Krebs cycle (Populus trichocarpa)

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ArcPathVisio Brace Ellipse EndoplasmicReticulum GolgiApparatus HexagonPathVisio MimDegradation Mitochondria Octagon PentagonPathVisio Rectangle RoundedRectangle SarcoplasmicReticulum TriangleEquilateralEast TrianglePathVisio none MITOCHONDRIONNADP MDHpyruvateacetyl-CoAmalatecitric acidcis-aconitic acidisocitric acid2-oxoglutaric acidsuccinic acidsuccinyl-CoAoxaloacetic acidfumaric acidName: Krebs cycleOrganism: Populus trichocarpa


This plant pathway represents the Krebs cycle (mitochondrion). Pyruvate is imported from the glycolysis (WP2862) and converted to acetyl-CoA, which enters the Krebs cycle by getting linked with oxaloacetic acid to form citric acid. The cycle produces ATP and NADH, releases CO2 and finally regenerated oxaloacetic acid.

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Ontology Terms

Pathway Ontology : citric acid cycle pathway


  1. Bohler S, Sergeant K, Lefèvre I, Jolivet Y, Hoffmann L, Renaut J, Dizengremel P, Hausman JF; ''Differential impact of chronic ozone exposure on expanding and fully expanded poplar leaves.''; Tree Physiol, 2010 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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view13:29, 15 July 2016MkutmonOntology Term : 'citric acid cycle pathway' added !
77738view12:50, 16 October 2014SbohlerModified description
77736view12:47, 16 October 2014SbohlerModified description
77735view12:45, 16 October 2014AnweshaAdded literature reference
77730view12:34, 16 October 2014SbohlerModified description
77727view12:32, 16 October 2014AnweshaNew pathway

External references


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Name  ↓Type  ↓Database reference  ↓Comment  ↓
2-oxoglutaric acidMetaboliteCHEBI:30915 (ChEBI)
NADP MDHProteinA9P8R3 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
acetyl-CoAMetaboliteCHEBI:15351 (ChEBI)
cis-aconitic acidMetaboliteCHEBI:32805 (ChEBI)
citric acidMetaboliteCHEBI:30769 (ChEBI)
fumaric acidMetaboliteCHEBI:18012 (ChEBI)
isocitric acidMetaboliteCHEBI:30887 (ChEBI)
malateMetaboliteCHEBI:15361 (ChEBI)
oxaloacetic acidMetaboliteCHEBI:30744 (ChEBI)
pyruvateMetaboliteCHEBI:15361 (ChEBI)
succinic acidMetaboliteCHEBI:15741 (ChEBI)
succinyl-CoAMetaboliteCHEBI:15380 (ChEBI)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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