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The WikiPathways server runs several scripts (bots) that monitor the quality of the pathways. The table below lists the currently active bots and links to their report pages.

Bot   ↓Description   ↓Updated   ↓Report   ↓
XRefBot This bot scans all pathways for DataNodes that hava a missing or invalid reference to the synonym database. When the pathway contains >90% invalid references, the curation tag Curation:MissingXRef will be added automatically. daily report page
DescriptionBot This bot scans all pathways for to check if the description section contains any text. When the description section is empty, the curation tag Curation:MissingDescription will be added automatically. daily report page
ConnectorBot This bot scans all pathways for lines that are not properly connected. When the pathway contains >95% unconnected lines, the curation tag Curation:NoInteractions will be added automatically. daily report page
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