Seed development (Arabidopsis thaliana)
From WikiPathways
This Arabidopsis seed development pathway network in GPML format was projected using the reference rice seed development network [WP2199]( and the Arabidopsis to rice gene homology data sets. The green colored nodes (genes) represent where the Inparanoid-based gene homology was positively predicted based on the cutoffs used. The tool used for making the projection was [Pathway GeneSWAPPER]( Method is described in the publication [Hanumappa et al. (2013)]( This method creates a new projection, but preserves the interactions between nodes.
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ABA-related Seed dormancy
Interaction with Wsi18 and Lea3 by orthology to H vulgareSSP genes examined was significantly suppressed in KD-RISBZ1/KD-RPBF has two different transcripts= a:in leaf, b:in endosperm; binding with APL2 and Down regulation by RISBZ1 only happens with APS2b, binding with APL1 only happens with APS2a
expression diminished during grain filling at high temperaturesExpression Patterns during Seed Development Correspond with Pigment Accumulation Patterns in Seeds
Plays a role in the removal of MDA that forms during seed desiccationSSP genes examined was significantly suppressed in KD-RISBZ1/KD-RPBF
expression diminished during grain filling at high temperaturesABA and GA induced water stress + cold stress member of the group 3 Lea family
Wsi18 promoter is active in the whole grainInteraction between WRKY 51 and 71 enhances the binding affinity of WRKY71 to the Amy32b promoter
WRKY 71 by itself also represses activation of Amy2A by GAMYBGranule-bound starch synthase
expression diminished during grain filling at high temperaturesAnnotated Interactions
No annotated interactions