Help:Tutorial:Step 4 v2
From WikiPathways
Adding Description and Quality Tags
This step explains how to add a description and quality tag to your pathway.
Adding a description
You should add a description to your pathway, so other people can easily see what the pathway is about. You can also use the description field to explain features of your pathway in more detail or to highlight parts that need to be improved.
Add this description to the pathway by clicking the Edit button under the Description section on the pathway page. A text editor field will appear below the description header where you can type or paste the description. Click Apply button
to save the description. The pathway page will now reload and you will see the description you added appear in the description section.
Adding quality tags
Quality tags are short messages that can be added to notify the community about the state of the pathway. See the help page for more information.
In this step, you are going to add a quality tag that tells other users this pathway is a tutorial pathway. This will also exclude this pathway from the download archive. Pathways marked with the tutorial pathway tag are also cleaned up periodically by the WikiPathways administrators.
To add the Tutorial pathway tag to your pathway, press the new button in the Quality Tags section. Choose Tutorial pathway in the dropdown list and press the Apply button
. You will now see the following message below the pathway image: