Hedgehog signaling pathway (Rattus norvegicus)

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ArcPathVisio Brace Ellipse EndoplasmicReticulum GolgiApparatus HexagonPathVisio MimDegradation Mitochondria Octagon PentagonPathVisio Rectangle RoundedRectangle SarcoplasmicReticulum TriangleEquilateralEast TrianglePathVisio none TranslocationPlasma membraneCytoplasmEndosomeNucleusCY->NUCY->NUCY->NUCY->NUPM->ENCY->NUCY->PMPM->ENMolecular AssociationLigandReceptorMolecule in the pathwayGene SymbolActivationDInhibitionAccession Number: NetPath 10; cellmap:10Proteins in a complex interactionEnzyme complex(Protein-protein interaction)DReaction through unknown mechanisms/moleculesPMCYENNUDAutophosphorylationAcetylationDeacetylationMethylationDemethylationPhosphorylationDephosphorylationProteolytic cleavageSumoylationDesumoylationUbiquitinationDeubiquitinationRecruitmentControlExtracellularECEndoplasmic reticulumERGolgi apparatusGOMitochondrionMTPalmitoylationGlycosylationPTCH2ShhCdc2Ptch1PTCH2DhhSmoIhhPtch1PTCH2IhhGLI3SkiSufuSap18Sin3aGli1GAS1CrebbpDyrk1aGli2Stk36SufuCdc2Ccnb1Gli1Gli2GLI3Ptch1SufuRab23Rab23Ccnb1SmoIgf2DhhShhShhDhhIhhShhHhipHhipHhipPtch1Name: Hedgehog signaling pathwayOrganism: Rattus norvegicus


The Hedgehog proteins are a family of secreted ligands that include sonic hedgehog, Indian hedgehog and desert hedgehog in humans. Binding of Hedgehog ligands to their receptors, Patched 1 and 2, prevents inhibition of a 7 transmembrane receptor called Smoothened. This leads to activation of GLI family of transcription factors (GLI1-3). Signaling through the Hedgehog pathway is essential for development of many tissues and organs. This pathway is highly conserved among metazoans. Aberrant activation of this pathway has been associated with a number of human malignancies including carcinoma of lung, esophagus, pancreas and prostate. Source: NetPath http://www.netpath.org/pathways?path_id=NetPath_10


GenMAPP notes 
NetPath:10 ; cellmap:10 - Hedgehog Signaling Pathway

This cancer signaling pathway is available at Cancer Cell Map (http://cancer.cellmap.org) and NetPath (http://www.netpath.org) and is part of a collaborative project between the Computational Biology Center at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (http://cbio.mskcc.org), PandeyLab at Johns Hopkins University (http://pandeylab.igm.jhmi.edu) and Institute of Bioinformatics (http://www.ibioinformatics.org). If you use this pathway, you must cite the Cancer Cell Map and NetPath websites until the pathway is published.

GenMAPP remarks 
http://cancer.cellmap.org; http://www.netpath.org
This pathway was inferred from Homo sapiens pathway WP47(r20775) with a 84% conversion rate.

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Quality Tags

Image:Unconnected.pngFix interactions
Image:Curated.pngApproved version
Homology Converted

Ontology Terms

Pathway Ontology : Hedgehog signaling pathway


  1. Mohler J; ''Requirements for hedgehod, a segmental polarity gene, in patterning larval and adult cuticle of Drosophila.''; Genetics, 1988 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Lum L, Beachy PA; ''The Hedgehog response network: sensors, switches, and routers.''; Science, 2004 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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view10:42, 16 May 2021EweitzModified title
88448view14:30, 8 August 2016Mkutmonadded missing xref
88447view14:29, 8 August 2016Mkutmonadded missing xref
69420view19:02, 8 July 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
67330view10:38, 26 June 2013Christine ChichesterOntology Term : 'Hedgehog signaling pathway' added !
41743view02:40, 2 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
35740view23:51, 12 February 2010AlexanderPico
35738view23:49, 12 February 2010AlexanderPico
34116view19:25, 9 December 2009MaintBotAutomatic update of empty xrefs
31480view21:24, 13 August 2009MaintBotFixed text labels
30967view00:48, 30 July 2009MaintBotConverted from Homo sapiens
21888view11:32, 14 November 2008MaintBot[[Pathway:Rattus norvegicus:Hedgehog Netpath 10]] moved to [[Pathway:WP574]]: Moved to stable identifier
8130view13:46, 7 January 2008MaintBot[[Pathway:Rat:Hedgehog Netpath 10]] moved to [[Pathway:Rattus norvegicus:Hedgehog Netpath 10]]: Renaming species
7686view16:09, 18 December 2007MaintBotfixed category names
7237view12:41, 4 November 2007MaintBotAdded categories to GPML
6555view22:20, 22 May 2007A.Pandeygpml file for [[Rat:Hedgehog_Netpath_10]]

External references


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Name  ↓Type  ↓Database reference  ↓Comment  ↓
Ccnb1GeneProduct25203 (Entrez Gene)
Cdc2GeneProduct54237 (Entrez Gene)
CrebbpGeneProduct54244 (Entrez Gene)
DhhGeneProduct84380 (Entrez Gene)
Dyrk1aGeneProduct25255 (Entrez Gene)
GAS1GeneProduct83818 (Entrez Gene)
GLI3GeneProduct140588 (Entrez Gene)
Gli1GeneProduct140589 (Entrez Gene)
Gli2GeneProduct304729 (Entrez Gene)
HhipGeneProduct291936 (Entrez Gene)
Igf2GeneProduct24483 (Entrez Gene)
IhhGeneProduct84399 (Entrez Gene)
PTCH2GeneProduct366452 (Entrez Gene)
Ptch1GeneProduct89830 (Entrez Gene)
Rab23GeneProduct367242 (Entrez Gene)
Sap18GeneProduct290284 (Entrez Gene)
ShhGeneProduct29499 (Entrez Gene)
Sin3aGeneProduct363067 (Entrez Gene)
SkiGeneProductENSRNOG00000055340 (Ensembl)
SmoGeneProduct25273 (Entrez Gene)
Stk36GeneProduct301516 (Entrez Gene)
SufuGeneProduct361769 (Entrez Gene)

Annotated Interactions

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