Electron transport chain: OXPHOS system in mitochondria (Homo sapiens)

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ArcPathVisio Brace Ellipse EndoplasmicReticulum GolgiApparatus HexagonPathVisio MimDegradation Mitochondria Octagon PentagonPathVisio Rectangle RoundedRectangle SarcoplasmicReticulum TriangleEquilateralEast TrianglePathVisio none NADH-ubiquinoneoxidoreductaseComplex IIC subunitUbiquinol-cytochrome CreductaseMatrixCytochrome CoxidaseIntermembranespaceComplex IVComplex IIIAssemblyBinds ATP synthase betaAdenine nucleotidetranslocatorSuccinate-ubiquinoneoxidoreductaseComplex IUncoupling proteinComplex VATP synthaseF0 complexATP5IATP5J2ATP5G2ATP8ATP5LATP5G1ATP5SATPIF1ATP6ATP5G3ATP5HATP5F1F1 complexATP5A1ATP5BATP5DATP5EATP5C1StalkATP5OATP5JO2H+ATPSuccinatee-FADH2TCA cycleH+H+FADH+H+NAD+H2OAssembly PWcomplex 1H+H+e-e-Cytochrome CNADHUbiquinoneCOX6B1COX6CCOX2COX5ACOX1COX7A2LCOX6A1COX7A1COX4I1COX7A3COX7A2COX7BCOX5BCOX3COX8ACOX6A2COX7CNDUFA4Complex 4UCRCUQCRUQCRFS1UQCRC2UQCRHQP-CUQCRBUQCRC1CYTBSDHBSDHASDHDSDHCSLC25A14SLC25A27UCP3UCP2UCP1SLC25A5SLC25A6SLC25A4COX15COX11SCO1SURF1COX17NDUFB6NDUFC1NDUFA8NDUFA3NDUFV2NDUFA6NDUFB9NDUFS6NDUFA2ND4LNDUFS5NDUFS7NDUFS4NDUFB1NDUFA9NDUFB3NDUFB4ND6ND2NDUFAB1ND5DAP13NDUFB7NDUFA1NDUFB5NDUFS3ND1NDUFV1Complex 1NDUFS1NDUFA7ND4NDUFC2NDUFB2NDUFS2NDUFB10NDUFA5NDUFV3NDUFA10ND3NDUFS8NDUFB8NDUFA11NDUFA13ATP synthasecomplexName: Electron transport chain: OXPHOS system in mitochondriaOrganism: Homo sapiens


An electron transport chain(ETC) couples a chemical reaction between an electron donor (such as NADH) and an electron acceptor (such as O2) to the transfer of H+ ions across a membrane, through a set of mediating biochemical reactions. These H+ ions are used to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the main energy intermediate in living organisms, as they move back across the membrane.

In mitochondria, it is the conversion of oxygen to water, NADH to NAD+ and succinate to fumarate that drives the transfer of H+ ions. Source: [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_transport_chain)

Proteins on this pathway have targeted assays available via the [CPTAC Assay Portal](https://assays.cancer.gov/available_assays?wp_id=WP111)

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Ontology Terms



  1. Pitceathly RD, Rahman S, Wedatilake Y, Polke JM, Cirak S, Foley AR, Sailer A, Hurles ME, Stalker J, Hargreaves I, Woodward CE, Sweeney MG, Muntoni F, Houlden H, Taanman JW, Hanna MG; ''NDUFA4 mutations underlie dysfunction of a cytochrome c oxidase subunit linked to human neurological disease.''; Cell Rep, 2013 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  2. Balsa E, Marco R, Perales-Clemente E, Szklarczyk R, Calvo E, Landázuri MO, Enríquez JA; ''NDUFA4 is a subunit of complex IV of the mammalian electron transport chain.''; Cell Metab, 2012 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
  3. Signes A, Fernandez-Vizarra E; ''Assembly of mammalian oxidative phosphorylation complexes I-V and supercomplexes.''; Essays Biochem, 2018 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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view19:38, 26 February 2025KhanspersModified description
view19:33, 21 December 2024EgonwCorrect Complex Portal data sources
136174view19:31, 21 December 2024EgonwAdded three complex nodes with Complex Portal IDs.
134131view11:08, 30 June 2024EgonwSix translocations of H+ into and out of the mitochondrion
128361view22:23, 2 February 2024EweitzStandardize case
128358view20:58, 2 February 2024Ash iyerfixed interactions
128357view13:59, 2 February 2024EweitzFix text-graphic collisions, standardize case
126524view18:20, 24 May 2023Khanspersadded NDUFA11 and NDUFA13
117097view11:31, 17 May 2021EweitzModified title
113902view06:45, 8 December 2020EgonwMade two more pathways clickable
110177view14:03, 23 April 2020EgonwOntology Term : 'classic metabolic pathway' added !
107324view15:29, 23 September 2019DeSlAdded general lit. ref.
107323view15:27, 23 September 2019DeSlChanged NDUFA4 from complex I to IV (according to 2 lit. refs).
106399view21:30, 28 August 2019KhanspersModified description
106195view12:09, 16 August 2019MaintBotHMDB identifier normalization
105579view06:33, 9 August 2019KhanspersModified description
98163view11:12, 31 July 2018DeSlAdded linkout to assemly PW for Complex 1
98127view15:15, 24 July 2018DeSlRemoved licence number and last modified part.
98126view15:14, 24 July 2018DeSlchanged title slightly
97390view04:58, 14 May 2018Khanspersconnected interaction
97113view22:54, 29 April 2018AlexanderPicoReverted to version '07:58, 16 November 2017' by AlexanderPico
97110view22:20, 29 April 2018WpblockedModified title
95118view14:58, 16 November 2017DeSlFixed nested groups.
89727view09:08, 29 September 2016EgonwReconnected a line and converted to interactions into graphical lines.
86860view07:29, 14 July 2016MkutmonOntology Term : 'electron transport chain pathway' added !
86853view00:43, 14 July 2016AlexanderPicoOntology Term : 'PW:0000034' removed !
86852view00:43, 14 July 2016AlexanderPicoOntology Term : 'PW:0000034' removed !
82216view19:38, 15 September 2015AlexanderPicoFixed Cytochrome C interaction
79220view13:38, 15 March 2015EgonwReplaced the HMDB H2 identifier with H+ from ChEBI.
71266view21:52, 16 October 2013MaintBotAutomated update of data sources
67189view10:18, 26 June 2013Christine ChichesterOntology Term : 'electron transport chain pathway' added !
63179view20:33, 8 May 2013MaintBotUpdating gpml version
62687view21:19, 1 May 2013MaintBotUpdated UniProt data source
45239view18:18, 7 October 2011AlexanderPicoOntology Term : 'oxidative phosphorylation pathway' added !
41171view23:42, 1 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
38660view13:52, 23 September 2010FerryJagersLinked TCA Cycle
37857view19:09, 12 July 2010Khansperschanged arrow
37856view19:06, 12 July 2010Khanspersminor layout change
35237view19:41, 11 February 2010AlexanderPicoModified description
34806view00:05, 21 January 2010KhanspersModified description
34445view18:20, 10 December 2009MaintBotAutomatic update of empty xrefs
32230view12:49, 15 August 2009MaintBotFixed text labels
31735view11:58, 14 August 2009MaintBotFixed group labels
20917view11:30, 14 November 2008MaintBot[[Pathway:Homo sapiens:Electron Transport Chain]] moved to [[Pathway:WP111]]: Moved to stable identifier
14979view19:48, 24 May 2008AlexanderPicominor fixes
14823view07:24, 24 May 2008AlexanderPicoConnected!
14820view07:17, 24 May 2008AlexanderPicoPeriodical save, work in progress
14818view07:07, 24 May 2008AlexanderPicoPeriodical save, work in progress
14814view06:56, 24 May 2008AlexanderPicoPeriodical save, work in progress
14811view06:46, 24 May 2008AlexanderPicoPeriodical save, work in progress

External references


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Name  â†“Type  â†“Database reference  â†“Comment  â†“
ATP synthase complexComplexCPX-6151 (Complex Portal)
ATP5A1GeneProduct498 (Entrez Gene)
ATP5BGeneProduct506 (Entrez Gene)
ATP5C1GeneProduct509 (Entrez Gene)
ATP5DGeneProduct513 (Entrez Gene)
ATP5EGeneProduct514 (Entrez Gene)
ATP5F1GeneProduct515 (Entrez Gene)
ATP5G1GeneProduct516 (Entrez Gene)
ATP5G2GeneProduct517 (Entrez Gene)
ATP5G3GeneProduct518 (Entrez Gene)
ATP5HGeneProduct10476 (Entrez Gene)
ATP5IGeneProduct521 (Entrez Gene)
ATP5J2GeneProduct9551 (Entrez Gene)
ATP5JGeneProduct522 (Entrez Gene)
ATP5LGeneProduct10632 (Entrez Gene)
ATP5OGeneProduct539 (Entrez Gene)
ATP5SGeneProduct27109 (Entrez Gene)
ATP6GeneProduct4508 (Entrez Gene)
ATP8GeneProduct4509 (Entrez Gene)
ATPMetaboliteC00002 (KEGG Compound)
ATPIF1GeneProduct93974 (Entrez Gene)
Assembly PW complex 1PathwayWP4324 (WikiPathways)
COX11GeneProduct1353 (Entrez Gene)
COX1GeneProduct4512 (Entrez Gene)
COX15GeneProduct1355 (Entrez Gene)
COX17GeneProduct10063 (Entrez Gene)
COX2GeneProduct4513 (Entrez Gene)
COX3GeneProduct4514 (Entrez Gene)
COX4I1GeneProduct1327 (Entrez Gene)
COX5AGeneProduct9377 (Entrez Gene)
COX5BGeneProduct1329 (Entrez Gene)
COX6A1GeneProduct1337 (Entrez Gene)
COX6A2GeneProduct1339 (Entrez Gene)
COX6B1GeneProduct1340 (Entrez Gene)
COX6CGeneProduct1345 (Entrez Gene)
COX7A1GeneProduct1346 (Entrez Gene)
COX7A2GeneProduct1347 (Entrez Gene)
COX7A2LGeneProduct9167 (Entrez Gene)
COX7A3GeneProductO60397 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
COX7BGeneProduct1349 (Entrez Gene)
COX7CGeneProduct1350 (Entrez Gene)
COX8AGeneProduct1351 (Entrez Gene)
CYTBGeneProduct4519 (Entrez Gene)
Complex 1ComplexCPX-577 (Complex Portal)
Complex 4ComplexCPX-6123 (Complex Portal)
Cytochrome CMetaboliteC00524 (KEGG Compound)
DAP13GeneProduct55967 (Entrez Gene)
FADMetaboliteC00016 (KEGG Compound)
FADH2MetaboliteC01352 (KEGG Compound)
H+MetaboliteCHEBI:15378 (ChEBI)
H2OMetaboliteHMDB0002111 (HMDB)
NAD+MetaboliteC00003 (KEGG Compound)
NADHMetaboliteC00004 (KEGG Compound)
ND1GeneProduct4535 (Entrez Gene)
ND2GeneProduct4536 (Entrez Gene)
ND3GeneProduct4537 (Entrez Gene)
ND4GeneProduct4538 (Entrez Gene)
ND4LGeneProduct4539 (Entrez Gene)
ND5GeneProduct4540 (Entrez Gene)
ND6GeneProduct4541 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFA10GeneProduct4705 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFA11GeneProduct126328 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFA13GeneProductNDUFA13 (HGNC)
NDUFA1GeneProduct4694 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFA2GeneProduct4695 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFA3GeneProduct4696 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFA4GeneProduct4697 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFA5GeneProduct4698 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFA6GeneProduct4700 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFA7GeneProduct4701 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFA8GeneProduct4702 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFA9GeneProduct4704 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFAB1GeneProduct4706 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFB10GeneProduct4716 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFB1GeneProduct4707 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFB2GeneProduct4708 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFB3GeneProduct4709 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFB4GeneProduct4710 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFB5GeneProduct4711 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFB6GeneProduct4712 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFB7GeneProduct4713 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFB8GeneProduct4714 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFB9GeneProduct4715 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFC1GeneProduct4717 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFC2GeneProduct4718 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFS1GeneProduct4719 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFS2GeneProduct4720 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFS3GeneProduct4722 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFS4GeneProduct4724 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFS5GeneProduct4725 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFS6GeneProduct4726 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFS7GeneProduct374291 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFS8GeneProduct4728 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFV1GeneProduct4723 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFV2GeneProduct4729 (Entrez Gene)
NDUFV3GeneProduct4731 (Entrez Gene)
O2MetaboliteHMDB0001377 (HMDB)
QP-CGeneProduct27089 (Entrez Gene)
SCO1GeneProduct6341 (Entrez Gene)
SDHAGeneProduct6389 (Entrez Gene)
SDHBGeneProduct6390 (Entrez Gene)
SDHCGeneProduct6391 (Entrez Gene)
SDHDGeneProduct6392 (Entrez Gene)
SLC25A14GeneProduct9016 (Entrez Gene)
SLC25A27GeneProduct9481 (Entrez Gene)
SLC25A4GeneProduct291 (Entrez Gene)
SLC25A5GeneProduct292 (Entrez Gene)
SLC25A6GeneProduct293 (Entrez Gene)
SURF1GeneProduct6834 (Entrez Gene)
SuccinateMetaboliteC00042 (KEGG Compound)
TCA cyclePathwayWP78 (WikiPathways)
UCP1GeneProduct7350 (Entrez Gene)
UCP2GeneProduct7351 (Entrez Gene)
UCP3GeneProduct7352 (Entrez Gene)
UCRCGeneProduct29796 (Entrez Gene)
UQCRGeneProduct10975 (Entrez Gene)
UQCRBGeneProduct7381 (Entrez Gene)
UQCRC1GeneProduct7384 (Entrez Gene)
UQCRC2GeneProduct7385 (Entrez Gene)
UQCRFS1GeneProduct7386 (Entrez Gene)
UQCRHGeneProduct7388 (Entrez Gene)
UbiquinoneMetaboliteHMDB0002012 (HMDB)
e-MetaboliteC05359 (KEGG Compound)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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