Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in leukemia (Homo sapiens)

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ArcPathVisio Brace Ellipse EndoplasmicReticulum GolgiApparatus HexagonPathVisio MimDegradation Mitochondria Octagon PentagonPathVisio Rectangle RoundedRectangle SarcoplasmicReticulum TriangleEquilateralEast TrianglePathVisio none TranscriptionAbsence of Wnt Pathway ActivationMethylation of WIF1 promoter in LeukemiaActivation of Wnt PathwayProteosomal DegradationDKKc-MYCPPARDcyclin-D1FLT3Catenin beta-1WIF1SALL4PhosphateAKTAML1RUNX1T1FrizzledWNTLRP6LRP5BCL9PYGOPLZFRARAJunction plakoglobinCatenin beta-1RARAPMLTCFLEFGSK3BPhosphateAPCCK1AXINName: Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in leukemiaOrganism: Homo sapiens


The Wnt/Beta-catenin pathway mediates the transcription of proteins important for maintenance and growth of hematopoietic stem cells. The inhibition of Wnt leads to protein degradation through Beta-Catenin activation by the Axin/APC/CK1/GSK3B protein complex. This pathway is based on figure 5 from Misaghian et al. Proteins on this pathway have targeted assays available via the [CPTAC Assay Portal](https://assays.cancer.gov/available_assays?wp_id=WP3658).

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  1. Misaghian N, Ligresti G, Steelman LS, Bertrand FE, Bäsecke J, Libra M, Nicoletti F, Stivala F, Milella M, Tafuri A, Cervello M, Martelli AM, McCubrey JA; ''Targeting the leukemic stem cell: the Holy Grail of leukemia therapy.''; Leukemia, 2009 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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137134view23:12, 27 February 2025KhanspersModified description
129690view00:49, 22 May 2024EweitzModified title
116670view12:55, 9 May 2021EweitzModified title
106440view23:28, 28 August 2019KhanspersModified description
106187view12:08, 16 August 2019MaintBotHMDB identifier normalization
105467view05:15, 8 August 2019KhanspersModified description
97640view14:30, 31 May 2018AMTanOntology Term : 'leukemia' added !
97530view14:22, 24 May 2018Mick Eikelhof
97528view14:19, 24 May 2018Mick Eikelhof
97520view13:54, 24 May 2018Mick Eikelhofupdated c-MYC annotation to Ensembl
90078view23:46, 12 October 2016KhanspersModified title
87606view08:54, 25 July 2016LindarieswijkOntology Term : 'altered Wnt signaling pathway' added !
85928view18:25, 21 June 2016AAR&CoFixed Unconnected Line
85927view18:24, 21 June 2016AAR&CoModified description
85821view18:54, 15 June 2016AAR&CoAdd Citation
85814view16:10, 15 June 2016AAR&CoModified description
85813view15:56, 15 June 2016AAR&CoPeriodical save, work in progress
85812view15:25, 15 June 2016AAR&CoNew pathway

External references


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Name  ↓Type  ↓Database reference  ↓Comment  ↓
AKTGeneProductENSG00000142208 (Ensembl) Akt Not Specified
AML1GeneProductLRG_482 (Ensembl)
APCGeneProductENSG00000134982 (Ensembl)
AXINGeneProductENSG00000168646 (Ensembl)
BCL9GeneProductENSG00000116128 (Ensembl)
CK1GeneProductENSG00000113712 (Ensembl)
Catenin beta-1ProteinB4DGU4 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
DKKGeneProductENSG00000107984 (Ensembl) DKK Not Specified
FLT3GeneProductENSG00000122025 (Ensembl)
FrizzledProteinE5RGK8 (Uniprot-TrEMBL) Frizzled Not Specified
GSK3BGeneProductENSG00000082701 (Ensembl)
Junction plakoglobinProteinP14923 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)
LEFGeneProductENSG00000138795 (Ensembl) LEF Not Specified
LRP5GeneProductENSG00000162337 (Ensembl)
LRP6GeneProductENSG00000070018 (Ensembl)
PLZFGeneProductENSG00000109906 (Ensembl)
PMLGeneProductENSG00000140464 (Ensembl)
PPARDGeneProductENSG00000112033 (Ensembl)
PYGOGeneProductENSG00000171016 (Ensembl) PYGO Not Specified
PhosphateMetaboliteHMDB0001429 (HMDB)
RARAGeneProductENSG00000131759 (Ensembl)
RUNX1T1GeneProductENSG00000079102 (Ensembl)
SALL4GeneProductENSG00000101115 (Ensembl)
TCFGeneProductENSG00000071564 (Ensembl) TCF Not Specified
WIF1GeneProductENSG00000156076 (Ensembl)
WNTGeneProductENSG00000125084 (Ensembl) Wnt Not Specified
c-MYCGeneProductENSG00000136997 (Ensembl)
cyclin-D1ProteinP24385 (Uniprot-TrEMBL)

Annotated Interactions

No annotated interactions

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