Toll, IMD, JAK/STAT pathways for immune response to pathogens (Drosophila melanogaster)
From WikiPathways
Yeast, fungi, virus, and lysine-type peptidoglycan (k-type PGN) signal proteins persephone (psh) and GRASS in the Toll Pathway. These proteins signal downstream to sphinx1/2, spheroide, and spirit which leads to activation of Spatzle (spz). Spz binds to Toll which activates death domain-containing molecules (MyD88, Tube, Pelle). Pellino ubiquinates Pelle which allows TRAF to activate DIF which activates Dorsal facilitated by the ubiquitination of cactus. Dorsal translocates to nucleus to upregulate immune genes. The IMD pathway is activated by mono-diaminopimelic acid-type peptidoglycans (DAP-type PGN) that starts a cascade of activation of Fadd, Dredd, Tak1/Tab2 coomplex and leads to the activation, translocation, and effector gene promotion of Relish. The JAK/STAT pathway is activated by Virus and unpaired gene particles binding to dome/JAK/STAT complex leading to the activation of the STAT complex which translocates to the nucleus to promote transcription of effector genes. This pathway was taken from Figure 2A of Severo et al.
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Ontology Terms
Pathway Ontology : altered transcription pathway signaling pathway
- Severo MS, Sakhon OS, Choy A, Stephens KD, Pedra JH; ''The 'ubiquitous' reality of vector immunology.''; Cell Microbiol, 2013 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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