in PathVisio, go to File>Export to save the pathway in .mapp format.

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