Alzheimer's disease and miRNA effects (Homo sapiens)

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ArcPathVisio Brace Ellipse EndoplasmicReticulum GolgiApparatus HexagonPathVisio MimDegradation Mitochondria Octagon PentagonPathVisio Rectangle RoundedRectangle SarcoplasmicReticulum TriangleEquilateralEast TrianglePathVisio none IRS2PPPIRS1IRS4ATG14PI3K complexPBECN1BECN2PIK3R4NRBF2PPIK3C3NeuronERLegendMicrogliaAnterograde cargoMicrotubuleTUBA1BTUBA3ETUBA3DTUBA8TUBA4ATUBA3CTUBA1ATUBAL3TUBA1CTUBB3TUBB4ATUBB4BTUBBTUBB8TUBB2BTUBB2ATUBB1TUBB6Defective insulin signalingCalcium overloadCell deathFragmentationInsulin resistanceGene mutated in Alzheimer'sNeuronal InjuryMitochondiral dysfunctionAPP Intracellular domainDecreased AB clearanceNeurofibrillary tanglesImpaired neuronal insulin signalingNonamyloidogenic APP processingImpairement of autophagyDecreased energy production?Reduction in LTPULK complexULK2PPULK1ATG13ATG101RB1CC1Mitochondrial dysfunctionProtein oxidationApoptosisDNA damageInflammationLipid peroxidationKinesin 1KLC3KIF5AKIF5BKIF5CKLC1PKLC2KLC4Amyloid betabeta-amyloid protein 40beta-amyloid protein 42ER chaperonesDDIT3XBP1Oligomeric amyloid betabeta-amyloid protein 40beta-amyloid protein 42MPTPPPIFSLC25A4SLC25A5SLC25A6VDAC1VDAC2VDAC3SLC25A31Antioxidant responsesAmino acid metabolismDDIT3ATP depletionFall in mitochondrialmembrane potentialIncreased ROSP3 peptideNORAGEFe2+ApoptosisHydrogen peroxideTNFRSF1Ap50 ATF6AGEsNAE1NAC fragmentAPPOxidative phosphorylationCalcium signaling pathwayMAPTsuperoxideIP3PI3PCu+Wnt signaling pathwayCa2+APP intracellular domainMIR101Induction of apoptosisModulation of gene expressionbeta-amyloid protein 40beta-amyloid protein 42Oligomeric intracellular ABRTN3RTN4APBB1GAPDHADAM10ADAM17BACE1PSENENPSEN1NCSTNAPH1APSEN2APH1BIDEMMELPLAPOELRP1FASTNFRSF1AFADDCASP8Cx ICx IICx IIICx IVCx VAPP processingHSD17B10DegradationBIDCYCSCALM1CALM2CALM3CALML3CALML5CALML4CALML6PBADPPP3CAPPP3CBPPP3CCPPP3R1PPP3R2APAF1CASP9CASP3AB AggregationSNCASenile plaqueGPCRGRIN1GRIN2AGRIN2BGRIN2CGRIN2DCACNA1CCACNA1DCACNA1FCACNA1SGNAQPLCB1PLCB2PLCB3PLCB4Aggr. amyloidTNFIL1BMAPK1MAPK3CASP12ApoptosisRYR3ATP2A2ATP2A1ATP2A3EIF2AK3ERN1ATF6ITPR1ITPR2ITPR3Ca2+Ca2+ER stressCAPN1CAPN2CDK5R1 / p35CDK5R1 / p25NOS1CDK5PMAPTCASP3CASP7Paired helical filamentsNeurofibrillarytanglesONOO-Based on Table 1 from Burgos et al, PLoS ONE 2014 May.miRNA differentially expressed in AD(measured in cerebrospinal fluid)MIR199BMIR381MIR181B1MIR124-2MIR181DMIR124-1MIR760MIR184MIR136MIR181A1MIR598MIR181A2MIR127MIR34BMIR101-1MIR95MIR488MIR138-2MIR769MIR218-1MIR181B2MIR138-1MIR218-2MIR495MIR708MIR874MIR873MIR129-1MIR129-2MIR139MIR3200MIR431MIR9-1MIR9-2MIR9-3MIR326MIR377MIR433MIR323AMIR134MIR329-1MIR329-2MIR10AMIR33BMIR410MIR708miRNA differentially expressed in AD(measured in blood serum)MIR219-2MIR22MIR125B1MIR1307MIR34CMIR34BMIR887MIR182MIR135A1MIR135A2MIR184MIR127MIR30C2MIR873MIR125AMIR671MIR21MIR1285-2MIR375MIR3176MIR124-3MIR132MIR29AMIR29B1MIR29CMIR124-3MIR9-1MIR34CMIR375MIR138-2MIR21MIR138-2MIR132MIR21MIR21MIR21MIR21HyperinsulinemiaSequestration of IDEConcentrated intoendosome/lysosomeINSINSRPPIDMCUCa2+Ca2+Ca2+beta-amyloid protein 40beta-amyloid protein 42AKT1AKT2AKT3PIK3CAPIK3R1PIK3R2PIK3CBPIK3CDPIK3R3PIP3EIF2AK2MAPK8MAPK9MAPK10GPR83CHUKIKBKBSynaptic dysfunctionImpaired memoryCHRNA7CYBBNOX1NOX4NFKB1RELA(Tau-p)nNRASKRASHRASRAF1ARAFBRAFNOS2TNFIL1AIL1BPTGS2IL6CSF1DKK1DKK2DKK4MTORAMBRA1ATG2AATG2BWIPI1WIPI2PSEN1GSK3BCa2+Ca2+Axonal transport defectsWntWNT3AWNT7AWNT11WNT1WNT5BWNT2WNT2BWNT6WNT5AWNT16WNT4WNT3WNT10BWNT7BWNT10AWNT16FZD3FZD8LRP5FZD10FZD7FZD4FZD1LRP6FZD6FZD5FZD9FZD2DVL3FRAT1CSNK1EDVL2DVL1FRAT2TPTEP2-CSNK1EGSK3BCSNK2BCSNK2A1CSNK2A3CSNK2A2APCCSNK1A1CSNK1A1LAXIN1AXIN2APC2CSNK1A1CSNK1A1LPPPCTNNB1PPP3CAPPP3CBPPP3CCPPP3R1PPP3R2GSK3BsAPP alphaAPP-C83APP-C99sAPP betaEIF2S1ATF4TRAF2MAP3K5MAP2K7PPMAPK8PMAPK10PPPMAPK9XBP1ER chaperonesERADProteasome 20Scatalytic core (p45)PSMA2PSMB1PSMA5PSMB4PSMB2PSMA3PSMA7PSMA1PSMB6PSMA6PSMB5PSMA4PSMB7PSMB3PSMA819S regulatorPSMD8SEM1PSMD1PSMC6PSMC5PSMC4PSMC3PSMC2PSMC1PSMD7PSMD6ADRM1PSMD4PSMD3PSMD2PSMD14PSMD13PSMD12PSMD9Amyloidogenic APP processingCa2+PPMAP2K1PPMAP2K2PPMAPK1PPMAPK3beta-amyloid protein 40beta-amyloid protein 42PSEN1PSEN2Name: Alzheimer's disease and miRNA effectsLast Modified: 10/17/2013Organism: Homo sapiens


This pathway displays current genes, proteolytic events and other processes associated with the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Note: mitochondrial associated genes Cx I through Cx V are not currently included, as these correspond to over a hundred distinct factors.

Proteins on this pathway have targeted assays available via the [CPTAC Assay Portal](

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view02:39, 11 March 2025EweitzModified description
137997view02:39, 11 March 2025EweitzModified description
137996view02:38, 11 March 2025EweitzModified description
137715view11:51, 7 March 2025EgonwModified description
view01:23, 24 January 2024EweitzFix typo, fix graphically truncated label, standardize case
119468view17:53, 29 June 2021Khanspersadded literature references
119429view23:47, 28 June 2021KhanspersModified title
119428view23:46, 28 June 2021KhanspersModified title
119427view23:43, 28 June 2021Khanspersupdated nonamyloidogenic APP processing
119164view01:14, 19 June 2021Khanspersadded literature references
119163view00:21, 19 June 2021Khanspersadded legend
119162view00:13, 19 June 2021Khanspersadded ptms and updated mutated genes
119161view19:18, 18 June 2021KhanspersUpdated Ab degradation part
119089view05:55, 17 June 2021KhanspersCleaned up the mitochondria part
118932view22:17, 4 June 2021Khansperswork in progress
118931view18:59, 4 June 2021Khanspersreplaced peptide labels with protein nodes
118913view04:38, 4 June 2021KhanspersAdded detail to top left corner
118912view04:15, 4 June 2021Khansperswork in progress
118863view01:01, 3 June 2021KhanspersAdded Wnt signaling
118862view00:29, 3 June 2021Khanspersadded axonal transport defects
118861view00:10, 3 June 2021Khansperswork in progress
118791view23:39, 1 June 2021KhanspersWork in progress
118790view23:12, 1 June 2021Khansperswork in progress
118789view22:28, 1 June 2021KhanspersUpdating with latest information. Work in progress.
118198view05:10, 26 May 2021Khanspersupdate in progress
116396view23:18, 6 May 2021EweitzModified title
115412view11:55, 18 February 2021EgonwMade five more pathways clickable
108233view14:43, 1 December 2019EgonwBetter point to a pathway than a inhibitor metabolite.
108214view11:18, 29 November 2019FehrhartOntology Term : 'DOID:10652' removed !
108091view11:56, 28 November 2019FehrhartOntology Term : 'disease pathway' added !
106706view13:13, 17 September 2019MaintBotHMDB identifier normalization
106521view23:41, 5 September 2019KhanspersModified description
105877view04:50, 16 August 2019KhanspersModified description
105524view05:58, 9 August 2019KhanspersModified description
104977view18:27, 27 June 2019Khanspersremoved KEGG
104976view18:26, 27 June 2019KhanspersModified description
102211view00:06, 11 December 2018Khanspersfixed unconnected interaction
102163view22:07, 4 December 2018Khanspersupdated xrefs for miRNAs
101829view09:35, 12 November 2018EgonwReplaced an old Uniprot data source with the new one.
99069view14:16, 29 October 2018SusanFixed interactions
99043view10:32, 27 October 2018Lovnish.thakurReverted to version '10:25, 27 October 2018' by Lovnish.thakur
99042view10:31, 27 October 2018Lovnish.thakurIncluded RAGE(Receptor for glycosylation end products)interaction with Aβ
99041view10:25, 27 October 2018Lovnish.thakurI have included the Receptor for advanced glycosylation end products(RAGE)in this pathway.Interaction of RAGE with Abeta is also responsible for neuronal damage & inflamation mediated which is mediated by NF-κB & JAK/STAT signaling pathways.
97494view14:02, 23 May 2018Fehrhartfixed connections
97492view13:57, 23 May 2018Fehrhartfixed connections
97491view13:56, 23 May 2018Fehrhartfixed connections
87372view09:56, 22 July 2016MaintBotadded missing graphids
85192view16:05, 23 April 2016EgonwReplaced a mim-conversion with Arrow.
85191view16:01, 23 April 2016EgonwFixed a weird char in a reference.
82906view15:21, 11 November 2015JmeliusCorrect outdated id

External references


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Name  â†“Type  â†“Database reference  â†“Comment  â†“
ADAM10GeneProductENSG00000137845 (Ensembl)
ADAM17GeneProductENSG00000151694 (Ensembl)
ADRM1GeneProductENSG00000130706 (Ensembl)
AGEsMetaboliteCHEBI:84123 (ChEBI)
AKT1GeneProductENSG00000142208 (Ensembl)
AKT2GeneProductENSG00000105221 (Ensembl)
AKT3GeneProductENSG00000117020 (Ensembl)
AMBRA1GeneProductENSG00000110497 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
APAF1GeneProductENSG00000120868 (Ensembl)
APBB1GeneProductENSG00000166313 (Ensembl)
APC2GeneProductENSG00000115266 (Ensembl)
APCGeneProduct324 (Entrez Gene)
APH1AGeneProductENSG00000117362 (Ensembl)
APH1BGeneProductENSG00000138613 (Ensembl)
APOEGeneProductENSG00000130203 (Ensembl)
APP intracellular domainGeneProductP05067 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
APP processingPathway
APP-C83GeneProductP05067 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
APP-C99GeneProductP05067 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
APPGeneProductENSG00000142192 (Ensembl)
ARAFGeneProductENSG00000078061 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:110157
ATF4GeneProductENSG00000128272 (Ensembl)
ATF6GeneProductENSG00000118217 (Ensembl)
ATG101GeneProductENSG00000123395 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
ATG13GeneProductENSG00000175224 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
ATG14GeneProductENSG00000126775 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
ATG2AGeneProductENSG00000110046 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
ATG2BGeneProductENSG00000066739 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
ATP2A1GeneProductENSG00000196296 (Ensembl)
ATP2A2GeneProductENSG00000174437 (Ensembl)
ATP2A3GeneProductENSG00000074370 (Ensembl)
AXIN1GeneProduct8312 (Entrez Gene)
AXIN2GeneProductENSG00000168646 (Ensembl)
ApoptosisPathwayWP254 (WikiPathways)
BACE1GeneProductENSG00000186318 (Ensembl)
BADGeneProductENSG00000002330 (Ensembl)
BECN1GeneProductENSG00000126581 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
BECN2GeneProductENSG00000196289 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
BIDGeneProductENSG00000015475 (Ensembl)
BRAFGeneProductENSG00000157764 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:110157
CACNA1CGeneProductENSG00000151067 (Ensembl)
CACNA1DGeneProductENSG00000157388 (Ensembl)
CACNA1FGeneProductENSG00000102001 (Ensembl)
CACNA1SGeneProductENSG00000081248 (Ensembl)
CALM1GeneProductENSG00000198668 (Ensembl)
CALM2GeneProductENSG00000143933 (Ensembl)
CALM3GeneProductENSG00000160014 (Ensembl)
CALML3GeneProductENSG00000178363 (Ensembl)
CALML4GeneProductENSG00000129007 (Ensembl)
CALML5GeneProductENSG00000178372 (Ensembl)
CALML6GeneProductENSG00000169885 (Ensembl)
CAPN1GeneProductENSG00000014216 (Ensembl)
CAPN2GeneProductENSG00000162909 (Ensembl)
CASP12GeneProductENSG00000204403 (Ensembl)
CASP3GeneProductENSG00000164305 (Ensembl)
CASP7GeneProductENSG00000165806 (Ensembl)
CASP8GeneProductENSG00000064012 (Ensembl)
CASP9GeneProductENSG00000132906 (Ensembl)
CDK5GeneProductENSG00000164885 (Ensembl)
CDK5R1 / p25GeneProductENSG00000176749 (Ensembl)
CDK5R1 / p35GeneProductENSG00000176749 (Ensembl)
CHRNA7GeneProductENSG00000175344 (Ensembl)
CHUKGeneProductENSG00000213341 (Ensembl)
CSF1GeneProductENSG00000184371 (Ensembl)
CSNK1A1GeneProductENSG00000113712 (Ensembl)
CSNK1A1LGeneProductENSG00000180138 (Ensembl)
CSNK1EGeneProduct1454 (Entrez Gene)
CSNK2A1GeneProductENSG00000101266 (Ensembl)
CSNK2A2GeneProductENSG00000070770 (Ensembl)
CSNK2A3GeneProductENSG00000254598 (Ensembl)
CSNK2BGeneProductENSG00000204435 (Ensembl)
CTNNB1GeneProduct1499 (Entrez Gene)
CYBBGeneProductENSG00000165168 (Ensembl)
CYCSGeneProductENSG00000172115 (Ensembl)
Ca2+MetaboliteHMDB0000464 (HMDB)
Calcium signaling pathwayPathway
Cu+MetaboliteHMDB0000657 (HMDB)
Cx IGeneProduct
Cx IIGeneProduct
Cx IIIGeneProduct
Cx IVGeneProduct
Cx VGeneProduct
DDIT3GeneProductENSG00000175197 (Ensembl)
DKK1GeneProductENSG00000107984 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:15461
DKK2GeneProductENSG00000155011 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:15461
DKK4GeneProductENSG00000104371 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:15461
DNA damagePathway
DVL1GeneProduct1855 (Entrez Gene)
DVL2GeneProduct1856 (Entrez Gene)
DVL3GeneProduct1857 (Entrez Gene)
EIF2AK2GeneProductENSG00000055332 (Ensembl)
EIF2AK3GeneProductENSG00000172071 (Ensembl)
EIF2S1GeneProductENSG00000134001 (Ensembl)
ERN1GeneProductENSG00000178607 (Ensembl)
FADDGeneProductENSG00000168040 (Ensembl)
FASGeneProductENSG00000026103 (Ensembl)
FRAT1GeneProduct10023 (Entrez Gene)
FRAT2GeneProductENSG00000181274 (Ensembl)
FZD10GeneProduct11211 (Entrez Gene)
FZD1GeneProduct8321 (Entrez Gene)
FZD2GeneProduct2535 (Entrez Gene)
FZD3GeneProduct7976 (Entrez Gene)
FZD4GeneProduct6424 (Entrez Gene)
FZD5GeneProduct7855 (Entrez Gene)
FZD6GeneProduct8323 (Entrez Gene)
FZD7GeneProduct8324 (Entrez Gene)
FZD8GeneProduct8325 (Entrez Gene)
FZD9GeneProduct8326 (Entrez Gene)
Fe2+MetaboliteHMDB0000692 (HMDB)
GAPDHGeneProductENSG00000111640 (Ensembl)
GNAQGeneProductENSG00000156052 (Ensembl)
GPR83GeneProductENSG00000123901 (Ensembl)
GRIN1GeneProductENSG00000176884 (Ensembl)
GRIN2AGeneProductENSG00000183454 (Ensembl)
GRIN2BGeneProductENSG00000273079 (Ensembl)
GRIN2CGeneProductENSG00000161509 (Ensembl)
GRIN2DGeneProductENSG00000105464 (Ensembl)
GSK3BGeneProduct2932 (Entrez Gene) MOUSE:KG38 MOUSE
GSK3BGeneProductENSG00000082701 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
HRASGeneProductENSG00000174775 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:15461
HSD17B10GeneProductENSG00000072506 (Ensembl)
Hydrogen peroxideMetaboliteHMDB0003125 (HMDB)
IDEGeneProductENSG00000119912 (Ensembl)
IKBKBGeneProductENSG00000104365 (Ensembl)
IL1AGeneProductENSG00000115008 (Ensembl)
IL1BGeneProductENSG00000125538 (Ensembl)
IL6GeneProductENSG00000136244 (Ensembl)
INSGeneProduct3630 (Entrez Gene)
INSRGeneProductENSG00000171105 (Ensembl)
IP3MetaboliteHMDB0001498 (HMDB)
IRS1GeneProductENSG00000169047 (Ensembl)
IRS2GeneProductENSG00000185950 (Ensembl)
IRS4GeneProductENSG00000133124 (Ensembl)
ITPR1GeneProductENSG00000150995 (Ensembl)
ITPR2GeneProductENSG00000123104 (Ensembl)
ITPR3GeneProductENSG00000096433 (Ensembl)
Induction of apoptosisPathwayWP1896 (WikiPathways)
InflammationPathwayWP453 (WikiPathways)
KIF5AGeneProductENSG00000155980 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
KIF5BGeneProductENSG00000170759 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
KIF5CGeneProductENSG00000168280 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
KLC1GeneProductENSG00000126214 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
KLC2GeneProductENSG00000174996 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
KLC3GeneProductENSG00000104892 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
KLC4GeneProductENSG00000137171 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
KRASGeneProductENSG00000133703 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:16653
LPLGeneProductENSG00000175445 (Ensembl)
LRP1GeneProductENSG00000123384 (Ensembl)
LRP5GeneProduct4041 (Entrez Gene)
LRP6GeneProduct4040 (Entrez Gene)
Lipid peroxidationPathwayWP1878 (WikiPathways)
MAP2K1GeneProduct5604 (Entrez Gene)
MAP2K2GeneProduct5605 (Entrez Gene)
MAP2K7GeneProductENSG00000076984 (Ensembl)
MAP3K5GeneProductENSG00000197442 (Ensembl)
MAPK10GeneProductENSG00000109339 (Ensembl)
MAPK1GeneProduct5594 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK1GeneProductENSG00000100030 (Ensembl)
MAPK3GeneProduct5595 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK3GeneProductENSG00000102882 (Ensembl)
MAPK8GeneProductENSG00000107643 (Ensembl)
MAPK9GeneProductENSG00000050748 (Ensembl)
MAPTGeneProductENSG00000186868 (Ensembl)
MCUGeneProductENSG00000156026 (Ensembl)
MIR101-1Rna406893 (Entrez Gene)
MIR101GeneProductENSG00000199135 (Ensembl)
MIR10ARna406902 (Entrez Gene)
MIR124-1Rna406907 (Entrez Gene)
MIR124-2Rna406908 (Entrez Gene)
MIR124-3Rna406909 (Entrez Gene)
MIR125ARna406910 (Entrez Gene)
MIR125B1Rna406911 (Entrez Gene)
MIR127RnaENSG00000207608 (Ensembl)
MIR1285-2Rna100302268 (Entrez Gene)
MIR129-1Rna406917 (Entrez Gene)
MIR129-2RnaENSG00000199077 (Ensembl)
MIR1307Rna100302174 (Entrez Gene)
MIR132GeneProduct406921 (Entrez Gene)
MIR134Rna406924 (Entrez Gene)
MIR135A1Rna406925 (Entrez Gene)
MIR135A2Rna406926 (Entrez Gene)
MIR136RnaENSG00000207942 (Ensembl)
MIR138-1Rna406929 (Entrez Gene)
MIR138-2Rna406930 (Entrez Gene)
MIR138-2RnaENSG00000207649 (Ensembl)
MIR139Rna406931 (Entrez Gene)
MIR181A1Rna406995 (Entrez Gene)
MIR181A2Rna406954 (Entrez Gene)
MIR181B1Rna406955 (Entrez Gene)
MIR181B2Rna406956 (Entrez Gene)
MIR181DRna574457 (Entrez Gene)
MIR182Rna406958 (Entrez Gene)
MIR184Rna406960 (Entrez Gene)
MIR199BRna406978 (Entrez Gene)
MIR21Rna406991 (Entrez Gene)
MIR218-1Rna407000 (Entrez Gene)
MIR218-2Rna407001 (Entrez Gene)
MIR219-2Rna407003 (Entrez Gene)
MIR22RnaENSG00000275595 (Ensembl)
MIR29AGeneProductENSG00000284032 (Ensembl)
MIR29B1GeneProduct407024 (Entrez Gene)
MIR29CGeneProductENSG00000284214 (Ensembl)
MIR30C2RnaENSG00000199094 (Ensembl)
MIR3176Rna100423037 (Entrez Gene)
MIR3200Rna100422912 (Entrez Gene)
MIR323ARnaENSG00000199069 (Ensembl)
MIR326Rna442900 (Entrez Gene)
MIR329-1RnaENSG00000207761 (Ensembl)
MIR329-2Rna574409 (Entrez Gene)
MIR33BRna693120 (Entrez Gene)
MIR34BRnaENSG00000207811 (Ensembl)
MIR34CRna407042 (Entrez Gene)
MIR34CRnaENSG00000207562 (Ensembl)
MIR375RnaENSG00000198973 (Ensembl)
MIR377RnaENSG00000199015 (Ensembl)
MIR381RnaENSG00000199020 (Ensembl)
MIR410RnaENSG00000199092 (Ensembl)
MIR431Rna574038 (Entrez Gene)
MIR433RnaENSG00000207569 (Ensembl)
MIR488RnaENSG00000202609 (Ensembl)
MIR495RnaENSG00000207743 (Ensembl)
MIR598RnaENSG00000207600 (Ensembl)
MIR671Rna768213 (Entrez Gene)
MIR708Rna100126333 (Entrez Gene)
MIR760RnaENSG00000211575 (Ensembl)
MIR769Rna768217 (Entrez Gene)
MIR873RnaENSG00000215939 (Ensembl)
MIR874RnaENSG00000216009 (Ensembl)
MIR887RnaENSG00000216077 (Ensembl)
MIR9-1Rna407046 (Entrez Gene)
MIR9-1RnaENSG00000207933 (Ensembl)
MIR9-2Rna407047 (Entrez Gene)
MIR9-3Rna407051 (Entrez Gene)
MIR95Rna407052 (Entrez Gene)
MMEGeneProductENSG00000196549 (Ensembl)
MTORGeneProductENSG00000198793 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
Modulation of gene expressionPathwayWP1821 (WikiPathways)
NAC fragmentProteinP37840 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
NAE1GeneProductENSG00000159593 (Ensembl)
NCSTNGeneProductENSG00000162736 (Ensembl)
NFKB1GeneProductENSG00000109320 (Ensembl)
NOMetaboliteHMDB0003378 (HMDB)
NOS1GeneProductENSG00000089250 (Ensembl)
NOS2GeneProductENSG00000007171 (Ensembl)
NOX1GeneProductENSG00000007952 (Ensembl)
NOX4GeneProductENSG00000086991 (Ensembl)
NRASGeneProductENSG00000213281 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:18176
NRBF2GeneProductENSG00000148572 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
ONOO-MetaboliteHMDB0002179 (HMDB)
Oxidative phosphorylationPathwayWP623 (WikiPathways)
P3 peptideGeneProductP05067 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PI3PMetaboliteCHEBI:17283 (ChEBI)
PIK3C3GeneProductENSG00000078142 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
PIK3CAGeneProductENSG00000121879 (Ensembl) Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:18706
PIK3CBGeneProductENSG00000051382 (Ensembl) Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:74769
PIK3CDGeneProductENSG00000171608 (Ensembl) Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:18707
PIK3R1GeneProductENSG00000145675 (Ensembl) Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:18708
PIK3R2GeneProductENSG00000105647 (Ensembl) Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:18709
PIK3R3GeneProductENSG00000117461 (Ensembl) Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:75669
PIK3R4GeneProductENSG00000196455 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
PIP3MetaboliteHMDB0004249 (HMDB)
PLCB1GeneProductENSG00000182621 (Ensembl)
PLCB2GeneProductENSG00000137841 (Ensembl)
PLCB3GeneProductENSG00000149782 (Ensembl)
PLCB4GeneProductENSG00000101333 (Ensembl)
PPIDGeneProductENSG00000171497 (Ensembl)
PPIFGeneProductENSG00000108179 (Ensembl)
PPP3CAGeneProductENSG00000138814 (Ensembl)
PPP3CBGeneProductENSG00000107758 (Ensembl)
PPP3CCGeneProductENSG00000120910 (Ensembl)
PPP3R1GeneProductENSG00000221823 (Ensembl)
PPP3R2GeneProductENSG00000188386 (Ensembl)
PSEN1GeneProductENSG00000080815 (Ensembl)
PSEN2GeneProductENSG00000143801 (Ensembl)
PSENENGeneProductENSG00000205155 (Ensembl)
PSMA1GeneProduct5682 (Entrez Gene)
PSMA2GeneProduct5683 (Entrez Gene)
PSMA3GeneProduct5684 (Entrez Gene)
PSMA4GeneProduct5685 (Entrez Gene)
PSMA5GeneProduct5686 (Entrez Gene)
PSMA6GeneProduct5687 (Entrez Gene)
PSMA7GeneProduct5688 (Entrez Gene)
PSMA8GeneProductENSG00000154611 (Ensembl)
PSMB1GeneProduct5689 (Entrez Gene)
PSMB2GeneProduct5690 (Entrez Gene)
PSMB3GeneProduct5691 (Entrez Gene)
PSMB4GeneProduct5692 (Entrez Gene)
PSMB5GeneProduct5693 (Entrez Gene)
PSMB6GeneProduct5694 (Entrez Gene) U13393
PSMB7GeneProduct5695 (Entrez Gene)
PSMC1GeneProduct5700 (Entrez Gene)
PSMC2GeneProduct5701 (Entrez Gene)
PSMC3GeneProduct5702 (Entrez Gene)
PSMC4GeneProduct5704 (Entrez Gene)
PSMC5GeneProduct5705 (Entrez Gene)
PSMC6GeneProduct5706 (Entrez Gene)
PSMD12GeneProduct5718 (Entrez Gene)
PSMD13GeneProduct5719 (Entrez Gene)
PSMD14GeneProduct10213 (Entrez Gene)
PSMD1GeneProduct5707 (Entrez Gene)
PSMD2GeneProduct5708 (Entrez Gene)
PSMD3GeneProduct5709 (Entrez Gene)
PSMD4GeneProduct5710 (Entrez Gene)
PSMD6GeneProduct9861 (Entrez Gene)
PSMD7GeneProduct5713 (Entrez Gene)
PSMD8GeneProduct5714 (Entrez Gene)
PSMD9GeneProduct5715 (Entrez Gene)
PTGS2GeneProductENSG00000073756 (Ensembl)
Protein oxidationPathway
RAF1GeneProductENSG00000132155 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:110157
RAGEProteinQ15109 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
RB1CC1GeneProductENSG00000023287 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
RELAGeneProduct5970 (Entrez Gene)
RTN3GeneProductENSG00000133318 (Ensembl)
RTN4GeneProductENSG00000115310 (Ensembl)
RYR3GeneProductENSG00000198838 (Ensembl)
SEM1GeneProductENSG00000127922 (Ensembl)
SLC25A31GeneProductENSG00000151475 (Ensembl)
SLC25A4GeneProductENSG00000151729 (Ensembl)
SLC25A5GeneProductENSG00000005022 (Ensembl)
SLC25A6GeneProductENSG00000169100 (Ensembl)
SNCAGeneProductENSG00000145335 (Ensembl)
TNFGeneProductENSG00000232810 (Ensembl)
TNFRSF1AGeneProductENSG00000067182 (Ensembl)
TPTEP2-CSNK1EGeneProduct1454 (Entrez Gene)
TRAF2GeneProductENSG00000127191 (Ensembl)
TUBA1AGeneProductENSG00000167552 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
TUBA1BGeneProductENSG00000123416 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
TUBA1CGeneProductENSG00000167553 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
TUBA3CGeneProductENSG00000198033 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
TUBA3DGeneProductENSG00000075886 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
TUBA3EGeneProductENSG00000152086 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
TUBA4AGeneProductENSG00000127824 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
TUBA8GeneProductENSG00000183785 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
TUBAL3GeneProductENSG00000178462 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
TUBB1GeneProductENSG00000101162 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
TUBB2AGeneProductENSG00000137267 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
TUBB2BGeneProductENSG00000137285 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
TUBB3GeneProductENSG00000258947 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
TUBB4AGeneProductENSG00000104833 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
TUBB4BGeneProductENSG00000188229 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
TUBB6GeneProductENSG00000176014 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
TUBB8GeneProductENSG00000261456 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
TUBBGeneProductENSG00000196230 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
ULK1GeneProductENSG00000177169 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
ULK2GeneProductENSG00000083290 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
VDAC1GeneProductENSG00000213585 (Ensembl)
VDAC2GeneProductENSG00000165637 (Ensembl)
VDAC3GeneProductENSG00000078668 (Ensembl)
WIPI1GeneProductENSG00000070540 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
WIPI2GeneProductENSG00000157954 (Ensembl)
  • SOS1; son of sevenless homolog 1 (Drosophila)
  • Homology Mapping from Mus musculus to Homo sapiens: Original ID = L:26413
WNT10AGeneProduct80326 (Entrez Gene)
WNT10BGeneProduct7480 (Entrez Gene)
WNT11GeneProduct7481 (Entrez Gene)
WNT16GeneProduct51384 (Entrez Gene)
WNT1GeneProduct7471 (Entrez Gene)
WNT2GeneProduct7472 (Entrez Gene)
WNT2BGeneProduct7482 (Entrez Gene)
WNT3GeneProduct7473 (Entrez Gene)
WNT3AGeneProduct89780 (Entrez Gene)
WNT4GeneProduct54361 (Entrez Gene)
WNT5AGeneProduct7474 (Entrez Gene)
WNT5BGeneProduct81029 (Entrez Gene)
WNT6GeneProduct7475 (Entrez Gene)
WNT7AGeneProduct7476 (Entrez Gene)
WNT7BGeneProduct7477 (Entrez Gene)
Wnt signaling pathwayPathwayWP428 (WikiPathways)
XBP1GeneProductENSG00000100219 (Ensembl)
beta-amyloid protein 40MetaboliteCHEBI:64646 (ChEBI)
beta-amyloid protein 42MetaboliteCHEBI:64647 (ChEBI)
p50 ATF6GeneProductENSG00000118217 (Ensembl)
sAPP alphaGeneProductP05067 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
sAPP betaGeneProductP05067 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
superoxideMetaboliteCHEBI:18421 (ChEBI)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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