Apoptosis is a distinct form of cell death that is functionally and morphologically different from necrosis. Nuclear chromatin condensation, cytoplasmic shrinking, dilated endoplasmic reticulum, and membrane blebbing characterize apoptosis in general. Mitochondria remain morphologically unchanged. In 1972 Kerr et al introduced the concept of apoptosis as a distinct form of "cell-death", and the mechanisms of various apoptotic pathways are still being revealed today.
This pathway was inferred from Homo sapiens pathway WP254 (r95107) with a 88.0% conversion rate.
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Mott JL, Kobayashi S, Bronk SF, Gores GJ; ''mir-29 regulates Mcl-1 protein expression and apoptosis.''; Oncogene, 2007 PubMedEurope PMCScholia
Lakin ND, Jackson SP; ''Regulation of p53 in response to DNA damage.''; Oncogene, 1999 PubMedEurope PMCScholia
Park SY, Lee JH, Ha M, Nam JW, Kim VN; ''miR-29 miRNAs activate p53 by targeting p85 alpha and CDC42.''; Nat Struct Mol Biol, 2009 PubMedEurope PMCScholia
Xiong Y, Fang JH, Yun JP, Yang J, Zhang Y, Jia WH, Zhuang SM; ''Effects of microRNA-29 on apoptosis, tumorigenicity, and prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma.''; Hepatology, 2010 PubMedEurope PMCScholia
Bose I, Ghosh B; ''The p53-MDM2 network: from oscillations to apoptosis.''; J Biosci, 2007 PubMedEurope PMCScholia
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