Portal:Semantic Web/Open PHACTS API

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The Open PHACTS projects provides an alternative to work with the WikiPathways RDF, as it is loaded in the data cache of Open PHACTS. The Open PHACTS API provides various queries, like "give me all targets in a pathway". It requires a (free) account to use this system.

For example, to get the pathways in which SLC25A4 is found, you can use curl:

   curl -X GET --header "Accept: application/json" "https://beta.openphacts.org/2.1/pathways/byTarget?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fidentifiers.org%2Fncbigene%2F282478&app_id=91f5d4d0&app_key=1af5086da757e57c553bfa1351708d5f"

API clients

Besides interacting with the API end point directly, as with curl in the above example, there are also dedicated Open PHACTS API clients that you can use:

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