mRNA processing (Homo sapiens)

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ArcPathVisio Brace Ellipse EndoplasmicReticulum GolgiApparatus HexagonPathVisio MimDegradation Mitochondria Octagon PentagonPathVisio Rectangle RoundedRectangle SarcoplasmicReticulum TriangleEquilateralEast TrianglePathVisio none 5' G cappre-mRNAhnRNPs3'iPoPrimary RNA transcript3'Rngtt (capping enzyme)Rnmt (methyltransferase)5'5'3'5'Polr2a3'5'5'Misc.U5 snRNPRNA helicaseAdditional FactorsYYYYmRNA Capping3'Processing of Intron-Containing Pre-mRNACap Binding65Formation of the Spliceosomal E complexexon 1Cleavage of mRNA at the 3'-endP-AAU6 snRNPRNA helicase ASR-binding sitesmRNA 3'-end processingPiAccessory ProteinsAdditional SR proteinsAAUAAAPoly(A) polInternal methylation of mRNARNAi pathwayexon 1mRNA splicing (major pathway)hnRNP regulatorsCFIexon 2snRNP Sm core complexUG3'U4:U5:U6 tri-snRNP complexexon 2(2c)UGAdditional FactorsSR protein kinasesU4 snRNPsplicing factor SF3AAdditional FactorsAGKinases Phosphorylating RS domains?Formation of the Spliceosomal B complexFormation of pre-mRNPsSR-binding sitesFormation of the Spliceosomal A complexsplicesome associated helicasesCPSF5'3'SR-repressor proteinsSerine/Argenine Rich Proteins(SR)Lariat Formation and 5'-Splice Site CleavageYYYYFormation of the active Spliceosomal C complexU4/U635(2a)right click on blue text for detailed informationexon 15'AAP5'mRNA polyadenylationexon 13'CF Isplicing factor SF3BFormation of the Spliceosomal B complexPutative Alternative SplicingRegulatorsMethylation of mRNAFormation of the Spliceosomal A complexU5YYYYU6Formation of the Spliceosomal E complexU2exon 1SR protein phosphatasesYYYYdegradedAGheterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteinsexon 1U2AFCPSFAGexon 2Poly(A) polymerase alphamRNA splice site selectionARegulation ofAlternative SplicingYYYY5'U2AFU4Note: New participating members shown at each stepSR-proteinsU1 snRNPCAAGSF3b14bexon 2(1)SR-proteinsU2 snRNPAGCstFYYYYU1CstFU1 snRNPSpt5mRNA cappingAGsnRNP Sm core complexCF IISR-kinasesU2 snRNPs3'Formation of the Spliceosomal C complex(2b)exon 2Formation of pre-mRNPsInternal methylation of mRNAexon 2(3)intron(2)CF IIsnRNP Sm core complexAAAAAAAPoly(A)pb IISR-proteins5'U5A5'GUPoly(A)-binding protein II3'U2 snRNPCleavage at the 3'-Splice-Site and Exon LigationSR-phosphatases3'RBM17DNAJC8XRN2DHX16CUGBP2SPOPPHF5ANSEP1SF4FNBP3PSKH1PCBP2LSM7DDX1SRPK1SFRS10SRPK2SRP54PRPF4BCUGBP1HEABMETTL3NXF1SFPQRBM5PRPF3FUSIP1PAPOLASFRS16DICER1PABPN1RNU2HRMT1L2SFRS8CD2BP2FUSIP1TMP21PPM1GNUDT21DHX38SFRS12SFRS4CLK2PRPF8GMPSNRPNCLK4HRMT1L1DDX20NONOBRUNOL4PRPF18PTBP1SNRPNATPDHX9SFRS14SRRM1CDC40SMC1L1CDC40DHX8CLK1CLK3PTBP2RNPC2FUSRNPS1DHX15SSFA1LSM2PRPF8U5-116KDU2AF1U2AF2Rnu6SSFA1PRPF4LSM2PRPF4U4 snRNASSFA1SF3A2SF3A1SF3A3SF3B5SF3B3SF3B2SF3B4SF3B1SFRS9SFRS1SFRS6SFRS3SFRS2SFRS5SFRS7SNRPA1SNRPB2RNGTTSUPT5HPOLR2ARNMTSNRPD3SNRPD1SNRPD2SNRPFSNRPESNRPGSNRPBCSTF3CSTF2CSTF2TCSTF1HNRPMHNRPA1HNRPA2B1HNRPRHNRPH2HNRPUHNRPA3P1HNRPKHNRPDHNRPABHNRPCHNRPLRBMXHNRPH1NCBP2NCBP1CPSF3CPSF4CPSF2CPSF1U1 snRNASNRP70SNRPAC20orf14WDR57U5 snRNATXNL4AName: mRNA processingLast Modified: 10/17/2013Organism: Homo sapiens


This process describes the conversion of precursor messenger RNA into mature messenger RNA (mRNA).

The pre-mRNA molecule undergoes three main modifications. These modifications are 5' capping, 3' polyadenylation, and RNA splicing, which occur in the cell nucleus before the RNA is translated.

5' Capping: Capping of the pre-mRNA involves the addition of 7-methylguanosine (m7G) to the 5' end. The cap protects the 5' end of the primary RNA transcript from attack by ribonucleases that have specificity to the 3'5' phosphodiester bonds.

3' Processing: The pre-mRNA processing at the 3' end of the RNA molecule involves cleavage of its 3' end and then the addition of about 200 adenine residues to form a poly(A) tail. As the poly(A) tails is synthesised, it binds multiple copies of poly(A) binding protein, which protects the 3'end from ribonuclease digestion.

Splicing: RNA splicing is the process by which introns, regions of RNA that do not code for protein, are removed from the pre-mRNA and the remaining exons connected to re-form a single continuous molecule.

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  1. Carmody SR, Wente SR; ''mRNA nuclear export at a glance.''; J Cell Sci, 2009 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia


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137478view15:05, 2 March 2025EgonwModified description
126308view17:23, 20 April 2023EgonwLicense is CCZero
122796view02:11, 18 May 2022AlexanderPicocleaning up broken comments
117160view09:47, 18 May 2021EweitzModified title
105857view23:19, 15 August 2019KhanspersModified description
102226view21:19, 11 December 2018Khanspersreplaced arcs with curved graphical lines
96893view13:50, 18 April 2018FehrhartFixed minor graphical issues
96288view21:54, 6 March 2018Andrewlmasonnone
95128view15:26, 16 November 2017Mkutmonremoved nested groups
94839view15:55, 6 October 2017Khanspersconverted interactions to graphical lines
79980view14:12, 29 April 2015Zarireplaced new Id for SSFA1
71369view18:37, 17 October 2013MaintBotAutomated update of data sources
70024view01:52, 12 July 2013AlexanderPicoModified title
68926view17:33, 8 July 2013MaintBotUpdated to 2013 gpml schema
67498view11:09, 26 June 2013DdiglesOntology Term : 'spliceosome pathway' added !
45374view21:22, 7 October 2011Khansperscleaned up description and removed old comment
44924view10:51, 6 October 2011MartijnVanIerselOntology Term : 'transcription pathway' added !
41073view23:19, 1 March 2011MaintBotRemoved redundant pathway information and comments
38901view20:24, 24 September 2010AlexanderPicominor tweaks
38872view18:29, 24 September 2010Khanspers
35228view18:39, 11 February 2010KhanspersChanged snRNAs from Other to RNA
35227view18:35, 11 February 2010KhanspersPeriodical save, work in progress
35226view18:21, 11 February 2010KhanspersModified description
35225view18:20, 11 February 2010KhanspersModified description
35122view13:25, 11 February 2010MartijnVanIerseladded lit. ref.
34454view18:24, 10 December 2009MaintBotAutomatic update of empty xrefs
32426view17:10, 15 August 2009MaintBotFixed text labels
32086view13:41, 14 August 2009MaintBotFixed group labels
30272view20:25, 25 July 2009AlexanderPicofixed unsupported characters in TextLabels
26223view23:00, 24 November 2008AlexanderPico
21548view11:32, 14 November 2008MaintBot[[Pathway:Homo sapiens:mRNA processing Reactome]] moved to [[Pathway:WP411]]: Moved to stable identifier
14985view20:16, 24 May 2008AlexanderPicoGrouped and fixed labels
13092view11:15, 17 May 2008MaintBotautomated metabolite conversion
12979view10:59, 17 May 2008MaintBotSticky edges patch by Sjoerd
8274view13:46, 7 January 2008MaintBot[[Pathway:Human:mRNA processing Reactome]] moved to [[Pathway:Homo sapiens:mRNA processing Reactome]]: Renaming species
7757view16:15, 18 December 2007MaintBotfixed category names
7319view12:42, 4 November 2007MaintBotAdded categories to GPML
6407view22:18, 22 May 2007Nsalomonisgpml file for [[Human:mRNA_processing_Reactome]]

External references


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Name  â†“Type  â†“Database reference  â†“Comment  â†“
ATPMetabolite1927-31-7 (CAS)
BRUNOL4GeneProduct56853 (Entrez Gene)
C20orf14GeneProduct24148 (Entrez Gene)
CD2BP2GeneProduct10421 (Entrez Gene)
CDC40GeneProduct51362 (Entrez Gene)
CLK1GeneProduct1195 (Entrez Gene)
CLK2GeneProduct1196 (Entrez Gene)
CLK3GeneProduct1198 (Entrez Gene)
CLK4GeneProduct57396 (Entrez Gene)
CPSF1GeneProduct29894 (Entrez Gene)
CPSF2GeneProduct53981 (Entrez Gene)
CPSF3GeneProduct51692 (Entrez Gene)
CPSF4GeneProduct10898 (Entrez Gene)
CSTF1GeneProduct1477 (Entrez Gene)
CSTF2GeneProduct1478 (Entrez Gene)
CSTF2TGeneProduct23283 (Entrez Gene)
CSTF3GeneProduct1479 (Entrez Gene)
CUGBP1GeneProduct10658 (Entrez Gene)
CUGBP2GeneProduct10659 (Entrez Gene)
DDX1GeneProduct1653 (Entrez Gene)
DDX20GeneProduct11218 (Entrez Gene)
DHX15GeneProduct1665 (Entrez Gene)
DHX16GeneProduct8449 (Entrez Gene)
DHX38GeneProduct9785 (Entrez Gene)
DHX8GeneProduct1659 (Entrez Gene)
DHX9GeneProduct1660 (Entrez Gene)
DICER1GeneProduct23405 (Entrez Gene)
DNAJC8GeneProduct22826 (Entrez Gene)
FNBP3GeneProduct55660 (Entrez Gene)
FUSGeneProduct2521 (Entrez Gene)
FUSIP1GeneProduct10772 (Entrez Gene)
GMPMetabolite85-32-5 (CAS)
HEABGeneProduct10978 (Entrez Gene)
HNRPA1GeneProduct3178 (Entrez Gene)
HNRPA2B1GeneProduct3181 (Entrez Gene)
HNRPA3P1GeneProduct10151 (Entrez Gene)
HNRPABGeneProduct3182 (Entrez Gene)
HNRPCGeneProduct3183 (Entrez Gene)
HNRPDGeneProduct3184 (Entrez Gene)
HNRPH1GeneProduct3187 (Entrez Gene)
HNRPH2GeneProduct3188 (Entrez Gene)
HNRPKGeneProduct3190 (Entrez Gene)
HNRPLGeneProduct3191 (Entrez Gene)
HNRPMGeneProduct4670 (Entrez Gene)
HNRPRGeneProduct10236 (Entrez Gene)
HNRPUGeneProduct3192 (Entrez Gene)
HRMT1L1GeneProduct3275 (Entrez Gene)
HRMT1L2GeneProduct3276 (Entrez Gene)
LSM2GeneProduct57819 (Entrez Gene)
LSM7GeneProduct51690 (Entrez Gene)
METTL3GeneProduct56339 (Entrez Gene)
NCBP1GeneProduct4686 (Entrez Gene)
NCBP2GeneProduct22916 (Entrez Gene)
NONOGeneProduct4841 (Entrez Gene)
NSEP1GeneProduct4904 (Entrez Gene)
NUDT21GeneProduct11051 (Entrez Gene)
NXF1GeneProduct10482 (Entrez Gene)
PABPN1GeneProduct8106 (Entrez Gene)
PAPOLAGeneProduct10914 (Entrez Gene)
PCBP2GeneProduct5094 (Entrez Gene)
PHF5AGeneProduct84844 (Entrez Gene)
POLR2AGeneProduct5430 (Entrez Gene)
PPM1GGeneProduct5496 (Entrez Gene) PMID: 12773558
PRPF18GeneProduct8559 (Entrez Gene)
PRPF3GeneProduct9129 (Entrez Gene)
PRPF4GeneProduct9128 (Entrez Gene)
PRPF4BGeneProduct8899 (Entrez Gene)
PRPF8GeneProduct10594 (Entrez Gene)
PSKH1GeneProduct5681 (Entrez Gene) PMID: 12466556
PTBP1GeneProduct5725 (Entrez Gene)
PTBP2GeneProduct58155 (Entrez Gene)
RBM17GeneProduct84991 (Entrez Gene)
RBM5GeneProduct10181 (Entrez Gene)
RBMXGeneProduct27316 (Entrez Gene)
RNGTTGeneProduct8732 (Entrez Gene)
RNMTGeneProduct8731 (Entrez Gene)
RNPC2GeneProduct9584 (Entrez Gene)
RNPS1GeneProduct10921 (Entrez Gene) PMID: 14729963
RNU2GeneProduct6066 (Entrez Gene) GenBank sequence: K00027
Rnu6RnaGenBank sequence: M10329
SF3A1GeneProduct10291 (Entrez Gene)
SF3A2GeneProduct8175 (Entrez Gene)
SF3A3GeneProduct10946 (Entrez Gene)
SF3B1GeneProduct23451 (Entrez Gene)
SF3B2GeneProduct10992 (Entrez Gene)
SF3B3GeneProduct23450 (Entrez Gene)
SF3B4GeneProduct10262 (Entrez Gene)
SF3B5GeneProduct83443 (Entrez Gene)
SF4GeneProduct57794 (Entrez Gene) inferred from: SURP 2, G patch protein, UniProt:O60378
SFPQGeneProduct6421 (Entrez Gene)
SFRS10GeneProduct6434 (Entrez Gene)
SFRS12GeneProduct140890 (Entrez Gene) PMID: 14559993. SRrp86 is a unique member of the SR protein superfamily containing one RNA recognition motif and two serine-arginine (SR)-rich domains separated by an unusual glutamic acid-lysine (EK)-rich region. Previously, we showed that SRrp86 could regulate alternative splicing by both positively and negatively modulating the activity of other SR proteins and that the unique EK domain could inhibit both constitutive and alternative splicing. These functions were most consistent with the model in which SRrp86 functions by interacting with and thereby modulating the activity of target proteins. To identify the specific proteins that interact with SRrp86, we used a yeast two-hybrid library screen and immunoprecipitation coupled to mass spectrometry. We show that SRrp86 interacts with all of the core SR proteins, as well as a subset of other splicing regulatory proteins, including SAF-B, hnRNP G, YB-1, and p72. In contrast to previous results that showed activation of SRp20 by SRrp86, we now show that SAF-B, hnRNP G, and 9G8 all antagonize the activity of SRrp86. Overall, we conclude that not only does SRrp86 regulate SR protein activity but that it is, in turn, regulated by other splicing factors to control alternative splice site selection.
SFRS14GeneProduct10147 (Entrez Gene)
SFRS16GeneProduct11129 (Entrez Gene)
SFRS1GeneProduct6426 (Entrez Gene) Antagonist splicing factor
SFRS2GeneProduct6427 (Entrez Gene)
SFRS3GeneProduct6428 (Entrez Gene)
SFRS4GeneProduct6429 (Entrez Gene)
SFRS5GeneProduct6430 (Entrez Gene)
SFRS6GeneProduct6431 (Entrez Gene)
SFRS7GeneProduct6432 (Entrez Gene)
SFRS8GeneProduct6433 (Entrez Gene)
SFRS9GeneProduct8683 (Entrez Gene) PMID: 12738786, PMID: 12024014 (associated with hnRNP A1 splicing)
SMC1L1GeneProduct8243 (Entrez Gene)
SNRP70GeneProduct6625 (Entrez Gene)
SNRPA1GeneProduct6627 (Entrez Gene)
SNRPAGeneProduct6626 (Entrez Gene)
SNRPB2GeneProduct6629 (Entrez Gene)
SNRPBGeneProduct6628 (Entrez Gene)
SNRPD1GeneProduct6632 (Entrez Gene)
SNRPD2GeneProduct6633 (Entrez Gene)
SNRPD3GeneProduct6634 (Entrez Gene)
SNRPEGeneProduct6635 (Entrez Gene)
SNRPFGeneProduct6636 (Entrez Gene)
SNRPGGeneProduct6637 (Entrez Gene)
SNRPNGeneProduct6638 (Entrez Gene)
SPOPGeneProduct8405 (Entrez Gene)
SRP54GeneProduct6729 (Entrez Gene) PMID: 14729963
SRPK1GeneProduct6732 (Entrez Gene) PMID: 12773558
SRPK2GeneProduct6733 (Entrez Gene) PMID: 12773558
SRRM1GeneProduct10250 (Entrez Gene)
SSFA1GeneProduct4809 (Entrez Gene)
SUPT5HGeneProduct6829 (Entrez Gene)
TMP21GeneProduct10972 (Entrez Gene)
TXNL4AGeneProduct10907 (Entrez Gene)
U1 snRNARnaGenBank sequence: J00645
U2AF1GeneProduct7307 (Entrez Gene)
U2AF2GeneProduct11338 (Entrez Gene)
U4 snRNARnaGenBank sequence: M10328, M18004
U5 snRNARnaGenBank sequence: AB021173
U5-116KDGeneProduct9343 (Entrez Gene)
WDR57GeneProduct9410 (Entrez Gene)
XRN2GeneProduct22803 (Entrez Gene)

Annotated Interactions

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