Pathway Talk:WP2941

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Dear curators, I would like to point You out, that not all the AtPINs are residing on Plasma membrane and therefore, are not part of the PAT pathway. Specifically, AtPIN5, AtPIN6, and AtPIN8 (in case of Ath) are all based on ER membrane and not PM, where they are presumed to participate on auxin compartmentalisation.

In detail - As of:

  • AtPIN5 - it is expected, that it is transporting IAA into Endoplasmic Reticulum (Mravec et al, 2009, Nature)
  • AtPIN8 - is expected to transport auxin from ER to cytoplasm (Ding et al, 2012, Nature)
  • AtPIN6 - is also expected to transport auxin to ER , but this very member of the PIN family might have dual localisation (both on ER membrane and plasma membrane, but the PM localisation is hot topic and the ER localisation is sure thing)

As that is rather (almost) elucidated for Arabidopsis, the same should most probably apply for Oryza and any other flowering plants - were PIN5s, PIN6s and PIN8s orthologues, are either shown or presumed to behave accordingly to their counterparts in Ath.

As such, it is proper to show on the PM just the "canonical five" - the so-called long PINs : AtPIN1, AtPIN2, AtPIN3, AtPIN4 and AtPIN7 For review - probably best to recommend ... (Bennet et all. 2015, PIN proteins and the evolution of plant development, Trends in plant science .. )

(By the way, You have very nice project ;-) )

--Petr Skupa 04:46, 31 March 2016 (UTC) (Petr Skůpa, Laboratory of hormonal regulations in plants, IEB ASCR, Prague)

What a swift reaction! Great! Respect. --Petr Skupa 19:41, 31 March 2016 (UTC)
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