Markers of kidney cell lineage (Homo sapiens)
From WikiPathways
This pathway contains a timely and spatially differentiated map of cell markers for kidney development. These are relevant to study the congenital anomalies of kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) disorders.
Quality Tags
Ontology Terms
Pathway Ontology : regulatory pathway
Disease : CAKUT
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- Christians A, Kesdiren E, Hennies I, Hofmann A, Trowe MO, Brand F, Martens H, Gjerstad AC, Gucev Z, Zirngibl M, Geffers R, Seeman T, Billing H, Bjerre A, Tasic V, Kispert A, Ure B, Haffner D, Dingemann J, Weber RG; ''Heterozygous variants in the DVL2 interaction region of DACT1 cause CAKUT and features of Townes-Brocks syndrome 2.''; Hum Genet, 2023 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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- Munro DAD, Hohenstein P, Davies JA; ''Cycles of vascular plexus formation within the nephrogenic zone of the developing mouse kidney.''; Sci Rep, 2017 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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- Mugford JW, Sipilä P, McMahon JA, McMahon AP; ''Osr1 expression demarcates a multi-potent population of intermediate mesoderm that undergoes progressive restriction to an Osr1-dependent nephron progenitor compartment within the mammalian kidney.''; Dev Biol, 2008 PubMed Europe PMC Scholia
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Annotated Interactions
No annotated interactions