Development and heterogeneity of the ILC family (Homo sapiens)

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1CLPsCHILPILCpa4b7+NKpROR-gammatnegativeCLP: Common lymphoid progenitorBone marrow/Fetal liverCHILP: Common helper innate lymphoid precursorILC: Innate Lymphoid CellPeripheryCD127-NKILC1ILC1ILC2ILC3GATA3TNFBCL11BT-betNFIL3TNFTCF1IL-7ID2IL12APLZFIL1BAREGIL18GATA3IFNGIL23AEOMESGFI1IL6NFIL3IL17ATOXAHRIL-4IL22ROR-gammatIL13IL15IL-25NCR-NCR+CD4-CD4+exILC3IL15T-bet+ ILC1sGATA3+ ILC2sROR-gammat+ ILC3sIFNGIFNGID2TOXRORAIL-33TSLPIL-25IL-5IL-9CCR6+ T-bet+ILC3CCR6+LTi cellsID2NFIL3T-betT-betIL-7IL12BCD127+CD103+IFNGIL12AIL12BIFNGIL22IL17AIL23AIL1BILC: Innate lymphoid cell, ILCp: Innate lymphoid cell progenitorNCR: Natural cytotoxicity receptors NK: Natural killer, NKp: Natural killer progenitorLegend


Development and heterogeneity of the innate lymphoid cell (ILC) family. ILCs develop from distinct progenitors in the fetal liver or bone marrow and then develop into mature ILCs in the periphery. Different transcription factors and cytokines are involved in the development of the three groups of mature ILCs. All ILCs develop from CLPs, which can differentiate into NKps or CHILPs. CHILPs can further differentiate into LTi cells through α4β7+ populations or into other ILC populations through differentiation into ILCps. ILC1s express T-bet, are responsive to IL-12, and produce IFN-γ and/or TNF. ILC2s highly express GATA3, are responsive to IL-25, IL-33 and TSLP, and produce IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, IL-13 and amphiregulin. ILC3s express ROR-γt, are responsive to IL-1β and IL-23, and produce IL-17 and/or IL-22. Proteins on this pathway have targeted assays available via the CPTAC Assay Portal

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  1. Lai DM, Shu Q, Fan J; ''The origin and role of innate lymphoid cells in the lung.''; Mil Med Res, 2016 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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129544view16:01, 10 May 2024EweitzOntology Term : '' added !
129543view16:00, 10 May 2024EweitzOntology Term : '' added !
129542view15:53, 10 May 2024EweitzOntology Term : 'innate lymphoid cell' added !
129335view09:09, 27 March 2024MkutmonOntology Term : 'regulatory pathway' added !
118859view21:19, 2 June 2021EweitzModified description
106386view21:24, 28 August 2019KhanspersModified description
105568view06:25, 9 August 2019KhanspersModified description
89702view20:46, 26 September 2016Khanspersconnected interaction
89701view20:45, 26 September 2016Khanspers
89700view19:32, 26 September 2016Khansperstidy and legend
89321view15:48, 1 September 2016KhanspersOntology Term : 'common lymphoid progenitor' added !
89320view15:47, 1 September 2016KhanspersModified description
89315view15:42, 1 September 2016KhanspersNew pathway

External references


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NameTypeDatabase referenceComment
AHRGeneProductENSG00000106546 (Ensembl)
AREGGeneProductENSG00000109321 (Ensembl)
BCL11BGeneProductENSG00000127152 (Ensembl)
EOMESGeneProductENSG00000163508 (Ensembl)
GATA3GeneProductENSG00000107485 (Ensembl)
GFI1GeneProductENSG00000162676 (Ensembl)
ID2GeneProductENSG00000115738 (Ensembl)
IFNGGeneProductENSG00000111537 (Ensembl)
IL-25GeneProductENSG00000166090 (Ensembl)
IL-33GeneProductENSG00000137033 (Ensembl)
IL-4GeneProductENSG00000113520 (Ensembl)
IL-5GeneProductENSG00000113525 (Ensembl)
IL-7GeneProductENSG00000104432 (Ensembl)
IL-9GeneProductENSG00000145839 (Ensembl)
IL12AGeneProductENSG00000168811 (Ensembl)
IL12BGeneProductENSG00000113302 (Ensembl)
IL13GeneProductENSG00000169194 (Ensembl)
IL15GeneProductENSG00000164136 (Ensembl)
IL17AGeneProductENSG00000112115 (Ensembl)
IL18GeneProductENSG00000150782 (Ensembl)
IL1BGeneProductENSG00000125538 (Ensembl)
IL22GeneProductENSG00000127318 (Ensembl)
IL23AGeneProductENSG00000110944 (Ensembl)
IL6GeneProductENSG00000136244 (Ensembl)
NFIL3GeneProductENSG00000165030 (Ensembl)
PLZFGeneProductENSG00000109906 (Ensembl)
RORAGeneProductENSG00000069667 (Ensembl)
T-betGeneProductENSG00000073861 (Ensembl)
TCF1GeneProductENSG00000135100 (Ensembl)
TNFGeneProductENSG00000232810 (Ensembl)
TOXGeneProductENSG00000198846 (Ensembl)
TSLPGeneProductENSG00000145777 (Ensembl)

Annotated Interactions

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