SREBF and miR33 in cholesterol and lipid homeostasis (Homo sapiens)

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ArcPathVisio Brace Ellipse EndoplasmicReticulum GolgiApparatus HexagonPathVisio MimDegradation Mitochondria Octagon PentagonPathVisio Rectangle RoundedRectangle SarcoplasmicReticulum TriangleEquilateralEast TrianglePathVisio none PPARGC1AFASNSIRT6HMGCRSIRT1MTORSCDNR1H3PPARAMED15MIR33AMIR33BSREBF1SREBF2HMGCS1LDLRABCA1PRKAA1Name: SREBF and miR33 in cholesterol and lipid homeostasisOrganism: Homo sapiens


This pathway describes transcription factor-microRNA circuits governing cholesterol and lipid homeostasis. It is based on a seminar by Dr. Anders Näär. Proteins on this pathway have targeted assays available via the [CPTAC Assay Portal](

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  1. Rodgers JT, Puigserver P; ''Fasting-dependent glucose and lipid metabolic response through hepatic sirtuin 1.''; Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2007 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Yang F, Vought BW, Satterlee JS, Walker AK, Jim Sun ZY, Watts JL, DeBeaumont R, Saito RM, Hyberts SG, Yang S, Macol C, Iyer L, Tjian R, van den Heuvel S, Hart AC, Wagner G, Näär AM; ''An ARC/Mediator subunit required for SREBP control of cholesterol and lipid homeostasis.''; Nature, 2006 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  3. Horie T, Ono K, Horiguchi M, Nishi H, Nakamura T, Nagao K, Kinoshita M, Kuwabara Y, Marusawa H, Iwanaga Y, Hasegawa K, Yokode M, Kimura T, Kita T; ''MicroRNA-33 encoded by an intron of sterol regulatory element-binding protein 2 (Srebp2) regulates HDL in vivo.''; Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2010 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  4. Gerhart-Hines Z, Rodgers JT, Bare O, Lerin C, Kim SH, Mostoslavsky R, Alt FW, Wu Z, Puigserver P; ''Metabolic control of muscle mitochondrial function and fatty acid oxidation through SIRT1/PGC-1alpha.''; EMBO J, 2007 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  5. Cunningham JT, Rodgers JT, Arlow DH, Vazquez F, Mootha VK, Puigserver P; ''mTOR controls mitochondrial oxidative function through a YY1-PGC-1alpha transcriptional complex.''; Nature, 2007 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  6. Kim D, Nguyen MD, Dobbin MM, Fischer A, Sananbenesi F, Rodgers JT, Delalle I, Baur JA, Sui G, Armour SM, Puigserver P, Sinclair DA, Tsai LH; ''SIRT1 deacetylase protects against neurodegeneration in models for Alzheimer's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.''; EMBO J, 2007 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  7. Walker AK, Yang F, Jiang K, Ji JY, Watts JL, Purushotham A, Boss O, Hirsch ML, Ribich S, Smith JJ, Israelian K, Westphal CH, Rodgers JT, Shioda T, Elson SL, Mulligan P, Najafi-Shoushtari H, Black JC, Thakur JK, Kadyk LC, Whetstine JR, Mostoslavsky R, Puigserver P, Li X, Dyson NJ, Hart AC, Näär AM; ''Conserved role of SIRT1 orthologs in fasting-dependent inhibition of the lipid/cholesterol regulator SREBP.''; Genes Dev, 2010 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  8. Gerin I, Clerbaux LA, Haumont O, Lanthier N, Das AK, Burant CF, Leclercq IA, MacDougald OA, Bommer GT; ''Expression of miR-33 from an SREBP2 intron inhibits cholesterol export and fatty acid oxidation.''; J Biol Chem, 2010 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  9. Joseph T Rodgers, Pere Puigserver; ''Receptor feasts on sugar and cholesterol''; Nature Medicine, 2007 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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view18:05, 5 March 2025KhanspersModified description
view03:02, 23 September 2024EweitzEconomize layout
127883view13:10, 6 January 2024EweitzOntology Term : 'cholesterol metabolic pathway' added !
127882view13:09, 6 January 2024EweitzOntology Term : 'transcription pathway' added !
118441view14:45, 27 May 2021FinterlyBiopax missing rdf:id e2a, filled in PMID 17290267
106491view21:42, 4 September 2019KhanspersModified description
105806view22:52, 15 August 2019KhanspersModified description
89947view14:13, 6 October 2016MkutmonModified description
87682view08:55, 25 July 2016LindarieswijkOntology Term : 'homeostasis pathway' added !
75253view20:59, 13 May 2014Khanspersupdated layout
70089view17:59, 12 July 2013MaintBotupdating to 2013 schema
59083view22:00, 21 February 2013MaintBotUpdated Ensembl data source
44729view23:37, 28 September 2011KhanspersEdits per Anders Naar
44728view23:31, 28 September 2011KhanspersPeriodical save, work in progress
44460view22:46, 13 September 2011Khanspersminor title change
44459view22:40, 13 September 2011Khanspers
44458view22:39, 13 September 2011KhanspersModified description
44457view22:36, 13 September 2011KhanspersChanged pathway position
44456view22:34, 13 September 2011KhanspersModified categories
44455view22:33, 13 September 2011KhanspersRemoved comment
44454view22:32, 13 September 2011Khansperschanged pathway placement
44312view00:00, 2 September 2011Samuel SklarSpecify description
44311view23:41, 1 September 2011Samuel SklarPeriodical save, work in progress
43861view18:28, 9 August 2011Samuel SklarNew pathway

External references


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Name  ↓Type  ↓Database reference  ↓Comment  ↓
ABCA1GeneProduct19 (Entrez Gene)
FASNGeneProduct2194 (Entrez Gene)
HMGCRGeneProductENSG00000113161 (Ensembl)
HMGCS1GeneProductENSG00000112972 (Ensembl)
LDLRGeneProductENSG00000130164 (Ensembl)
MED15GeneProductENSG00000099917 (Ensembl)
MIR33ARnaENSG00000207932 (Ensembl)
MIR33BRnaENSG00000207839 (Ensembl)
MTORGeneProductENSG00000198793 (Ensembl)
NR1H3GeneProductENSG00000025434 (Ensembl)
PPARAGeneProductENSG00000186951 (Ensembl)
PPARGC1AGeneProductENSG00000109819 (Ensembl)
PRKAA1GeneProduct5562 (Entrez Gene)
SCDGeneProduct6319 (Entrez Gene)
SIRT1GeneProductENSG00000096717 (Ensembl)
SIRT6GeneProductENSG00000077463 (Ensembl)
SREBF1GeneProductENSG00000072310 (Ensembl)
SREBF2GeneProductENSG00000198911 (Ensembl)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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