Thread:D-threo-isocitrate (2)

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a fragment of a discussion from Pathway Talk:WP78
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Hi Charles, The node labeled D-threo-isocitrate is annotated with HMDB00193, you can see the HMDB entry below. The molecule is isocitrate or D-isocitrate, which is produced by the oxidation of citrate by aconitase. The name D-threo-isocitrate is one of many synonyms for this molecule. The original author of the pathway selected this name for the node rather than the standard name, but you are welcome to change it if you believe the standard name or another of the synonyms is preferred for this molecule.

Regarding oxalosuccinate, I believe this is an unstable intermediate after isocitrate (, see diagram at the bottom of the page), in the oxidative decarboxylation of isocitrate to Alpha-Ketoglutarate. Please feel free to add this step to the pathway.



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