Vulval development (Caenorhabditis elegans)

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1L1Pn.pAnchor cell invasionFusion with hyp7Generation of VPCsMorphogenesis of the vulva:The seven types of vulval cells invaginate, and sequentially form seven distinct toroids, connects to the uterus, and everts as the hermaphrodite molts to adulthood. P7.pL3 moltVulval precursorpatterningL3Pn.pAnchor cellLET-23/LET-60signalingGeneration of the adult cells:Unique patterns of gene expression are established among 22 nuclei to generate distinct cell biology in cells of seven types vulA, vulB1, vulB2, vulC, VulD, vulE, and vulF, which will go on to make the adult vulva.Responsiveness to LIN-3Generation ofthe adult cellsUterine patterning:The anchor cell (AC) induces the six pi cells to generatethe utse cell and uv1 cells. The AC ultimately fuses with the utse cell, the uv1 cells attach to the vulF cells.Generation of VPCs:Six vulval precursor cells (VPCs) are specified among the 11 Pn.p cells.Pn.pPn.pAnchor cellMorphogenesisof the vulvaPn.pGeneration of the anchor cell:Two somatic gonadal cells are specified to become the anchor cell through an AC/UV decision.P5.pPn.pPn.pPn.pP3.pPn.pPn.pPn.pL2WNT PathwayAnchor cell invasion: The anchor cell extends a process to the center of the vulF cells and forms a hole in the epidermis.P4.pP8.pProliferationVulval precursor patterning:A signal from the gonad and signaling among the VPCs specifies three VPCs to generate vulval cells. Two types of vulval lineages, 1° and 2°, generate distinct sets of vulval cell progeny. Uninduced VPCs generate a 3° lineage, which make cells that fuse with the epidermis hyp7 cell. The VPCs adopt their fates in a precise spatial pattern of 3°-3°-2°-1°-2°-3°.P6.pPn.pLIN-39LIN-39LIN-39LIN-39LIN-39LIN-39MAB-5LIN-39EFF-1MAB-5MAB-5Ahyp7hyp7hyp7hyp7BCDEFFEDCBAhyp7hyp7Anchor cell


"The C. elegans hermaphrodite vulva develops during postembryonic (larval) development from ventral epidermal precursors, and connects the developing uterus to the external environment. In the adult, the vulva is necessary for egg-laying (see Egg-laying) and for copulation with males (see Male mating behavior). Vulval development has attracted general interest for three main reasons. First, it serves as a paradigm for organogenesis. In particular, vulva development represents a well-understood case in which invariant development arises from multiple cell-cell interactions. It is also a striking example of tissue remodeling: the formation of a hole at a precise location in an organism. Second, it has been important for the genetic analyses of signaling and signal transduction by epidermal growth factor (EGF)-receptor LET-23 and RAS LET-60; (see RTKRas/MAP kinase signaling), LIN-12 (see LIN-12/Notch signaling in C. elegans), and WNT (see Wnt signaling), as well as the functions of the SynMuv and mediator proteins (see Transcriptional regulation). Third, it has become a paradigm for examining the interactions among regulatory pathways, notably the antagonism of EGF-receptor (LET-23) and Notch (LIN-12) pathways."


Vulval development

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  1. Sternberg PW; ''Vulval development.''; WormBook, 2005 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Ihara S, Hagedorn EJ, Morrissey MA, Chi Q, Motegi F, Kramer JM, Sherwood DR; ''Basement membrane sliding and targeted adhesion remodels tissue boundaries during uterine-vulval attachment in Caenorhabditis elegans.''; Nat Cell Biol, 2011 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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135405view17:35, 3 September 2024EgonwConverted to use Ensembl identifiers
118334view13:11, 27 May 2021RaatsSfixed unconnected lines
78456view10:27, 7 January 2015MaintBotadded missing graphIds
73764view00:13, 22 February 2014MaintBotUpdating to 2013a GPML Schema
73762view00:11, 22 February 2014MaintBotupdating schema
57395view01:13, 27 January 2013Kyookadded reference #2
57394view01:06, 27 January 2013Kyookcosmetic fixes
49038view19:01, 3 July 2012KyookOntology Term : 'Ras mediated signaling pathway' added !
49037view19:00, 3 July 2012KyookOntology Term : 'EGF/neuregulin signaling pathway' added !
49036view19:00, 3 July 2012KyookOntology Term : 'Wnt signaling pathway' added !
49035view19:00, 3 July 2012KyookOntology Term : 'Notch signaling pathway' added !
49031view18:55, 3 July 2012KyookPeriodical save, work in progress
49024view18:43, 3 July 2012KyookPeriodical save, work in progress
49000view00:10, 3 July 2012KyookPeriodical save, work in progress
48999view23:46, 2 July 2012KyookBM gap
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48990view22:53, 2 July 2012KyookPeriodical save, work in progress
48984view22:43, 2 July 2012KyookPeriodical save, work in progress
48983view22:36, 2 July 2012Kyookanchor cell shape
48982view22:33, 2 July 2012KyookPeriodical save, work in progress
48981view22:15, 2 July 2012Kyookanchor cell invasion
48980view22:13, 2 July 2012KyookPeriodical save, work in progress
48979view22:03, 2 July 2012KyookPeriodical save, work in progress
48978view21:50, 2 July 2012KyookPeriodical save, work in progress
48977view21:43, 2 July 2012Kyookdashed lineage lines
48976view21:21, 2 July 2012KyookPeriodical save, work in progress
48975view21:00, 2 July 2012KyookPeriodical save, work in progress
48928view21:07, 29 June 2012Kyookupdated Vulval Development
48927view20:53, 29 June 2012KyookPeriodical save, work in progress
48926view20:43, 29 June 2012KyookPeriodical save, work in progress
48922view20:23, 29 June 2012KyookPeriodical save, work in progress
48921view20:13, 29 June 2012KyookPeriodical save, work in progress
48920view19:32, 29 June 2012KyookPeriodical save, work in progress
48919view19:16, 29 June 2012Kyookupdate to Vulval development
40648view19:58, 1 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
34636view19:03, 7 January 2010KhanspersModified categories
34604view23:14, 23 December 2009KyookPeriodical save, work in progress
34603view22:26, 23 December 2009KyookPeriodical save, work in progress
34602view22:10, 23 December 2009KyookNew pathway

External references


NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
EFF-1GeneProductC26D10.5 (WormBase)
LIN-39GeneProductC07H6.7 (WormBase)
MAB-5GeneProductC08C3.3 (WormBase)

Annotated Interactions

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