Help:WikiPathways SPARQL queries

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(Count the identifiers per data source and order them from high to low)
(Get the pathway with the erroneous data source "null": removed xsdString, added permalink)
Line 697: Line 697:
<pre>SELECT DISTINCT  ?identifier ?pathway ?label
<pre>SELECT DISTINCT  ?identifier ?pathway ?label
         ?concept dc:source "null"^^xsd:string .
         ?concept dc:source "null" .
         ?concept dc:identifier ?identifier .
         ?concept dc:identifier ?identifier .
         ?concept dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
         ?concept dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
         ?concept rdfs:label ?label
         ?concept rdfs:label ?label
} </pre>
} </pre>
[ Execute]
[ Execute]
=== Get all geneproducts that lack either a DataSource or an Identifier===
=== Get all geneproducts that lack either a DataSource or an Identifier===

Revision as of 11:55, 14 February 2022

On WikiPathways content is replicated in a SPARQL endpoint. Queries can be performed in three ways:

1. Either go to the endpoint directly and create your own SPARQL query.

2. Copy and paste an example query listed below in the endpoint.

3. Adapt a code examples to programmatically make a SPARQL query

This project is written up in the "Using the Semantic Web for Rapid Integration of WikiPathways with Other Biological Online Data Resources" paper.



Submit ideas


Within the example queries, we have omitted the prefixes. These prefixes are automatically used in the SPARQL endpoint. The following prefixes are used in the WikiPathways RDF:

PREFIX gpml:    <>
PREFIX wp:      <>
PREFIX cur:     <>
PREFIX wprdf:   <>
PREFIX biopax:  <> 
PREFIX cas:     <>
PREFIX dc:      <> 
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX foaf:    <> 
PREFIX ncbigene:<>
PREFIX pubmed:  <> 
PREFIX rdf:     <> 
PREFIX rdfs:    <>
PREFIX skos:    <>
PREFIX xsd:     <> 

Example queries

Queries with a * require a bit more time for results.

Metadata queries

List the information about the data sets in the SPARQL endpoint:

select distinct ?dataset (str(?titleLit) as ?title) ?date ?license where {
  ?dataset a void:Dataset ;
    dcterms:title ?titleLit ;
    dcterms:license ?license ;
    pav:createdOn ?date .


Pathway oriented queries

Get the species currently in WikiPathways with their respective URI's

PREFIX rdfs:    <>
PREFIX wp: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?organism (str(?label) as ?name)
    ?concept wp:organism ?organism ;
      wp:organismName ?label .


List pathways and their species

PREFIX dc:      <> 
PREFIX wp:     <>

SELECT DISTINCT (str(?title) as ?pathway) (str(?label) as ?organism)
    ?pw dc:title ?title ;
      wp:organism ?organism ;
      wp:organismName ?label .


List the species captured in WikiPathways and the number of pathways per species

PREFIX dc:      <> 
PREFIX wp: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?organism (str(?label) as ?name) (count(?pw) as ?pathwayCount)
    ?pw dc:title ?title ;
      wp:organism ?organism ;
      wp:organismName ?label .
ORDER BY DESC(?pathwayCount)


List all pathways for species "Mus musculus"

The following query list all mouse pathways. ?wpIdentifier is the link through, ?pathway points to the RDF version of WikiPathways and ?page is the revision which is loaded in the SPARQL endpoint.

PREFIX rdfs:    <>
PREFIX dc:      <> 
PREFIX foaf:    <> 
PREFIX wp: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?wpIdentifier ?pathway ?page
    ?pathway dc:title ?title .
    ?pathway foaf:page ?page .
    ?pathway dc:identifier ?wpIdentifier .
    ?pathway wp:organismName "Mus musculus" .
ORDER BY ?wpIdentifier

Execute Perl

Get all pathways with a particular gene

List all pathways per instance of a particular gene or protein (wp:GeneProduct)

PREFIX wp:      <>
PREFIX rdfs:    <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?pathway (str(?label) as ?geneProduct)
    ?geneProduct a wp:GeneProduct . 
    ?geneProduct rdfs:label ?label .
    ?geneProduct dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
    ?pathway a wp:Pathway .
    FILTER regex(str(?label), "CYP"). 


Get all groups and complexes containing a particular gene

List all groups and complexes per instance of a particular gene or protein (wp:GeneProduct)

PREFIX wp:      <>
PREFIX rdfs:    <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?pathway (str(?label) as ?geneProduct)
    ?geneProduct a wp:GeneProduct . 
    ?geneProduct rdfs:label ?label .
    ?geneProduct dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .

    FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?pathway a wp:Interaction } .
    FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?pathway a wp:Pathway } .
    FILTER regex(str(?label), "CYP"). 


Get all the genes on a particular pathway

List all the genes and proteins (wp:GeneProduct) associated with a particular pathway WPID.

PREFIX wp:      <>
PREFIX rdfs:    <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>

select distinct ?pathway (str(?label) as ?geneProduct) where {
    ?geneProduct a wp:GeneProduct . 
    ?geneProduct rdfs:label ?label .
    ?geneProduct dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
    ?pathway a wp:Pathway .
    ?pathway dcterms:identifier "WP1560" . 


Count the number of pathways per ontology term

In WikiPathways, pathways can be tagged with ontology terms from Pathway, Cell Line and Disease ontology. The following query returns a pathway count for each term from any of the available ontologies. These terms are collectively modeled as wp:pathwayOntology; but this includes all ontologies, not just the "Pathway" ontology.

SELECT DISTINCT ?pwOntologyTerm count(?pwOntologyTerm) as ?pathwayCount
	?pathwayRDF wp:ontologyTag ?pwOntologyTerm .
 ORDER BY DESC(?pathwayCount)


Get all pathways with a particular ontology term

In WikiPathways, pathways can be tagged with ontology terms from Pathway, Cell Line and Disease ontology. The following query returns a list of pathways tagged with PW_0000296.

PREFIX obo: <>

SELECT ?pathway (str(?titleLit) AS ?title)
  ?pathwayRDF wp:ontologyTag obo:PW_0000296 ;
              foaf:page ?pathway ;
              dc:title ?titleLit .


Get all ontology terms for a particular pathway

List all the ontology terms tagged on a particular pathway.

SELECT (?o as ?pwOntologyTerm) (str(?titleLit) as ?title) ?pathway 
  ?pathwayRDF wp:ontologyTag ?o ;
    foaf:page ?pathway ;
    dc:title ?titleLit ;
    dcterms:identifier "WP1560" . 

  FILTER (! regex(str(?pathway), "group"))


Get all Reactome pathways

List all the ontology terms tagged on a particular pathway.

PREFIX cur: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?pathway (str(?titleLit) as ?title)
  ?pathway wp:ontologyTag cur:Reactome_Approved ;
           dc:title ?titleLit .


Get all Proteins from Community pathways

Obtain all Protein DataNodes (so not GeneProducts) from specific communities. Note: All community tags are available in the WikiPathways SPARQL endpoint now (the "Blau" community was updated to "IEM").

PREFIX wp:      <>
PREFIX rdfs:    <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX cur: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?pathway (str(?label) as ?Protein)
  ?pathway wp:ontologyTag    cur:Lipids   ; # Other communities: AOP; CIRM_Related ; COVID19 ; IEM ; RareDiseases ; SGD_Approved ; WormBase_Approved
           a                 wp:Pathway . 

  ?protein a                 wp:Protein ; 
           rdfs:label        ?label     ;
           dcterms:isPartOf  ?pathway   .



Get all pathways with PubMed references

SELECT DISTINCT ?pathway ?pubmed 
     {?pubmed a       wp:PublicationReference . 
      ?pubmed dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway }
ORDER BY ?pathway LIMIT 100


Get all pathways with a particular PubMed reference

SELECT DISTINCT ?pathway ?pubmed 
      ?pubmed a       wp:PublicationReference . 
      ?pubmed dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .

      FILTER regex(str(?pubmed), "14769483$") 
ORDER BY ?pathway

The $ at the end of the PubMed identifier ensures that, for example, 147694831 does not match too; the regex instruction '$' means "end of the string".


Get all pathways and the number of refences per pathway

SELECT DISTINCT ?pathway COUNT(?pubmed) AS ?numberOfReferences
     {?pubmed a       wp:PublicationReference . 
      ?pubmed dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway }
ORDER BY DESC(?numberOfReferences) 


Get a full dump of all pathways and their pathway ontological terms

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX dc:  <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX schema: <>
PREFIX wp:      <>
PREFIX dcterms:  <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?depicts (str(?titleLit) as ?title) (str(?speciesLabelLit) as ?speciesLabel) ?identifier ?ontology
	?pathway foaf:page ?depicts .
        ?pathway dc:title ?titleLit .
        ?pathway wp:organism ?species .
        ?pathway wp:organismName ?speciesLabelLit .
        ?pathway dc:identifier ?identifier .

        OPTIONAL {?pathway wp:ontologyTag ?ontology .}
} LIMIT 100


Count how many genes from a list occur in one or more pathways

The gene list is given in the line starting with VALUES. For this example, we use the HGNC gene nomenclature.

Other gene IDs can be used to fill the list. However, keep in mind they use different URLs and therefore the prefix (first line of query) should be adapted. A list of these URLs can be found on (or by looking at the "raw" RDF files).

prefix hgnc:      <>
select distinct ?pathwayRes (str(?wpid) as ?pathway) (str(?title) as ?pathwayTitle) (count(distinct ?hgncId) AS ?GenesInPWs)
where {
VALUES ?hgncId {hgnc:GPD1L hgnc:SCN3B hgnc:BAD}
  ?gene a wp:GeneProduct ;
    dcterms:identifier ?id ;
    dcterms:isPartOf ?pathwayRes ;
    wp:bdbHgncSymbol ?hgncId .
  ?pathwayRes a wp:Pathway ;
              wp:organismName "Homo sapiens" ; 
    dcterms:identifier ?wpid ;
    dc:title ?title .



LIPID MAPS related queries:

Count amount of lipids per pathways in WikiPathways with LIPID MAPS identifier

Converts all Metabolite identifiers to LipidMaps (provided by BridgeDb), and create an ordered list of pathways including lipid compounds.

prefix lipidmaps:      <>
select distinct ?pathwayRes (str(?wpid) as ?pathway) (str(?title) as ?pathwayTitle) (count(distinct ?lipidID) AS ?LipidsInPWs)
where {
  ?metabolite a wp:Metabolite ;
    dcterms:identifier ?id ;
    dcterms:isPartOf ?pathwayRes ;
    wp:bdbLipidMaps ?lipidID .
  ?pathwayRes a wp:Pathway ;
              wp:organismName "Homo sapiens" ; 
    dcterms:identifier ?wpid ;
    dc:title ?title .



Count amount of lipids per LIPID MAPS ontology class

Counts unique LIPID MAPS identifier (provided by BridgeDb) for the fatty acid (FA) class, other examples are provided as a comment.

select count(distinct ?lipidID) as ?IndividualLipidsPerClass_FA
where {     ?metabolite a wp:Metabolite ;
    dcterms:identifier ?id ;
    dcterms:isPartOf ?pathwayRes ;
    wp:bdbLipidMaps ?lipidID .
  ?pathwayRes a wp:Pathway ;
              wp:organismName "Homo sapiens" ; 
    dcterms:identifier ?wpid ;
    dc:title ?title .
  FILTER regex(str(?lipidID), "FA" ). # Other classes: GL, GP, SP, ST, PR, SL, PK


Find pathways per LIPID MAPS ontology class, sorted on amount of unique lipids

Filter all unique LIPID MAPS identifier (provided by BridgeDb) for the fatty acid (FA) class, and find all pathways with individual lipids in there.

select distinct ?pathwayRes (str(?wpid) as ?pathway) (str(?title) as ?pathwayTitle) (count(distinct ?lipidID) AS ?FA_LipidsInPWs)
where {     ?metabolite a wp:Metabolite ;
    dcterms:identifier ?id ;
    dcterms:isPartOf ?pathwayRes ;
    wp:bdbLipidMaps ?lipidID .
  ?pathwayRes a wp:Pathway ;
              wp:organismName "Homo sapiens" ; 
    dcterms:identifier ?wpid ;
    dc:title ?title .
  FILTER regex(str(?lipidID), "FA" ). # Fatty acids, Other classes: GL, GP, SP, ST, PR, SL, PK



Data statistics oriented queries

Count the number of metabolites per species

Though strictly speaking, it guesstimates it, because it counts the number of unique metabolite identifiers. Normalization in the RDF generation code ensures we do not double count metabolites with identifiers from different databases, but it still differentially counts metabolites with different charge states.

PREFIX gpml:    <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX dc:      <>
PREFIX rdf:     <> 

select (count(distinct ?metabolite) as ?count) (str(?label) as ?species) where {
  ?metabolite a wp:Metabolite ;
    dcterms:isPartOf ?pw .
  ?pw dc:title ?title ;
    wp:organism ?organism ;
    wp:organismName ?label .
} GROUP BY ?label ORDER BY DESC(?count)


Interaction oriented queries

Get all interactions for a particular datanode

Find all interactions that are connected to a particular datanode. (wp:Interaction).

PREFIX gpml:    <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX dc:      <>
PREFIX rdf:     <> 

#Find all interactions that are connected to a particular datanode.

SELECT DISTINCT ?interaction ?pathway  WHERE {

   ?pathway a wp:Pathway .
   ?interaction dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway . 
   ?interaction a wp:Interaction . 
   ?interaction wp:participants <> .   


Find all datanodes (GeneProducts, Metabolites, Pathways) that are connected to a particular datanode via any type of interaction (wp:Interaction)

SELECT DISTINCT ?participants ?DataNodeLabel ?interaction WHERE {
   ?interaction a wp:Interaction .
   ?interaction wp:participants <> .   
   ?interaction wp:participants ?participants .
   ?participants a wp:DataNode .
   ?participants rdfs:label ?DataNodeLabel .   


Get all interactions for a particular pathway

PREFIX wp:    <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?pathway ?interaction   

   ?pathway a wp:Pathway .
   ?pathway dc:identifier <> .
   ?interaction dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway . 
   ?interaction a wp:Interaction .  


Get all interactions for a particular pathway and their participants

PREFIX wp:    <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?pathway ?interaction ?participants ?DataNodeLabel

   ?pathway a wp:Pathway .
   ?pathway dc:identifier <> .
   ?interaction dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway . 
   ?interaction a wp:Interaction .
   ?interaction wp:participants ?participants .
   ?participants a wp:DataNode .
   ?participants rdfs:label ?DataNodeLabel .  


Get all Interactions

Limited to 100 interactions.

PREFIX wp:    <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?pathway ?interaction ?participant

   ?pathway a wp:Pathway . 
   ?interaction dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
   ?interaction a wp:Interaction .
   ?interaction wp:participants ?participant . 



Get all Interactions for a species (Homo sapiens)

We've added a LIMIT to this query (since it takes some time to run). Remove the 'LIMIT 100' to obtain all interactions

PREFIX wp:    <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?pathway ?interaction   

   ?pathway a wp:Pathway .
   ?pathway wp:organismName "Homo sapiens" . 
   ?interaction dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway . 
   ?interaction a wp:Interaction .  
} LIMIT 100


Get downstream adjacent nodes from a source

A directed interaction always runs from source to target. (eg. s --> t)

PREFIX wp:    <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?source ?label ?target ?label1 ?pathway ?interaction
    ?source dc:identifier <> .
    ?source dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
    ?pathway a wp:Pathway .

    ?interaction dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
    ?interaction a wp:Interaction .
    ?interaction wp:source ?source .
    ?interaction wp:target ?target .

    ?source rdfs:label ?label .
    ?target rdfs:label ?label1 .


Get upstream adjacent nodes from a target

A directed interaction always runs from source to target. (eg. t <-- s)

PREFIX wp:    <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?target ?label1 ?source ?label ?pathway ?interaction
    ?target dc:identifier <> .
    ?target dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
    ?pathway a wp:Pathway .

    ?interaction dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
    ?interaction a wp:Interaction .
    ?interaction wp:target ?target .
    ?interaction wp:source ?source .

    ?target rdfs:label ?label1 .
    ?source rdfs:label ?label .  


Get the number of interactions with some data source

PREFIX wp:      <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX dc:      <>

SELECT DISTINCT (STR(?sourceLit) AS ?source) (COUNT(DISTINCT ?identifier) AS ?count)
    ?interaction a                  wp:Interaction ;
                 dcterms:identifier ?identifier ;
                 dc:source          ?sourceLit .
} GROUP BY ?sourceLit
  ORDER BY DESC(?count)


Get the number of normalized identifiers by data source

This query gives some idea of how the interaction identifier mapping database works in practice:

PREFIX wp:      <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX dc:      <>

SELECT DISTINCT (STR(?sourceLit) AS ?source) ?normalizedIdentifier (COUNT(DISTINCT ?identifier) AS ?count)
  VALUES ?normalizedIdentifier { wp:bdbRhea wp:bdbReactome }
  ?interaction ?normalizedIdentifier ?identifier ;
               dc:source ?sourceLit .
} GROUP BY ?sourceLit ?normalizedIdentifier
  ORDER BY DESC(?count) ?source


Datasource oriented queries

Get all datasources currently captured in WikiPathways

SELECT DISTINCT (str(?datasourceLit) as ?datasource)
         ?concept dc:source ?datasourceLit


Get the number of entries per datasource in WikiPathways

SELECT DISTINCT (str(?datasourceLit) as ?datasource) (count(?dataNode) as ?numberEntries)
  ?concept dc:source ?datasourceLit ;
    wp:isAbout ?dataNode .
ORDER BY DESC(?numberEntries)


Count the identifiers per data source

SELECT (str(?datasourceLit) as ?datasource) (count(distinct ?identifier) AS ?numberEntries)
  ?concept dc:source ?datasourceLit .
  ?concept dc:identifier ?identifier


Count the identifiers per data source and order them from high to low

SELECT (str(?datasourceLit) as ?datasource) (count(distinct ?identifier) AS ?numberEntries)
  ?concept dc:source ?datasourceLit .
  ?concept dc:identifier ?identifier
} ORDER BY DESC(?numberEntries)


Return all compounds annotated with the "ChEMBL compound" as data source and the pathways they are in

SELECT DISTINCT ?identifier ?pathway
        ?concept dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
        ?concept dc:source "ChEMBL compound" .
        ?concept dc:identifier ?identifier .


Curators oriented queries

Get the pathway with the erroneous data source "null"

SELECT DISTINCT  ?identifier ?pathway ?label
        ?concept dc:source "null" .
        ?concept dc:identifier ?identifier .
        ?concept dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
        ?concept rdfs:label ?label


Get all geneproducts that lack either a DataSource or an Identifier

prefix wp:      <>
prefix rdfs:    <>
prefix dcterms:  <>

select distinct ?pathway ?label where {?geneProduct a wp:GeneProduct . 
      ?geneProduct rdfs:label ?label .
      ?geneProduct dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
      FILTER regex(str(?geneProduct), "^node"). 
      FILTER regex(str(?pathway), "^http").


Get entities with more than one identifier

This query contains a limit, since it might take some time to run.

select ?entity count(?identifier) as ?count where {
  ?entity <> ?identifier .
}  order by desc(?count) LIMIT 100


PubChem-compound 1004

Warning: may time out, which indicates there is no current use of this identifier value.

Wrongly used for phosphate. It is the uncharged compound. Phosphate is, instead, and particularly thinkgs like "Pi", CID 1061 for ortho-phosphate, aka [PO4]2-.

prefix wp:      <>
prefix rdfs:    <>
prefix dcterms:  <>
prefix xsd:     <>

select ?pathway ?source
where {
  ?mb dc:source ?source ;
    dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway ;
    dc:source "Pubchem Compound" ;
    dcterms:identifier "1004".


Entrez Gene 1004

This query will return results, since the ID '1004' is in use by Entrez Gene, and we are not filtering for a specific database name.

prefix wp:      <>
prefix rdfs:    <>
prefix dcterms:  <>
prefix xsd:     <>

select ?pathway ?source
where {
  ?mb dc:source ?source ;
    dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway ;
    dcterms:identifier "1004".


Outdated HMDB identifiers

These results show HMDB identifiers used in WikiPathways but that are revoked or have become secondary identifiers.

prefix wp:      <>
prefix rdfs:    <>
prefix dcterms:  <>

select distinct (str(?identifierStr) as ?identifier)
where {
  ?mb a wp:Metabolite ;
    dc:source "HMDB"^^xsd:string ;
    dcterms:identifier ?identifierStr .
  OPTIONAL { ?mb  wp:bdbHmdb ?bridgedb . }
  FILTER (!BOUND(?bridgedb))
} order by ?identifierStr


Metabolites not classified as such

One can list all data sources for non-metabolites with this query.

prefix wp:      <>
prefix rdfs:    <>
prefix dcterms:  <>

select (str(?datasourceLit) as ?datasource) (count(?identifier) as ?count)
where {
  ?mb dc:source ?datasourceLit ;
    dcterms:identifier ?identifier .
  FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?mb a wp:Metabolite }
} order by desc(?count)


That mostly lists gene identifier sources, etc, but watch out for the metabolite identifier data sources. For example, metabolites not marked as such but with a metabolite identifier can be found this way. Down the list is CAS (but genes are chemicals too...), and a few minor more:

HMDB 		4
ChEBI 		3
PubChem 	2

I would expect GLYCAN and COMPOUND to be misnomers of the matching KEGG subsets.

Metabolites sometimes marked as DataNode@Type Metabolite

Based on label comparisons, we can find things that are labeled the same as a data node with the same label. Of course, this can give false positives, because genes can be incorrectly marked as metabolite in some pathway, but that is another SPARQL query. Another reasons is that sometimes genes and metabolites actually have the same name!

prefix wp:      <>
prefix rdfs:    <>
prefix dcterms:  <>
prefix xsd:     <>

select ?pathway ?nonmb ?mb (str(?labelLit) as ?label)
where {
  ?nonmb rdfs:label ?labelLit .
  ?mb rdfs:label ?labelLit .
  ?nonmb dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
  FILTER ( ?nonmb != ?mb )
  FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?nonmb a wp:Metabolite }
  FILTER EXISTS { ?pathway a wp:Pathway }
  FILTER EXISTS { ?mb a wp:Metabolite }


Metabolites with too many labels

This query can result in false positives too, particularly with the new RDF.

prefix wp:      <>
prefix rdfs:    <>
prefix dcterms:  <>

select distinct ?mb count(distinct ?labelLit) as ?labelCount
where {
  ?mb a wp:Metabolite ;
    rdfs:label ?labelLit ;
    dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
  ?pathway a wp:Pathway .
} order by desc(?labelCount) ?mb 


And get the actual labels (and more) with:

describe <>


Or use this one, but mind that pathway/label combinations are combinatorial, because they share the same node:

select distinct ?pathway (str(?labelLit) as ?label)
where {
  <> a wp:Metabolite;
    rdfs:label ?labelLit ;
    dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
  ?pathway a wp:Pathway .
} order by ?pathway


Metabolites with an Entrez Gene identifier

prefix wp:      <>
prefix rdfs:    <>
prefix dcterms: <>
prefix xsd:     <>

select distinct ?pathway ?mb (str(?labelLit) as ?label) (str(?identifierLit) as ?identifier)
where {
  ?mb a wp:Metabolite ;
    rdfs:label ?labelLit ;
    dc:source "Entrez Gene"^^xsd:string ;
    dcterms:identifier ?identifierLit ;
    dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
  ?pathway a wp:Pathway .
} order by ?pathway


Metabolites without a link to Wikidata

PREFIX wdt: <>

  ?metabolite a wp:Metabolite .
  OPTIONAL { ?metabolite wp:bdbWikidata ?wikidata . }
  FILTER (!BOUND(?wikidata))


A variant sorting the metabolites by the number of pathways they occur in:

PREFIX wdt: <>

SELECT ?metabolite (count(DISTINCT ?pathwayRes) as ?pathways) WHERE {
  ?metabolite a wp:Metabolite ;
    dcterms:identifier ?id ;
    dcterms:isPartOf ?pathwayRes .
  ?pathwayRes a wp:Pathway .
  OPTIONAL { ?metabolite wp:bdbWikidata ?wikidata . }
  FILTER (!BOUND(?wikidata))
} GROUP BY ?metabolite ORDER BY DESC(?pathways)


And finally, finding double mappings to Wikidata:

PREFIX wdt: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?metaboliteID (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?wikidata;separator=", ") AS ?results) WHERE {
  ?metaboliteID a wp:Metabolite .
  ?metaboliteID wp:bdbWikidata ?wikidata .
  ?metaboliteID wp:bdbWikidata ?wikidata2 .
  FILTER(?wikidata != ?wikidata2)
} GROUP BY ?metaboliteID


Pathways without (annotated) datanodes

prefix wp:      <>
prefix rdfs:    <>
prefix dcterms: <>
prefix xsd:     <>

?pathway a wp:Pathway.
FILTER NOT EXISTS {?node dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway.
?node a wp:DataNode}


Pathways without literature references

SELECT (STR(?speciesLabelLit) AS ?species) (STR(?titleLit) AS ?title) ?pathway WHERE {
  ?pathway a wp:Pathway ; dc:title ?titleLit ; wp:organismName ?speciesLabelLit .
  MINUS { ?pubmed a       wp:PublicationReference .
          ?pubmed dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway }
} ORDER BY ASC(?species) ASC(?title)


Or if you just want to know how many these are:

SELECT count(DISTINCT ?pathway) WHERE {
  ?pathway a wp:Pathway ; dc:title ?titleLit ; wp:organismName ?speciesLabelLit .
  MINUS { ?pubmed a       wp:PublicationReference .
          ?pubmed dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway }


Literature queries

Articles cited by Reactome but not by WikiPathways

PREFIX cur: <>

SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?pubmed) AS ?count)
  ?pubmed a       wp:PublicationReference .
  MINUS { ?pubmed dcterms:isPartOf/wp:ontologyTag cur:AnalysisCollection }
  { ?pubmed dcterms:isPartOf/wp:ontologyTag cur:Reactome_Approved }


Articles cited by WikiPathways but not by Reactome

PREFIX cur: <>

SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?pubmed) AS ?count)
  ?pubmed a       wp:PublicationReference .
  { ?pubmed dcterms:isPartOf/wp:ontologyTag cur:AnalysisCollection }
  MINUS { ?pubmed dcterms:isPartOf/wp:ontologyTag cur:Reactome_Approved }


Articles cited by both Reactome and WikiPathways

PREFIX cur: <>

SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?pubmed) AS ?count)
  ?pubmed a       wp:PublicationReference .
  { ?pubmed dcterms:isPartOf/wp:ontologyTag cur:AnalysisCollection }
  { ?pubmed dcterms:isPartOf/wp:ontologyTag cur:Reactome_Approved }


Federated queries - !Under Construction!

Other SPARQL endpoints used in the federated queries

Note that the EBI endpoints are not maintained and therefore do not yield results at the moment. We created a mirror for the ChEMBL endpoint at:

Down/unavailable (EVI):

Other endpoints:

WikiPathways with ChEMBL: all ChEMBL assays for pathways

PREFIX chembl: <>

SELECT ?pathway ?ensembl ?assay WHERE {
      ?pathway ?ensembl
    WHERE {
      VALUES ?ensembl { <> }
      ?s wp:bdbEnsembl ?ensembl ;
         dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
  SERVICE <>  {
    OPTIONAL { ?assay a chembl:Assay ;
      chembl:hasTarget/chembl:hasTargetComponent/chembl:targetCmptXref ?ensembl . }
} limit 100


WikiPathways with ChEMBL: all molecules targeting pathways

Here a limit is used too, as well as an IRI rewrite (from HTTPS to HTTP).

PREFIX chembl: <>
PREFIX sio:    <>

SELECT ?pathway ?ensembl ?molecule ?smiles WHERE {
      ?pathway ?ensembl
    WHERE {
      ?s wp:bdbEnsembl ?ensembl ;
         dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
      ?pathway dcterms:identifier "WP15".
      ##The IRI for Ensembl from WikiPathways starts with https:// , where the one from ChEMBL starts with http:// , so we need to rewrite the IRI
    BIND(                      # Bind the created IRI into a new variable (called ?newIRI)
        IRI(                   # Convert the string back to an IRI
          CONCAT(              # Concatenate item 1 and 2 together as one string
               "http",        # First item to concat (more items can be added with a comma
              #Second item to concat:
               SUBSTR(         # Obtain a substring
                 STR(?ensembl), # Convert the Ensembl IRI from WikiPathways to a string,
                 6)            # removing the first 6 characters (<https)
        )) AS ?newIRI          # Name for the new variable 
  SERVICE <>  {
    SELECT DISTINCT ?newIRI ?molecule ?smiles WHERE {
      ?assay a chembl:Assay ; chembl:hasTarget/chembl:hasTargetComponent/chembl:targetCmptXref ?newIRI .
      ?activity chembl:hasAssay ?assay ;
                chembl:hasMolecule ?molecule .
      OPTIONAL { ?molecule sio:SIO_000008 ?attrib . ?attrib a sio:CHEMINF_000018 ; sio:SIO_000300 ?smiles . }
    } limit 100


WikiPathways with EBI Atlas RDF - !Under Construction!

Genes differentially expressed in asthma and Pathways

For the genes differentially expressed in asthma, get the gene products associated to a WikiPathways pathway. (Built upon example query 5 in: ). You can substitute the EFO number for other disease codes.

PREFIX identifiers:<>
PREFIX atlas: <>
PREFIX atlasterms: <>
PREFIX efo: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?wpURL ?pwTitle ?expressionValue ?pvalue where {

     ?factor rdf:type efo:EFO_0000270 . 
     ?value atlasterms:hasFactorValue ?factor . 
     ?value atlasterms:isMeasurementOf ?probe . 
     ?value atlasterms:pValue ?pvalue . 
     ?value rdfs:label ?expressionValue . 
     ?probe atlasterms:dbXref ?dbXref .
     ?pwElement dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
     ?pathway dc:title ?pwTitle .
     ?pathway dc:identifier ?wpURL .
     ?pwElement wp:bdbEnsembl ?dbXref .
ORDER BY ASC(?pvalue)


Genes differentially expressed in type II diabetes mellitus and Pathways

PREFIX identifiers:<>
PREFIX atlas: <>
PREFIX atlasterms: <>
PREFIX efo: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?wpURL ?pwTitle ?expressionValue ?pvalue where {

     ?factor rdf:type efo:EFO_0001360 . 
     ?value atlasterms:hasFactorValue ?factor . 
     ?value atlasterms:isMeasurementOf ?probe . 
     ?value atlasterms:pValue ?pvalue . 
     ?value rdfs:label ?expressionValue . 
     ?probe atlasterms:dbXref ?dbXref .
     ?pwElement dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
     ?pathway dc:title ?pwTitle .
     ?pathway dc:identifier ?wpURL .
     ?pwElement wp:bdbEnsembl ?dbXref .
ORDER BY ASC(?pvalue)


Genes differentially expressed in obesity and Pathways

PREFIX identifiers:<>
PREFIX atlas: <>
PREFIX atlasterms: <>
PREFIX efo: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?wpURL ?pwTitle ?expressionValue ?pvalue where {
     ?factor rdf:type efo:EFO_0001073 . 
     ?value atlasterms:hasFactorValue ?factor . 
     ?value atlasterms:isMeasurementOf ?probe . 
     ?value atlasterms:pValue ?pvalue . 
     ?value rdfs:label ?expressionValue . 
     ?probe atlasterms:dbXref ?dbXref .
     ?pwElement dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
     ?pathway dc:title ?pwTitle .
     ?pathway dc:identifier ?wpURL .
     ?pwElement wp:bdbEnsembl ?dbXref .
ORDER BY ASC(?pvalue)


WikiPathways with Wikidata - !Under Construction!

The following queries are run on the WikiPathways SPARQL endpoint. But you can run federated queries on the Wikidata SPARQL endpoint too. Example queries for that are found here.

Metabolites in Wikipedia with InChIKeys from Wikidata

The corresponding query on Wikidata is here.

PREFIX wdt: <>

SELECT ?metabolite ?wikidata ?inchikey WHERE {
    SELECT ?metabolite ?wikidata WHERE {
      ?metabolite a wp:Metabolite ;
        wp:bdbWikidata ?wikidata .
    } LIMIT 50
  SERVICE <> {
    ?wikidata wdt:P235 ?inchikey .
} LIMIT 50


MolMeDB and WikiPathways

Find all pathways, which link out to one compound in MolMeDB database ( through Pubchem mapping.

SELECT DISTINCT ?pathwayRes (str(?wpid) as ?pathway) (str(?title) as ?pathwayTitle) ((substr(str(?COMPOUND),46)) as ?PubChem) WHERE
  SERVICE <> {
   <> skos:exactMatch ?COMPOUND.
   filter (strstarts(str(?COMPOUND), ''))
  ?gene a wp:Metabolite ;
    dcterms:identifier ?id ;
    dcterms:isPartOf ?pathwayRes ;
    wp:bdbPubChem ?COMPOUND .
  ?pathwayRes a wp:Pathway ;
    wp:organismName "Homo sapiens" ;
    dcterms:identifier ?wpid ;
    dc:title ?title . 


Find which pathways out of a subset of pathway (in the VALUES clause), link out to one compound in MolMeDB database ( through Pubchem mapping.

SELECT DISTINCT ?pathwayRes (str(?wpid) as ?pathway) (str(?title) as ?pathwayTitle) ((substr(str(?COMPOUND),46)) as ?PubChem) WHERE {
  SERVICE <> {
    SERVICE <> {
      VALUES ?wpid {"WP4224" "WP4225" "WP4571"}

    ?gene a wp:Metabolite ;
      dcterms:identifier ?id ;
      dcterms:isPartOf ?pathwayRes ;
      wp:bdbPubChem ?COMPOUND .

    ?pathwayRes a wp:Pathway ;
      wp:organismName "Homo sapiens" ;
      dcterms:identifier ?wpid ;
      dc:title ?title .
    <> skos:exactMatch ?COMPOUND.


Identifier to WikiPathways lists

List of WikiPathways for Ensembl identifiers

select distinct ?pathwayRes (str(?wpid) as ?pathway) (str(?title) as ?pathwayTitle) (fn:substring(?ensId,32) as ?ensembl) where {
  ?gene a wp:GeneProduct ;
    dcterms:identifier ?id ;
    dcterms:isPartOf ?pathwayRes ;
    wp:bdbEnsembl ?ensId .
  ?pathwayRes a wp:Pathway ;
    dcterms:identifier ?wpid ;
    dc:title ?title .


List of WikiPathways for HGNC symbols

select distinct ?pathwayRes (str(?wpid) as ?pathway) (str(?title) as ?pathwayTitle) (fn:substring(?hgncId,36) as ?HGNC) where {
  ?gene a wp:GeneProduct ;
    dcterms:identifier ?id ;
    dcterms:isPartOf ?pathwayRes ;
    wp:bdbHgncSymbol ?hgncId .
  ?pathwayRes a wp:Pathway ;
    dcterms:identifier ?wpid ;
    dc:title ?title .


List of WikiPathways for NCBI Gene identifiers

select distinct ?pathwayRes (str(?wpid) as ?pathway) (str(?title) as ?pathwayTitle) (fn:substring(?ncbiGeneId,33) as ?NCBIGene) where {
  ?gene a wp:GeneProduct ;
    dcterms:identifier ?id ;
    dcterms:isPartOf ?pathwayRes ;
    wp:bdbEntrezGene ?ncbiGeneId .
  ?pathwayRes a wp:Pathway ;
    dcterms:identifier ?wpid ;
    dc:title ?title .


List of WikiPathways for HMDB identifiers

select distinct ?pathwayRes (str(?wpid) as ?pathway) (str(?title) as ?pathwayTitle) (fn:substring(?hmdbId,29) as ?hmdb) where {
  ?gene a wp:Metabolite ;
    dcterms:identifier ?id ;
    dcterms:isPartOf ?pathwayRes ;
    wp:bdbHmdb ?hmdbId .
  ?pathwayRes a wp:Pathway ;
    dcterms:identifier ?wpid ;
    dc:title ?title .


List of WikiPathways for ChemSpider identifiers

select distinct ?pathwayRes (str(?wpid) as ?pathway) (str(?title) as ?pathwayTitle) (fn:substring(?csId,35) as ?chemspider) where {
  ?gene a wp:Metabolite ;
    dcterms:identifier ?id ;
    dcterms:isPartOf ?pathwayRes ;
    wp:bdbChemspider ?csId .
  ?pathwayRes a wp:Pathway ;
    dcterms:identifier ?wpid ;
    dc:title ?title .


List of WikiPathways for PubChem CID identifiers

select distinct ?pathwayRes (str(?wpid) as ?pathway) (str(?title) as ?pathwayTitle) (fn:substring(?cid,46) as ?PubChem) where {
  ?gene a wp:Metabolite ;
    dcterms:identifier ?id ;
    dcterms:isPartOf ?pathwayRes ;
    wp:bdbPubChem ?cid .
  ?pathwayRes a wp:Pathway ;
    dcterms:identifier ?wpid ;
    dc:title ?title .


Code examples


There is an RDF api available. Below is an example that extracts the data by converting the query into a url and extracts the data as CSV.

use LWP::Simple;
use URI::Escape;
my $sparql = "SELECT DISTINCT ?wpIdentifier ?elementneedsattention ?elementLabel
    ?pathway dc:title ?title .
    ?elementneedsattention a gpml:requiresCurationAttention .
    ?elementneedsattention dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
    ?elementneedsattention rdfs:label ?elementLabel . 
    ?pathway wp:organism ?organism .
    ?pathway foaf:page ?page .
    ?pathway dc:identifier ?wpIdentifier .
    ?organism rdfs:label \"Mus musculus\"^^<> .
ORDER BY ?wpIdentifier";
my $url = ''.uri_escape($sparql).'&format=text%2Fcsv&timeout=0&debug=on';
my $content = get $url;
die "Couldn't get $url" unless defined $content;
print $content;


For java we recommend the Jena Framework.

import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecution;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecutionFactory;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryFactory;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QuerySolution;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSet;

public class javaCodeExample {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String sparqlQueryString = "SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} LIMIT 10";
		Query query = QueryFactory.create(sparqlQueryString);
		QueryExecution queryExecution = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService("", query);
		ResultSet resultSet = queryExecution.execSelect();
		while (resultSet.hasNext()) {
			QuerySolution solution =;


For php we recommend the arc2: Easy RDF and SPARQL for LAMP systems


The R package rrdf can be found and installed from

     "SELECT DISTINCT ?p WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }"

Another option is to use the SPARQL-package (tested on Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS, R-studio version 1.4.1717, R version 4.1.0 (2021-05-18)).

  • Note the backslashes in front of the quotation marks in the VALUES claim; this is specifically needed in R to read these characters correctly.
  • Note this query is an example of how to perform a UNION query in WikiPathways.

if(!"SPARQL" %in% installed.packages()){


##Connect to Endpoint WikiPathways
endpointwp <- ""

queryDatanodeContent <-
select distinct (str(?wpid) as ?pathway) (str(?title) as ?pathwayTitle) (count(distinct ?hgncIdProtein) AS ?ProteinsInPWs) (count(distinct ?chebiMetabolite) AS ?MetabolitesInPWs)
where {
VALUES ?wpid {\'WP4224\' \'WP4225\' \'WP4571\' }
  ?datanode dcterms:identifier ?id ;
    dcterms:isPartOf ?pathwayRes .
  ?pathwayRes a wp:Pathway ;
    dcterms:identifier ?wpid ;
    dc:title ?title .
  {?datanode a wp:Protein ;          
            wp:bdbHgncSymbol ?hgncIdProtein .}
  {?datanode a wp:Metabolite ;          
            wp:bdbChEBI ?chebiMetabolite .}
} ORDER BY ASC(?wpid)


resultsDatanodeContent <- SPARQL(endpointwp,queryDatanodeContent,curl_args=list(useragent=R.version.string))
showresultsDatanodeContent <- resultsDatanodeContent$results


The below code works in both the JavaScript and the Groovy console:

     "SELECT DISTINCT ?p WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }"

SPARQL from the command line

For quick and easy querying, we recommend to use curl (Linux and OS X)

curl -F "query=SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} LIMIT 10"

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