Interleukin-1 induced activation of NF-kB (Homo sapiens)

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ArcPathVisio Brace Ellipse EndoplasmicReticulum GolgiApparatus HexagonPathVisio MimDegradation Mitochondria Octagon PentagonPathVisio Rectangle RoundedRectangle SarcoplasmicReticulum TriangleEquilateralEast TrianglePathVisio none AJUBAPKCZTIFASQSTM1UBC13UEV1AUbUbTRAF6PUbPIRAK1Ajuba-mediated IRAK-PKCz bindingPKCZ PhosphorylationPKCZSQSTM1IL-1ATPNF-KBUbUbTRAF6UEV1ATIFAUBC13PPUbIRAK1AJUBAADPPKCZSQSTM1PKCZ / SQST1 bindingAJUBAPPKCZTIFASQSTM1UBC13UEV1AUbUbTRAF6PPUbIRAK1Name: Interleukin-1 induced activation of NF-kBOrganism: Homo sapiens


Interleukin-1 Induced activation of NF-kB through the phosphorylated TRAF6/Ajuba/PKCz/SQST1 complex. The pathway is defined by multiple binding steps to the TRAF6/Ajuba/PKCz/SQST1 complex. The small arrows constitute a earlier binding. After binding occurs the complex is phosphorylated and activates NF-kB. This pathway is based on figure 6 from Li et al.

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Image:PLoS_OpenAccess.pngOpen Access
Image:Curated.pngApproved version

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  1. Li F, Thiele I, Jamshidi N, Palsson BØ; ''Identification of potential pathway mediation targets in Toll-like receptor signaling.''; PLoS Comput Biol, 2009 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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view10:51, 23 May 2021EweitzModified title
117763view13:26, 22 May 2021EweitzModified title
106174view12:07, 16 August 2019MaintBotHMDB identifier normalization
101835view13:58, 12 November 2018EgonwReplaced an old Uniprot data source with the new one.
89274view06:16, 29 August 2016Khanspersoverhaul
88819view23:13, 14 August 2016AAR&CoEdited Data Nodes
88818view23:10, 14 August 2016AAR&CoAdded Data Node
88680view15:45, 12 August 2016JmeliusOntology Term : 'signaling pathway' added !
88475view00:09, 10 August 2016AAR&CoEdited Data Nodes
88474view00:01, 10 August 2016AAR&CoPeriodical save, work in progress
85923view18:13, 21 June 2016AAR&CoModified description
85796view13:13, 14 June 2016AAR&CoEditing Metabolites
85795view13:11, 14 June 2016AAR&CoModified description
85794view13:06, 14 June 2016AAR&CoAdded Citation
85793view13:04, 14 June 2016AAR&CoNew pathway

External references


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Name  ↓Type  ↓Database reference  ↓Comment  ↓
ADPMetaboliteHMDB0001341 (HMDB)
AJUBAGeneProductENSG00000129474 (Ensembl)
ATPMetaboliteHMDB0000538 (HMDB)
IL-1GeneProductENSG00000115008 (Ensembl)
IRAK1GeneProductENSG00000184216 (Ensembl)
NF-KBGeneProductP19838 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
PKCZGeneProductENSG00000067606 (Ensembl)
SQSTM1GeneProductENSG00000161011 (Ensembl)
TIFAGeneProductENSG00000145365 (Ensembl)
TRAF6GeneProductENSG00000175104 (Ensembl)
UBC13GeneProductENSG00000177889 (Ensembl)
UEV1AGeneProductENSG00000244687 (Ensembl)

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