Parkinson's disease pathway (Homo sapiens)

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ArcPathVisio Brace Ellipse EndoplasmicReticulum GolgiApparatus HexagonPathVisio MimDegradation Mitochondria Octagon PentagonPathVisio Rectangle RoundedRectangle SarcoplasmicReticulum TriangleEquilateralEast TrianglePathVisio none ProteinLewy bodyXUbiquitin pathway componentsO-glycosylationOxidative stressROSEPRSApoptosisDDCDATUCHL1ParkinSNCATHL-TyrosineL-DOPADopamineDopamineLRRK2PINK1DJ1HTRA2CYCSGPR37SEPTIN5SNCAIPSNCAUBBUBA1UBA7hsa:7317 hsa:7318UBE2L3UBE2L6hsa:7332 hsa:9246UBE2J2UBE2G1UBE2G2UBE2J1hsa:118424 hsa:51465 hsa:7326 hsa:7327Targets for Ub degradationATXN2SYT11CCNE1CCNE2SNCAIPMAPK12MAPK11MAPK14MAPK13hsa:1432 hsa:5600 hsa:5603 hsa:6300XXAggregationCell deathDopamine oxidationUb proteosome system dysfunctionToxicityDopaminergic neuronMitochondrial dysfunctionOxidative phosphorylationApoptosisCell deathCASP6CASP2CASP7CASP3CASP9CYCSAPAF1XMAPK signalingWNT signalingXParkinson's disease genes: pathogenic mutationsBlock of normal function for mutated genesIndirect actionhsa-mir-132hsa-mir-19Ahsa-mir-19B1hsa-mir-19B2hsa-mir-485hsa-mir-127hsa-mir-128-1hsa-mir-128-2hsa-mir-409hsa-let-7ghsa-mir-433hsa-mir-370hsa-mir-873hsa-mir-431hsa-mir-136hsa-mir-212hsa-mir-10Ahsa-mir-1224hsa-mir-4448miRNA differentially expressed in PD (measured in cerebrospinal fluid)hsa-mir-338hsa-mir-16-2hsa-mir-1294hsa-mir-30Ehsa-mir-30AmiRNA differentially expressed in PD (measured in blood serum)Based on Tables 1, 2 and S3 from Burgos et al, PLoS ONE 2014 May.hsa-mir-503miRNA differentially expressed in PD vs PD-Dementia (measured in blood serum)hsa-mir-503hsa-mir-34Chsa-mir-26A1hsa-mir-26A2hsa-mir-34Bhsa-mir-34Chsa-mir-26A1hsa-mir-26A2hsa-mir-34Bhsa-mir-195hsa-mir-195hsa-mir-26BMIR18AMIR18Ahsa-mir-375hsa-mir-26Bhsa-mir-375hsa-mir-26bName: Parkinson's disease pathwayLast Modified: 10/16/2013Organism: Homo sapiens


Most people with Parkinson's disease have idiopathic Parkinson's disease (having no specific known cause). A small proportion of cases, however, can be attributed to known genetic factors. Mutations in specific genes have been conclusively shown to cause PD. These genes code for alpha-synuclein (SNCA), parkin (PRKN), leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2 or dardarin), PTEN-induced putative kinase 1 (PINK1), DJ-1 and ATP13A2.[4][22] In most cases, people with these mutations will develop PD. With the exception of LRRK2, however, they account for only a small minority of cases of PD.[4] The most extensively studied PD-related genes are SNCA and LRRK2. Mutations in genes including SNCA, LRRK2 and glucocerebrosidase (GBA) have been found to be risk factors for sporadic PD. The role of the SNCA gene is important in PD because the alpha-synuclein protein is the main component of Lewy bodies.[22] Missense mutations of the gene (in which a single nucleotide is changed), and duplications and triplications of the locus containing it have been found in different groups with familial PD. Mutations in LRRK2 are the most common known cause of familial and sporadic PD, accounting for approximately 5% of individuals with a family history of the disease and 3% of sporadic cases.

Sources: [Wikipedia]('s_disease), [Qiagen](, and [KEGG](

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138200view21:30, 24 March 2025EweitzClear dimension cache
138197view00:11, 24 March 2025EweitzEconomize layout
138196view15:49, 23 March 2025EweitzUse rectangles for genes and metabolites
138195view15:45, 23 March 2025EweitzTailor node widths
138194view15:43, 23 March 2025EweitzIncrease font size
137804view06:34, 8 March 2025EgonwModified description
128291view02:46, 30 January 2024EweitzOntology Term : 'dopaminergic neuron' added !
128290view02:43, 30 January 2024EweitzStandardize case
126375view17:53, 25 April 2023EgonwLicense is CCZero
119919view09:07, 17 September 2021FehrhartUpdated SEPT5 to SEPTIN5 label
116459view10:03, 7 May 2021EweitzModified title
115348view10:31, 15 February 2021EgonwMade five more pathways clickable
108090view11:56, 28 November 2019FehrhartOntology Term : 'disease pathway' added !
107127view14:20, 17 September 2019MaintBotChEBI identifier normalization
106547view00:11, 6 September 2019KhanspersModified description
105779view19:42, 15 August 2019KhanspersModified description
102996view14:40, 31 January 2019Mkutmonupdated outdated ensembl identifier
87374view09:56, 22 July 2016MaintBotadded missing graphids
85262view11:18, 4 May 2016FehrhartApplied actual nomenclature to miRNA, set biological type to RNA
85112view22:26, 15 April 2016AlexanderPicotypo fixe
85111view22:26, 15 April 2016AlexanderPicoAdjusting labels
84649view22:16, 10 March 2016KhanspersQuick edit to datanode annotation or property
79766view02:58, 11 April 2015AlexanderPicoAdded miRNA interactions and refs
79311view21:45, 20 March 2015Khansperscleanup
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79309view21:39, 20 March 2015Khanspersmoved new rna nodes
79308view21:38, 20 March 2015Khanspersadding new RNA nodes
79307view21:35, 20 March 2015Khansperstesting ungrouping
79306view21:34, 20 March 2015Khanspersmoved miRNA box
79304view19:18, 20 March 2015AlexanderPicoupdated type to Rna
79301view19:03, 20 March 2015AlexanderPicoupdated miRNA label
78942view22:48, 16 February 2015KhanspersAdded lit ref as label
78940view22:37, 16 February 2015Khanspersmoved miRNA box
78939view22:34, 16 February 2015Khanspersmove miRNA box
78938view22:30, 16 February 2015KhanspersAdded miRNAs from Burgos et al
78809view09:46, 31 January 2015EgonwUpdated an DataNode and Interaction with pure graphical elements.
71267view21:55, 16 October 2013MaintBotAutomated update of data sources
69744view09:16, 11 July 2013EgonwRemoved a space in the identifier.
68997view17:44, 8 July 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
54138view00:08, 22 November 2012AlexanderPicoAdded literature references
54137view23:54, 21 November 2012AlexanderPiconew lit refs
54136view23:52, 21 November 2012AlexanderPico
54135view23:48, 21 November 2012AlexanderPico
54046view01:54, 19 November 2012AlexanderPicoOntology Term : 'neurodegenerative disease pathway' added !
54045view01:54, 19 November 2012AlexanderPicoOntology Term : 'neurodegenerative disease' added !
54044view01:53, 19 November 2012AlexanderPicoOntology Term : 'Lewy body dementia' added !
54043view01:53, 19 November 2012AlexanderPicoOntology Term : 'Parkinson's disease' added !
54042view01:53, 19 November 2012AlexanderPicoOntology Term : 'Parkinson disease pathway' added !
54041view01:52, 19 November 2012AlexanderPicoModified categories
54040view01:50, 19 November 2012AlexanderPicoModified description

External references


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Name  ↓Type  ↓Database reference  ↓Comment  ↓
APAF1GeneProduct317 (Entrez Gene)
ATXN2GeneProduct6311 (Entrez Gene)
ApoptosisPathwayWP254 (WikiPathways)
CASP2GeneProduct835 (Entrez Gene)
CASP3GeneProduct836 (Entrez Gene)
CASP6GeneProduct839 (Entrez Gene)
CASP7GeneProduct840 (Entrez Gene)
CASP9GeneProduct842 (Entrez Gene)
CCNE1GeneProduct898 (Entrez Gene)
CCNE2GeneProduct9134 (Entrez Gene)
CYCSGeneProduct54205 (Entrez Gene)
DATGeneProduct6531 (Entrez Gene)
DDCGeneProduct1644 (Entrez Gene)
DJ1GeneProduct11315 (Entrez Gene)
DopamineMetaboliteC03758 (KEGG Compound)
EPRSGeneProduct2058 (Entrez Gene)
GPR37GeneProduct2861 (Entrez Gene)
HTRA2GeneProduct27429 (Entrez Gene)
L-DOPAMetaboliteC00355 (KEGG Compound)
L-TyrosineMetaboliteC00082 (KEGG Compound)
LRRK2GeneProduct120892 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK signalingPathwayWP382 (WikiPathways)
MAPK11GeneProduct5600 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK12GeneProduct6300 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK13GeneProduct5603 (Entrez Gene)
MAPK14GeneProduct1432 (Entrez Gene)
MIR18ARnaENSG00000283815 (Ensembl)
Oxidative phosphorylationPathwayWP111 (WikiPathways)
PINK1GeneProduct65018 (Entrez Gene)
ParkinGeneProduct5071 (Entrez Gene)
ROSMetaboliteCHEBI:29191 (ChEBI)
SEPTIN5GeneProduct5413 (Entrez Gene)
SNCAGeneProduct6622 (Entrez Gene)
SNCAIPGeneProduct9627 (Entrez Gene)
SYT11GeneProduct23208 (Entrez Gene)
THGeneProduct7054 (Entrez Gene)
UBA1GeneProduct7317 (Entrez Gene)
UBA7GeneProduct7318 (Entrez Gene)
UBBGeneProduct7314 (Entrez Gene)
UBE2G1GeneProduct7326 (Entrez Gene)
UBE2G2GeneProduct7327 (Entrez Gene)
UBE2J1GeneProduct51465 (Entrez Gene)
UBE2J2GeneProduct118424 (Entrez Gene)
UBE2L3GeneProduct7332 (Entrez Gene)
UBE2L6GeneProduct9246 (Entrez Gene)
UCHL1GeneProduct7345 (Entrez Gene)
WNT signalingPathwayWP399 (WikiPathways)
hsa-let-7gRnaENSG00000199150 (Ensembl)
hsa-mir-10ARna406902 (Entrez Gene)
hsa-mir-1224Rna100187716 (Entrez Gene)
hsa-mir-127RnaENSG00000207608 (Ensembl)
hsa-mir-128-1RnaENSG00000207654 (Ensembl)
hsa-mir-128-2Rna406916 (Entrez Gene)
hsa-mir-1294Rna100302181 (Entrez Gene)
hsa-mir-132Rna406921 (Entrez Gene)
hsa-mir-136RnaENSG00000207942 (Ensembl)
hsa-mir-16-2Rna406951 (Entrez Gene)
hsa-mir-195Rna406971 (Entrez Gene)
hsa-mir-19ARna406979 (Entrez Gene)
hsa-mir-19B1Rna406980 (Entrez Gene)
hsa-mir-19B2Rna406981 (Entrez Gene)
hsa-mir-212Rna406994 (Entrez Gene)
hsa-mir-26A1Rna407015 (Entrez Gene)
hsa-mir-26A2Rna407016 (Entrez Gene)
hsa-mir-26BRna407017 (Entrez Gene)
hsa-mir-26BRnaENSG00000199121 (Ensembl)
hsa-mir-26bRna407017 (Entrez Gene)
hsa-mir-30ARna407029 (Entrez Gene)
hsa-mir-30ERnaENSG00000198974 (Ensembl)
hsa-mir-338Rna442906 (Entrez Gene)
hsa-mir-34BRna407041 (Entrez Gene)
hsa-mir-34BRnaENSG00000207811 (Ensembl)
hsa-mir-34CRna407042 (Entrez Gene)
hsa-mir-34CRnaENSG00000207562 (Ensembl)
hsa-mir-370RnaENSG00000199005 (Ensembl)
hsa-mir-375Rna494324 (Entrez Gene)
hsa-mir-375RnaENSG00000198973 (Ensembl)
hsa-mir-409RnaENSG00000199107 (Ensembl)
hsa-mir-431Rna574038 (Entrez Gene)
hsa-mir-433RnaENSG00000207569 (Ensembl)
hsa-mir-4448Rna100616127 (Entrez Gene)
hsa-mir-485RnaENSG00000208027 (Ensembl)
hsa-mir-503Rna574506 (Entrez Gene)
hsa-mir-873RnaENSG00000215939 (Ensembl)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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