Thread:Nice pathway! (9)

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14:06, 4 November 2016AgustinGV (Talk | contribs)New reply created
11:19, 4 November 2016Egonw (Talk | contribs)New thread created

There have been no changes to this discussion for at least 30 days. If it is concluded, you may want to write a summary.

I was wondering about the enzymes, are they complexes? Also, may I request to link the enzymes to the reactions with "catalysis" links? Please let me know if I can be of assistance.

Thanks. All gene products are annotated using ENTREZ Gene ID because it’s what I use for data analysis. I don’t Know how to link them to catalysis links without missing the ENTREZ ID. It would be also a great improvement to add compartmentalization or cell localization of the enzymes. A lot to do still on this pathway.