MET in type 1 papillary renal cell carcinoma (Homo sapiens)
From WikiPathways
Phosphorylation of Tyr1349 and Tyr1356 of the multisubstrate docking site mediates interaction with GAB1, SRC, and SHC, while only Tyr 1356 is involved in the recruitment of GRB2, phospholipase C γ (PLC-γ), p85, and SHP2. GAB1 is a key coordinator of the cellular responses to MET and binds the MET intracellular region with high avidity, but low affinity. Upon interaction with MET, GAB1 becomes phosphorylated on several tyrosine residues which, in turn, recruit a number of signaling effectors, including PI3K, SHP2, and PLC-γ. GAB1 phosphorylation by MET results in a sustained signal that mediates most of the downstream signaling pathways. (Description adapted from [Wikipedia](
MET is a proto-oncogene, meaning that regulated expression of the wild-type allele plays a role in normal physiologic processes, and malignant transformation occurs when MET activity is increased in- appropriately and/or constitutively activated (Appleman et al). Phosphorylation sites were added based on information from PhosphoSitePlus (R), Tags
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